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This is a villain group which can be found in both City of Heroes and City of Villains


Vahzilok official info ( Copied from the City of Heroes official website [1]):

The sickening snick, snick, snick of a sharpening blade, the slick wet sounds of blood, and the heartrending cries of innocent victims can often be heard drifting from the back alleys, sewers, and darkened parks of Paragon City as the Vahzilok go about their deranged work. Guided by the depraved Dr. Vahzilok, this villainous group defiles the very laws of nature with their never ceasing desire for human flesh.

The foot soldiers of this fetid force are the Cadavers, zombie-like animated flesh made from stitched together human corpses and robotic parts. Built from the remains of fallen heroes, the unthinking Abominations are much stronger and more resilient than the Cadavers. These mindless minions act as dispensable guards for Dr. Vahzilok's many research laboratories and hideouts. Certainly, few things are more chilling than coming face to face with stumbling zombies vomiting toxic bile - deadly modern day revenants that have no soul, no mind, no goal other than to kill and kill yet again.

Wielding blood stained bone saws and rusty crossbows, Reapers and Mortificators are the only truly living of Vahzilok's minions, willing assistants trained in the surgical arts of amputation and organ removal. Seeking raw materials for Dr. Vahzilok's experiments, these savage mortals can be found wherever there might be bodies to scavenge.

The pinnacle of Dr. Vahzilok's retinue is the Eidolon, an animated corpse that has been "perfected" according to the mad doctor. Given only the prime hero body parts and best medical treatments, these creatures are much more than simple zombies. Walking the line between living and dead, not all of these powerful beings are fully “resurrected”. In fact, for some, becoming an Eidolon was a voluntary decision.

So close in appearance to the living, Eidolons are sometimes able to pass as human. However, made up of multiple body parts, these creatures are ever changing amalgams, devoid of any hint of their original identity. While these are the most evolved of Vahzilok's creatures, often gaining minor super powers from their hero components, Eidolons require intensive upkeep including regular replacements for their constantly decaying skin and organs.

Villain Classes




Vahzilok Reaper.jpg

The Reapers seem to be the only normal humans among the ranks of Dr. Vahzilok's reanimated legions. They are trained surgeons who collect body parts with the help of poison darts and industrial strength hacksaws.

Levels: 1-35


Sword Slice.png Bone Saw Melee, Moderate Lethal Damage
Saw through flesh and bone.

Sword Slice.png Cleaver Melee, High Lethal Damage
Hack through flesh and bone.

Villain VhzDartGun.png Dart Gun Ranged, Moderate Toxic Damage, Foe -Recharge, -Speed
The Reapers Dart slow your attack rate and movement speed.

Face Reaper

Some people will do anything for beauty. And then there are the Faces. Star patients of the Facemaker, they've learned the secrets of the Vahzilok and now will do anything they can to make themselves beautiful.

Levels: 10-16


Sword Slice.png Bone Saw Melee, Moderate Lethal Damage
Saw through flesh and bone.

Sword Slice.png Cleaver Melee, High Lethal Damage
Hack through flesh and bone.

Villain VhzDartGun.png Dart Gun Ranged, Moderate Toxic Damage, Foe -Recharge, -Speed
The Reapers Dart slow your attack rate and movement speed.



Vahzilok Cadaver.jpg

These reanimated corpses give off a powerful stench that's a mixture of chemicals and rotting flesh. The odor becomes a hundred times worse when they use their favorite attack - vomiting a steam of corrosive acid on their nearby opponents.

Levels: 1-35


Inherent Brawl.png Zombie Brawl Melee, Moderate Smash Damage
Relentless but slow.

FieryFray Incinerate.png Zombie Vomit Close, High Toxic Damage, Minor Damage over Time(Toxic)
The Cadaver vomits a corrosive acid that deals Toxic damage over time.

FireBlast FireBlast.png Projectile Vomit Ranged, Moderate Toxic Damage, Minor Damage over Time
The Cadaver can Projectile Vomits a corrosive acid that deals Toxic damage over time.

Invulnerability TemporaryInvulnerabilty.png Resistance Auto, Res( S30 L-30 T20 ), Prot( Im 3.0 ), Resist(Fear, Sleep, Slow), -Perception, -Speed
Cadavers are resistant to Sleep, Fear and Immobilization. They are also resistant to smashing and lethal damage but they are slow. They also are fairly dumb, and have may wander around mindlessly if there are no Reapers around to tell them what to do.

Mental Cadaver

These reanimated corpses give off a powerful stench that's a mixture of chemicals and rotting flesh. The odor becomes a hundred times worse when they use their favorite attack - vomiting a steam of corrosive acid on their nearby opponents.

Levels: 1-35


Inherent Brawl.png Zombie Brawl Melee, Moderate Smash Damage
Relentless but slow.

FieryFray Incinerate.png Zombie Vomit Close, High Toxic Damage, Minor Damage over Time(Toxic)
The Cadaver vomits a corrosive acid that deals Toxic damage over time.

PsionicAssault TelekineticThrust.png Telekinetic Thrust (Only Level 4 and up) Melee, Minor Damage(Psionic/Smash), Foe Knockback
A focused attack of intense mental power that violently sends a nearby foe flying. Deals minimal damage, but can be very effective.

PsionicAssault MentalDart.png Psionic Dart Ranged, Minor Damage(Psionic), Foe -Recharge
This basic attack does minor Psionic damage, and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed, but has a very fast attack rate.

Willpower IndomitableWill.png Indomitable Will (Only Level 6 and up) Auto, Self Prot( Ho 7.8 Im 7.8 St 7.8 Sl 7.8 Kb 10 Co 7.8 Fr 7.8 ), Def( P8 )
When you toggle on this power, it grants protection from Sleep, Disorient, Fear, Immobilize, Confusions, Repel, Knockback and Hold effects. Indomitable Will also grants a moderate defense to Psionic based attacks.

Invulnerability TemporaryInvulnerabilty.png Resistance Auto, Res( S30 L-30 T20 ), Prot( Im 3.0 ), Resist(Fear, Sleep, Slow), -Perception, -Speed
Cadavers are resistant to Sleep, Fear and Immobilization. They are also resistant to smashing and lethal damage but they are slow. They also are fairly dumb, and have may wander around mindlessly if there are no Reapers around to tell them what to do.

Regenerating Cadaver

These reanimated corpses give off a powerful stench that's a mixture of chemicals and rotting flesh. The odor becomes a hundred times worse when they use their favorite attack - vomiting a steam of corrosive acid on their nearby opponents.

Levels: 1-35


Inherent Brawl.png Zombie Brawl Melee, Moderate Smash Damage
Relentless but slow.

FieryFray Incinerate.png Zombie Vomit Close, High Toxic Damage, Minor Damage over Time(Toxic)
The Cadaver vomits a corrosive acid that deals Toxic damage over time.

ElectricMelee TargetedChainInduction.png Chain Induction (Only Level 18 and up) Melee (Chain Area of Effect), Moderate Damage(Smash/Energy), Foe -Endurance, -Recovery
This Electric Melee attack deals moderate Smashing and Energy damage and may drain some of the targets Endurance. However, this attack also induces an unstable electric charge that may jump to another enemy target. The charge will jump to the closest enemy in range that has not been previously hit, until it inevitably dissipates. Enhancements and Fury will boost the effectiveness of the initial attack as well as the jumping charge.

SavageMelee MaimingSlash.png Maiming Slash Melee, Moderate Damage(Lethal), Minor Damage over Time(Lethal), Foe -Speed, Self +1 Blood Frenzy
You execute a savage slash at your foe's lower body causing moderate lethal damage and minor damage over time. The foe will also have their movement speed reduced moderately. Maiming Slash grants 1 stack of Blood Frenzy.

Regeneration Integration.png Integration (Only Level 16 and up) Auto, Self Prot( Ho 7.8 Im 7.8 St 7.8 Sl 7.8 Kb 10 ), +Regeneration
You can Integrate your mind and body, making you resistant to Knockback, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, and Immobilization effects, as well as increase your regeneration rate, for as long as you can keep this toggle power active.

Invulnerability TemporaryInvulnerabilty.png Resistance Auto, Res( S30 L-30 T20 ), Prot( Im 3.0 ), Resist(Fear, Sleep, Slow), -Perception, -Speed
Cadavers are resistant to Sleep, Fear and Immobilization. They are also resistant to smashing and lethal damage but they are slow. They also are fairly dumb, and have may wander around mindlessly if there are no Reapers around to tell them what to do.

Embalmed Cadaver

Vahzilok EmbalmedCadaver.jpg
Explosive Backpack

These zombie-like constructs have numerous pieces of technological equipment protruding from their dead flesh. The purpose of all of this machinery is to turn these creatures into walking bombs. When near a target, they explode to cause maximum damage.

Levels: 5-35


FireBlast Inferno.png Kamikaze Suicide Special: Point Blank Area of Effect, Superior Smash/Fire Damage
Vahzilok Cylok cadavers and Slabs are pumped full of explosives and rigged to detonate. This power is interruptible.

Invulnerability TemporaryInvulnerabilty.png Resistance Auto, Res( S30 L-30 T20 ), Prot( Im 3.0 ), Resist(Fear, Sleep, Slow), -Perception, -Speed
Cadavers are resistant to Sleep, Fear and Immobilization. They are also resistant to smashing and lethal damage but they are slow. They also are fairly dumb, and have may wander around mindlessly if there are no Reapers around to tell them what to do.


Vahzilok Abomination.jpg

In reanimation, as in cooking better ingredients yield better results. Dr. Vahzilok constructs his Abominations out of the very best ingredients he can find: the organs of fallen heroes. The abominations are stronger, tougher and faster than their Cadaver kin. Unfortunately, they don't smell any better.

Levels: 11-35


Inherent Brawl.png Zombie Brawl Melee, Moderate Smash Damage
Relentless but slow.

FieryFray Incinerate.png Zombie Vomit Close, High Toxic Damage, Minor Damage over Time(Toxic)
The Cadaver vomits a corrosive acid that deals Toxic damage over time.

FireBlast FireBlast.png Projectile Vomit Ranged, Moderate Toxic Damage, Minor Damage over Time
The Cadaver can Projectile Vomits a corrosive acid that deals Toxic damage over time.

Invulnerability TemporaryInvulnerabilty.png Resistance Auto, Res( S30 L-30 T20 ), Prot( Im 3.0 ), Resist(Fear, Sleep, Slow), -Perception, -Speed
Cadavers are resistant to Sleep, Fear and Immobilization. They are also resistant to smashing and lethal damage but they are slow. They also are fairly dumb, and have may wander around mindlessly if there are no Reapers around to tell them what to do.

Embalmed Abomination

Vahzilok EmbalmedAbomination.jpg

When an experiment doesn't work out the way he expected, Dr. Vahzilok doesn't complain. Instead he makes the best of a bad situation, by converting the subject to a lethal weapon. The Embalmed Abominations are faster and tougher than their cadaver counterparts, and they explode just as violently.

Levels: 11-35


FireBlast Inferno.png Kamikaze Suicide Special: Point Blank Area of Effect, Superior Smash/Fire Damage
Vahzilok Cylok cadavers and Slabs are pumped full of explosives and rigged to detonate. This power is interruptible.

Inherent Brawl.png Zombie Brawl Melee, Moderate Smash Damage
Relentless but slow.

FieryFray Incinerate.png Zombie Vomit Close, High Toxic Damage, Minor Damage over Time(Toxic)
The Cadaver vomits a corrosive acid that deals Toxic damage over time.

Invulnerability TemporaryInvulnerabilty.png Resistance Auto, Res( S30 L-30 T20 ), Prot( Im 3.0 ), Resist(Fear, Sleep, Slow), -Perception, -Speed
Cadavers are resistant to Sleep, Fear and Immobilization. They are also resistant to smashing and lethal damage but they are slow. They also are fairly dumb, and have may wander around mindlessly if there are no Reapers around to tell them what to do.

Diseased Abomination

In reanimation, as in cooking better ingredients yield better results. Dr. Vahzilok constructs his Abominations out of the very best ingredients he can find: the organs of fallen heroes. The abominations are stronger, tougher and faster than their Cadaver kin. Unfortunately, they don't smell any better.

Levels: 11-35


Inherent Brawl.png Zombie Brawl Melee, Moderate Smash Damage
Relentless but slow.

FieryFray Incinerate.png Zombie Vomit Close, High Toxic Damage, Minor Damage over Time(Toxic)
The Cadaver vomits a corrosive acid that deals Toxic damage over time.

FireBlast FireBlast.png Projectile Vomit Ranged, Moderate Toxic Damage, Minor Damage over Time
The Cadaver can Projectile Vomits a corrosive acid that deals Toxic damage over time.

Temporary VahzilokDiseaseSL3.png Vahzilok Wasting Disease Auto, Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe -Regeneration, -Recovery
You have been infected with the Vahzilok Wasting Disease. This disease, introduced by the Vahzilok, is slowly wasting you away. Find a cure, quick! Your Max Hit Points, Endurance, Regeneration, and Recovery have been reduced.

Invulnerability TemporaryInvulnerabilty.png Resistance Auto, Res( S30 L-30 T20 ), Prot( Im 3.0 ), Resist(Fear, Sleep, Slow), -Perception, -Speed
Cadavers are resistant to Sleep, Fear and Immobilization. They are also resistant to smashing and lethal damage but they are slow. They also are fairly dumb, and have may wander around mindlessly if there are no Reapers around to tell them what to do.

'Zoombie' Bomb Cadaver

These zombie-like constructs have numerous pieces of technological equipment protruding from their dead flesh. The purpose of all this machinery is to turn these creatures into walking bombs. When near a target, they explode to cause maximum damage.

Levels: 20-35


FireBlast Inferno.png Kamikaze Suicide Special: Point Blank Area of Effect, High Fire/Lethal Damage, Foe Knockback
Extreme DMG(Fire/Lethal)

FieryFray Incinerate.png Zoombie Vomit Ranged, High Toxic Damage, Minor Damage over Time(Toxic), Foe -Fly
The Cadaver vomits a corrosive acid that deals Toxic damage over time.

Fitness Quick.png Swift Auto, Self +Speed
You can naturally run slightly faster than normal. This ability is always on and does not cost any Endurance.

Invulnerability TemporaryInvulnerabilty.png Resistance Auto, Res( S30 L25 F30 C30 E30 N30 P30 T30 ), Resist(Fear, Confuse, Hold, Immobilize, Disorient, Sleep)
'Zoombie' Cadavers are resistant to Sleep and Fear, but their unstable innards make them susceptible to Confusion, Holds, Immobilizations, Stuns, and Sleep powers. They are resistant to smashing damage, but their spongy flesh is vulnerable to lethal attacks. The Freaks have tinkered with its internals to make it move much faster and explode with a cheerful hug!



Vahzilok Mortificator.jpg

The Reapers seem to be the only normal humans among the ranks of Dr. Vahzilok's reanimated legions. They are trained surgeons who collect body parts with the help of poison darts and industrial strength hacksaws.

Levels: 1-35


Sword Slice.png Bone Saw Melee, Moderate Lethal Damage
Saw through flesh and bone.

Sword Slice.png Cleaver Melee, High Lethal Damage
Hack through flesh and bone.

Villain VhzDartGun.png Dart Gun Ranged, Moderate Toxic Damage, Foe -Recharge, -Speed
The Reapers Dart slow your attack rate and movement speed.

Empathy Resurrect.png Resurrect Zombie Resurrect Zombie
The Reaper can resurrect a fallen Cadaver or Abomination.


Luminous Eidolon

In Doctor Vahzilok's mind, the Eidolons are mankind's next great evolutionary leap. Unlike the cadavers, they retain all of their memories and personality. The lucky few who can pay to become an Eidolon are augmented with the remains of heroes, so they often have superpowers. The Luminous Eidolon toss blasts of radiation to weaken their foes. They are masters of long ranged attacks.


Vahzilok EidolonMale.jpg

Inherent Brawl.png Brawl Melee, Smash
When all else fails, a villain has only his two fists to depend on.

RadiationBurst ElectronHaze.png Electron Haze Short Range Energy, Foe -Defense, Knockdown
A short range conical blast of electron radiation. The attack can bypass some of a targets defenses and reduce the targets defense. It can also knock down some targets.

SuperReflexes FocusedFighting.png Focus Self, Toggle, +Defense
The Eidolon can Focus his mind to evade many attacks.

RadiationBurst Irradiate.png Irradiate Self Area of Effect, Energy, -Defense
Emits radiation in all directions damaging all nearby foes over a short duration. Like other Radiation attacks, this power can bypass some of a targets defenses. Irradiate severely reduces the targets defense.

RadiationBurst NeutrinoBlast.png Neutrino Bolt Ranged, Energy, Low Damage, Foe -Defense
A very quick, but low damage attack, Neutrino Blast can reduce the targets defense.

RadiationBurst RadiationBlast.png Neutron Bomb Targeted Area of Effect, Energy, Foe -Defense
This devastating attack lobs an explosive sphere of deadly radiation damaging the target and all nearby foes. Neutron Bomb can bypass some of a target's defenses and reduce the target's defense.

RadiationBurst XRayBeam.png X-Ray Beam Ranged, Energy, Foe -Defense
Sends a ray of X-Ray radiation energy that deals heavy damage. X-Ray Beam can bypass some of a targets defenses and reduce the targets defense.

Mire Eidolon

In Doctor Vahzilok's mind, the Eidolons are mankind's next great evolutionary leap. Unlike the cadavers, they retain all of their memories and personality. The lucky few who can pay to become an Eidolon are augmented with the remains of heroes, so they often have superpowers. Mire Eidolons have mastered the ability to control darkness itself. They tend to root their foes with tendrils of darkness and then launch into an attack.


Inherent Brawl.png Brawl Melee, Smash
When all else fails, a villain has only his two fists to depend on.

DarkCast DarkBlast.png Dark Blast Ranged, Negative, Foe -Accuracy
A long range blast of dark energy. Deals moderate damage and reduces the targets chance to hit.

DarkArmor DarkRegeneration.png Dark Regeneration
You can tap the dark essence of the Netherworld to drain a small amount of life from all enemies nearby, thus healing yourself. The more foes affected, the more you will be healed. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Slow.

DarkCast NightFall.png Night Fall Cone Negative, Foe -Accuracy
Unleashes a burst of netherworld particles in a narrow cone at modest range. All targets in the cone area take damage and have a reduced chance to hit.

DarkCast TenebrousTentacles.png Tenebrous Tentacles Cone, Moderate Damage (Negative/Smash), Foe Immobilize, -Accuracy
Cone blast that envelopes all foes in oily tentacles. The tentacles deal damage and reduce the target's chance to hit while they Immobilize the target.

Murk Eidolon

In Doctor Vahzilok's mind, the Eidolons are mankind's next great evolutionary leap. Unlike the cadavers, they retain all of their memories and personality. The lucky few who can pay to become an Eidolon are augmented with the remains of heroes, so they often have superpowers. Murk Eidolons, like the Mire Eidolons, have mastered the ability to control darkness. They tend to immobilize their opponents, then drain their life.


Vahzilok EidolonFemale.jpg

DarkCast DarkBlast.png Dark Blast Ranged, Negative, Foe -Accuracy
A long range blast of dark energy. Deals moderate damage and reduces the targets chance to hit.

DarkArmor DarkEmbrace.png Dark Embrace Self, Toggle, +Resistances (Smash, Lethal, Toxic, Negative)
The Eidolon taps into the energy of the netherworld to protect him from damage. Dark Embrace shrouds the Eidolon in darkness and grants the Eidolon resistance to Lethal, Smashing, and Negative Energy Damage. Cannot be used at the same time as Murky Cloud or Obsidian Shield.

ShadowFighting MidnightGrasp.png Midnight Grasp Melee, Smash/Negative, Very High Damage, Damage over Time (Negative), Foe Immobilize, -Accuracy
A brutal attack that leaves the target exposed to dark tentacles that Immobilize and continue to drain the life of your foe.

DarkArmor OppressiveGloom.png Oppressive Gloom Toggle, Disorient, Self -Life
Taps the dark powers of the netherworld to drain a small amount of life from yourself to keep your nearby enemies Disoriented!

ShadowFighting ShadowPunch.png Shadow Punch Melee, Smash/Negative, Low Damage, Foe -Accuracy
A basic punch draws power from the netherworld. Shadow Punch deals moderate damage and reduces the target´s accuracy.

Quantum Gunners

Reaper Quantum Gunner (Minion)

The Reapers seem to be the only normal humans among the ranks of doctor Vahzilok's reanimated legions. They are trained surgeons who collect body parts with the help of poison darts and industrial strength hacksaws.


Vahzilok ReaperQuantumGunner.jpg

AssaultWeapons ShotgunBuckShot.png Quantum Array Gun (Ranged, Negative/Nicti) Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Your attack and Movement rate have been slowed by the Quantum Array Gun.

Mortificator Quantum Gunner (Lieutenant)

The Reapers seem to be the only normal humans among the ranks of doctor Vahzilok's reanimated legions. They are trained surgeons who collect body parts with the help of poison darts and industrial strength hacksaws.


Vahzilok MortificatorQuantumGunner.jpg

AssaultWeapons ShotgunBuckShot.png Quantum Array Gun (Ranged, Negative/Nicti) Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Your attack and Movement rate have been slowed by the Quantum Array Gun.

Quantum Eidolon (Boss)

In Dr. Vahzilok's mind, the Eidolons are mankind's next great evolutionary leap. Unlike the cadavers, they retain all of their memories and personality. The lucky few who can pay to become a Eidolon are augmented with the remains of heroes, so they often have super powers. Quantum Eidolons have mastered the ability to control darkness itself. They tend to root their foes with tendrils of darkness and then launch into an attack.


Vahzilok QuantumEidolon.jpg

AssaultWeapons ShotgunBuckShot.png Quantum Array Gun (Ranged, Negative/Nicti) Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Your attack and Movement rate have been slowed by the Quantum Array Gun.

Elite Bosses


Main Article: Cortex

Dr. Vahzilok has sent one of his most powerful disciples to ensure that his plan to poison the dam goes off without a hitch. It is rumored that Cortex was a hero once. It's hard to believe that now.


Vahzilok Cortex.jpg

MentalControl MindControl.png Confuse Ranged, Target Confuse
You can Confuse an enemy, forcing him to believe his friends are not who they appear to be. If successful, the enemy will ignore you and attack his own allies. If you Confuse someone before he has noticed you, your presence will continue to be masked. You will not receive any Experience Points for foes defeated by a Confused enemy. Recharge: Moderate

MentalControl Command.png Dominate Ranged, Moderate Damage (Psionic), Foe Hold
Tear at the mind of a single target foe. Dominate renders a single victim helpless, lost in his own mind and unable to defend himself.

MentalControl Hypnotize.png Mesmerize Ranged, Psionic, Foe Sleep
Hypnotize painfully enraptures a target with psychic energy rendering him unconscious. The target will remain asleep for some time, but will awaken if attacked.

PsychicBlast MentalBlast.png Mind Stab Ranged, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Target -Recharge
This basic attack does moderate Psionic damage, and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast

PsychicBlast PsychicScream.png Psychic Scream (Ranged) Cone, Psionic, Foe -Recharge
The howl of Psionic energy resonates in the mind of all foes within its conical area of effect.

PsychicBlast Subdue.png Subdue Ranged, Moderate Damage (Psionic), Foe Immobilize
Subdue deals moderate Psionic damage and may leave the targeted foe Immobilized for a brief time. Immobilized foes cannot move but can still attack. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate

PsychicBlast TelekineticBlast.png Telekinetic Blast Ranged, Moderate damage (Smashing/Psionic), Foe Knockback
You can use Telekinesis to Blast a targeted foe with the power of your mind. This attack deals Smashing and Psionic damage, and can knock your opponent back. Damage: Moderate. Recharge: Moderate.

Flight TravelFlight.png Flight Self fly
Cortex can Fly!

Doc Buzzsaw

Main Article: Doc Buzzsaw

Doc Buzzsaw is one of Dr. Vahzilok's most promising disciples. Her knowledge of cybernetics has proven invaluable to the Doctor's crusade to cure the human condition and bring humanity to the next stage of evolution. Recent difficulties with Paragon City's heroes have begun to strain their relationship, and it seems only a matter of time before Doc Buzzsaw buzzes off.


Quills Lunge.png Poison Dart (Ranged) Poison: Damage over Time, Toxic, Foe -Regeneration
You have been hit by a Poison Dart. You cannot Regenerate your wounds while you take damage from this poison and your movement and attack speed have been slowed.

Quills Lunge.png Poison Dart Blast (Ranged, Cone) Poison: Damage over Time, Toxic, Foe -Regeneration
You have been hit by a Poison Dart. You cannot Regenerate your wounds while you take damage from this poison and your movement and attack speed have been slowed.

Claws ClawsStrike.png Surgical Electric Saw Melee, Lethal
Meat Doctors use Surgical Electric Saws to sever the limbs off their subjects.

Claws Evicerate.png Eviscerate Melee, Cone, Lethal, Very High Damage
Meat Doctors can control their deadly appendages to attack all nearby foes in a wide arc in front of them.

Medicine Aid.png Heal Other Ally Heal
Heals a single targeted ally. You cannot use this power to heal yourself.

Medicine SmellingSalts.png Resurrect Freakshow Ally Resurrect
Meat Doctors can resurrect the fallen.

The Facemaker

Main Article: The Facemaker

The woman called the Facemaker was once a disciple of Doctor Vahzilok in Paragon City. She still admires the mad doctor's work, but decided to strike out on her own to pursue her own amoral vision of life and beauty.


Vahzilok Facemaker.jpg

AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Venomous Spray (Ranged) Toxic Damage over Time, Foe Hold
You are taking Toxic damage over time and are unable to act due to the noxious fumes.

Villain VhzDartGun.png Dart Gun (Ranged, Toxic) Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Fires a Poison Dart that can slow a target's recharge and movement speed.

Villain VhzDartGun.png Multishot Dart Gun (Ranged, Toxic) Foe -Recharge, -Speed
The dart has slowed your attack rate and movement speed.

Sword Slice.png Bonesaw Hack (Melee) Foe -Speed, -Accuracy
Saw through flesh and bone.

Sword Slice.png Bonesaw Slice (Melee) Foe -Speed, -Accuracy
Saw through flesh and bone.

BattleAxe WhirlingAxe.png Whirling Bonesaw (Melee, Damage over Time Lethal) Foe -Speed, -Accuracy
Saw through flesh and bone.

ZTemporary AllyRez.png Resurrect Zombie Resurrects Zombie
The Reaper can resurrect a fallen Cadaver or Abomination. This power is interruptible.

Temporary PVP DebuffDefense.png No Resistances
The Facemaker does not have any special Damage Resistances


Dr. Vahzilok

Main Article: Dr. Vahzilok

The insane leader of the Vahzilok comes across more like a religious zealot than an arch-fiend. Dr. Vahzilok continually proclaims his intentions of overcoming death himself. In his twisted mind, the horrid reanimated corpses he creates are only stepping stones toward greater medical miracles.


Vahzilok DrVahzilok.jpg

AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Assault Rifle (Ranged, Lethal) Foe -Defense
Dr Vahzilok has reduced your Defense with his grafted assault weapon.

AssaultWeapons ARM30grenade.png Grenade Launcher (Ranged, Targeted Area of Effect, Lethal/ Smash Damage, Foe Knockback) Foe Disorient
The Doctor has Disoriented you with his Grenade.

Inherent Brawl.png Scalpel (Melee, Lethal) Foe Disorient
The Doctor has Disoriented you with his Scalpel.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Resistance
Archvillain resistance.

Named Enemies

  • Beautiful Dead (Murk Eidolon) (CoV)
  • Butcher (Luminous Eidolon)
  • Carver (Luminous Eidolon)
  • Cortex (Murk Eidolon)
  • Cutter (Mire Eidolon)
  • Digger (Mire Eidolon)
  • Doctor (Mire Eidolon)
  • Dr. Morben (Murk Eidolon)
  • Epidural (Luminous Eidolon)
  • Filleter (Luminous Eidolon)
  • Gorgeous Glenda (Luminous Eidolon) (CoV)
  • Harvester (Mire Eidolon)
  • Hunter (Luminous Eidolon)
  • Lovely Linda (Luminous Eidolon) (CoV)
  • Mayhem (Luminous Eidolon)
  • Patchwork (Mire Eidolon)
  • Patient Zero (Murk Eidolon)
  • Scalpel (Mortificator)
  • Sepsis (Mortificator)
  • Skull Fracture (Mortificator)
  • Slicer (Luminous Eidolon)
  • Stitcher (Mire Eidolon)
  • Surgeon (Mire Eidolon)
  • Sutures (Mire Eidolon)
  • The Flenser (Luminous Eidolon)
  • The Leech (Mire Eidolon)
  • Ulcer (Mire Eidolon)
  • Vivisector (Mire Eidolon)

Related Badges


The Vahzilok fear you.


You have learned to put the Embalmed Cadavers in their place—6 feet under the ground.