Call of Nature Badge

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Call of Nature is an exploration badge for visiting a three-way intersection overgrown with grass in eastern Eden at (-3025.5, 2.8, 3262.0)[Copy] .

Call of Nature

In the distance you can hear the ululating cry of the Devouring Earth and something about it speaks to a primal, ancient, part of you. You can understand how some might be seduced by this call and stray into their embrace to be devoured. There is something almost hypnotic about it; being summoned by a power greater than you, older than you, and somehow welcoming, as though the Devouring Earth offer a unity unattainable anywhere else on this world.


The Call of Nature badge is 155 yards east of The Pit marker, in a grassy patch covering the road leading to the east.

Its coordinates are (-3025.5, 2.8, 3262.0)[Copy] .

Badge Call of Nature.jpg


Adam in Waiting Badge

See Also

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