Mission:The Graveyard Shift - Chapter Three: Hearing Loss

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Chapter Three: Hearing Loss


Good to see you as always, Character. I said I had a plan, and, well... I couldn't get the resources from the Bureau.

I wish I had better news, but the Bureau is absolutely taxed with a series of other events both domestic and international that have been popping up recently. The go-to Agents - with the know-how to do a deep dive on the background of Raverobber - are deployed overseas right now, and my associate in the Watchdog department is currently on leave for the birth of his second kid; he'd have been my access to using satellites to ping for clusters of their cybernetic electrical fields.

Dubstitch is down for the count while Longbow looks into removing her surgical backpack, so after three strikes we're going to fall back on a tried-and-true method for this situation. All we have to work with is his name, his presumed presence somewhere within the city, and the indelible temperament of the Freakshow...

  • No leads, and I only have a name. I think I can guess where this is going.

Mission Acceptance

If you guessed that you're going to have to sweep a few streets with their mohawks while looking for details, you're absolutely right.

By now the Freakshow are widely aware that the video went viral, and if they know Dubstitch just got taken offline, then they'll put together pretty quickly that the friends and family you are indiscriminately pushing into the urgent care system are connected to it.

Freakshow love the pure animalistic expression of freedom through violent anarchy, so without a doubt you'll eventually stumble across one that stays conscious long enough to be impressed. And an impressed Freak usually submits to the alpha status of the victor, and throws someone else under the bus in the process to make themselves feel better. It's a time-honored tradition if the statistics suggest anything; you should see the workups my colleagues have on the Freakshow. For all their anarchy, they have some surprisingly obvious patterns. Regardless, knock a few teeth loose on Talos Island until we get something more substantial. That's about all we can do right now.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Missing Unnecessary Solicitation Dialogue

Introduce yourself to the Freakshow in Talos Island

Mission Objective(s)

  • Introduce yourself to the Freakshow in Talos Island
    • Defeat 15 Freakshow

A woozy Freak, laughing while pulling out a broken tooth, honors your beatdown with the information you seek.

A Concussed Confession about Raverobber

Standing victoriously over a crumpled Freak, you finally getthe infoirmation you were hoping for. The Freak looks up at you with equal parts hatred and reverence, and spits out a cracked tooth.

'That was an epic smackdown, bruh. Do I tip you for that kind of service?'

You grab the Freak by the apparatus and ask him about Raverobber.

'Raverobber? That's what this is about?'

He laughs for a moment then clutches his side in pain. 'The Excelsior's wearing off, man. I'll tell you what you wanna know, but you have to promise me not to wreck his sound system, I call dibs. That system is TIGHT, bro. He's holed up in a warehouse here in Talos, here's the address.'

He hands you a crudely designed flyer for the event.

'He said he wanted to throw a party that would blow the roof straight off the place. And to top it all off, he's not allowing anyone inside who even remotely resembles a cat. Do you have an idea how aweso...'

The Freak has succumbed to his injuries and passed out. You hear sirens in the distance. You're sure the authorities are in cleanup mode and will take care of him for you.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You have the location? Go, quick, before he packs up and moves!

Crash the Unholy Masquerave

Mission Objective(s)

This is definitely the place. It smells like sweat, blood, marshmellows, and eucalyptus balm. The music is so heavy you feel your balance shift.

  • Crash the Unholy Masquerave
    • Find Evidence
    • Put Raverobber on Mute

You've put an end to one of the worst-smelling raves this city has ever seen, nad that's saying something. You also found a packet of medical notes that Raverobber somehow acquired.

