Sister Psyche Task Force

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This article or section contains information that no longer applies to the current version of City of Heroes/Villains. It is provided for historical purposes.


Task Force
Clamor and Destruction
Sister Psyche.jpg
Contact Sister Psyche
Zone Independence Port
Suggested Team Size 5 players
Coordinates (-1636, 0, -5856)[Copy]
Level Range 20-25
Merits 50
Badge Badge task force 03.png Sister Psyche's Comrade
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

The Sister Psyche Task Force was originally the third of six Freedom Phalanx Task Forces, and the completion of all six grants the Task Force Commander Badge. The other five task forces are started by Positron, Synapse, Citadel, Manticore, and Numina. Either Sister Psyche's Comrade or Penelope Yin's Friend can be used for the Task Force Commander Accolade.

With Sister Psyche's death, her task force has been moved to Ouroboros and is only available as a Flashback mission. It is listed in the 25 - 29 range as Clamor and Destruction. The Penelope Yin Task Force was introduced in conjunction with removing this task force.

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 50 Reward Merits.


Initial Contact

To form a task force, you need five or more heroes in your group.

Editor's Note:

You need at least 5 members on your team, all of them at least Level 20. If they are over Level 25, they will be automatically exemplared to Level 25 for the duration of the Task Force.


  • Ah, Character. Are matters progressing smoothly?


The Stop the Freakshow from wrecking the office and Stop the Freakshow from carrying out their act of terror can come in reverse order.

Agree to form a task force

Investigate the Freakshow


I have sensed a great disturbance in the natural order of our world, and the Freakshow are involved. The nature of imbalance is not yet clear to me, but I need you to investigate the Freakshow. Perhaps you can learn something from one of them.

Mission Acceptance

I know of a den of these ruffians in the sewers. I will monitor your progress closely, Character.

How do you like the code name Task Force Name? I think it is a fine name for a stalwart group such as yours.

Unnecessary Solicitation

There is still something disturbing going on with the Freakshow.

Mission Objective(s)

Sister Psyche was correct, this den appears to be a Freakshow hangout.

  • Investigate the Freakshow

On one of the Freaks, you found a note.

Editor's Note:

Even though it isn't a stated mission objective, this mission cannot be completed until all enemies have been defeated.


  • Skyway City
  • Perez Park
  • Boomtown
  • Kings Row
  • Talos Island
  • Atlas Park



You found this note on one of the Freaks you defeated. It reads:

'Brent Thomas (or Norris Seneca) will be made to complete the new sonic wave projector. See to it that he learns not to keep me waiting.'

There is also an address on the note. It is signed, 'Clamor.'

Defeat gang leader and his crew

Unnecessary Solicitation

It appears that the Freakshow have this Brent Thomas (or Norris Seneca) in captivity. I am sensing waves of terrible fear.

Mission Objective(s)

You can hear the hyena-like cackles of Freakshow gangsters.

  • Defeat gang leader and his crew
    • Find Brent Thomas (or Norris Seneca)

You found Brent Thomas (or Norris Seneca) and defeated the Freakshow.

Editor's Note:

The NPC you're looking for might be named Brent Thomas or Norris Seneca -- the game chooses randomly which of the two you're saving.


  • Atlas Park
  • Perez Park
  • Talos Island
  • Kings Row
  • Steel Canyon
  • Skyway City

Planning Ahead: Players should leave this mission using an Ouroboros Portal if they can. One should go to Talos to talk to the Delivery Mission contact while everyone else can use the portal in Ouroboros for the upcoming Train Mission.



Notable NPCs

Ambush! After rescuing the scientist, you will be ambushed by a wave of Freakshow.

Brent Thomas's (or Norris Seneca's) story

When you rescued Brent Thomas (or Norris Seneca), he told you:

'I'm lucky you showed up. The Freaks have been trying to force me to perfect this sonic wave projector. I think I'd feel safer if you'd take the latest version of the device with you. I want nothing more to do with it!'


It seems the Freakshow had plans for this Brent Thomas (or Norris Seneca) and his sonic wave projector. We will have to keep an eye on them.

You have impressed me, Task Force Name. I sense that we should keep in close contact with one another, so take my number.

Take the device to Andrew Fiore


I need to find out why the Freakshow are so interested in this sonic wave projector you recovered. Please take the device over to Andrew Fiore. He's agreed to examine it for me.

Mission Acceptance

The Freakshow are searching for this object fervently, Character.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Andrew awaits your arrival.

Mission Objective(s)

Editor's Note:


  • Talos Island



Sister Psyche said you would be coming by, and I have never know her to be wrong about anything. This the sonic wave projector? Hmm, it looks like it was adapted from pre-existing technology of some kind. Could be Council. But I think it more likely dates back to the Council's earlier leadership. Either way, I'm sure the Council will want it back.


So, that sonic wave projector was adapted from a design created by one of Requiem's many minions. Perhaps the Freakshow stole the original device from them.

Now we may have to worry about the Council as well as the Freakshow. The situation grows murkier.

Stop the Freakshow from wrecking the office


Someone or something is guiding the Freakshow toward a specific purpose. I think we have to assume that the sonic wave projector you found is in some way critical to their plans. I believe you will learn more at the office complex I will guide you to. I sense many Freaks converging there, with destruction uppermost in their minds. I need you to stop the Freakshow from wrecking that building.

Mission Acceptance

An emergency force field should mitigate the situation, but hurry, Character. I can sense that the disturbance is building toward a climax.

Unnecessary Solicitation

The offices I spoke of are in grave danger, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

This area is infested with Freakshow, but there's a strange mechanical resonance underlying the gangers' furious battle cries.

You have defeated the Freakshow and neutralized their sonic device.

Editor's Note:




Notable NPCs

  • Devastation (Noise Tank - Boss)


I cannot clearly see what the Freaks are trying to accomplish. But I am sure they have big plans for this sonic device of theirs.

Stop the Freakshow from carrying out their act of terror


The disturbance I have been sensing seems to spiral ever wider. The industrial complex I will guide you to is surely involved; I am certain the Freaks plan to deploy their sonic wave projector there. Everything remains murky; the only thing I sense is that a great act of destruction is planned. Please go to the warehouse and stop the Freakshow from carrying out their act of terror.

Mission Acceptance

The Freakshow are planning something very large. I have never sensed this much order to their normally chaotic plans. I have called for an emergency force field, to help you contain the violence.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You must hurry to that warehouse before it is too late to stop the Freakshow.

Mission Objective(s)

A strange vibration echoes through these buildings.

You have defeated the Freakshow and disarmed their sonic device.

Editor's Note:




Notable NPCs

Explosive pieces

These fragments are all that remains of the Freakshow's sonic device, which you disabled. The fragments resemble the sonic wave projector originally developed by the Council.


That warehouse has not been used regularly for some time. Why would the Freaks choose to deploy their sonic device there? Another mystery.

I've had an expert visit those buildings where the Freaks deployed their sonic devices. According to him, the walls and foundation ahve experienced significant stress. It seems that the Freaks' sonic devices can bring a building crashing down! You may have disrupted their tests, Character but I am certain we have not yet seen the full scope of their plot.

Investigate the dispute between the Freakshow and the Council


The pattern is finally beginning to come together in my mind, Character. I have sensed a presence of Freakshow and Council agents in the same locale. Go and investigate the dispute between the Freakshow and the Council. I believe we will learn more about these sonic bombs the Freaks have been constructing.

Mission Acceptance

There is a connection here that eludes us. Find it, Character.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You must disturb this nest of our enemies.

Mission Objective(s)

The raucous battle cries of the Freakshow fill the air, mixed with the clipped orders of the Council.

  • Defeat all Freaks and soldiers

You defeated the Freakshow and the Council.

Editor's Note:


  • Independence Port
  • Talos Island

Planning Ahead: One person on the team should use the Ouroboros Portal to leave the mission so as to be close to the Delivery Mission contact who is near the Hospital in Talos



Notable NPCs

  • Archon Turner (Vortex Elite Archon - Boss)
  • Screamer (Noise Tank - Boss)
  • Raid Leader (Blahpunk - Boss) (2)
  • Defense Commander (Vortex Elite Archon - Boss) (2)
Minion conversation

The Freakshow and the Council both spoke of a person called Clamor. A former member of the Council's previous regime, Clamor defected to the Freakshow, taking advanced sonic technology with her.


It sounds as though this Clamor person stole this sonic wave technology for the Freakshow! And the Council isn't happy about it.

Perhaps we can now begin to unravel the Freaks' mysterious plan. I have no doubt they wish to use their sonic bombs for great evil.

The Freaks' master, Clamor, remains at large. Fear not, Character; together we will find her and bring her to a different end than the one she is expecting.

Character, you have proved that you are truly a force for good.

Speak to Koslowski about the dangers Clamor might pose

Speak to Robert Koslowski


Clamor seems to be an important personage among the Freakshow; I think we should learn more about her connection to the Council. I know of one who might help us. His name is Robert Koslowski, and he is an expert in such matters. Speak to Koslowski about the dangers Clamor might pose. Whatever wisdom he has to share with you, use it well.

Mission Acceptance

The road to capturing this fiend is far from over, Character. Steel yourself for the journey.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Robert Koslowski awaits you.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak to Robert Koslowski

Editor's Note:

Any single team member can complete this Delivery Mission.


  • Talos Island

I understand you want info on Clamor. I think I can help you out.

Clamor worked in research under the Council's previous leadership, until her love of havoc eventually drew her to the Freakshow. When she left, she took a lot of technology with her, technology the Council feels is rightfully theirs. They don't trust her, Character. Under the Council's old regime, she was always a wild card. Now that the Center's in charge, I'm sure he'd like nothing better than to eliminate her.

For awhile now, I've been watching the base Clamor stole her sonic technology from. If you go over there, I think you might find some more info on her agenda.

Defeat all soldiers in base

Unnecessary Solicitation

You must interrogate that lead Robert gave you. There is still much for us to learn.

Mission Objective(s)

The base's defenses are undergoing extensive re-construction.

  • Defeat all soldiers in base
    • Seek information on Clamor

You defeated the Council and found some information about Clamor.

Editor's Note:


  • Atlas Park
  • Kings Row
  • Talos Island
  • Steel Canyon
  • Perez Park
  • Skyway City



Notable NPCs

Clamor dossier

This dossier contains information on Clamor, who left the Council's previous leadership to join the Freakshow. It discusses the ramifications of her departure, including the possibility that the sonic technology she stole could be used for a weapon of mass destruction.


Based on this file you found, it sounds like the Freakshow sonic bombs may be much more powerful than we had guessed. Good work, Character. I believe the information you uncovered will aid us in our battle.

Defeat the Council and Freakshow and find out what it is they seek


I sense another confrontation between the Freakshow and the Council. This time they are located in a government office of some kind. Defeat the Council and the Freakshow and find out what it is they seek. I feel we are getting closer to learning the Freaks' plans for their sonic bombs.

Mission Acceptance

I believe the office has something to do with monitoring the environment of Paragon City. There is a man there who will help you; his name is a tree of some kind.

Unnecessary Solicitation

That government office is still under attack by the Council and Freakshow.

Mission Objective(s)

You can hear the sounds of conflict before you even step through the doors.

  • Defeat all Freaks and soldiers
    • 3 office workers to save
    • Take Pine to files

You defeated the Council and the Freakshow, freed the office workers, and found the man Sister Psyche told you to seek.

Editor's Note:


  • Atlas Park
  • Kings Row
  • Skyway City
  • Steel Canyon
  • Talos Island

Planning Ahead: Next mission is to patrol Talos, so, use the Ouroboros Portal to leave the mission and head there. One player goes East toward the Dark Astoria gate, one goes North to the far isles, and the rest take Center for the phone patrol.



Notable NPCs

Ambush! After rescuing Gregory Pine, you will be ambushed by one wave of Freakshow.


Did you find the man I asked you to seek, the one named for a tree? Gregory Pine, yes, that makes sense. What did he tell you?

The Freakshow are interested in geological data? Strange. We must follow up on this information at once.

I can sense that Clamor's plan is nearing fruition. We must stop her!

Patrol Talos Island

Patrol Talos for Freakshow


I need you to patrol Talos Island for me. I sense the Freakshow all over that area, and I think they're up to something big. If you can greatly anger the Freaks, I may be able to get a psychic bead on their base location.

Hurry, Character, I can sense the danger growing stronger. If the Freaks have plans for those sonic bombs of theirs, we must move quickly!

Mission Acceptance

We must find out what Clamor's plan is as soon as possible.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Something does not feel right, Character. Please complete your patrol.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Patrol Talos for Freakshow
    • Visit 5 locations

Your actions have had a profound impact on the Freaks' psychic energy. You feel an impulse to visit a local cave, and you realize that Sister Psyche is guiding you.

Editor's Note:


  • Talos Island, patrol. One should go East for the two by the Dark Astoria gate; one should go North to the far isles; the rest stay in the center part of the main island to click the phone booths.

Bust Freak leader and his crew

Unnecessary Solicitation

You will find something of import in that Freakshow base; I can feel it.

Mission Objective(s)

Freakshow slogans and graffiti have been crudely carved into the cavern walls.

  • Bust Freak leader and his crew

You defeated the Freakshow and discovered Clamor's plan.

Editor's Note:
  • This mission is stealthable. Defeat Axel-F and nearby spawn is all that is needed to complete mission.


  • Talos Island

Planning Ahead: The next two missions are Stealthable Missions with click objectives, the first in Kings Row, the second in Skyway City, followed by the final mission in Skyway City. So, it saves time to send the two fastest players with stealth to Kings Row while the rest go to Skyway City at the end of this mission.



Notable NPCs

  • Axel-F (Blahpunk - Boss)
Axel conversation

After you captured Axel, a loud-mouthed Freakshow gangster, he revealed that Clamor plans to deploy her sonic bombs beneath Brickstown.


Clamor used her own men to pull my senses away from her real target, the area under Brickstown. Astounding. She may be a tougher opponent than we realized.

Does Clamor intend to kill everyone in Brickstown with a massive sonic explosion? It doesn't make sense; many of her own men are incarcerated there. I must concentrate.

Disable the sonic devices

Disable sonic devices


I have seen Clamor's plan, Character. She has placed her sonic bombs in several key locations that correspond to weak spots beneath Brickstown. If she is able to detonate those charges, she will turn that zone into another Faultline! You must disable the sonic devices!

Mission Acceptance

Access the first bomb through a sewer entrance in Kings Row. The other two can be reached through sewer access in Skyway City.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You must disable those devices!

Mission Objective(s)

A strange, irritating vibration rings in your ears.

  • Disable sonic devices

You defeated the Freakshow and disabled the sonic bomb.

Editor's Note:
  • This mission is stealthable. Only need to click on the bomb to end mission.


  • Kings Row



Notable NPCs

  • Pierce - (Blahpunk - Boss)

Disable the second device

Unnecessary Solicitation

You must find the second device, before it is too late.

Mission Objective(s)

The same irritating vibration rings in your ears. Wincing, you step deeper into the warehouse.

  • Disable the second device

You defeated the Freakshow and disabled the second sonic bomb.

Editor's Note:
  • This mission is stealthable. Only need to click on the bomb to end mission.


  • Skyway City



Notable NPCs

  • Shatter - (Blahpunk - Boss)

Defeat Clamor and her crew


Unnecessary Solicitation

I have finally located Clamor. You must capture her.

Mission Objective(s)

The now familiar resonance cuts through your skull like a knife. This pulse is more rapid than the others.

  • Defeat Clamor and her crew
    • 5 hostages to rescue
    • Destroy the last device!

You disabled the last sonic bomb, rescued the hostages, and defeated Clamor.

Editor's Note:

Freeing the 5 hostages and defeating Clamor and her nearby spawn will end the mission and Task Force.


  • Skyway City



Notable NPCs


Your victory over Clamor will be the stuff of legend, my friend.

If Clamor had succeeded in setting off those sonic bombs, the Ziggurat would have crumbled. Thousands of evildoers would have been released onto the streets!

Now that very prison will house Clamor and her compatriots. I can rest easy, for you have unraveled the twisted pattern Clamor was weaving. I am very grateful.


Completing Clamor and Destruction Task Force from Sister Psyche awards the Sister Psyche's Comrade Badge.


Sister Psyche has expressed her gratitude by presenting you with this medal.


Sonic bomb fragment

This hunk of metal used to be part of a weapon of mass destruction. Now it's simply a reminder of the adventure you've come to think of as:

Clamor and Destruction

While investigating the Freakshow for Sister Psyche, you were sent on a mission to rescue a young scientist. He handed over a device he called a sonic wave projector, which he was forced to develop for the Freakshow. A tech expert named Andrew Fiore suggested that the device was adapted from pre-existing 5th Column technology.

Sister Psyche was able to sense two locations that were part of the Freakshow's plan. Under her guidance, you disarmed two sonic bombs that would have demolished the buildings they were placed in. The bombs appeared to be related to the 5th Column technology used to develop the sonic wave projector.

Sensing a convergence of your enemies, Sister Psyche sent you to a 5th Column base, where you defeated hordes of Freakshow as well as many 5th Column soldiers. All these underlings spoke of a person called Clamor who defected from the 5th Column to the Freakshow, taking advanced sonic technology with her.

Sister Psyche asked you to speak with Robert Koslowski, who directed you to the 5th Column base from which Clamor stole her sonic technology. At that base, you uncovered information about Clamor and the scope of her technology. You were alarmed to learn that the stolen tech could be used to build a weapon of mass destruction.

Sister Psyche then sensed that the 5th Column and the Freakshow were converging on a government office that specialized in geological surveys. She guided you to a hostage, Gregory Pine, who told you that the Freakshow were there looking for data about the bedrock beneath Paragon City.

Next, Sister Psyche turned her powerful senses on a large concentration of Freakshow in Founders' Falls. They proved to be no match for you, but you learned that their activities were nothing more than a distraction designed to lure you away from Brickstown, Clamor's true target. With the help of Sister Psyche, you were able to locate all three sonic bombs and prevent Clamor from turning Brickstown into a seismic disaster area. You also prevented the Ziggurat from crumbling, thus saving countless lives.


  • Prior to Issue 3: A Council of War, this task force had some parts against the 5th Column instead of the Council.
  • After the Merit Rewards update in February 2009, Synapse erroneously listed this task force as having been changed to 50 merits. This was incorrect; not until Issue 14 was it raised to 50 merits.
  • Prior to Issue 14, this task force was worth 40 merits.