Mission:The Graveyard Shift - Chapter Five: Contact Tracing
Chapter Five: Contact Tracing

The path through this mission is dependent on what decision you finally made in the previous investigation mission. There are some nice little game lore pieces available if you choose the long way. The full path is Hollows -> Hunt Trolls -> Check Park -> Callboxes. Extra dialog options are available if you have completed the Hollows arc and the Cavern of Transcendence Trial.
Investigate the Hollows
Mission Objective(s)
- Speak with Julius the Troll
Julius gave you some simple tips on how to work Skyway over for information.
Julius looks at you cautiously and curiously.
You, hero. Me know about you. You much bigger than problems here. You come help clean up big bad boom? Beat back lava dudes?
Hunt Some Trolls
Mission Objective(s)
- Interrogate Trolls in Skyway
- Defeat 10 Trolls
The Trolls you defeated were no help. You decide to check the park next.
Investigating the Park
Mission Objective(s)
- Check out Hide Park
There wasn't much to see at Hide Park, other than a washed up former actor that offered another direction to investigate. Time to check the callboxes for anything that can help.

Jacob looks at you with watery eyes, set deeply in his weatherbeaten face. His hair is unkempt, disheveled, and greasy; it hasn't been maintained in a long time. He hiccups and chokes back some vomit.
Another person coming to tear into Josh-Josh? Haven't life, the entertainment industry, and the Rikti done enough? Leave me alone.
- I'm here on official city business.
- Jacob changes his position but does little else.
- Ask away, Officer. I swear I haven't been back to that district since the last incident. So don't even try to shake me down with that angle. I've been here all morning, fighting off those Rikti with the lawnmowers. I'm more useless than a callbox.
- So you didn't see any Vahzilok?
- Jacob drifts off into detached sadness. He sobs inbetween words.
- Nothing happens here. That's why I'm here. To stay invisible.
- Jacob's offhand comments about callboxes get you thinking.
- Check out the callboxes
- Are you okay? If you help me, maybe I can help you.
- Jacob looks at you with contempt.
- Yeah, you'll help me. Sure. Just like all the others. Every time someone thinks they can repair the city's opinion of me, they only end up making it worse. Why can't anyone understand that the only way to 'beat' the damage done to me is to disappear from cultural memory?
- You explain to Jacob that Agent Watkins is very well connected in the city and could help him start a new life if he has any information to assist. You ask him if he saw anyone that morning.
- Well, I can't say I believe you. But I don't have anything to lose, either. Nobody but some landscapers came through that morning.
- Sloan suddenly recalls something, and it pains him to begin speaking the words.
- ...I didn't know this for the longest time... Did you know the Emergency Callboxes have short-range scanning? When someone calls in an emergency, they all ping out a short range scan for a half hour. PPD say it's for our safety. that's it very anonymous. The PPD used it to track the Rikti from my studio by chasing odd-shaped data blobs with a child-actor-shaped blob in tow.
- I'm so sorry that happened to you.
- Jacob gets visibly agitated.
- I don't need your pity. The whole world saw me run for my life on live TV, leaving my crew and an audience full of kids to the mercy of the Rikti. I'm exactly where I deserve to be. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a full day of self-loathing and waiting for your promise to pan out as cheap words.
- Whoa, take it easy, I meant no disrespect.
- Jacob drifts off into detached sadness. He sobs inbetween words.
- Nothing happens here. That's why I'm here. To stay invisible.
- Jacob's offhand comments about callboxes get you thinking.
- Check out the callboxes
- Tell me what I need to know, or I'm going to get mad.
- Jacob looks at you with contempt.
- Another day, another bully. Get bent, jerk.
- You pick up Jacob by the shoulders and force him to look at you. You tell him what you're up against.
- Not my problem, cape. I don't particularly give a hoot about your problems. This whole world is upside down. You figure it out, or check a callboxes for gremlins. Anything, just not involving me.
- You drop Sloan down to his resting spot.
- Thanks for nothing, loser.
- Jacob drifts off into detached sadness. He sobs inbetween words.
- Nothing happens here. That's why I'm here. To stay invisible.
- Jacob's offhand comments about callboxes get you thinking.
- Check out the callboxes

When you went to Hide Park, you met former TV star Jacob 'Josh-Josh B'Gosh' Sloan slumped over in the grass surrounded by shin-high weeds and litter. He reeked of alcohol and was awfully intent on making himself feel as bad as possible during the conversation. He was eventually able to pull himself together long enough to suggest that you try looking into the Emergency Callboxes, as they track movement anonymously when a call is placed.
He also mentioned his life-ruining experience, which according to the Riktipedia article on him says:
Once a beloved television star to a generation of bright-eyed children, Jacob 'Josh-Josh B'Gosh' Sloan had his career abruptly ruined during the arrival of Rikti during the second Rikti War. On live TV, the Rikti stormed his studio and took several crew members hostage while using the live camera feed to threaten and intimidate the Paragon airwaves. While the cameras rolled live, Josh was seen ducking, dodging, and tripping over child actors and heading for the exit; all while plasma weapon fire set the stage ablaze. His career and his public perception never recovered.
...Yikes. You remember hearing about that. The PPD said they had acquired data on the Rikti movements within minutes to rescue the hostages. That must be how Sloan knew what the callboxes could do.
Check the Callboxes
Mission Objective(s)
- Check the Callboxes
The emergency callboxes also have short-range scanners, and confirm that a group of 'people' moved south into Overbrook at the movement speed you'd expect from a zombie horde. The times line up with Dr. Pierce's account of the story. Call Agent Watkins with your findings.
Investigate the Rusty Rivet bar
Everything seems to add up in terms of what we know from Dr. Pierce. I can only surmise their destination is the Rusty Rivet! It's a popular place, but rumors flew a couple years back about a very high-profile VIP room that was added during the rebuild of the area. This crew must be renting it as a command station!
Everything seems to be coming together. If you hurry, we can catch them, and maybe get some solid answers!
Agent Watkins hands you a list of names.
Also keep a look out for these people while you're there: Sally 'Mander' Martinez, Cortex, Dr. Morben, Harry 'Grey Matter' DeMauro, Godwin Blaire, and Tanisha 'Vivisec' Jameson. Any of them are high-priority targets if you can collar them.
- I'm heading there right now, Agent.
Mission Acceptance
Don't waste any time getting there. These monsters move frequently to keep people like me on their toes. This is the freshest lead we've had in a while, and that's saying something for chasing cybernetic undead.
Unnecessary Solicitation
See if you can gain access to the Rivet's VIP room and find out what happened!
Mission Objective(s)
You slip into the bar's VIP room an air conditioning maintenance hatch. There is a lot of commotion below you.
- Investigate the Rusty River bar
- 1 Rescue the bartender
- 1 Rescue the Waitress
- 1 Rescue the Cook
- Defeat Grey Matter
- Defeat Salamander
Notable NPCs
- Grey Matter (Vahzilok Boss)
- Salamander (Vahzilok Boss)
+++ Missing Information +++