Zoomout (Slash Command)

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Slash Command

/zoomout +, ++, or [0-1]

Zoom camera out and lock.

The command behaves differently depending on the option that is used:

Option Behavior
+ Zooms-out the camera while the key is pressed.
++ Toggles full zoom-out. Zooms the camera out to maximum distance (80ft) and then locks the camera, preventing it from zooming-in until the key is pressed again to unlock it.
1 Zooms the camera out to maximum distance (80ft)and then locks the camera, preventing it from zooming-in until the zoom-out is disabled.
0 Disables zoom-out. Unlocks the camera from third person view so that it may be adjusted.
  • The "+" and "++" options are prefixes that must be placed at the beginning of the command. These options are intended to be used with commands that are bound to keys or mouse buttons.
  • The "1" and "0" options must be placed after the command separated by a space or comma.
  • This command will zoom out the camera to a maximum of 80 feet (the same as the mouse wheel). To zoom out further, use the /camdist command.
  • By default, this command is bound to the End key as +zoomout.


/zoomout 1