Operation DESTINY Dossier
Operation DESTINY Dossier | |
Mercy Island | |
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Type | Tour Guide Tip |
Place | Mercy Island |
Available to | Villains, Rogues, and Vigilantes |
Level range | 1–50 |
Operation DESTINY Dossier is a tip contact that offers Tour Guide Missions in Mercy Island.
Mercy Mariner
Exploration Mission
This ominous-looking folder has the Arachnos logo emblazoned upon its cover. It is no secret that Lord Recluse and his spiders have a massive plan set in motion. With the Arbiters overseeing the growth of the ambitious in their climbs towards the future.
The contents of these documents detail knowledge, instructions, and secrets that will help you rise above the challenges presented by the Rogue Isles.
- Seize your destiny on Mercy Island.
- Spare the thought for now.
Too Busy
You should take care of some things first; you would rather not be at the mercy of your pending tasks as well.
No More Missions
You have already committed every detail within the dossier to memory. You are fully prepared to rise above the ecosystem of Lord Recluse's master plan.

You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Mercy Island.
The dossier shows that the Rogue Isles Police once issued warnings about the pools near the Mercy water treatment plant, but have since stopped caring. Any individuals suspected of exhibiting "cesspool syndrome" can be immediately taken into custody, or subject to suppressive action if violent.
When the wind moves south in Darwin's Landing, some have the misfortune of experiencing an unspeakable odor that has since been dubbed the 'Unholy Air'. Local rumors have begun circulating that a most foul deity has taken residence in the plant and the Infected are those who have been imbued with its unclean power. That all sounds quite absurd, but it is a rumor you could potentially bend to your own purposes. To make the Infected your pawns would prove quite fruitful.
- Brave the Cesspool stink.
There is no rational basis for the existence of a being that travels by way of musky smells and possesses those who drink from a cesspool. That is far too ridiculous to possibly be true...
You will get to the, unfortunately, disgusting bottom of this rumor, even if it warrants a trip to the dry cleaners afterwards.
Mission Objective
- Debunk the cesspool deity

Many would-be villains have drunk their fill from the cesspool in hopes that it might grant super power. Mostly they go insane.
Snake Charmer
The dossier mentions that a good number of Destined Ones will likely perish at the hands of the Snakes that infest the area. It goes on to state this is by design, and the sentient vipers are serving Lord Recluse's purpose. Troops are to avoid any sweeps that might threaten their main den, which is marked on a map.
It can be said that you have noticed the large slithering creatures with arms. You have to wonder why Arachnos would avoid just culling the troublesome reptiles. Perhaps there is more to them than you would suspect... Maybe their den has answers?
- Consider being a Snake Charmer.
For some reason you are recalling a name: 'Stheno'? You must have heard it spoken by somebody here on the island. Inexplicably, the name strikes you with unease, dampening your cavalier attitude.
You hesitate for a moment, daunted by the weight of the darkness within the Snakes' lair, but the potential for discovery prompts you to continue.
Mission Objective
- Seek Den of Snakes

This is the main entrance to the Snakes' underground lair. You really don't want to go down there.
The dossier denies all notions that the waters surrounding Mercy Island pose any danger. Arachnos has dismissed any reports attributing missing persons to local aquatic wildlife, frequently citing that the very idea is "preposterous".
Despite that, some officers stationed at Fort Cerberus have been seen ordering recruits they dislike to swim to the offshore rocks north of the fort as part of their training. Any soldiers who fail to return are simply charged with desertion and listed as AWOL. Ignoring this abuse of power, the challenge of braving these waters yourself has appeals. Time to visit that islet.
- Show you are not Chum.
Any shark foolish enough to attempt chomping down on a Archetype of your caliber will find they have bitten off more than they can chew.
There are plenty of fish in the sea, but not too many are a Archetype with a vicious streak a mile wide.
Mission Objective
- Cross 'non-dangerous' waters

Just when you thought it was safe...
Arachnos have hidden themselves away behind their walls. The dossiers and personnel detail make it clear: the smell of complacency reeks amongst the spiders who rest easy, thinking their fortifications are impregnable. It is this very weakness that has permitted Longbow to gain such a foothold within Mercy.
The chaotic battleground below in 'Darwin's Landing' is where the strong prove that they will soon grow beyond the limited scope of this island. Maintaining a frame of reference that will condition you for success is crucial. To this end, you decide to secure a suitable vantage point and carve its views into memory.
- See beyond Fortified privilege.
Those who rest upon the laurels of their successes will inevitably place themselves in positions to be usurpsed.
Within the Rogue Isles, enemies are many and friends rare. Few can afford the luxury of giving their rivals any opportunities.
Mission Objective
- Stand above Darwin's Landing

Arachnos built the wall around Mercy to keep it safe.
The Next Big Thing
You rifle through the dossier's roster of no-name villains that Arachnos has scraped out of the Zig. They are all Destined "Nones" as far as you are concerned. There is only one name that matters now... your own.
However, lamentable as it may be, you will have to prove to everyone why you are not to be challenged. Talk is cheap in the Rogue Isles, and you are a Archetype of action. Time for everyone to know the name of the one who will soon be taking Recluse's little paradise by storm.
- Signal the arrival of The Next Big Thing.
You will bide your time within Arachnos' systems... for now. You will slowly work your way upwards, crushing your rivals, and establishing yourself until none can call themselves your equal.
With your right hand you will strike down every obstacle and with your left you will rally those who will serve you. The world will soon be your oyster.
Mission Objective
- Debut at Mercy plaza

This is the good life. The higher up you get, the bigger you are.
Checking the dossier for any potential threats in Arachnos' Mercy occupation, you see some details regarding Fort Cerberus on the island's southeast corner. The ominous tower rising from the fortification oversees all of the activity in the area. You have heard this sector's jurisdiction falls to Ghost Widow, one of Lord Recluse's top lieutenants.
While you are confident that a time will come to challenge Ghost Widow's rule, now would be better served observing her capabilities and preparing for the future. You will gauge this tower's all-seeing eye and uncover its blind spots.
- Test Ghost Widow's vision.
According to the dossier's intel, the Arachnos troopers stationed on Mercy Island have been ordered not to interfere in the scramble amongst potential Destined Ones.
You should exploit this opportunity while you can. There can be no doubt that in time the spiders will cease their restraint.
Mission Objective
- Survey Widow Tower, near Fort Cerberus

They say that lonely tower is the home of Ghost Widow, Lord Recluse's phantom servant.
First Rule
The back of this dossier has some scribbled nonsense on it:
"This is written, so technically it doesn't break the first rule right? Tonight's fight event is going down at the spot marked on the map inside, got some good Infected this time around. Make sure this doesn't get confiscated!"
It seems there is some type of shady underground fighting event involving the Infected. Sounds like a shindig you will be sure to attend. Whether you are going to bust the organizers or going to bust some heads, you have not yet decided.
- Respect the First Rule.
In a place as drab as Mercy Island, you are going to get something like this happening. People need something to do, and if the entertainment is not provided, they will provide it for themselves.
Arachnos must surely be aware of these illegal fights, but it is more beneficial to placate their personnel by overlooking these unsanctioned activities, except when process requires they intervene.
Mission Objective
- Enjoy the Infected fights

The first rule of Infected Fight Club is that you don't talk about it. At least that's what the RIP told you after you walked in on one of their Infected Fighting Rings in Mercy.
Tiki Fan
It seems Arachnos included a voucher for a free drink at Larry's Tiki Lounge when they distributed these dossiers. Whoever owned this copy neglected to use theirs and now you have it. Lucky!
Given the overall dreariness of Mercy Island, the few establishments that provide drinks and entertainment have become a centralizing force among the locals. It is without a doubt its own form of power, and one you should not underestimate. You decide to cash in on this voucher; time for that free drink!
- Become a Tiki Fan.
In the Rogue Isles the theme of control is omnipresent: be it blackmail, violence, or even being the only business in the area that serves alcohol.
There are many means by which one might get what they are after, and each has its merit and purpose. It will be to your advantage to know all the potential avenues by which your goals may be realized.
Mission Objective
- Pay the Tiki Lounge a visit

Larry's Tiki Lounge is known for its gambling, drinks, fun, and Tikis. And also for the occasional invasion by giant snake monsters.