Nature Trail Booklet
Nature Trail Booklet | |
Perez Park | |
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Type | Tour Guide Tip |
Place | Perez Park |
Available to | Heroes, Vigilantes, and Rogues |
Level range | 1–50 |
Nature Trail Booklet is a tip contact that offers Tour Guide Missions in Perez Park.
Perez Park Perfection
Exploration Mission
This booklet shows many beautiful and nature-filled locations you can visit within Perez Park. But the booklet is clearly quite outdated and the pictures don't exactly line up with reality any longer.
While the opportunity to enjoy well-kept greenery may be lost to you, this booklet also includes a variety of interesting locations worth checking out.
- Take a stroll through Perez Park.
- Enjoy nature another time.
Too Busy
With how many tasks are on your to-do list, now would be a bad time to get lost within the winding paths of Perez Park.
No More Missions
You tap the booklet to your forehead, having committed all of its contents to memory. After having been up and down the paths and seeing the lovely unkempt foliage, you are an expert on the historical sites.

You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Perez Park.
Around the Bendis
The booklet makes mention of popular boating tours on Everett Lake available from the local Bendis Boats, accompanied by some photos of beautiful clear waters and cheerful families.
Sadly, with the large hosts of dangerous Hydra creatures that now occupy most of the lake, there will not be any fun boat rides in your future. All the same, the old boathouse does seem interesting.
- Experience what's just Around the Bendis.
You recall there was a saying that made the rounds a few years back about things that were "just around the Bendis" which roughly translated to being nearby or coming soon.
Maybe this boathouse was the origin of that phrase?
Mission Objective
- Investigate Everett Lake boathouse

This old boathouse used to be a popular spot in Perez Park, but since the gangs moved in it has been abandoned.
One of the oldest memorials in the city can be found within Perez Park, that of the Cold War-era hero, Avatar.
You scrutinize the photo in the booklet. This statue looked to be in rough shape even back when this shot was taken... who knows how many years ago. One cannot help but wonder if it managed to survive the First Rikti War or the decline of the area. Now determined, you set out to check on the statue's fate.
- Seek the statue of Avatar.
Nestled in the listed Lake Everett location, it would have to contend with gang vandalism, the Hydra creatures, and natural lake-side erosion. It would be a small miracle if the statue weathered all of that and still yet stands.
Perhaps these memorials in some small ways take on the characteristics of their honored?
Mission Objective
- Verify Avatar memorial survival

Avatar, a hero in Paragon City in the late 1950's, had a statue erected to him after his death. The gangs have not been kind to this memorial.
Blood Moss
The booklet makes mention of a special breed of moss that is only found within the woods of the park. Some trivia mentions that some occult-followers have come to believe that the moss contains mystic properties. At the time of this writing, MAGI inspectors had declared there to be nothing particularly arcane about the locations where the moss has been found.
Well, the Circle of Thorns mages in this area certainly seem fond of the stuff; perhaps the study was wrong? You decide to see what you can find.
- Find the peculiar Blood Moss.
If any group has an unparalleled tenacity at sniffing out things magical in nature, it would have to be the Oranbegan mages.
But you wonder, perhaps even the Circle's arcanists make mistakes?
Mission Objective
- Find grove with moss-covered stone

The Circle of Thorns believe that mystical energy emanates from this moss covered rock, energy that draws various unscrupulous practitioners of the dark arts to this isolated corner of Perez Park. Whether it contributes to their magical rites is a matter of debate, as M.A.G.I. has conducted surveys that have found no evidence of any such energy. S.E.R.A.P.H., however, has detected trace amounts of exotic particles streaming from the stone, coinciding with other stellar phenomena.
Doc Whedon
One of the go-to sites on the Perez Park nature trail is Doc Whedon Point, which was hailed as both astonishing and marvelous. It was apparently a popular romantic location too, back before the park's decline.
It takes no imagination to guess that there is not much love currently amongst Perez Park's current occupants. All the same, if the park's situation ever improves, having this spot in your arsenal could prove fruitful.
- Visit Doc Whedon Point.
The question often comes up in this line of work:
"Do you think love can bloom, even on a battlefield?"
It is a sentiment you can understand. Putting your life on the line and facing constant danger makes one wonder if ordinary happiness can still be found amongst the extraordinary.
Mission Objective
- Make note of romantic spot

This old dock used to be the most popular make-out spot in Paragon City. Today, however, it is more a place of violence than love.
Justice Avenger
The booklet gives thanks for a generous donation by Justin Sinclair, who not only provided the fountain south of Everett Lake, but also a number of other not-insignificant contributions to the Perez Park management funding. A bit of a shame, given how the park has fallen to such a pitiful state. At least with financial backers of that magnitude, the park might one day see a revitalization if crime could be brought to heel.
It could be good to go and see the state of that fountain, it would be a shame
if it had fallen victim to vandals.- Make like a Justice Avenger.
Justin Sinclair is pretty generous with his money. You recall he funded that popular Pistols N' Tulips song, Paragon City.
"♫ Take me down to the Paragon City, where the trolls are green, and the heroines pretty- ♫"
That song was a huge hit, and is still played frequently on many radio stations to this day.
Mission Objective
- Check state of donated fountain

This fountain was a gift to the city, donated by billionaire playboy Justin Sinclair.
Nebula's Memory
The trail makes note of a popular rest spot located on the shore of Everett Lake; a small tribute to the local heroine, Nebula. She fell during the First Rikti War when the invaders swarmed the park.
While not as lavish as some of the larger memorial statues, it is goo that she was honored, but it's too bad the area she gave her life for has declined so much recently. It is a worthwhile idea to pay her a visit. No ultimate sacrifice should be forgotten.
- Honor Nebula's Memory.
Upon approaching the statue's location, you notice a lone hero pass you by, heading in the opposite direction. Strange, perhaps there was someone else who had the same idea and decided to pay their respects to Nebula?
Mission Objective
- Pay respects to Nebula's statue

This statue is all that remains of a novice heroine by the name of Nebula who lost her life saving those of others when the Rikti overran Perez Park. Some have witnessed a lone hero brave the dangers of Perez Park to sit in quiet contemplation at the benches near her statue. This hero's identity and the nature of his relationship with Nebula remains a tantalizing mystery.
Ophelia's Final Scene
Tucked in between the pages is an old advertisement for a theatrical performance of the classic Shakespeare work, Hamlet.
It is certainly too bad, you would have liked to see the classic performed live on-stage. But with the park's affairs as... bleak as they currently are, you will have to settle for taking a look at what remains of the theater venue.
- Spectate Ophelia's Final Scene.
You ponder what future this area might have. Could the major gang presences be reduced, and the security of the park re-established? Many would love to enjoy these performance once again. Maybe someday you will have that chance too.
In the meantime, you will lend what aid you can to stemming the tide of criminal violence.
Mission Objective
- See the Lake Everett amphitheater

When Perez Park was still a place of safe recreation, Greek tragedies and the plays of Shakespeare were a common occurrence at the nearby open-air theater. In productions of Hamlet, it had become tradition for Ophelia's drowning scene to be played out in the waters of Everett Lake as Queen Gertrude stood on the dock, lamenting the death of her daughter.
Tracing along the winding paths of the forest, there is a small marker for a bridge deep within the Perez Park woods. With so few landmarks that far, any noticeable markers or indicators would be fiercely disputed between the warring gangs.
Fairly, the same markers are also quite valuable to you in navigating the forest labyrinth. It should be a priority to memorize this bridge's locations.
- Find the Territorial bridge.
Maybe you will throw the area into chaos by joining the fray and claiming this bridge for yourself...
While the thought of breaking a few Skulls and Hellions over your knee is tantalizing, that would only serve to stir the hornet's nest and trigger more gang violence.
Mission Objective
- Cross the hotly-contested bridge

The territory around this bridge has been hotly contested turf between the Skulls and Hellions for some time now.