Baumton Newspaper

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Baumton Newspaper
Badge tourism hazard.png
Type Tour Guide Tip
Place Boomtown
Available to Heroes, Vigilantes, and Rogues
Level range 1–50
v  d  e


Baumton Newspaper is a tip contact that offers Tour Guide Missions in Boomtown.


Boom... Goes the Town

Exploration Mission

You inspect the rather dusty and very besmirched newspaper that dates back to before Baumton was annihilated during the First Rikti War. Part of the atmosphere here in the now 'Boomtown' is the debris that litters every corner of the district.

It is almost impressive how thorough the destruction of this place was. Despite this, under all the rubble and wreckage lies history and knowledge that with a little bit of investigation can be yours.

  • Uncover the secrets of Boomtown.
  • Leave the debris alone.

Too Busy

The wanton destruction of this place reminds youreminds of you of the stakes riding on the number of tasks you have currently.

No More Missions

The wanton destruction of this place reminds youreminds of you of the stakes riding on the number of tasks you have currently.



You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Boomtown.


Boomtown Troglodyte


This article was published shortly before this press stopped printing. The journalistic piece in this newspaper explores the new communities that are forming within the highway tunnels beneath what is now being called 'Boomtown'.

Reports of strange mutations had been coming in regarding the survivors, but that was years ago. By now you imagine things have devolved to a much larger degree... You decide to seek one of these tunnel communities yourself.

  • Push through Boomtown Troglodyte tunnels.

The Lost were first sighted after the Rikti invasion. Speculation has taken to the idea that their disfigurations are severe allergic reactions to alien microbes.

What the long-term implications are for their health is still under scrutiny, but these refugees are not so harmless and you should watch yourself if confronted by them.

Mission Objective

  • Explore underground tunnel
Boomtown Troglodyte (-712.0, -0.0, -448.0)[Copy]

The Lost, despised and reviled by every other criminal organization and gang, have become adept at finding secure hiding places where they can plot their revenge. Boomtown has several subterranean transit tunnels that escaped the devastation during the Rikti attack, and in fact provided shelter to Baumton's terrified residents. Now the Lost call these tunnels home and they will defend them to the death.

Corpse Box


This newspaper is covered in wet blood. It caught your eye as that is highly unusual, even for 'Boomtown'. You rough up a few more local goons to see if any of them have any idea what this is about. Eventually, some thug coughs up some intel for you: "It's the Vahzilok -- the fresh bodies they drag to their 'corpse box' often get these scraps of paper stuck to them."them.".

They point you in the direction they had seen the reapers skulking towards. Time to track down some creepy meat doctors.

  • Uncover the location of the Corpse Box.

One has to wonder where the Vahzilok could be finding bodies to harvest around here. Your only conclusion is they must be collecting from the local villain population.

While that is... relatively better than innocent civilians, these practices are still a threat that should be addressed.

Mission Objective

  • Seek Vahzilok body storage
Corpse Box (-4516.0, 0.5, -1261.0)[Copy]

The stench of death clings to this forlorn cargo container. The Vahzilok are rumored to store corpses there for later use in their blasphemous experiments. It is difficult to argue what is more horrific: a cargo container stuffed with dead bodies, or one that is empty—indicating that the Vahizilok have a new crop of cadaverous servitors roaming the streets to do their dark bidding.

Destined for Valhalla


Examining this newspaper, it seems to have been carried from Steel Canyon and discarded as litter (shame on someone!). All the same, it details a battle in 'Boomtown' where Valkyrie made a name for herself.

You are curious if the location is still standing today. Given the... unique positioning of the buildings, you should not have any trouble tracking it down.

  • Find site of battle Destined for Valhalla.

It is surprising how many of these historical battle sites are so over-the-top, and in ridiculous locations; it makes you feel as though your own battle exploits are moderate by comparison.

Looks like you will have to step up your game if you hope to reach the kind of recognition enjoyed by Paragon's greatest.

Mission Objective

  • Locate where Valkyrie proved herself
Destined for Valhalla (-4097.5, 351.9, 2474.5)[Copy]

Valkyrie proved herself to Positron by battling the Clockwork King on this spot. Although she did not succeed in defeating him, he was severely damaged and Clockwork activity came to a halt for several weeks afterwards.

End of the Line


This article mentions a daring rescue of a train dangling from a damaged section of the monorail line:
"Just in the nick of time! Lady Liberty and Back Alley Brawler fought tooth and nail to drive the invaders back. All passengers were rescued with only minor injuries. The city once-" The parchment suffered energy weapon burns and you are unable to read any further.

Logically, if you just follow the monorail line you should eventually find this dead end. You are interested in seeing where this action scene played out.

  • Reach the End of the Line.

This reminds you of a popular superhero movie with a particularly similar scene. Tension is in the air as the victims hang in the literal balance within the train car. The daring hero is trying to both fight the villain and stop the train from falling to its doom.

It is part of the fantasy, and you are sure no shortage of heroes chose their careers with such potential excitement in mind.

Mission Objective

  • Find end of the monorail system
End of the Line (-2658.5, 90.3, 4571.0)[Copy]

On the day of the Rikti attack that wrought such devastation upon Baumton, this shattered monorail track was a scene of terror; one of many on that dark day. But as the four-o'clock train dangled precipitously from the rail's shorn edge, the nightly news reported the fate of the imperiled passengers minute by minute. Ultimately the passengers were saved by Lady Liberty and the Back Alley Brawler in a narrow escape as Rikti soldiers closed in.



After having perused a couple of the surviving newspaper articles you could find, there is a common thread that unites them: the Freedom Phalanx's presence in Baumton. You find several references to their headquarters being local to the area, so their frequent activity makes sense.

It's hard not to be curious about seeing the location where the most famous hero team in Paragon City once operated. The base was positioned pretty strategically; checking it out would be a fairly simple task.

  • See the Phalanxer's building.

The Freedom Phalanx were the first officially recognized crimefighting superhero organization. Good or bad, this historical significance had long-reaching implications and changed the landscape for powered individuals moving forward.

Keen minds should always be seeking to understand the context behind anything they do.

Mission Objective

  • See the former Freedom Phalanx base
Phalanxer (-2002.5, -15.9, 5181.0)[Copy]

Before Baumton had its 'accident,' the Freedom Phalanx called this building home.



There is a fascinating article on this page that mentions a villain who popped up with much fanfare and was promptly defeated by a member of the Freedom Phalanx -- some self-proclaimed Netherworld royal who had the misfortune of announcing his arrival in the locale where the most prestigious superhero group operated.

You are curious where exactly this stupendous blunder was performed.

  • Discover where the Regal villain made his debut.

This King Mihenra was certainly in for a tough surprise. This is why the villains who play it smart and stay out of the spotlight tend to survive the longest.

There is no winning through brute force when an almost endless number of super-powered heroes can assemble to overcome any differences in strength.

Mission Objective

  • Seek where regal villain fell
Regal (-448.5, 42.0, 2171.5)[Copy]

King Mihenra, a self-proclaimed warlord from the Netherworld, attempted to seize control of Paragon City, only to be defeated by Positron on this very spot.

Towering Inferno


It is a surprise this newspaper has live embers on its edges. Surely this cannot be from when the area was originally decimated? Looking around, you notice a large plume of smoke rising in the distance.

This ignites a curiositycuriousity as to what is going on, you were not expecting to find activity amongst the ruins. You head in the direction of whatever is burning.

  • Climb the Towering Inferno.

Scanning the horizon as you approach, there is a lone tower ablaze in the distance. It stands out as odd since the structure otherwise appears to have been immolated previously.

You are unsure who are causing these fires or to what end, but you are certainly going to find out!

Mission Objective

  • Reach top of the burning tower
Towering Inferno (-1973.0, 575.6, 4017.0)[Copy]

This tower used to be a bastion for the Trolls, providing them a good view over much of Boomtown. When the Outcasts moved in, they violently assaulted this tower and killed or drove out the Trolls holed up within. This was a major victory for the Outcasts, and they keep the fires burning within as a constant reminder to the Trolls still in Boomtown of the defeat they suffered.

Vision of Despair


So many of these newspapers are illegible, irreparably damaged, or detail horrendous events. The atmosphere here in 'Boomtown' takes its toll and you feel a melancholy despair hang over you.

What you at first suspected to be a reaction to the environment, slowly begins to feel like a more palpable force in the air. Given the heavy amount of death and psychic resonance in the area, you begin to perceive a source for the dread you are experiencing.

  • Resist the Vision of Despair.

Forming a hypothesis, you consider that this odd phenomenon could be a result of the Lost's pariahs and the Clockwork King's influence in the area; their psychic resonance must be collecting within the district and causing these bizarre sensations.

You are once again reminded of just how much there is in this world that defies logic and reason.

Mission Objective

  • Confront the source of despair
Vision of Despair (-753.5, 0.2, -594.5)[Copy]

An unnatural feeling of dread permeates the area in what is now called the Pit of Despair.