Mission:Void Sanction - Total Recall
Total Recall
- Accept the operation
The Major says nothing more
Go to dead drop Washboard (Brickstown)
Unnecessary Solicitation
Mission Objective(s)
- Go to dead drop Washboard (Brickstown)
Your target is someone named 'Recall' who is from Praetorian Earth. He apparently is attempting to start up a Fixadyne lab here on Primal Earth, and you need to stop him before he begins. Planting some Resistance tech at the scene should pin his death on them and not you.

Detailed instructions on your target, a Loyalist from Praetoria named Recall. Recall has eidetic memory, and is one of the few people who had access to the Fixadyne formula. He plans on replicating the drug here on Primal Earth. This cannot be allowed to happen. Recall was a big target of the resistance back in Praetoria, so a death by their hand will go unnoticed. You will get some Resistance tech from a Unified People's Army storehouse, eliminating their leader if need be, and plant that at the scene to divert attention away from yourself.
Void Sanction: Washboard
Unnecessary Solicitation
Mission Objective(s)
This den of resistance must have a leader; he'll need to be taken out as well.
- Void Sanction: Washboard
- Locate the resistance tech
- Defeat Resistance Leader
Resistance tech acquired with no witnesses.
Notable NPCs
- Resistance Leader (UPA Boss)
You have recovered resistance tech to make it look like they pulled off the job.

There is some distinctive Praetorian resistance technology here. Leaving this at the scene will definitely draw attention away from yourself.
Total Recall
Unnecessary Solicitation
Mission Objective(s)
This is the lab where Recall is setting up his operation.
- Total Recall
- Defeat Recall
Evidence has been planted to make it look like this was a Resistance operation.
Notable NPCs
- Recall (Former Loyalist Elite Boss)
A shadowy figure disappears once you trained your eyes on them

You swore you saw someone meld into the shadows just then.
You call in to let The Major know that the mission is complete.