Council Geological Surveillance

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Council Geological Surveillance
Striga Isle
Badge tourism hazard.png
Type Tour Guide Tip
Place Striga Isle
Available to Heroes, Vigilantes, and Rogues
Level range 1–50
v  d  e


Council Geological Surveillance is a tip contact that offers Tour Guide Missions in Striga Isle.


Straight Through Striga

Exploration Mission

The Council's greatest stronghold lies within the massive volcano here on Striga Island. Obviously, building a villainous lair in such a dangerous location requires massive amounts of precision and geological data (as well as crazy determination).

To these ends, the Council regularly deploys vulcanologists to survey the surrounding lands to ensure the state of any volcanic activity is within their control. The information in these reports would be worth familiarizing yourself with as you plan your movements around the island.

  • Survey the status of Striga Isle.
  • Map things out another time.

Too Busy

The scope of this island, as well as the threat of The Council, should not be tackled while burdened by so many tasks.

No More Missions

After checking the latest Council survey, you discover nothing worth your attention. It would seem you have exhausted the limits of this method of reconnaissance.



You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Striga Isle.


Sea Dog


These surveys from Port Noble are quite thorough; it appears the Council have quite a grasp on the activities within the port and amongst its denizens. Extraordinarily, little comes and goes from Striga Isle without the Council's notice.

You are assuming they have already made a report concerning your movements within their territory. This being the case, you decide to stretch your muscles and explore the port to your heart's content. If the Council are watching, you are going to show them why they had best be wary of what you are capable of.

  • Become a scurvy Sea Dog.

The port here is pretty well equipped. Its lack of recent traffic can only be due to the Council's local rise to power and their looming fortification that encompasses a large portion of the island.

It seems that it is only by the persistent efforts of heroes and the locals that the villains have not seized complete control of the island.

Mission Objective

  • Take a tour of Port Noble
Sea Dog (-470.0, -0.0, 1021.0)[Copy]

Port Noble's shipping industry has declined of late, as Paragon City's manufacturing has taken a hit in the wake of the Rikti War. Now, with the Council plaguing Striga Isle, the situation has gone from bad to worse.

Super Spy


It is hard to not find yourself distracted by the enormous villainous stronghold looming on the horizon. The Council's concrete walls almost stand as a challenge screaming: "Breach me!"

You set the survey you were absent-mindedly perusing down. You decide it is time for an exercise in infiltration. You have not tackled a lair you could not sneak into. Time to test your prowess!

  • Prove yourself a Super Spy.

One has to admire the Council's thorough security efforts. They have the works in place here: Routine patrols, gatling and missile turrets, and fortifications enclosing the entire perimeter.

You have your work cut out for you, but shying away from a challenge was never your style.

Mission Objective

  • Conduct infiltration mission
Super Spy (-6655.5, -15.0, -2458.0)[Copy]

The Council's expert security forces keep most heroes from venturing this far into their base.

The Unnamed


This geological report appears to be the last from the Bonny Morass region. It mentions the surge in Banished Pantheon activity after the exhumation of somebody codenamed the Unnamed:
"Our surveillance of this area must be withdrawn. While finding evidence of the Banished Pantheon's potential coordinator is a high priority order, we're simply losing too many men needlessly without results. We'll attempt remote reconnaissance in lieu of putting soldiers in danger until we know more."

Now this is a fascinating document. So "something" heralded the arrival of the Banished Pantheon on Striga? You feel confident you are more capable than some Council soldiers, this grave and the potential answers it might hold warrants immediate investigation.

  • Seek the casket of The Unnamed.

There seems to be an unfortunate trend of ancient monstrosities being sealed, buried, and forgotten about, only to become catalysts for Banished Pantheon activity generations later. Quite a literal take on "burying your problems"...

Well, there is nothing for it, you suppose. You will simply have to react to the circumstances as they are. Can't be allowing any potential dark gods to go unchecked in your neck of the woods.

Mission Objective

  • Investigate exhumed grave site
The Unnamed (-2380.5, -31.5, -2285.5)[Copy]

It was not long ago that a Council patrol reported a grave exhumation in the Bonny Morass. No culprits were found, and no records existed to indicate who once was laid to rest here, but many mark this incident as the start of the Banished Pantheon's presence on Striga Isle. Late at night, minions of the Banished Pantheon have been spotted congregating around this gravesite, leading the Council to believe they exhumed it. But others in the Council believe that whatever was in the grave emerged under their own power, and that such a being could have called the Banished Pantheon to the Isle for some unknown purpose. This hypothetical adversary is code-named in the Council logs as 'The Unnamed.'

The Wolf's Snarl


These reports mention some seismographic readings from within the tunnels that locals have dubbed 'The Wolf's Throat'. Apparently, the Council's chain of command suspects the source of the activity is from the masses of Banished Pantheon husks that have recently started emerging from nearly every crevice within the subterranean structure.

That sounds terrifying, you do not envy any soldiers assigned to guard duty within. You imagine this has to be impacting the Council's operational efficiency. Mapping this underground pathway for yourself seems like a good use of your time.

  • Listen for the Wolf's Snarl.

It is a brief respite for the greater Paragon City to have the Council's efforts being undermined by these developments with the Banished Pantheon. Likely the entirety of Striga Isle would be under Council dominion if not for these setbacks.

You will be sure to capitalize on the opportunities circumstances have afforded you.

Mission Objective

  • Confirm layout of Council tunnel
The Wolf's Snarl (-3222.5, -128.0, -1824.0)[Copy]

The Wolf's Throat is a vital causeway for the Council, linking the outside world to the innards of the Council Base. When the Council goes to war they say "Let the wolf howl," indicating a massive outpouring of force from here. Lately, however, that howl has been choked by an influx of Banished Pantheon into this critical supply and transit corridor. While the Banished Pantheon make such bold attacks, the Council's war plans are stalled.

The Wolf's Maw


This report involves an issue that has been confounding the Council for some time. Since the Banished Pantheon started appearing on Striga Isle, the main gate to the base can no longer be closed, this leaves a major hole in the Council's otherwise impeccable defensive perimeter.

You are not sure how the two come together here, but you decide to exploit the gate's current vulnerability.

  • Step into the Wolf's Maw.

The Banished Pantheon are somehow at fault for this? You are unsure how the shambling husks, regardless of number, could possibly sabotage an enormous mechanical gate.

Knowing the dark masters they serve, could the answers be hiding in the shadows?

Mission Objective

  • Clear Council base's main gate
The Wolf's Maw (-3841.0, 0.3, -1970.5)[Copy]

This heavily fortified gate leads into the Council base, but in truth it is a trap: a tantalizing lure devised to lure in the overconfident and unwary. It used to work well against novice heroes and the more foolhardy among the Warriors, but since the Banished Pantheon arrived to dominate the field outside the Maw, its effectiveness has been blunted. The Council has attempted to close the entryway but each time they do some mystical force prevents it. Time and again they have attempted to seal it off and each time the door has found a way to open. Since then, the Council have doubled the guard and sealed off any exits just inside the door. Council researchers believe the Banished Pantheon has employed a Hand of Glory to keep the entrance open.

Vampyri Watcher


Whoever wrote this survey was irate:
"Those damn vampyri tore another recruit apart again today after climbing 'their' hill to gather geological data. Despite continual reports to the top brass, they keep calling it 'thinning the weak from the herd'. What a load of bologna. They just don't want to piss them off any more than we do."

Sounds like the Council are having a rough time reining in their vampiric comrades. You are curious about this hill though. What makes it so special, and why are the vampyri so territorial about it?

  • Become a Vampyri Watcher.

You won't even attempt to get inside the headspace of a scientifically created vampire, but maybe standing atop their hill might help you understand.

Alternatively, you could try finding one of these Council vampyri for yourself and just ask, though you are not sure they would oblige such questions.

Mission Objective

  • Climb the vampyri hilltop
Vampyri Watcher (-3728.5, 423.9, -3010.5)[Copy]

The Council's Vampyri corps are a breed apart from the rest of the Council's cadre—both in appearance and temperament. They hold themselves above their brethren and have taken this high hilltop as their own private roost, a place providing them a tactical view of the Council base and its surroundings, while also giving them a physical location that they alone command. Other Council know never to go there lest they incite the ire of their temperamental brothers-in-arms.



This report is numbered in the high hundreds; whatever this is about, it's the subject of thorough scrutinization:
"The Striga Isle volcano's activity falls within acceptable perimeters. All geothermal cylinders are operating at 68.3% capacity, with no signs of degradation or integrity loss. Heat conversion to thermoelectric power is at 87.2% efficiency. All logistical projections meet or exceed Archon Burkholder's estimates; these numbers should please command."

Now you understand, of all the geological surveys the status of the island's volcanic activity would be most important. The Council's engineering is a feat to behold, and you decide to do just that.

  • Fancy being a Vulcanologist.

Given that an unplanned volcanic eruption would almost wholly eliminate the Council's chain of command and primary base of operations, it is no surprise that they are extremely diligent on these surveys. Building a secret volcano lair is so old-school cool, you cannot help but admire the tenacity that made it happen.

Some say Council engineering is the greatest in the world; it just may be.

Mission Objective

  • Scale the Council volcano base
Vulcanologist (-5346.5, 874.8, -794.5)[Copy]

The Council has hollowed out this dormant volcano to build a massive factory. The creations within are guarded with the utmost secrecy.

Words of the Warrior


This is not a typical report, it explains a bizarre situation unfolding in the northwestern sector of Striga Isle:
"Warrior occupation remains uncontested on the Bonny Morass radio tower island. We were unable to conduct our investigations, however, command has been lax on ordering any stronger pushes to retake it. We're reporting that radio program broadcasts have begun airing, comprised mostly of anthems, music, and occasional rants. Orders are to stand by and observe for the time being."

The Warriors are hosting their own radio content? That sounds too interesting to not check out. You start heading towards the mentioned island and tune your radio into their channel.

  • Tune into the Words of the Warrior.

Their choice of music is fitting for what you expected from the Warriors. The on-air rants are quite "robust", but the host's colorful personality is surprisingly enjoyable, and they do a good job keeping it entertaining.

You would be lying if you said you wouldn't tune in again sometime.

Mission Objective

  • Experience Warrior radio efforts
Words of the Warrior (-523.5, 157.0, -2541.5)[Copy]

Two years ago when the Warriors came to Striga Isle they were eager to carve out a place for themselves; a staging area they could use to expand their holdings. They've largely been beaten back by the Council and other groups, but have managed to keep this lone island, the location of a radio transmission station they have co-opted for their own use. It broadcasts coded messages to the Warriors abroad as well as rousing chants and anthems meant to embolden them on the battlefield. Members of the Council have tolerated its presence; for in addition to music (mostly composed of heavy metal bands and Wagner) the station's host keeps up a constant stream of expletive-laden rants against Paragon City's Hero population.