Reactor Electrical Manual
Reactor Electrical Manual | |
Terra Volta | |
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Type | Tour Guide Tip |
Place | Terra Volta |
Available to | Heroes, Vigilantes, and Rogues |
Level range | 1–50 |
Reactor Electrical Manual is a tip contact that offers Tour Guide Missions in Terra Volta.
Utilities Commission
Exploration Mission
These spiffy little booklets detail all the electrical systems that exist within the Terra Volta power plant. Often carried by the technicians and mechanics who maintain the reactor and surrounding facilities, they have an unfortunate habit of falling into the hands of villains who seek to control or destroy the reactor.
One section lists locations where extra caution is needed. These sound like the kind of places worth checking out.
- Charge into Terra Volta's infrastructure.
- React to this later.
Too Busy
Shockingly, you do not have the energy to spare right now. Maybe this should wait until you have fewer tasks.
No More Missions
You have experienced the powerlines, the high-voltage scenery, and the shocking number of villains here. The manual does not jolt any new ideas to explore at this point.

You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Terra Volta.
Conjunction Junction
The manual notes to take caution near the junction just west of the Independence Port gate, as it is a frequent gathering point for the Freakshow. Apparently, it once got so bad that Statesman himself made an appearance to quell their numbers. Neat!
To be honest, you are not sure what this junction does and the manual, annoyingly enough, omits this information. There must be some reason the Freaks are so fond of the place. At the very least, it is accessible enough that a quick investigation should prove no trouble at all.
- Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Utilities Commission Exploration Mission Function, junction, conjunction... Lots of words ending in "-unction". Maybe the Freakshow congregate there solely because those words are so much fun to say in sequence? It is a dumb reason, then again, half the time dumb is exactly what the Freaks love.
Mission Objective
- Visit Freakshow's junction

This junction was the first target of the Freakshow when they started their campaign of mayhem. Statesman and the rest of the Freedom Phalanx were able to stop their plan before it could be fulfilled.
Danger! Danger!
One of the first pages in the manual is a map of the layout of the district housing the Terra Volta Reactor. There is a lot of ground to cover. Fortunately, the layout appears to maintain a mostly consistent degree of symmetry.
If you could find a vantage point to be able to survey both sides equally, it would likely be of significant help in memorizing the details of the area. You imagine there must be a spot like this near the gate that connects with Independence Port.
- Take in view of Terra Volta's Danger!
You cannot help but find yourself sometimes stopping in awe of the sheer scale of the reactor. Its enormous form dwarfs even your most generous expectations.
Unfortunately, in this context it mostly makes it a massive target, both in importance and physical size.
Mission Objective
- Survey layout of Terra Volta

You stand at the border of one of the most dangerous places in all of Paragon City. Before you lies a seething cauldron of anger, malice, and greed centered around the pumping heart of the city: the Terra Volta Nuclear Reactor. Between the many villains who prowl the streets here there lies the danger of electrocution or radiation exposure, so tread carefully.
Guardian of the Volts
The manual stresses the importance of a specific region within Terra Volta's structure. Labeled the Gordon Trench, it runs all the way from the reactor complex to the Independence Port exit. It carries the primary conduits that deliver the power generated by the reactor to the rest of Paragon City.
You imagine if there was any major external vulnerability, it would be the cables and wiring running through this trench. Taking time to learn the structural layout of this area will likely pay dividends later.
- Become a Guardian of the Volts
There are plenty of vantage points that should afford you a decent view of the trench. However, you soon find yourself noticing the lack of means by which anybody could escape its depths.
You see nothing that might be utilized to climb out. Perhaps the Gordon Trench is more trap than target?
Mission Objective
- Stand guard over Gordon Trench

You stand along the vital corridor through which flows the power of Terra Volta's reactor. This place is a frequent target for attacks by those determined to cripple Paragon City and deserves protecting. If you like your hair dryers, your video games, your mass-spectrometers, or your q-bind amalgimatrix devices to function without pause, you'd better ensure that nothing happens to these power lines.
High Voltage!
You have started finding pages of these manuals that have been torn out and painted over, repurposed as make-shift flyers, advertising some sort of event you can only assume is Freakshow related:
"R u t3h T0uGh3st d00d? pr0v3 1T @ 0uR 3LECTR0B0X 5H0WD0WN" An illegal fighting arena? The location is marked with a big red X in the Carter Engineering district map.
The Freaks tend to be craftier than you give them credit for. Even should this event get busted and the law enters the fray, the ensuing chaos would only serve to make the crowd's energy swell. Well, it could be fun to do an over-the-top wrestler-style entrance and suplex somebody.
- This promises to be High Voltage!
Perhaps this warrants a grandiose method to announce your arrival... Or maybe you will forgo the theatrics and get right to bashing Freakshow?
There are many ways to go about this; time to enjoy the moment of creative freedom! The Freaks are in for a live demonstration of your $archetype prowess.
Mission Objective
- Enter the 'ElectroBox' arena

The air crackles with electricity and the odor of ozone fills your nostrils. Power fills the air here and it draws the Freakshow like moths to a flame. Juicers and Tanks bellow and cheer as free electrons dance along their synapses, filling them with a battle lust they long to vent upon you. They challenge you to join them and dance among the volts that skitter across the ground like faerie fire.
The electrical manual takes great care to mention the importance of maintaining the translocation-proof plating that encompasses the Terra Volta Reactor's outer structure to prevent any enterprising villain strike teams from simply warping themselves into the heart of the reactor.
This is fascinating, and you are surprised you did not consider how easily a criminal group could have bypassed security using teleport magic or tech. You decide to inspect these defensive measures in person, just to be sure they are as advertised.
- See anti-Meltdown defensive measures.
You are impressed with the foresight of the reactor's engineers. They truly have thought of almost everything in regard to potential loopholes in Terra Volta's security.
At the end of the day, villains have no other real options but to attempt a frontal assault, which will no doubt grind to halt when confronted by Paragon City's heroes.
Mission Objective
- Scale roof of Terra Volta

Covert Rikti strike teams have attempted to destroy the Terra Volta reactor on more than one occasion.
Nervous Dreck
Tucked into the back cover of the electrical manual is a sheet containing guidelines for understanding and managing Freakshow behavioral responses. A paragraph mentions that after Statesman himself took their leader Dreck down, Terra Volta became a sort of popular "proving ground" for the Freaks. As such, any perceived opposition is going to be met with enthusiasm and violence.
The takedown of Dreck seems like a historic moment -- at least, in a post-Statesman Paragon City, it certainly is. You get the itch to pay a short homage to the once greatest hero in the world by seeing where he brought the head of the Freakshow to task.
- Check arrest of Nervous Dreck.
Freaks reacting to opposition with violence? Say it ain't so!
The Freakshow's anarchic philosophy has an almost ironic juxtaposition with how consistently they can respond to certain things. All the same, they are obstacles you are confident a Corruptor like yourself will have no issues with.
Mission Objective
- Stand where Dreck met defeat

Dreck, the leader of the Freakshow, was brought to justice on this spot by Statesman. His time in jail was short, however, as he broke out just two weeks later.
Power Walker
The manual mentions watching out for villains around the Walker Energy sector, with an armed escort recommended if electrical work needs to be done there. It seems the location is frequently the site of territorial battles between villains vying for control of the Terra Volta area and its reactor.
Looking at the map, that building is nearly as close to the center of the district as possible without being in the nearby trench. It is always good to be where the action is. You decide to leap into the fray and see about driving off any hostiles.
- Travel as a Power Walker.
With the endless combat between criminal groups in the area, it is amazing Terra Volta manages to stay functional.
The engineers behind the reactor's design must have built it to be tough as bricks in anticipation of villain activity. Kudos to their efforts and foresight!
Mission Objective
- Patrol Walker Energy plant

The Walker Energy condensate plant stands at the strategic center of the Terra Volta complex, and as such has become a hotly contested site between the Freakshow and the Sky Raiders. Gaining control of this building places one within ideal striking distance to any other location in Terra Volta and so the fighting here is especially fierce.
Scrapheap of History
There is a paragraph in the manual urging discretion when any work is being done within Terra Volta. It references the Number 6 Titration Plant incident with the Freakshow. Unfortunately for you, it does not elaborate further on the specifics of the incident, nor what part the Freaks played.
After reviewing the map a couple times, you finally pinpoint where that Number 6 site was. Time to do a little industrial inspection and see what exactly happened.
- Sort through the Scrapheap of History.
Time to head off. Given the Freakshow's involvement, whatever awaits you will likely not be pretty.
You hope to glean some context behind the incident so you can better understand the Terra Volta area and the Freaks methodology. That is assuming there is anything left to be discovered...
Mission Objective
- See Number 6 site

Here lie the ruins of the Number 6 Titration Plant, the first of a new design meant to streamline the process of fuel waste reconstitution. It was hoped that the new plant design would improve waste recapture efforts by over 13%. Unfortunately the shiny new installation was too tempting a target for the Freakshow, who saw the effective reuse of fuel waste as somehow offensive. They brought the plant down with a concentrated assault that took the city workers completely by surprise. Since its destruction, that new technique the Number 6 plant was designed to test has since been abandoned in favor of a newer, more efficient recapture method.