Zigursky Inmate Reports

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Zigursky Inmate Reports
Badge tourist 01.png
Type Tour Guide Tip
Place Brickstown
Available to Heroes, Vigilantes, and Rogues
Level range 1–50
v  d  e


Zigursky Inmate Reports is a tip contact that offers Tour Guide Missions in Brickstown.


Zig Warden

Exploration Mission

'The Big Zig' or 'The Ziggurat': The Zigursky Penitentiary goes by many names, but it is best known to all as the maximum-security prison that holds Paragon City's most dangerous threats. Since Arachnos played their hand, the list of escaped convicts has skyrocketed and many are still unaccounted for.

Amongst the paperwork in your hands are details of all manner regarding these inmates, likely stolen during their escape. Of most interest to you is a list of noteworthy routes used in past escapes.

  • Familiarize yourself with Brickstown escapes.
  • Escape to something else.

Too Busy

You recall the many tasks awaiting your attention. You gaze at the looming prison; you will have to check things out later.

No More Missions

Double-checking the report, you confirm to have checked every noteworthy item thoroughly. Armed with this knowledge you feel more confident in your work when it comes to 'The Zig'.



You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Brickstown.




Zigursky Report #BT0-593.32.1378:
Odd reports of suspicious occult gatherings have been coming in regarding a specific circular catwalk found in the Seven Gates area. MAGI has been notified but haven't been able to send out a arcane specialist to survey the location yet. PPD patrol assignments have been updated.

It can be uncanny how things happen to line up. If a circle-shaped structure was built on top of a ley line convergence point... Boom, unintentional arcane focus. It would be best to investigate this yourself; MAGI are not always the quickest responders.

  • Look into the Mystic circular catwalk.

Magic is a funny thing. So potent and pervasive, yet also entirely hidden and its knowledge sequestered by magicians and arcanists.

Despite this, incidents like this are not uncommon, where mystic energy is collected by complete accident.

Mission Objective

  • Investigate potential arcane focus
Mystic (-593.5, 32.0, 1379.0)[Copy]

This nexus is the intersection of two very minor Ley Lines, almost imperceptible to those without Second Sight.



Zigursky Report #BT0-1726.24.1153:
The security checkpoint at the front gate of the prison continues to be beset by the Freakshow and escaped convicts. Increasing personnel allotment, we've already lost too many inmates to these raids before they've even made it to their cells. Continuing the bids for assistance from local heroes.

The Freakshow have continued to rally many escaped fugitives in persistent efforts to make vain frontal assaults on the Zig, likely in the hopes of freeing their comrades. It would not be a bad use of your time to check if there are any current prison break attempts to squash.

  • Secure Inmate check-in point.

Only the Freakshow's manic methodology would commit to this manner of plan. These Freaks and fugitives must assume if they are relentless enough, one of their attempts to storm the prison will succeed eventually.

Truly the greater fools, they.

Mission Objective

  • Check for prison break activity
Inmate (-1726.0, 24.0, 1154.5)[Copy]

Zigursky Penitentiary is where all criminals both mundane and super-powered end up.

Flying Shark


Zigursky Report #BT0-2190.573.1162:
After the Arachnos 'Breakout' incident and an unexpected escape from Captain Mako, continued vigilance is maintained at all times to secure the sky above the prison. All protocols regarding aerial infiltration are routinely reviewed and the staff are drilled on countermeasures frequently.

Well, this exit route was certainly one with a lot of fanfare. Granted, you suspect the Zig's wardens would not have thought anybody could make an escape off the roof-top's dead-end. The likely lax security from that time has surely been bolstered to answer the exploits of Arachnos. Why not go scope out the scene, if only for the nice view the top of the prison should afford.

  • See where the Flying Shark took off.

Certainly today these manner of attempts would end in failure; It has been years since the Arachnos Fliers facilitated that breakout and the Zig's wardens and PPD's officers have learned from it.

There is the noteworthy presence of an assault helicopter patrolling the skies above at all times. The air is no longer a free avenue.

Mission Objective

  • Review Captain Mako's escape
Flying Shark (-2190.0, 572.8, 1162.5)[Copy]

The roof of the Zig is the site of the first breakout by Arachnos. Captain Mako had been captured by some heroes, only to escape, tearing a path of destruction through the Zig. It ended up on the roof, where he commandeered a Longbow Skiff to fly himself out. Mako was seen leaping from skiff to skiff during the aerial battle with Longbow until he dove into the waters of Talos to swim back to the Isles.



Zigursky Report #BT0-3821.0-47.0-181:
Continued Freakshow sightings in the Dark Waters underbelly; behavior is typically the recruiting of fugitives. Despite additional assignments to that sector, PPD simply doesn't have the manpower to address the problem entirely. Continuing the bids for assistance from local heroes.

At this point, the Freakshow is in a continual state of war against the Zig; conducting non-stop raids on its front gates and liberating as many fugitives as they can to assimilate into their ranks. It is no surprise the PPD are struggling to keep up. Time to scope this underbelly out. It will help to gain a better understanding of the district's layout.

  • Patrol for Fugitive presence.

With so many hidden twists and turns beneath the Brickstown streets, you wonder if perhaps the Zigursky Penitentiary would have been better located elsewhere.

Through given the engineering complexities involved in containing super-powered threats, it is possible this was unavoidable.

Mission Objective

  • Search the Dark Waters underbelly
Fugitive (-3821.0, -47.0, -181.5)[Copy]

When a fugitive escapes from the Zig, this area is the first place that the PPD patrol. The Freakshow frequently make deals with inmates - they'll hold off the PPD if the escapees join the Freakshow. This either leads to the Freakshow increasing their ranks or hunting down the fugitives who break their end of the bargain.

Forward Thinker


Zigursky Report #BT254.32.0-1344}
Another fugitive caught on the Mashu Bridge; authorities were able to retrieve them and proceed with an arrest. Despite the bridge's functional redundancy, it has proven valuable for trapping fugitives who think it a superior escape route.

The idea of a bridge acting as a metaphorical flypaper for escaped convicts is thoroughly amusing. Perhaps you will go take a gander at it now, and maybe see if any unfortunate inmate has squandered precious time on the nonsensical construction.

  • Evaluate the Forward Thinker bridge.

Based on some of the other stupendous engineering mishaps you have seen in this city, this one sounds almost tame by comparison. An extraneous bridge is no problem.

All the same, you will enjoy seeing the interesting structure for yourself.

Mission Objective

  • Cross the Mashu Bridge
Forward Thinker (254.0, 31.5, -1343.5)[Copy]

The Mashu bridge was built in Brickstown long before construction on the Zig began. Traffic was heavy in Brickstown, causing a need for this bridge to be constructed. It was only shortly afterward that plans for the Zig were created, driving the majority of business owners out from Brickstown and into Steel Canyon, rendering Mashu bridge nothing but an odd landmark.

Secret Path


Zigursky Report #BT270.0-59.2193:
Patrols are now routine regarding the subterranean maintenance shaft located beneath the basketball courts in Seven Gates. Tub Ci's escape is inexcusable and such a glaring oversight is brought down on our administration's heads continually.

Yikes. Sounds like this mistake cost the Zig their custody over the leader of the Tsoo. It is impressive that he managed to both divine this location and navigate to such a hidden route during his breakout. Time to discover this path's secrets for yourself.

  • Uncover the Secret Path.

The resourcefulness of the leading criminal minds cannot be underestimated.

With how many prominent criminals managed to get away, it must have been a huge blow to the Zig's credibility. The consequences of this must weigh on the wardens heavily.

Mission Objective

  • Review Tub Ci's escape
Secret Path (270.5, -59.5, 2192.5)[Copy]

Tub Ci used this secret path beneath the basketball courts of Brickstown to make a clean escape from the Zig. Officers were unable to find this well hidden location until it was too late. The PPD now keep secret agents around the courts - specifically as basketball players - to prevent such a slip up from happening again.

Sixth Passenger


Zigursky Report #BT0-2810.0-43.2569
Per the oversights made in the search for Sebastian Frost, all PPD are now required to scan nearby vehicles' trunks for hidden fugitives. Those responsible for this mistake are still on administrative leave and under investigation for potential corruption.

Sounds like the head of the Family made it past the PPD's officers by hiding in the trunk of a car. It is surprising that such an old-fashioned method managed to not only hold up, but actually succeed against modern police tactics. Naturally there is a curiosity to see this infamous hiding spot, the car's location was recorded in the report. You wager it was somewhere odd...

  • See where the Sixth Passenger rode.

Looks like the PPD underestimated the determination and creativity of this mob boss. As a result, he is once again free to continue coordinating the Family's crime efforts in Paragon City.

Hopefully everyone can learn from their mistake and prevent yourself from committing any similar slip-ups.

Mission Objective

  • Review Sebastian Frost's escape
Sixth Passenger (-2810.5, -42.9, 2569.0)[Copy]

Sebastian Frost hid in the trunk of this old car for three days after he was broken out from the Zig. It was after the third day, under the cover of night, that his goons in the Family were able to come rescue him. Frost has been extra careful ever since then to never get caught again.



Zigursky Report #BT0-2260.0-64.0-1579: Attempts to locate Clamor after the assault incident at the Abyss Towers warehouse have yielded no leads. Despite heavy Freakshow presence and activity in Brickstown, clues as to the whereabouts of their leadership have yet to be uncovered.

The tenacity of the Freakshow and their eternal lust for violence and mayhem would almost be commendable if it were not so aimless and destructive. It is surprising that the PPD have not picked up on any tracks... this Clamor sounds none too discreet about their methods. Maybe you will have better luck?

  • Retrace the Unsubtle fugitive's steps.

There is one thing you are confident about, that the Freakshows ranks are swelling due to all the excess fugitives in the area. One had best remain vigilant or you could suddenly be involved in a large-scale scrap yourself. Granted, it would certainly end in the Freaks having a bad time, but you just had this outfit dry-cleaned.

Paragon City's laundromat business is one of its most cutthroat industries, those costs do not play around.

Mission Objective

  • Review Clamor's escape
Unsubtle (-2260.0, -64.0, -1579.0)[Copy]

Clamor of the Freakshow used this warehouse as a hideout after escaping from the Zig - sort of. She lasted barely an hour in hiding before bursting out of the warehouse to attack PPD searching for her. This spilled out into an all-out brawl with nearby Council and 5th Column, allowing Bile to swoop in and pull Clamor out from the chaos.