Vanguard Intelligence

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Vanguard Intelligence
Rikti War Zone
Badge tourism hazard.png
Type Tour Guide Tip
Place Rikti War Zone
Available to Heroes, Vigilantes, and Rogues
Level range 1–50
v  d  e


Vanguard Intelligence is a tip contact that offers Tour Guide Missions in Rikti War Zone.


They Are Still Among Us

Exploration Mission

The impact of the Second Rikti War has attracted many organizations (good and bad) to the Rikti War Zone, and Vanguard keeps every bit of information on them carefully filed. This heavy binder holds crucial intelligence on the Rikti, their technology, and other local secrets that help keep the invaders at bay.

It's no surprise that so many different factions are vying for this kind of info. The advantages afforded by its contents could tip the scales in the struggle between good and evil.

  • Serve a tour in the Rikti War Zone.
  • You will have to dodge for now.

Too Busy

It is a tad hasty to consider joining the war effort while you still have so many unfinished tasks.

No More Missions

You have familiarized yourself with the extent of Vanguard's intelligence on the alien threat. To understand the Rikti any further, you will need to go mano a mano with the invaders themselves.



You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge in the Rikti War Zone.


Base Jumper


Intelligence Report #RWZ3434.0.512:
Vanguard personnel have confirmed the existence of a Council compound that suddenly appeared within the Pork Chop Hill district building. The lack of external activity leads us to believe that the group's operatives must have secured a subterranean entry point and constructed this base entirely in secret. Now that they have revealed their presence, we can only assume the compound is heavily fortified and sufficiently staffed. Elevating the threat evaluation for that sector.

Just when they are out of mind, the Council appears from nowhere (literally this time!). It appears their new compound is at least out of the way, but it still warrants a recon investigation. If you let your guard down, you are liable to take a bullet in the back.

  • Leap into a Base Jumper role.

The tenacity of the Council and their propensity for getting involved in anything and everything does start to wear thin after a while.

You start to wonder if these guys ever sleep, then you recall the various robots, vampires, werewolves, and even aliens that serve within their ranks. So no, they probably don't.

It is an understandably unsettling thought.

Mission Objective

  • Stand with the fallen
Base Jumper (3434.0, 0.1, 512.0)[Copy]

The Council have taken over this building as their base of operations. You might want to check your back.



As you inspect the documents, you realize a mistake was made; this is a Malta threat profile report, not Vanguard intel. This is a valuable and interesting find all the same. While reading through the names, one entry catches your attention:

RISK LEVEL: $level
AFFILIATION: $supergroup
CLASSIFICATION: $origin $archetype
CAPABILITIES: $primary, $secondary
DISPOSITION: $alignment
COUNTERMEASURE: $name has been identified operating within the Rikti War Zone. Operatives are to engage $name only if they are not accompanied by allies. The unit's designated Sapper is to immediately suppress them with their Bio-Energy Feedback Inducer device. If possible incapacitation and acquisition of the MHI is ideal, but if the risks exceed the allowance then execution is authorized.

Great, Malta are here too? Even worse, they are aware of you and with sapper devices in-tow. Their report documents the location of an ad hoc supply depot in the warzone where the operatives are based. Fortune has given you the element of surprise, striking at the source of their dangerous weapons comes next.

  • Become a Homewrecker.

It will be satisfying to dismantle all their irritating sapper weaponry. You will still proceed with caution, as Malta is still Malta after all. However, they won't be expecting you this time.

Time to show them what your "capabilities" can do!

Mission Objective

  • Strike Malta preemptively
Homewrecker (3566.5, 0.0, -761.5)[Copy]

This is the base Malta likes to call home. Your name wasn't exactly on the welcome mat.

Junkyard Dog


Intelligence Report #RWZ1474.0.0-3722:
We've been seeing some Rikti activity amongst the decommissioned military vehicles in the Heartbreak Ridge junkyard. While Vanguard has ensured all potential weaponry was dismantled, it would be problematic if the Rikti were able to make repairs to their mothership or deploy additional drop ships with the collection of these raw materials.

There are few who can survive more than even a single shot from a Rikti drop ship's particle cannon. The capabilities the mothership might possess is a line of thought you would rather not entertain. Instead you will go ensure that this junkyard remains free of any looters.

  • Scatter any stray Junkyard Dogs.

While doing battle with the host of Rikti within the war zone, you occasionally catch glimpses of the truth -- that what you are fighting here is but a shadow of what the Rikti's unbridled might could be capable of.

You notice it most with cases like these, where small and innocuous mistakes could lead to circumstances where victory becomes impossible.

Mission Objective

  • Secure military junkyard
Junkyard Dog (1474.5, 0.0, -3722.0)[Copy]

This is where some military vehicles went to die.



Intelligence Report #RWZ0-425.15.0-207:
Despite the numerous benefits that having a second operational medical center would prove to the war efforts, the Hammond Medical Center security detail has been recalled. Continual Rikti assaults made it apparent that Vanguard would be unable to maintain an adequate defensive perimeter, and reassigning personnel from other posts greatly risked weakening our defensive position.

You cannot disagree with the assessment made in the report. Additional medical facilities would be helpful, but the exposed building simply proved too difficult to hold. There is the possibility that the Rikti could appropriate the facility as an offensive relay, you should confirm it has remained secure.

  • Be a potential Lifesaver.

With the medical center's proximity to the Vanguard's compound, there would be no better staging point for the Rikti if they sought to launch a major offensive. The medical equipment still on site, the location near the gate to 'Crey's Folly' and potential access to the rest of Paragon City form a compelling list of benefits in capturing it.

You will have to patrol and ensure that does not happen.

Mission Objective

  • Confirm medical center security
Lifesaver (-425.5, 15.0, -207.0)[Copy]

Rikti's continuous attacks on this hospital prompted Paragon City officials to shut it down.



Intelligence Report #RWZ4243.0-24.0-1861:
A breach has been reported in the Bloody Lane sector and Devouring Earth creatures have been confirmed emerging. We are unable to determine the Hamidon's agenda in having infiltrated this area. As of this time, the monsters have merely secured their entrance and maintain that perimeter. Vanguard will remain on standby and monitor their behavior. Unless necessary, it would be best to avoid fighting a war on two fronts.

So even the Devouring Earth have made an appearance in the warzone. Including the other villains you have seen around, it seems that just about everyone has decided the Rikti War Zone is the happening place to be. You had better go verify the reports on that breach.

  • Greet Luscious visitors.

You tally up all the different threats that have entered the proverbial arena within the warzone:
Arachnos, The Council, Crey Industries, The Devouring Earth, The Knives of Artemis, The Malta Operatives, Nemesis, and of course the Rikti themselves.

Sounds like there will no shortage of enemies to choose from...

Mission Objective

  • Verify Devouring Earth activity
Luscious (4243.0, -24.4, -1861.5)[Copy]

The Devouring Earth have chosen this spot to start bringing paradise back to a war-torn city.



Intelligence Report #RWZ9785.2.0-738:
Crey Industries has established a facility due south of the Vanguard compound. Despite Crey's taking a public stance that they are simply ensuring their property is defended from the Rikti, our reports show movement to the contrary. Vanguard will not tolerate anything that could undermine the war efforts and will seize this installation if necessary.

Crey getting in the way by doing something shady? Shocker! Sarcasm aside, you should survey the base's location in the event Vanguard assigns you to intervene.

  • Monitor Crey Trespasser.

Crey is always there to prove you wrong. Many would have sworn that no job could pay well enough to warrant these people entering an alien warzone, but here we are.

You cannot help but wonder what crazy benefits package they must offer their employees to maintain such diligence...

Mission Objective

  • Observe Crey installation
Trespasser (978.5, 2.0, -738.0)[Copy]

You have managed to get into the Crey base of operations. Nice work. Now how do you plan to get out?



Intelligence Report #RWZ2949.0-18.0-5637:
Unfortunately, this report series continues to serve as a request for aid. Vanguards lacks any substantial intelligence regarding the inner workings of the Rikti's mothership. To this end, Lady Grey has declared the need for powered volunteers to aid in coordinating a frontal assault to bypass the shields surrounding the vessel. Interested parties should speak with the Ship Investigations Officer standing near the Vanguard compound's armory.

This is it, the moment you knew would come when you joined the war effort. Taking the fight to the heart of the Rikti: Their mothership. You will need to prepare and find allies. This is not a task you can manage alone.

  • Join an Unabashed assault on the Rikti mothership.

An uncountable host of the Rikti's strongest defenders await you and your allies beneath the mothership's defensive shields. You have faced many perils, but a frontal assault of this magnitude will be a first. Despite this looming uncertainty, you feel up to the task.

Time to show these invaders what you are capable of!

Mission Objective

  • Participate in Rikti mothership raid
Unabashed (multiple locations)

If you've made it onto the Rikti Ship, under the defensive shields, you're either very brave or.....

Vanguard Operative


Intelligence Report #RWZ388.0-1188.0-2418:
Vanguard maintains vigilant logs of every registered hero and villain that enters the compound. They are all assigned provisional Vanguard operative status while collaborating with our efforts to contain the Rikti threat. This includes biometric security clearance and RWZ compound access.

So this means you now technically hold rank within Vanguard? All things considered that is pretty cool! You will enjoy the benefits of having full access to their facilities and resources. The first step is clear to you: familiarize yourself with the Vanguard's compound and officers.

  • Cooperate as a Vanguard Operative.

State of the art facilities, biometric clearance, Vanguard Operative $name.

You realize you are here to fight back the Rikti, but there is no harm in just enjoying the realization that you are now involved in an elite alien-fighting organization, just like in the movies!

Mission Objective

  • Explore the Vanguard compound
Vanguard Operative (328.0, -69.0, -2444.5)[Copy]

You have entered the Vanguard base where all your efforts will now go towards fighting the Rikti. The Vanguard and your natural enemies are now your allies.