Suspicious Envelope

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Suspicious Envelope
Port Oakes
V badge TourismBadge.png
Type Tour Guide Tip
Place Port Oakes
Available to Villains, Rogues, and Vigilantes
Level range 1–50
v  d  e


Suspicious Envelope is a tip contact that offers Tour Guide Missions in Port Oakes.


Marcone Insider

Exploration Mission

This super-conspicuous envelope looks like a crime film cliché. After opening it and confirming the contents are suspicious, you cannot help but laugh. It is dumb but also fitting, and makes you feel really shady.

While feelings are nice, so are things that will help you get ahead in the Rogue Isles. Time to make use of what you found.

  • See what prize awaits in Port Oakes.
  • Save it for a rainy day.

Too Busy

Juggling too many tasks at once will leave you vulnerable. You decide to hold off on this.

No More Missions

After awhile, you notice that Port Oakes' goons have stopped carry the envelopes you've been intercepting for easy information. It is a shame that they finally caught on to it, but all good things must come to an end.

You are already well-informed on everything happening within Port Oakes.



You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Port Oakes.


Scurvy Dog


This envelope contains a list of patrons who hold unsettled bar tabs at the Blackbeard's pub. The ledger contains instructions that should any indebted parties prove uncooperative, they can enjoy their next round at the bottom of the sea. Spooky.

Seems like your typical rough-around-the-edges business affair. It is not any concern of yours. What does sound interesting is any local seafood cuisine worth the trip to enjoy. You will, however, be sure and pay your bill in a timely fashion.

  • Dine like a Scurvy Dog.

It is a surprise how difficult it can be to find any decent places to eat in the Rogue Isles.

One would think quality seafood to be in high supply amongst its coastal settlements, but alas, too many local restaurants end up being money laundering fronts or similarly shady setups. What a shame.

Mission Objective

  • Visit Blackbeard's pub
Scurvy Dog (-2852.0, 81.9, 1216.5)[Copy]

The owner of Blackbeard's pub is rumored to have sent more than one patron to Davey Jones locker.

Washed Up


There is a friendly greeting in this envelope, followed by a cordial invitation to make like a Marcone and experience what lungs filled with seawater feels like. Classy decorum from the Family as always, their panache always manages tickles your fancy.

The dreaded "low-tide ride" is somewhat of a famous cliché in Port Oakes local culture. Recalling it happened somewhere on the coast east of Fort Hades... You wonder if the car is still there.

  • See what Washed Up.

The Family's theatrics establish a baseline for what happens to mooks who think they can break the rules. It sets the stage for how crime is conducted in the area and upholds the status quo effectively.

These crime lords have been in business for decades and do not tolerate arrogant upstarts who do not respect the order of things.

Mission Objective

  • Witness Family hospitality
Washed Up (-3903.5, 15.5, -1369.5)[Copy]

Emil Marcone's brother was found at low tide in this particular vehicle.

Powder Monkey


Contained within this envelope are contracts for specialists in spectral technology to inspect the equipment at Fort Hades. Not too surprising; you had heard the old fort has a bit of a ghost pirate problem with which Arachnos is none too thrilled. You imagine the phantom "yarr harr"'s would lose their maritime appeal after a few weeks.

While thinking that over, perhaps you can take advantage of the situation. Manipulating the spooky sailors should be possible if you knew the historical context behind the fortification. With some free time on your hands, a quick jaunt to the fort sounds worthwhile.

  • Make like a Powder Monkey.

The pirates must have been quite tenacious if even after death they cling to the old fort. To you the structure just seems like a historical footnote, but to the spectral crew it must hold special significance.

Values aside, you can respect their otherworldly determination; especially if it proves useful to your own endeavors!

Mission Objective

  • Visit the pirate stronghold
Powder Monkey (-3738.5, 237.4, -1128.5)[Copy]

The last of the pirates died at this location defending the fort against Blackbeard.



This envelope's contents detail a rather questionable scheme: some Hellions aim to collect the crude oil trapped in the wrecked tanker in the Oil Spill region.

The prospect of these gang members having the means by which to collect crude oil is dubious at best. You imagine using their bare hands would prove fruitless. Regardless, the existence of the tanker wreckage itself is more compelling intel, perhaps a future card to be played? You opt to familiarize yourself with this situation in case it can be utilized someday.

  • Locate the wrecked Tanker.

Based on the fact that these random criminals are privy to the details, it would appear this wreckage has been there for quite some time. You question why Arachnos has never bothered with any clean-up efforts.

The presence and ire of the Coralax hordes plaguing the nearby port is likely related to this environmental negligence.

Mission Objective

  • Investigate crude tanker wreckage
Driller (1030.0, 8.2, 1982.0)[Copy]

Three years ago, Ms. Liberty smashed the supervillain Thermonuke through the deck and into the volatile crude below. Thermonuke's devastating powers ignited the oil and cracked open the Cairo Queen like a pixie stick.

Long Walk


You read a hastily scrawled message on the paper tucked within:
"Hey bro, yeah it's all over, the Marcones are onto us. They invited me to walk through that damn parking tunnel but I took off running, somehow managed to get away without taking a bullet. I'm out of here, stowing away on the next ferry. Find me in Cap, brother."

It sounds like the Family wanted some upstarts to disappear. Maybe they should have played their hand smarter? Either way, you find yourself curious to see the aforementioned tunnel. There is only one place that comes to mind in the area that fits that description...

  • Enjoy a Long Walk.

The traditional approach the Family takes toward crime is something you can appreciate. There is a sort of classic standard there that follows all the unspoken rules of the crime underworld.

Anybody foolish enough to cross those very distinct lines should expect to pay the penalty for it.

Mission Objective

  • Drive by Marcone parking lot
Long Walk (-703.0, 128.0, 211.5)[Copy]

These long parking tunnels are the last thing that many who cross the Marcones see when they're asked to "come take a long walk." Those who live in Port Oakes know to steer clear - and that all of the cars in the lot belong to the Marcones.

Big Spider


Arachnos' foothold in Port Oakes is hard to miss. The area's most monolithic skyscraper is adorned in red and black banners. You wonder if they want people to know who controls that building?

Jokes aside, you have found an envelope containing trespassing citations from Lord Recluse's spiders to some Marcone mooks who have been "sticking their noses where they don't belong". There must be some juicy history behind that building, and you are going to uncover that dirt.

  • See who is the Big Spider in Port Oakes.

You are aware that both Arachnos and the Family have long histories in the area, though, you could not say off-hand who has been here longer.

That the local seat of power is known as Marconeville but is under Lord Recluse's banner does suggest a source of contention between the two groups.

Mission Objective

  • See Arachnos Marconeville building
Big Spider (-1023.5, 96.9, -896.0)[Copy]

This towering skyscraper used to belong to the Marcones before Arachnos seized it for the purpose of "overseeing operations in Port Oakes." The Marcones have been bitter about it ever since.

Commuter's Woe


This bulging envelope is filled with signed petitions from various business owners to persuade Arachnos to rebuild the Mount Diable Tunnel. They cite unnecessary costs and economic strain placed on locals who have to rely on sea-based travel and shipping.

Looking over the map of the Rogue Isles, it does appear that both Cap Au Diable and Port Oakes sit on the same island. It is easy to see the advantages lost by having no land routes between the two cities. Curious at what happened to the original connection, you head westward. There is really only one spot where that tunnel could have been.

  • Find source of Commuter's Woe.

It is a shame that the tunnel is out of commission. You question what blocks efforts to rebuild it. Perhaps control is the reason -- seafaring vessels are more easily managed.

You would wager the ultimate reason is that the situation is profitable to Arachnos.

Mission Objective

  • Inspect Mount Diable Tunnel
Commuter's Woe (1771.0, 63.5, -696.0)[Copy]

The Mount Diable Tunnel, destroyed following a turf war gone explosive, connected Port Oakes to Cap au Diable. Much to the chagrin of many commuters, no effort has been made to rebuild it.

Hidden Getaway


The documents in this envelope show that some Marcone heads discretely departed via submarine to Nerva Archipelago. You look at a map of the Rogue Isles, but don't see where there could be a north-facing docking installation to accommodate this, and you cannot imagine they would have gotten those expensive dress suits wet.

Unless there is a hidden retreat on the Port Oakes outskirts? There is a location that stands out...

  • Make a Hidden Getaway.

A subtle hideout paired with an escape vessel for skipping town when things are getting dicey sounds like an excellent contingency plan. You should devise something similar for yourself some time.

One can never have too many back-up plans for when things go awry. If you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail!

Mission Objective

  • Tour Marcone's retreat
Hidden Getaway (365.0, 128.0, -2423.5)[Copy]

When things became heated between rival families, heads of the Marcones have been known to hide in this cabin, sometimes using the nearby submarine to escape to better grounds. Some say this may even be where the first monkey fight club was started.