Cage Consortium Ledger

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Cage Consortium Ledger
Sharkhead Isle
V badge TourismBadge.png
Type Tour Guide Tip
Place Sharkhead Isle
Available to Villains, Rogues, and Vigilantes
Level range 1–50
v  d  e


Cage Consortium Ledger is a tip contact that offers Tour Guide Missions in Sharkhead Isle.


Jumped the Shark

Exploration Mission

After a cursory flip-through of the ledger, it seems like just about everyone on Sharkhead Isle is in the pocket of The Cage Consortium or owes them money. While that does not necessarily surprise you much, what does catch your eye is a list of notes by the various accounts.

This could be utilized to give yourself an advantage with your dealings on the island. Being privy to various insider-only knowledge could be useful.

  • Sink your teeth into Sharkhead Isle.
  • Escape the jaws of commitment.

Too Busy

You remember how many tasks you need to take care of. There are bigger fish to fry, so to speak.

No More Missions

You check the ledger again but looks like you've already jumped the shark. There is nothing left for you to sink your teeth into.



You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Sharkhead Isle.


Razor Toothed


It does not take much review of these ledgers to see a major reason for the Cage Consortium's losses: The Scrapyarders. The rioting laborers are single-handedly responsible for the majority of damages to local operations on Sharkhead Isle.

You did some sleuthing on your own and gathered that apparently things went from bad to worse after Captain Mako got involved. Since then, the violence has spread significantly, and these riots are now led by a... spectral phantom? This is all too intriguing not to warrant further investigation.

  • Witness results of Razor Toothed Method.

It would seem the gruesome death of the Scrapyarders' namesake and leader, Scrapyard, ignited a burning fire in the hearts of the men who are committed to rioting. Escalating matters further, the very man the Cage Consortium paid Mako to deal with has risen from the grave to continue defying his oppressors.

It is thoroughly amusing how completely things backfired.

Mission Objective

  • Seek visage of Scrapyard
Razor Toothed (461.5, -15.4, 1652.0)[Copy]

This is the spot where Mako paraded Scrapyard's body after he eviscerated him. Many of the locals have seen his ghost in this area.

Forged by Hellfire


While the ledgers certainly catalogue the debts owed to the Cage Consortium, there are no shortage of accounts that detail the immense profits they enjoy from their mining operations on Sharkhead Isle. The Hell Forge in particular processes an unparalleled amount of ore and Cage has no shortage of buyers awaiting refined materials.

The massive towering monolith that is the Cage Consortium's primary facility is quite unlike anything else you have had the opportunity to see. Its scale is truly a spectacle to behold. The decision is made to take a closer look, woe unto any guards who get in your way. You have never been one to gracefully accept 'no' for an answer.

  • Survive being Forged by Hellfire.

You cannot imagine counting the arsenal of weapons, armor, and engines of war that have been molded and given form by the fires within this massive furnace. There is truly no more fitting a name than the Hell Forge.

The armies of Arachnos will continue to be well-stocked with the Cage Consortium operating in their neighborhood.

Mission Objective

  • Investigate the Hell Forge
Forged by Hellfire (1968.0, 64.0, -192.0)[Copy]

The Hell Forge is the largest above ground furnace on the planet.

Freak of Nature


An unexpected name comes up in the account listing on the ledger -- The Freakshow. Many would not have thought they could be bargained with, but apparently they pay the Cage Consortium to maintain their autonomy within the space they have carved out within the Crush. They subsidize the costs of this agreement by culling the Slag Golem population to manageable numbers.

The Freaks always prove their capacity to defy expectations. It sounds like they have a pretty nice arrangement here on Sharkhead Isle. Regardless, they are still a group of violence-addled cybernetically augmented maniacs. You will want to know the lay of their land in the event things ever get difficult.

  • Live like a Freak of Nature.

It is your understanding that the Freakshow on Sharkhead Isle have found some unlikely allies in former Vahzilok meat doctors who fled from Paragon City to find "creative freedoms" afforded by less hero-populated avenues.

You imagine that, given time, the Freaks here may evolve into something else entirely from their Paragon City brethren.

Mission Objective

  • Tour local Freakshow community
Freak of Nature (1228.0, 89.6, -2183.5)[Copy]

The Freakshow have managed to find utopia in this forsaken slag heap.

Pit Viper


You have heard talk regarding some spectacular fighting events hosted in the Cage Consortium's mining pit. To your surprise, this ledger suggests they are actually organized and operated by Cage as well. The profit numbers from wagers alone are staggering.

This has inspired you. With a wealth of experience in butt-kicking, you could rack up a pretty penny winning bouts. It would probably be best to memorize the layout of the arena; you will turn every element into an advantage in your favor.

  • Establish yourself as a Pit Viper.

You will have to toe the line cautiously. Win too much and you will accrue a daunting list of rivals gunning for your head, which would be a hassle to deal with later.

It should be reasonable to collect a decent pot of winnings but retire before you become a benchmark to measure up against...

Mission Objective

  • Prove yourself in The Pit
Pit Viper (147.5, -377.8, 1498.5)[Copy]

This hole is used by the locals as a makeshift arena for fighting and wagering.

Sky Chaser


The looming Sky Raider platform to the south is an unmistakable feature on Sharkhead Isle. According to this ledger, it was also obscenely expensive and the numbers don't add up. Cage foot the bill for certain assembly components of the impressive base, but they suspect an unidentified benefactor was responsible for the rest.

Looking at the huge rig's silhouette along the horizon, you must admit it is a veritable stronghold. You have a strange relationship with heavily fortified lairs; the tighter the security, the more insatiable the desire is to infiltrate its defenses. The calling must be answered to put the Sky Raider's efforts to the test.

  • Climb aboard and become a Sky Chaser.

Sky Raider activity seems to be popping up everywhere recently, with project collaborations between every villain group under the sun. Business must be booming for Colonel Duray and his platoon of aerial assault troopers.

You wager this could potentially backfire when they inevitably overreach their limitations.

Mission Objective

  • Sneak onto Sky Raider platform
Sky Chaser (304.0, 127.3, 2309.0)[Copy]

The Sky Raiders use this as one of their main bases. Some say that they received funding from Arachnos to build the base in Sharkhead, perhaps to serve as a balance against the Council base nearby.

Unwelcome Guest


It appears that even the mighty Council are paying the Cage Consortium. The ledger details payments for construction materials and personnel. The Council is making improvements to their fortifications, including turrets, security systems, and weaponry.

They seem to have been terribly busy. You cannot help but wonder why. In circumstances such as these, you like to indulge in the benefits of being the $archetype that you are and simply walk into enemy territory, wreaking havoc if anybody looks at you funny. Time to pay an impromptu house call to the Council hiding away in their little base.

  • Invite yourself as an Unwelcome Guest.

You imagine the Council here are operating under stressful circumstances. They are a sizeable distance from their main holdings on Striga Isle, still dealing with the fallout from the 5th Column's coup, and having to pay Cage to maintain their position.

The foothold here on Sharkhead Isle is truly beset on all sides. Not that it is your problem, quite the opposite in fact.

Mission Objective

  • Infiltrate Council base
Unwelcome Guest (-634.0, 0.5, 1437.0)[Copy]

This Council base has managed to maintain its foothold within Sharkhead despite numerous attacks from several groups. These days, the biggest threats are the 5th Column raids and exposing sleeper agents among Council ranks.

Sky Trader


This section of the ledger compares and contrasts two accounts: The Sky Raiders' and the Family's. Notes on these pages provide evidence that the Cage Consortium closely monitors the inter-organizational activities of their clients for potential suspicious or malicious behavior.

The latest entries mention that aerial mercenaries and the local mobsters have been meeting at the Villa Requin atop the eastern off-shore islet, but to what end has yet to be determined. This mansion sounds like a lead worth investigating. At worst, you may uncover nothing interesting. At best, you will have bargaining chips in your pocket to play against both villain groups.

  • Seize opportunity to become a Sky Trader.

You will have to be cautious of the Cage Consortium's diligence in the matter of their finances. They are not content to simply arrange business with their clientele; they also seek to actively and thoroughly monitor their every move on the island.

Should you find yourself crossing them, you will have to hide your tracks well.

Mission Objective

  • Snoop around Villa Requin
Sky Trader (-2077.0, 56.0, 512.0)[Copy]

The Family's mansion in Villa Requin has played host to many higher ranking officials within the Sky Raiders. There are rumors that the two groups plot a potential take over of Sharkhead Isle within this mansion.

Carping the Diem


There is a large account held by the Family. It looks like they have been paying the Cage Consortium for a diverse list of services: acquisition of materials, security details to repel Scrapyarder vandalism, intel on various high profile targets on the island, and interestingly, repairs on a VIP tanker dubbed the the Carpe Diem.

Based on the ledger's specifics, it seems the vessel has been grounded. It suffered severe damage after a recent hero-related incursion that saw significant losses for the Family. While that is certainly too bad for them, you notice the dock's location is included in the details. Time to seize the day and inspect what makes this ship so special.

  • Ensure you are Carping the Diem.

Given the Family's extremely wide breadth of activity, both amongst the Rogue Isles and within Paragon City, having this massive vessel out of commission must be causing serious operational disruptions for the mobsters and their bottom line.

However, Cage's coffers certainly do not seem to mind.

Mission Objective

  • Inspect Family flagship
Carping the Diem (-0.5, 7.7, -1986.0)[Copy]

The Carpe Diem is the Family's 'flagship' for various overseas deals that they make. The ship is periodically grounded to deal with troublesome Scrapyarders.