Casino Player's Rulebook

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Casino Player's Rulebook
St. Martial
V badge TourismBadge.png
Type Tour Guide Tip
Place St. Martial
Available to Villains, Rogues, and Vigilantes
Level range 1–50
v  d  e


Casino Player's Rulebook is a tip contact that offers Tour Guide Missions in St. Martial.


Johnny's Ex-Best Friend

Exploration Mission

It is common to see street vendors selling these pocket rulebooks to those coming and going from St. Martial. "The smart gambler's best friend." it says on the front.

You were not planning on spending much time in the casinos. However, you are curious what rules exactly govern the gambling landscape here, as well as what consequences one might face for breaking them.

  • Go all-in on St. Martial.
  • You decide to fold.

Too Busy

With how little time you have, you cannot afford the buy-in. Maybe if you finish up some tasks, you will have a place at the table.

No More Missions

You close the rulebook. It looks like the table limit has been reached. It was entertaining at least, and you have mastered your St. Martial poker face.



You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within St. Martial.


Deuces Wild


You open the rulebook to the first page and check where it starts:
"Rule #1: So, you want to be a high roller? Then you already have the guts, and that's half the formula. The rest is knowing the lay of the land. Everyone's seen the Giza, sure, but St. Martial is big with plenty of places to play. The first rule is knowing your venues. Tour the Jackpot strip and learn the casinos. Each has their own vibes, rules, games, and most importantly, dangers."

Makes sense; you know enough about this type of landscape to be aware that winning too often in the same spot is asking for trouble. The Golden Giza might be the biggest draw, but there is plenty to see, even if you are not looking to gamble.

  • Learn how Wild the Deuces are.

While becoming some gambling wizard is not really among your goals here, you do find yourself fascinated by the depth found in the methodology and culture surrounding the casino lifestyle. You have been told that luck can only carry a person for so long; the rest is learning how to win with a losing hand.

You are beginning to understand what that meant.

Mission Objective

  • Walk the Jackpot strip
Deuces Wild (-3325.5, -29.0, -434.5)[Copy]

Twos are wild, but not as wild as you!



In your effort to continue orienting yourself on St. Martial, you review the rulebook:
"Rule #2: Don't wander into Fortune's Wheel. The place is anything but fortunate. Gamblers want to win cash. Short, simple, easy to understand. The crooks hiding in that forest? They're not playing for money; their game is something else entirely, and the smart player doesn't join games they don't understand."

It would appear those operating out of the forest are cut from a different cloth from the thugs and mobsters that run the greater part of St. Martial. Some villains aim for money and others aim for something greater. What are you fighting for? Well, you wouldn't want to spoil that surprise yet. Perhaps you will demonstrate what you're all about to those Fortune's Wheel dwellers?

  • Understand like a Crimelord.

Money, control, fame, ambition, justice. The motivations that drive one's hand to action vary greatly, but when are all vying for the same prize, somebody is going to have to yield.

One must be ready to cast others down to thrive on the Rogue Isles.

Mission Objective

  • Scope out Fortune's Wheel
Crimelord / Paroled (-895.0, 9.2, -1496.0)[Copy]

The weeds of crime bear bitter fruit.

Most of Paragon City agrees that you've paid your debt to society. Most, but not all.



With a moment to spare, you flip through the rulebook:
"Rule #3: If you ain't sure you should be touching something, don't go touching something. The Golden Giza's got these mumbo jumbo MacGuffins surrounding the outside. If you enjoy those fingers counting ten, you'll leave well enough alone. Simple? Simple."

While you are not exactly sure what the rulebook is specifically referring to here, a quick lap around the pyramid-shaped casino should help you to catch onto its meaning.

  • Hands off the Stonekeepers.

You had heard various rumors that the Golden Giza's owner, Johnny Sonata had gotten wrapped up in some risky business and had recently become obsessed with trying various protective measures.

Maybe these voodoo-untouchables tie into that somehow?

Mission Objective

  • Look but don't touch the obelisk
Stonekeeper (-2566.0, 119.5, 3000.5)[Copy]

What strange purpose do these glyphs serve?

Camel Snot


There's a rule here that is both fascinating and bizarre:
"Rule #4: The St. Martial code of honor declares that if you get caught cheating red-handed at a casino, there's only one out: 'The Camel's Nose'. In this penalty, involved parties ascend the 'nose' of the casino's face, usually the roof. The cheater must mix the drink known as 'Camel Snot'. If they're smart, they'll do it. Afterwards, they get their nose smashed in but get to walk out alive. This is a courtesy extended by the casino. A sick camel with a busted nose tests no more tents, you follow?."

Wow. You have seen a lot, but nothing quite like this. It is absurd and yet, local culture is always an experience. Cheating at a casino and getting your nose broken sounds... not ideal. However, mixing that drink on a casino's 'nose' should be within the realm of possibility.

  • Can you master the Camel Snot...?

The rulebook includes an ominous set of instructions for the 'Camel Snot'. Apparently, one utilizes one nostril each to intake milk and red wine and rapidly mix the two within their mouth.

You have a bad feeling about this, but you have conquered far greater danger. This will not best you!

Mission Objective

  • Endure local mixology ritual
Camel Snot (-1885.0, 595.5, 2047.5)[Copy]

You've finally done it, you've mastered the art of mixing the elusive 'Camel Snot'

Dead Man's Tree


Now is a good time to learn another one of St. Martial's gambler rules:
"Rule #5: Those who decide to break the rules will in turn, be broken. Except for rituals of atonement (see Rule #4), anybody who can't play nice is made to be an example. The Dead Man's Tree on the northwestern corner is always accommodating in showing uncooperative mooks to the crows. Play fair or play smart, friend."

You did not need a rulebook to tell you that trying anything funny at casinos run by the Family would be met with heavy-handed enforcement. This tree mentioned in the rulebook sounds gruesome, yet you find yourself quite intrigued. There is likely to be a fascinating story behind the landmark.

  • Stand before the Dead Man's Tree.

If you had to hazard a guess, you would imagine the traditions and rules upheld here would be historical holdovers from older days where pirates, rascals, and scalawags roamed these once Etoile Islands.

It makes sense to you. Even these dens of criminals need a code of ethics to maintain a healthy place to conduct their business.

Mission Objective

  • Acknowledge where cheaters hang
Dead Man's Tree (1670.5, 121.3, -2229.0)[Copy]

This dead tree within St. Martial is said to be haunted by the ghost of a man who tried to chop it down. People say that if you look closely, you can see glimpses of the man's skeleton, waiting to be released from his torture...



Finding yourself with time to review another one of the gambler's rules, you flip through the book:
"Rule #6: The smart gambler always hides his last nickel within his left shoe. Those who lose it all become stuck on a crappy road. The Black Mariah slums claim the poor souls who risked more than they could afford. Wise up and know when to cut your losses, capeesh?"

You had heard of the dangers of gambling addictions, but you did not know it could be such a widespread problem that entire communities exist for harboring those with broken wallets. You make the call to go check out these slums and see what happens to losers of high-stake games.

  • Walk amongst those who lost it all.

You suppose that you are running a type of gamble each time you deal with somebody standing in your way. One can never know if that next opponent is beyond you. Everyone has different possible avenues to fortune, each laden with varying risks.

Some fight a $archetype and get turned into a pretzel for their arrogance, others wager their worth and walk away with nothing.

Mission Objective

  • Visit Black Mariah slums
Slumlord / Social Worker (-202.5, -74.5, -852.5)[Copy]

These slums are known to house people who have lost everything at the Golden Giza. These wanderers have become large enough in numbers to form their own community.

Infamous Rubble


Surprisingly enough, you have nothing better to do right now. You opt to read a rule from the booklet:
"Rule #7: Stay away from the Hard Way. When those weird cyclops gargoyles crawled out of whatever hell they spawned from, chaos broke out and descended into all-out war around the southeastern strip's big skyscraper. Arachnos went 'all-in' on that hand and flipped the whole table; now the whole spot is a dumpster fire. The only house rule there is violence, and trust me, it's a high buy-in, buddy."

You can only guess they are referring to the Wailers that seem to be found everywhere in St. Martial now. You wonder if the events that unfolded there hold the answer to the demons' origins. Violence is a language in which you are quite fluent, so you are not too worried about that.

  • Climb the Infamous Rubble.

For Arachnos to have made the decision to simply bomb the whole building, the situation must have gotten quite ugly. You cannot help but wonder if the whole affair was orchestrated.

Maybe not; you will simply chalk this one up to Hanlon's razor, until contrary evidence comes to light.

Mission Objective

  • Do things The Hard Way
Infamous Rubble (-4851.0, 152.4, 1868.0)[Copy]

This pile of rubble used to be one of the largest skyscrapers within St. Martial. When the Wailers appeared, a huge battle broke out among Wailers, Arachnos and the Family, which led to the utter destruction of this building and the spread of Wailers into St. Martial.



You find yourself towards the end of the pages in the rulebook:
"Rule #8: Don't party with the Carnies, ever. Look, I can't count the number of mooks who ran off in search of R&R and found their 'entertainment' at the Carnival of Shadows by the Fortune's Wheel. What became of them? I'm sure it ain't good. Those tents got a royal flush of sexy, curvy ladies, sure, but those pot odds ain't worth your soul, pal. Some chips you don't put on the table, always remember that."

Sound advice... unless you happen to be a super-powered $archetype. You have heard the Carnies put on quite the show, should you survive their wiles. There is no obstacle you cannot climb. You hope their performance today is especially good.

  • Demonstrate what makes you a Showstopper.

The Carnival of Shadows troupes are notoriously nomadic. Their tents and performances are rarely seen in one place for long. For them to have set up permanent residence in St. Martial must mean they quite like the locale.

You suppose they do fit right into the flashy aesthetic of the casino district...

Mission Objective

  • Attend the Carnival's show
Showstopper (-2198.5, 15.5, -1953.0)[Copy]

Hundreds of spectators have stood in this spot, transfixed by the eclectic performances of the Carnival of Shadows. Many of them are never seen again; some speculate that they've joined the troupe, while others fear they met more unpleasant fates.