Odd Sentient Scroll

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Odd Sentient Scroll
Night Ward
Badge TourismPraetoria.png
Type Tour Guide Tip
Place Night Ward
Available to Everyone
Level range 1–50
v  d  e


Odd Sentient Scroll is a tip contact that offers Tour Guide Missions in Night Ward.


Ethereal Drifter

Exploration Mission

You found this scroll on one of the denizens of the Night Ward, clearly otherworldly in nature. You unclasp the ribbon binding around the scroll. To your surprise, it stands upright in the palm of your hand and faces you.

The whole situation is quite strange, but then again, so is everything about this bizarre shadow of the First Ward. With no better ideas, you decide to ask the scroll if it knows anything interesting it wouldn't mind sharing.

  • Ask the scroll about the Night Ward.
  • Put the scroll away.

Too Busy

Re-clasping the scroll, you question if you are delirious right now. Perhaps you are overworked from the many tasks piled on you at the moment.

No More Missions

The scroll raises a ribbon-brow at you and scoffs when you press it with your question:
"Uhh, I don't think so. We've heard all about you, bub. Some kind of scroll-talking weirdo? No, no, no, no. Not happening. I got better things to do!"

The scroll hops off your hand and shuffles along the ground, disappearing from sight.



You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Night Ward.


Nocturnal Pilgrim


The scroll hunches over and rubs the two ends of its ribbons together deviously:
"What manner of foolishness is this? You dare address a query to ME?! I would see your soul cast into the infernal abyss for such thoughtless action. Though, perhaps you know not what you ask! Very well, those who are witless enough to peer into the eternal darkness shall have their curiosity answered thus! Seek now the reward your brash actions have wrought! Chained to your fate as you are now, I pity you hence."

The scroll faces you and unfurls, revealing a map of the Night Ward on its parchment. A singular point burns with a purple flame.
"Now go, your task is set. There is no escape for your insipid soul. Farewell!" The scroll begins laughing maniacally as the purple flame consumes it in its entirety, leaving only embers behind. You have no idea what awaits you at that point, but it cannot be good.

  • Make the nocturnal pilgramage.

Following directions from a scroll with an evil laugh is probably not a great idea, but you are curious about the destination.

In the end, curiosity tends to win out over the potential for danger. You decide to make the journey, if there is anything perilous, you feel confident that you can handle it.

Mission Objective

  • Reach Lichgate's Chapel
Nocturnal Pilgrim (-2333.5, 83.3, -37.0)[Copy]

An arduous trek across Night Ward's misty plain has brought you at last to Lichgate's Chapel of Enduring Light. Your faith grows fleeting as you observe the disheartened souls around you, lying in wait to be ferried to the other side. You begin to feel as though perhaps your journey to this land has been in vain. Perhaps you have been led this far only to have your spirits broken like so many of those around you. Night Ward can be a cruel mistress.

Happy Camper


The scroll stands up straight, ribbon resting on its side. It somehow seems to peer up at you:
"Good evening sir or madam. You seek avenues of enlightenment then? Truly, good of you! Nothing quite as fulfilling as knowledge! Right then, let us make an accord. I will provide you a location of interest, and you will place me within one of the tents there when we arrive. Is this agreement acceptable?"

You agree to the parchment's terms and you shake on it (by having it wrap its ribbon around your pinky).
"Very good! That way then, be aware that the knights around this area tend to dislike uninvited guests. You may have to get violent or sneaky. Right then, off we go!" You follow the scroll's directions toward the aforementioned camp.

  • Be a Happy Camper.

You have seen the heavily armored knights that roam the Night Ward. It appears this scroll must belong to them and wishes to be returned.

At the very least, this will be an opportunity to learn more about the Black Knights and their purpose, methods, and the location they are occupying.

Mission Objective

  • Infiltrate the Black Knight camp
Happy Camper (104.0, 26.4, 2029.5)[Copy]

You have landed in the heart of the Black Knight's encampment. Whether you stormed through with guns blazing or stealthily slinked past its many guards, Night Ward recognizes the bold of spirit and plays her next move accordingly.

House Hunter


The scroll sighs, plops down on your palm and looks around:
"Alright, I guess it can't hurt. You ever been to that fancy mansion sitting on top of the hedge maze? No...? Actually? Well there ya go then, easy peezy. Not sure why you needed me to tell ya that."

You ask the scroll if it knows what is inside the mansion.
"My guy, I'm just a piece of sentient parchment. Go ask a book or something, those annoying know-it-alls..."

The scroll grumbles, folds itself into a paper airplane, and flies into the air and out of sight. Looks like you will have to go to the mansion yourself to learn more.

  • Hunt down a House.

The mansion certainly exudes an exciting air of intrigue, like you walked into a classic horror or mystery film. Its looming spires create an extremely whimsical scene against the starry backdrop of the Night Ward's sky.

You find yourself excited to make your way over to its doors and see what secrets are hidden within.

Mission Objective

  • Enter the Arcane Quarter mansion
House Hunter (1699.0, -568.8, -1987.0)[Copy]

Chance holds little sway over the fate of Night Ward's visitors, and your happening upon the Midnighter Mansion was no exception. Despite the gloomy facade of this old Victorian house you feel eerily at home within its walls.

Abandoned Soul


This scroll jumps when you open it, creases running up and down its parchment:
"W-w-what do you want?! P-please, don't use me for anything unsavory! L-let me go and I'll share a secret with you... H-how does that sound?"

You nod and agree to release the scroll after you have heard its piece.
"Oh t-thank goodness... I really appreciate it... Okay, here is what I know: There is a train station near the center of Lamplight Junction. T-they say it runs to the afterlife, but those guys have been waiting in line for awhile..."

The scroll nervously tips a crease to you and hops out of your hands, the wind catching it and carrying it into the dark night. Train station full of ghosts... That should be easy enough to find.

  • Wait in line with Abandoned Souls.

You find yourself wondering if the departed actually ride a train to the great beyond. Legend always mentioned taking a ferry across the River Styx to reach the afterlife.

Maybe the ferryman got sick of manually ferrying souls and decided to reinvent his methods with some modern engineering?

Mission Objective

  • Visit Lamplight Junction station
Abandoned Soul (-411.0, 56.0, -2623.5)[Copy]

You've managed to push your way through the teeming crowd of displaced souls in an effort to get a ticket out of Night Ward - only to find that there ain't no train a-comin'. Unlike the dead, however this does little to faze you. After all, if creatures keep finding ways in there must be other ways out.

Dead but Dreaming


The scroll yawns and rolls itself back up. You poke it a few times until it unfurls:
"Hey... Stop that. Just leave me be, I am far too tired to deal with busybodies like you."

It rolls itself back up once again. You respond with more vigorous poking until it finally relents. "Ugh... Unbelievable. Fine. You want something to go waste your time fretting over? Go look at the dead thing south of the City of Souls. Small island, big husk. Can't miss it. Now, just set me down and go away."

You shrug and set the scroll down somewhere safe nearby. South of the flooded city in the center of the Night Ward? Easy enough.

  • Understand those who are Dead but Dreaming.

You have the momentary thought of how the physical might affect the ethereal here. If you broke a window in the First Ward, would the same window end up broken here?

The idea that actions somewhere that you cannot perceive might impact the world around you. It seems like it would be frustrating to no end.

Mission Objective

  • Stand within Fallen Seed's shadow
Dead but Dreaming (901.0, 22.3, 1997.0)[Copy]

The final resting place of the Seed of Hamidon radiates a chill that permeates even Night Ward. In spite of this you take comfort in knowing that Night Ward is beyond Hamidon's reach. But to those denizens unfamiliar with the events leading to the fall of First Ward, this skull-shaped husk is an object of superstition and trepidation. It seems that even in death the Seed continues to spread its influence.

Follow the Light


The scroll stretches its rolls and uses a ribbon to scratch its backside:
"You're really a pain in the parchment, you know that? Fine. There's this neat member of the Carnival of Light. She's called a Mistress of Fate, and has some neat tricks that can make your life harder but more rewarding, or easier and less so. Not bad, huh? I'll even do you a solid..."

The scroll flattens itself and a map of the Night Ward appears, with a little gold star popping up in the Arcane Quarter; You memorize its location.

"Don't tell anybody that I never did anything for you!" The scroll then hops to the ground and shoos you away with one of its corners. It looks like time to go pay that Mistress of Fates a visit.

  • Follow the Light's guidance.

You have heard that various individuals have this type of power: To rearrange the threads of fate to slightly alter the course of one's future. These fortune tellers cannot majorly impact the course of events, but destiny can be swayed to make things more lenient.

Karmic balance does ensure the price is paid, however. Those who face greater challenges will find their lives far more rewarding for it.

Mission Objective

  • Find Mistress of Fate
Follow the Light (1270.0, 60.0, -2134.0)[Copy]

You have discovered the first of many lighted paths in Night Ward. The Carnival of Light has been working tirelessly to hold the darkness of this realm at bay by way of their protective luster. With the light as your guide you are free to traverse Night Ward's darkest corners, undetected by the countless dangers that heed her call.



The scroll suspiciously makes sure nobody is around before responding:
"Hehehe, oh yeah, I got something special just for you, buddy. Real powerful stuff, top shelf magic, you're gonna be a god among mortals. It's your lucky day, that's for sure. What's your name?"

You did not expect today's decisions to include deciding to trust some sketchy parchment. You give it your name.
"$name huh? Fine name. Smart name! Now here's what's what. Give me something nice, and I'll share knowledge that will make you unstoppable."
You shrug, and offer it a piece of metal you picked up earlier. "Ohhh ho ho, yes, that's what I'm talking about. Alright, here's your ticket:"

It whispers a location to visit in your ear, wraps itself around its payment to form a ball, and rolls away. You hope this venture is worth whatever you get.

  • Receive Monolithic energy.

At best, you received something for this relatively cheap exchange; that metal was nothing particularly special. At worst, you got scammed and outwitted by a sentient scroll and you will have to live with that knowledge for the rest of your life.

Perhaps this was bad idea, but at this point you should just see the thing through.

Mission Objective

  • Imbue yourself with radiance
Monolithic (-2604.5, 74.7, 2031.5)[Copy]

As you set foot in this peculiar stone circle you can feel ancient magics coursing through your veins. The source of its power remains a mystery - as well it should. Night Ward harbors many secrets too awesome, too transcendent for the mortal mind to behold. To merely be counted among those touched by her radiance is in itself a humbling experience.



This scroll looks at you, leans to the side, and coyly wraps its ribbon around its middle:
"Oh... Why hello there, handsome! I haven't had the pleasure of such fine company in quite some time. Tell me, what's a fine $archetype like yourself doing tonight? Want to get out of here and go somewhere nice, just the two of us? What do you say?"

Hmm. Being courted by a piece of parchment is one of the weirder experiences you have ever had, but maybe it will take you somewhere interesting, so you agree.
"Oh, you know just what to say to smooth these creases out. Follow me and we'll spend a romantic evening together enjoying the stars. I know the best spot in the entire realm. You won't be disappointed!"
The scroll flattens and floats through the air, guiding you to the spot where you can see the stars better than anywhere else.

  • Become a Stargazer.

As you make your way toward the destination you cannot help but notice how the sky above seems to be endlessly alive with shooting stars that dance across its dark surface. The depth and beauty of the Night Ward's sky puts the others you had seen before to shame.

There is something otherworldly at play that gives the night here far greater potency.

Mission Objective

  • Reach the stars and enjoy the view
Stargazer (178.5, 956.3, -227.0)[Copy]

Throwing caution aside you reach the uppermost point of Night Ward. Here, scattered spirits soar overhead like shooting stars in the night sky, forever doomed to the limbo of Night Ward as she drifts ever further from the land of the dead.