Mission:Common - Test EMP Glove on Clockwork
Test EMP Glove on Clockwork (10-14)
The boys at DATA have cooked up a new gadget they think may help us defeat the Clockwork. It's called the EMP Glove, and it sends out an electromagnetic pulse that should disrupt the robots' circuitry. Can you test the EMP Glove on the Clockwork? I'd recommend starting in Kings Row or Steel Canyon.
Mission Acceptance
I'll be very interested to hear how this EMP Glove performs in the field.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I promised Professor St. John-Smythe some hard numbers. We need to know how that EMP Glove works against the Clockwork.
Temporary Power:
The EMP Glove temporary power is awarded upon mission acceptance.

Ranged Energy Damage, Foe -Endurance
his glove can deliver a high power, focused Electromagnetic Pulse to a target. Deals good damage and can drain Endurance from the target. Very effective against machines of all types. The EMP Glove has 30 charges.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I promised Professor St. John-Smythe some hard numbers. We need to know how that EMP Glove works against the Clockwork.
Mission Objective(s)
- Test EMP Glove on Clockwork
- Defeat 10 Clockwork
You have collected enough data on the EMP Glove.
It's strange that the EMP Glove wasn't much more effective than your regular powers. I guess the DATA scientists will have to go back to the drawing board.