Mission:Tip - Beethoven's 5th Symphony

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Beethoven's 5th Symphony
Alignment Mission
Salvage TipIcon.png
Type Alignment Tip
Place Paragon City
Available to Heroes and Vigilantes
Level range 30–39
Choice Hero or Vigilante
v  d  e

Beethoven's 5th Symphony

The music of Beethoven's 5th Symphony rings deeply around you. Suddenly, the holographic image of Doc Quantum appears in front of you. The man tilts his head forward towards you, his hands behind his back.

Hello, Character. Doctor Quantum here. I am happy that I was able to...contact you in this manner. I have a proposal to make. I'm sure you have heard that some people in Paragon have begun to... frown... on my experiments. However... I get the job done. What I'm curious about, however... is what you deem as important.

Truth to be told, you fascinate me in every sense of the word, Character. Now... to the game at hand.

I have arranged for the head researcher of Crey Industries, a mistress of the Carnival of Shadows, and an Arachnos Webmaster, to all convene in one office building. I myself will be unable to tend to them... but I'm sure that you could, yes? However... here is our little... experiment.

This was done at the cost of a Longbow agent - a lowly one, mind you, no one special, though she had no idea she was to be used in this experiment. She is currently in Arachnos custody and will be executed. Her location can be given to you.

And so now... Character... the test of your character. Will you stop these three important figures, or rescue a Longbow agent that no one has ever heard of? I shall be interested in seeing what you do.

You've heard that Doc Quantum has been dabbling in areas some people in Paragon frown upon. This would be a fairly big chance to get information out of these three figures - it would also put a large halt in any of the plans of each organization. Does it matter if it's at the cost of one Longbow agent? She knew the risk going into Longbow - would there be a point in saving her now, only to have her willingly give her life for the same thing?

Of course, it sounds as if Doc Quantum might have forced this agent into the situation. Someone needs to set an example to Quantum - and to the people of Paragon - on how to act.

Hero Acceptance


There's always a price to be paid for making a stand against the wrongs of the world - but that price is paid by those who choose it. Doc Quantum forcing this Longbow agent into this position goes against everything that is right - she doesn't deserve whatever fate Arachnos has planned for her.

Even if it means giving up the chance to get the villains he mentioned, the life of that woman is more important. You don't care about Doc Quantum's game, but maybe this will show him just exactly where that line between right and wrong is - a line that he seems to have lost track of.

Save the Longbow agent from Arachnos!

The location of the base given by Doc Quantum shows it being deep within the Rogue Isles - somewhere within Sharkhead. You'll have to hurry if you're going to save that woman's life! Your best bet would be to make your way through the sewers to get onto a cargo ship heading into the Isles.

Mission Objective(s)

You've made it to the Arachnos base. It's on full lockdown - they were expecting you!
Did Doc Quantum actually TELL Arachnos you'd show up?!

  • Save the Longbow Agent!
    • Rescue the Longbow Agent!
    • Lead out the Longbow Agent!

You led the Longbow agent to safety, pushing through a large fleet of Arachnos to do so!

Quantum's Information

You found a document on an Arachnos soldier from Doc Quantum himself. It reads...

Hello, scum of Arachnos, Doctor Quantum here. You might be wondering why I am contacting you. Simple - you are to be players in my experiment of morality. I have tasked Character with dealing with two issues - one which is no concern of yours, the other dealing with a woman who is soon to be in your custody. Character may try to rescue her at the time I mention further - you would do well to prepare yourselves. They must know that the path of the 'righteous' is one that is not easy - or necessarily correct.



Notable NPCs

  • Longbow Agent


You arrive back in Paragon with the Longbow agent in tow. The hologram of Doc Quantum appears again before you. He shakes his head and sighs.

'I thought you'd be willing to put the life of one over the good of many. It seems I was wrong, Character. Let us see where exactly this brings you, hm?'

The hologram vanishes, but you know what you did was the right decision - no matter what Doc Quantum says.

Vigilante Acceptance


Doc Quantum has a good way of doing things. So what if one Longbow agent has been tossed to Arachnos? The information you'll get out of these three villains is well worth the price of some agent, who would have given her life to fight against Arachnos anyway.

It doesn't matter if she didn't exactly know she was going to do it this time - does Longbow ever fully disclose that information anyway?

Regardless, Quantum has set the gift up for you - it's time to collect, though you're slightly wary about how Quantum managed to gather all of these villains together in one place. You'll have to be on your guard.

Take down the three villains!

You head to the office building that Doc Quantum specified. If this is a trap though, you'll be sure to pay the good doctor back.

Mission Objective(s)

You can already tell from the windows outside of this office building how Quantum got the villains here - the Rikti!

  • Take down Quantum's villains!
    • 3 Villains to 'Interrogate'!

You were able to get some interesting information out of the villains, some of it promising, some of it... not so much.


The Lost

(Possibly Rikti if played at high enough level)

Notable NPCs


You step out from the office building to be greeted by Doc Quantum's hologram.

'Character, you preformed admirably. You're someone who is willing to take risks to get what is needed done. People like us will move Paragon - and the world - forward. Please, I implore you, do keep in touch.'

As long as Quantum continue brining in more results like this, you will.