Mission:Common - Investigate the disappearances
Investigate the disappearances (1-5)
Several wealthy citizens have disappeared in the last couple of days. That's hardly unusual in this town, but this time no ransom notes have been delivered. I want you to investigate these disappearances, Character. I have a bad feeling that those people are in serious trouble.
Mission Acceptance
One more thing: all of the missing people had fatal illnesses. That connection has to mean something, but I can't figure out what!
Unnecessary Solicitation
You must do everything in your power to rescue those missing people.
Mission Objective(s)
Sick laughter echoes in the distance.
- Rescue the missing citizens
- 3 people to rescue
You rescued the kidnapped citizens from the Vahzilok.

The woman you rescued from the Vahzilok told you:
'They approached me because of my money, and because of my illness. You see, I'm dying of cancer. This strange Vahzilok said he could give me eternal life! And all he wanted was the bulk of my fortune!
'I was desperate, so I gave in. But that was before I knew what they wanted to do to me. They wanted to turn me into a zombie, a walking corpse!'.
So, Vahzilok convinced those people to hand over their fortunes in exchange for eternal life. Trouble is, it was a life few people would consider worth living: a life as one of his disgusting zombies! It's really sad that he would prey on the desperately ill like this. But I suppose that's what I should expect from such a demented person.