Mission:The Library of Souls - Rescue Edgard Torvald

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Rescue Edgard Torvald


I've got a mission for you, Character. A librarian named Edgar Torvald was recently abducted by the Circle of Thorns. Torvald's been doing some research for the Midnight Squad, that group of academics who try to help the city's heroes with magical conundrums. They think that the Circle might have taken him because he was trying to map out the known areas of Oranbega, the sunken city the Circle calls home. Can you rescue Torvald before the Circle does away with him?

Mission Acceptance

The Circle hates having people pry into their secrets. If you don't move quickly, Torvald probably won't last for long.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Torvald's life won't be worth much if you don't get him back from the Circle quickly.

Mission Objective(s)

The lost halls of the ancient city of Oranbega echo with your every movement.

  • Find Edgar Torvald

You found Edgar Torvald's body


Circle of Thorns
Body of Edgar Torvald

Though there is no sign of violence, Edgar Torvald lies dead. You notice that he seems to have scratched a crude map into the lining of his jacket. Of particular interest is a room marked 'The Magic Library.'


There was nothing you could have done. Torvald was probably dead before anyone even knew he was missing. He did leave us a clue, though. He scratched a rough map on the inside of his jacket. This Magic Library he indicates might be worth checking out. It won't bring Torvald back, but it might let his death mean something.