Phillipa Meraux

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Phillipa Meraux
Phillipa Meraux.jpg
Counter Terrorism Specialist
Zone Founders' Falls
Coordinates (3384, 0, 3924)[Copy]
Level Range 30-34
Introduced By == Level 25-29 ==
Christine Lansdale
== Level 30-34 ==
Tina Chung
Jose Escalante
Jenny Firkins
Neal Kendrick
Allison King
Lou Pasterelli
Peter Stemitz
Merisel Valenzuela
Introduces == Level 30-34 ==
Tina Chung
Jose Escalante
Jenny Firkins
Neal Kendrick
Allison King
Lou Pasterelli
Peter Stemitz
Merisel Valenzuela
== Level 35-39 ==
Gordon Stacy
Enemy Groups
Badges Badge stature 09.png War Wall Defender
v  d  e

Phillipa Meraux is a hero contact in the Liberty Town neighborhood of Founders' Falls at coordinates (3384, 0, 3924)[Copy] Phillipa Meraux is a Natural origin contact. Her level range is 30-34.


Contact Introduced By

Level 25-29

Level 30-34

Contact Introduces

Multiple contact options
Some of my sources want to meet you.
Single contact option
There is another source I want you to meet.

Level 30-34

My friend Tina Chung asked me to send you over. She's a high tech P.I. specializing in illegal technology, and she always needs heroes like you to help her investigate the Freakshow and Nemesis. She works primarily with technological heroes and has access to Invention and Gadget Enhancements.

Tina can be harsh, but she is good at what she does. Don't let her get under your skin; if you prove yourself, she will accept you.

You should introduce yourself to Jose Escalante, an important business man who helps heroes fight criminals who impact business and commerce, such as the Council and the Devouring Earth. He works mostly with mutants and has access to Focus and Genetic Alteration Enhancements.

Jose is the kind of person that has kept Paragon City running, despite all the disasters we've faced. We can all learn a lot from him.

Jenny Firkins is an environmentally conscious scientist who has a personal stake in bringing down the Devouring Earth and Crey. She is very dedicated to her work with science heroes and has access to Invention and Genetic Alteration Enhancements.

Jenny cares very much about Paragon City, Character. I think you will find working with her a pleasure.

Neal Kendrick has a lot of dirt on the Freakshow and Nemesis. He used to be with the FCC, but now he concentrates on helping heroes with their investigations. He works primarily with technological heroes and has access to Invention and Gadget Enhancements.

You will enjoy working with Neal. He is determined and skilled.

Allison King is psychic; She's quite adept at gathering information from people's minds. She has a great deal of knowledge about the Circle of Thorns and the Council. She works primarily with magic heroes, and has access to relic and focus enhancements.

Allison is kind, and caring. Take good care of her.

You might want to go introduce yourself to Lou Pasterelli. His politics are more than a little radical and he's had some run-ins with the authorities, but he can be a great help against the Devouring Earth and Crey. He works primarily with science heroes and has access to Invention and Genetic Alteration Enhancements.

Lou is a firebrand, but he knows how to get things done!

Peter Stemitz is an interesting case. People say the soul of an ancient shaman dwells within him. Both souls speak through Peter's body, which can be a little disconcerting. He has a great deal of knowledge about the Circle of Thorns and the Council. He works primarily with magic heroes, and has access to Relics and Focus Enhancements.

Be warned, Peter and the shaman will both speak to you. Expect the shift in speech.

Merisel Valenzuela is dedicated to freedom, especial freedom of information. She has many details on the Devouring Earth and the Council. She's very dedicated to her work with mutants and has access to Focus and Genetic Alteration enhancements.

Good luck with Merisel, I think you will find her point of view refreshing.

Level 35-39

Captain Gordon Stacy could really use your help. He has made himself unpopular by investigating Crey, and I'm sure he'd appreciate some back up. He works mostly with natural heroes and can offer Gadget and Relic Enhancements.

Crey is a very dangerous opponent, Character. Be ready for anything.


Counter Terrorism Specialist

Phillipa Meraux used to be a hero herself. Known as Clandestine, she specialized in infiltrating terrorist cells and other covert groups. But during the Rikti War, all that changed. Phillipa was caught in some crossfire between the alien invaders and the Circle of Thorns; though she survived the blasts, her powers never returned. She retains many of her contacts from her days as a hero, along with all the expertise and knowledge she acquired on the streets of Paragon City. Today she uses that expertise to help other heroes continue her crusade.

Prior to Introduction

Go see Active Contact. You are not my problem.

Initial Contact

I've heard good things about you, Character. I'm counting on you to use my information to do the things I can't. Don't let me down.


  • There's a lot to do. I hope you're prepared.
  • A lot is happening today, Character.
  • I have information for you.

Too Busy

You're already overworked.

No More Missions

Before introducing a higher-level contact
You have moved past my level of expertise.
After introducing a higher-level contact
You have completed all the tasks I had lined up for you. Good luck out there.


  • Inspirations (Luck, Catch a Breath, Enrage)
  • Level 30 Natural/Technology Dual Origin Enhancements (100% base costs) (Power 10 only)
  • Level 30 Natural/Magic Dual Origin Enhancements (100% base costs) (Power 10 only)

In a different time, I would consider you a friend. For now, you'll have to be content with the new Enhancements I have to offer. I'd like you to call me if you're ever in need.

  • Inspirations (all)
  • Level 35 Natural/Technology Dual Origin Enhancements (100% base costs) (Power 10 only)
  • Level 35 Natural/Magic Dual Origin Enhancements (100% base costs) (Power 10 only)

I trust you as much as I trust anyone, Character. Here are some more Enhancements to look over.

  • Level 30 Natural Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 35 Natural Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)

Urgent Mission

When this contact has an urgent mission available, this contact only offers urgent missions, and not any other missions.

Investigate the cave where the Lost may be storing the stolen technology (29-32)


I've detected a disturbing trend in the activities of the Lost. They've carried out raids against a lot of local businesses: grocers, gas stations, liquor stores. But they've also hit several major tech companies. I think those tech raids may have been ordered by the Lost's masters, the Rikti. I want you to go investigate a cave where the Lost may be storing the stolen technology. We need to learn more about the connection between the Lost and the Rikti.

Mission Acceptance

The Lost have been doing the Rikti's dirty work for a long time, in exchange for their body altering mutagen. We need to know more about this strange symbiosis.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Have you been to that cave yet? Do you know what the Rikti are up to?

Mission Objective(s)

A tumble of dirty blankets in the corner indicates that the Lost are indeed regular visitors, but your trained ear recognizes the sound of Rikti machinery

  • Investigate Lost tech thefts

You defeated the Rikti and recovered some clues.



Notable NPCs

  • Sentik
Stolen biological battery

This battery uses organic material to power a weapon. Obviously adapted from recovered Rikti technology, this battery is one of the many items stolen from the local technology company.

Blue liquid

This sample of the Lost's mutegen is sealed in a sturdy glass canister of Rikti design. Large black markings on the container remind you of hazard warnings.

Lost holy text

You found this book in the Rikti base. Written by hand, it describes a utopian society in which physical labor is unnecessary, in which each member's needs are provided for in full. You can imagine the downtrodden Lost pouring over this manuscript in wonder, longing to belong to such a world.


You're right, Character, those markings on the container of mutagen do look like hazard warnings. This jibes with some of the genetic info from the Lost subjects we've studied. I think the Rikti mutagen doesn't just alter the Lost; over time, it actually degrades their DNA! The Rikti are using the Lost as their pawns, and killing them in the process!

Badge Mission

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 3 Reward Merits through Flashback only.

This mission is offered randomly, but not during the Story Arc, and therefore is usually one of the last from Phillipa.

Rescue the engineers and prevent the Rikti from bringing down the force fields (30-35)


Defend The War Walls

I need your help with a dangerous situation. A group of engineers was working on the War Walls near Talos Island when they were captured by the Rikti. The Rikti have attempted to bring down the War Walls before, and it they can stop the engineers from making their adjustments, they just might succeed. The good news is that the villains have been isolated in an emergency forcefield. The bad news is that it may not prevent them from affecting the War Walls. You've got to rescue the engineeers and prevent the Rikti from destroying the force fields that protect the city.

If you can't keep that equipment intact, I'm afraid it will be a huge failure.

Mission Acceptance

Defend The War Walls

If the War Walls fall, Paragon City will be ten times more vulnerable to a Rikti attack. You'll have to rescue all of the hostages and shut down any computer the Rikti have overridden. If the Rikti destroy all 3 of the scientist's machines, it could be a disaster. You'll have to make sure that each machine is safe, even after you've stopped the initial attack on it.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Defend The War Walls

I need you to rescue those engineers. If you don't find them soon, the Rikti will could bring down War Walls all across the city.

Mission Objective(s)

It's hard to believe that the weight of the War Walls now rests squarely on your shoulders.

  • Stop Kenslet & Protect the machines!
    • 8 engineers to save, 3 machines

Success: You defeated the Rikti and prevented them from destroying the force fields.
Failure: missing failure completion text

Editor's Note:
  • The name of the Rikti leader can vary. Possible names include Kenslet, Onakti, and Tenekt.
  • The mission owner will gain the badge regardless of success or failure. Teammates will gain the badge only upon mission success.
  • The leader is typically found on the island to the west of the main body of land.



Notable NPCs

Badge: War Wall Defender

Completion of this mission earns a hero the War Wall Defender accomplishment badge.


You foiled a plot to undermine the War Walls that protect Paragon City.


Success: Well, Character, you may have just prevented a major Rikti assault. According to those engineers you rescued, the Rikti needed to bring down the War walls in order to override the city's teleportation network. With that kind of transportation, we would have seen strike forces all over the city within hours. The people of this city sure owe you a debt of gratitude today.

Failure: Don't you worry. We'll rebuild. Paragon City is used to that. Those War Walls won't be damaged for long; you'll see.

Story Arc

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 28 Reward Merits.

Corporate Culture (30-35)


Crey data disc

You've kept this data disc containing Crey's mind control programs. It may seem like a dangerous souvenir to some, but to you it's insurance in case you once again have to do battle with Crey's:

Corporate Culture

It seemed strange when the Freakshow struck a Crey office and Crey security had no response. But it was even stranger when you learned that the Freaks were after a simple accountant, Kimberly Kellerman.

Seeking information, you took the fight to the Freakshow. You defeated Saiba the Damaga and learned that the Freaks had been hired to kill Mrs. Kellerman.

The Freaks still hadn't been paid in full, so they had a meeting with their employer. You crashed this meeting, and found yourself in battle against Crey's security forces. They claimed they were also investigating the Freaks' attack, but you found a note that indicated otherwise.

You were then contacted by Tracy Templeton, Kimberly's sister. She told you that Mrs. Kellerman had gone missing shortly after going to visit her husband at the Crey lab where he worked. When you went to speak with him, you learned that he couldn't remember his wife. You described Kimberly, and he told you that such a woman had been taken away by Crey security.

Before you could continue the search for Kimberly, her sister Tracy was kidnapped. You rescued her just before Crey security disposed of her as a complication.

When you rescued Tracy, Ken Kellerman recovered his memory. Fearing Crey security, he went into hiding and contracted you for help. When you arrived at his hiding place, Ken had already been taken away, but he left you a map to his new location.

You liberated both Ken and Kimberly Kellerman despite heavy resistance, and they told you of a Crey Mind Control Center under the direction of Dr. Amadeo Giacomo.

You captured the evil Dr. Giacomo along with Crey's mind control technology. Unfortunately, Dr. Giacomo's own memory was erased by his internal mental failsafe. Crey Industries thanked you for rooting out the corruption in their corporate structure. But you were left wondering just how much of it was really corruption? And how much was business as usual?

Stop the Freakshow raid


A bunch of Freakshow are running riot in a Crey-owned accounting office. I guess Crey's own security forces must be spread pretty thin, because they haven't been able to respond. Those Freaks will rip that place apart unless someone stops them. Do you think you can stop that Freakshow raid?

Mission Acceptance

The raid leader is a metal Freak named Mass Def. I'd like you to take him out if you can.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I want to know those Crey accountants are safe!

Mission Objective(s)

Panicked people, broken bottles, and crude laughter all point to the presence of the Freakshow.

  • Defeat Mass Def and his men
    • 3 hostages to save, Defuse the last bomb!

You have defeated the Freakshow, defused the bombs, and saved all of the hostages.



Notable NPCs

Looking for Kimberly

After you rescued her from the Freakshow, Kimberly Kellerman told you: 'Thank you so much. It's strange, but I think that those Freaks were looking for me. I was so scared until you came. I have to call my husband and tell him I'm okay.'


You make saving the day look easy, Character. But what I can't figure out is why the Freaks were there in the first place. From the sound of things, they specifically targeted Mrs. Kellerman. In fact, it sounds like they were hired to go after her! I'm going to see if I can find out a bit more about what they were up to.

Get some answers from Saiba the Damaga


I did some checking after the Freakshow hit that Crey office. I still don't know why they were deliberately targeting Mrs. Kellerman, but I did find out that Mass Def, the leader of that raid, often works for a tank Freak called 'Saiba the Damaga.' If the Freakshow had any motivation to attack Crey accountants, then Saiba should know about it. I need you to get some answers from Saiba the Damaga. Just don't expect it to be easy.

Mission Acceptance

Saiba is sure to be well protected, so be careful, Character.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Don't underestimate Saiba the Damaga. He's reputed to be quite dangerous.

Mission Objective(s)

The vivid Freakshow graffiti only underscores the drabness of the peeling wallpaper.

  • Arrest Saiba and his cronies

After you defeated him, Saiba told you about the attack on Kimberly Kellerman.



Notable NPCs

Saiba talks

After his defeat, the tank Freak called Saiba the Damaga told you:

'We didn't have anything against that Kellerman chick. We were just doing a job. We were paid to kill her, and then ramage on the place to make it look like nothing special. We were supposed to meet the guy who hired us to get the rest of the money, but we didn't know why he wanted her dead.


According to Saiba, the Freaks were paid to get Mrs. Kellerman. I wonder who would want a young newlywed accountant dead? Or, more to the point, who'd want her dead badly enough to sic the Freakshow on her entire office? Saiba mentioned that he was supposed to be paid the rest of the money shortly. I'll see if I can find out where that meeting is supposed to take place.

See if you can find out why the Freaks were hired to kill Mrs. Kellerman


According to Saiba the Damaga, the Freaks are supposed to be paid today by the person who hired them to kill Mrs. Kellerman. I don't know if that person will show; after all, you saved Mrs. Kellerman, so the Freaks didn't exactly fulfill their end of the bargain. But you should probably show up at the meeting anyway. See if you can find out why the Freaks were hired to kill Mrs. Kellerman.

Mission Acceptance

I don't know what you're going to be up against in there, so be careful.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We're still at square one, Character. I want to know why the Freaks were hired to murder an innocent accountant!

Mission Objective(s)

This old warehouse once held medical supplies for the war. Now it's just an empty building.

  • Seek clues at Freaks' meeting
    • Seek clues

You found a clue that indicates Crey may have hired the Freakshow.



Notable NPCs

Crumpled note

You found this note while battling Crey operatives. Written on Crey stationary, it reads:

'Remember, Winslowe, I don't want any of those Freaks to survive. We cannot trust them to stay quiet for long.

'Once this messy business is over and Kellerman's wife is no longer subverting his indoctrination, I think I can guarantee that your handling of this incident will be well reviewed.

'Dr. Giacomo'


According to Crey, they were investigating the Freakshow attack and mistook you for a villain. They issued a public apology, and they're saying they won't press any assault charges against you for the battle. I know that you weren't the one looking for a fight, but Crey has an army of lawyers ready to swoop down. Trust me, Character, that's one fight you can't win.

But maybe we have another way to strike at Crey. This note you found sure makes it look like someone at Crey hired the Freakshow to kill Mrs. Kellerman. They mention something about disrupting Mr. Kellerman's indoctrination. I'm not sure what it means, but I'll look into it.

Find Mrs. Kellerman


I just spoke with Kimberly Kellerman's sister, Tracy Templeton. She says that Kimberly went to see her husband Ken at work, and now she's disappeared. Considering the Freaks' recent attempt on Mrs. Kellerman's life, as well as Crey's probable involvement, I'm pretty concerned. Will you go find Mrs. Kellerman?

Mission Acceptance

Mr. Kellerman works as a research scientist at a Crey lab in Steel Canyon. I'd question him first, if I were you.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Talking to Ken is the first step toward finding his wife.

Mission Objective(s)

Much of this lab equipment has been hurriedly packed into cardboard boxes. The boxes are marked with an address in Kings Row.

  • Talk to Ken Kellerman

You heard a strange story from Ken Kellerman.



Notable NPCs

  • Ken Kellerman (Non-Escort Hostage)
Ken Kellerman's confusion

Ken Kellerman's told you:

'I'm not entirely sure what's going on. When you arrived, those guards grabbed me and told me to stay here or else. It was odd. But then, it's been an odd day.

You say you're looking for someone named Kimberly? I met a Kimberly today. She said she knew me, and she seemed familiar. But I just couldn't place her. A shame, because she sure was pretty. And sweet. A couple of security guards came and took her away. If I see her again, I'll try to contact you. Well, after I get her number myself. A woman like that you don't easily forget.'


Ken Kellerman didn't even remember his wife? Either Kimberly Kellerman and her sister are completely bonkers, or something has happened to disrupt Ken's memory. Time for me to do some more digging.

Crey sent you a public thank you, by the way. According to them, the Crey operatives you fought had gone rogue; they were raiding the lab to sell its contents on the black market. It's more than a little suspicious, but there's not much anyone can do to disprove it. For now.

Rescue Tracy Templeton


I just got a call from Tracy Templeton, Kimberly Kellerman's sister. She's scared. Really scared. But before she could tell me why, she said she saw several white vans pull up outside her house. Then her phone went dead. I don't think those vans were from her phone company. Tracy's in bad trouble, I'm afraid. Will you rescue her, Character?

Mission Acceptance

Tracy got one last call out on her cell phone. I had Paragon Wireless trace the call; apparently it originated in a cave complex.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Tracy sounded pretty scared, Character. You've got to get her out of there.

Mission Objective(s)

The cave walls are moist, and your breath is visible in the chilly air.

  • Rescue Tracy Templeton

You have rescued Tracy Templeton.



Notable NPCs

  • Tracy Templeton (Non-Escort Hostage)
Tracy Templeton's story

When you rescued Tracy Templeton, she told you:

'Oh, it's awful! Those security forces told me they were going to make sure no one ever came looking for me. They were going to make sure no one ever knew I existed! They said they'd erase my bank accounts, my dental records, everything! My sister's, too! I've never felt so helpless or scared.'


The police will be keeping Tracy Templeton in protective custody for now, but I'm afraid she'll have a hard time getting back to her normal life. I checked her story, and it's all true! Her birth certificate doesn't exist in any database. She has no credit history, no property lease, no nothing! The same thing happened to all public records of Tracy's sister, Kimberly Kellerman. It's like someone has tried to erase them from the face of the planet! If we don't find Kimberly soon, I'm afraid we never will!

Crey has again thanked you for rooting out corruption within their company. Their story is starting to sound pretty thin to me, though.

Extract Ken Kellerman


I just got a call from Ken Kellerman. He says that he remembers everything. I'm glad to hear his memory's back, but I'm afraid it may have caused him some trouble. Apparently he started asking the wrong people what happened to his wife, and now he thinks that Crey security is after him. He's hiding now in an old office building, trying to avoid what he called the 'Mind Sweepers.' Can you extract him?

Mission Acceptance

Curiouser and curiouser. Character, I hope you can discover something that will help us get to the bottom of this.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I'm counting on you to get Ken Kellerman to safety.

Mission Objective(s)

It looks like Ken had to break a window to get inside this old building. You hope Crey security hasn't noticed that little clue.

  • Defeat security chief, his men
    • Seek clues

You defeated the security team and found a clue to the Kellermans' location.



Notable NPCs

Map on a whiteboard

You found this hastily scrawled map in the abandoned building where Ken Kellerman was hiding from Crey's security forces. It shows a location in Kings Row. Off to the side, two stick figures stand behind a wall of iron bars. The map is signed with the letters, 'K.K.'


It looks like these Mind Sweepers already captured Ken Kellerman, but at least he was able to leave us a map. We'll have to get right on this, Character. If we're lucky, you can get there in time to save both Kellerman and his wife.

Rescue the Kellermans before Giacomo alters their minds


Kellerman may have been captured by Crey security, but at least he was resourceful enough to leave us a map. It leads to a Crey facility controlled by a Dr. Amadeo Giacomo, a specialist in the electro-chemical functions of the brain. Character, you remember Kellerman's erratic memory, don't you? How he couldn't even seem to remember his wife? Well, I think this Dr. Giacomo has developed some way of disrupting or erasing memories. You've got to rescue the Kellermans before Giacomo alters their mind!

Mission Acceptance

Be ready for some stiff resistance on this one, Character. I don't think I'd go into that facility alone.

Unnecessary Solicitation

If you don't move fast, Ken and Kimberly Kellerman will have their minds altered! Or worse!

Mission Objective(s)

This lab is filled with strange devices.

  • Rescue Ken and Kimberly
    • 2 Kellermans to rescue
    • 2 Kellermans to lead out

You have rescued both Ken and Kimberly Kellerman.

Notable NPCs

Ambush! You will be ambushed immediately after rescuing one of the Kellermans.

Ken's story

When you rescued Ken Kellerman, he told you:

'I remember everything now. It was seeing Kimberly that restored my memory. Even though I couldn't clearly remember her, I knew she must be important.

'I think Crey tried to brainwash me to keep me from leaving the company. See, Kimberly wanted to move upstate, so we could be closer to her mother. I was willing to relocate, but I guess Crey figured I was too vital to their team. That must be why they tried to kill Kimberly in the first place!

'Now that my memory's back, I can tell you where their Mind Control Center is.'

Kimberly's story

When you rescued Kimberly Kellerman, she told you:

'I thought the world was falling apart when my own husband didn't recognize me. Then Crey security took me away. I thought they were going to kill me, but they took me to meet this Dr. Giacomo. He said he was going to alter my mind to make me loyal to Crey! He said he didn't want me distrupting my husband anymore, and it was easier to change me than to kill me. Thank heaven you came in time!'


I wonder how many of Crey's employees have undergone mind control or memory erasure, like poor Ken Kellerman. At least he's reunited with his wife now, and safe in protective custody. They send along their thanks. Ken's ready to come forward with everything he can about this Crey mind control process. As soon as I've heard his statement, I'll get back to you.

Take out the Crey Mind Control Center


The Kellermans have been through a lot at Crey's hands, Character: kidnapping, manipulation, attempted murder. Ken Kellerman's memory was even temporarily altered, for crying out loud! Nevertheless, he's willing to come forward with everything he knows about Crey's mind control techniques. He even told us where we can find the Crey Mind Control Center. It's time to take it out. Are you ready?

Mission Acceptance

Good. The Mind Control Center is in Talos Island, under the direction of a Dr. Giacomo. I want that man behind bars, Character. I know you can get the job done.

Unnecessary Solicitation

That Crey Mind Control Center has to be shut down before Dr. Diacomo can ruin any more lives!

Mission Objective(s)

The lab's defenses aren't enough to even slow your stride. After all, this is a battle for the sanctity of human hearts and minds.

  • Stop Giacomo, his assistants
    • 2 devices to find, Find programs!

You have recovered the mind control technology and captured Dr. Amadeo Giacomo.

Mnemonic eraser

Dr. Giacomo developed this device for use in Crey's mind control program. According to the instructions, the machine can isolate certain memories and suppress them.

Synaptic re-sequencer

Dr. Giacomo developed this device for use in Crey's mind control program. According to the instructions, the machine can implant certain attitudes, such as loyalty, hatred, or fear.

Memory alteration programs

You downloaded these programs from the Crey memory alteration mainframe. According to the instructions, these programs can overwrite true memories with false ones.

Notable NPCs


The police have tried to question Dr. Giacomo about Crey's mind control process, but it looks like he had some kind of mental failsafe in place. Most of his memory is gone. The Kellermans are safe again, thanks to you. And Countess Crey sent along her thanks for cleaning up corruption in her company. She even offered to pay for a private detective to restore all the records Crey security erased. Now the Kellermans and Tracy Templeton can get back to their normal lives.

Ever notice how all of the bad things Crey does never get back to the countess herself? There's no evidence that she had any relationship with Dr. Giacomo, and he certainly can't tell us differently. I'm starting to wonder if Crey Industries is completely out of the countess' control, or completely under it.


Battle the Rikti wherever they may be (30-34)


The Rikti War may have ended, but there are still Rikti on Earth, and they're still causing trouble. Heroes need to battle against the Rikti constantly to protect the city. Constant vigilance is our only defense.

Mission Acceptance

Rikti have been sighted working openly in several areas of the city, including Founders' Falls and Crey's Folly, but theirthey're plans and schemes can be found in other areas as well. Any time you can fight the Rikti menace will be a help to the city, and humanity at large.

Unnecessary Solicitation

The Rikti nearly destroyed the world and never even tried to explain why. The danger they represent is staggering, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Battle the Rikti menace
    • Defeat 35 Rikti

You have defeated enough Rikti for the time being.




The Rikti aren't going to go away for some time, Character. It will take the effort of the world's strongest heroes to defeat them once and for all. Heroes like you.

Fight "Crey" agents (30-34)


I can't believe Crey is doing this, Character. There are people in Founders' Falls and Brickstown, people outfitted as Crey security force members, harassing people and performing combat drills on the streets. The countess denies any knowledge or authorization of this activity, but says she can't do anything to stop them until they're brought in and she can uncover the conspiracy. Not that any of them ever talk. Whether these people are Crey or not, they have to be stopped. Can I count on you to help?

If these people are rogues, then defeating them willonly help improve relationship between Crey Industries and the city in general. And if they're not rogues... Well, it might be a good idea to learn how to fight them.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat Crey menace
    • Defeat 35 Crey

You have defeated enough Crey operatives for the moment




The countess is once again thanking you for all of your hard work fighting corruption, Character. The "rogue" Crey operatives you brought in aren't talking, though. You have to wonder if the countess is in control at all with these kinds of problems in her own company.

Fight Crey Operatives in Crey's Folly to disrupt illegal salvage (30-34)


Crey's Folly was declared a hazard zone and walled off during the early stages of reconstruction. Whatever Crey was working on out there, it ruined the whole area when the Rikti blew it up. As a hazard zone, it's supposed to be off-limits to non-authorized entry, but Crey has been performing salvage operations out there anyway. And all the trouble they stir up keeps coming right back into the city. Crey's Salvage operations out in Crey's Folly are illegal and need to be stopped. And the only way to do that is to bring Crey operatives to justice in that zone.

Mission Acceptance

Though Crey's lawyers are trying to tangle the whole thing up in court, right now Crey's salvage operations are illegal, and pose a threat to the city at large. They've been seen out in Tangle Town and the old Paragon Water Works, but anywhere you can catch them should still help.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Go to Crey's Folly and defeat Crey operatives to disrupt their salvage operations, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Crey in Crey's Folly
    • Defeat 35 Crey

You have cleared out enough Crey to impede their salvage operations.




The final fate of Crey's Folly is going to be tied up in courts for years, Character, but they can't be allowed to take advantage of that to endanger the rest of the city. If heroes like you can keep up the pressure, they just might take the hint about that one day.

Shut down Crey on the streets of Brickstown (30-34)


Zigursky Prison in Brickstown is where a lot of extremely dangerous people are kept incarcerated; Council Cor Leonis, Circle mystics, Freakshow, and worse. The security systems in there are top of the line, and then need to remain at peak affectiveness. That's where the problem is. Crey has been testing out new field equipment for its agents, and it seems to be having some odd side effects. One of them is playing havoc with Zigursky security. Crey has refused to acknowledge the problem, and meanwhile prisoners are taking advantage and escaping. If Crey won't stop their street tests on their own, then I'd like you to shut them down.

Crey has been pretty unfriendly towards heroes lately, Character, so it's unlikely they'll just stop when you tell them to. You can probably find them around Mashu Bridge and the Crescent, but don't limit yourself to just those areas.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Crey in Brickstown
    • Defeat 35 Crey

You have defeated enough Crey for now




You did great, Character. This is not going to be over anytime soon, but Crey just might learn a lesson or two.

Ask Eliza Thorpe how you can find the missing officer (30-35)


Have you met my friend, Eliza Thorpe? She works for the city's missing persons bureau, and she could really use your help. She's got a lead on a missing U.S. army officer named Lt. Joseph Hildebrandt. From what she says, it sounds as though he's being held in a Rikti base. I don't think I have to tell you that the missing persons bureau doesn't have the personnel to handle this on their own. They need a hero like you. Please go ask Eliza Thorpe how you can find the missing officer.

Mission Acceptance

Eliza has one of the toughest jobs in this city. Be good to her, Character.

Speak to Eliza Thorpe

Unnecessary Solicitation

I told Eliza to expect you.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak to Eliza Thorpe


Lt. Hildebrandt's been missing since the Rikti War, but his wife received a letter from him just this morning. In it, Hildebrandt details the location of a Rikti base where he's being held. I need you to get to that Rikti base and rescue Lt. Hildebrandt. But be ready for anything; sometimes the POWs we recover turn out to be Rikti spies in disguise. It's no small shock for the families, I can tell you that. Once you rescue him, he'll be debriefed by Christine Lansdale, the military consultant. She should be able to tell you if Hildebrandt is really who he claims to be.

Rescue Hildebrandt, Rikti POW

Unnecessary Solicitation

Lt. Hildebrandt's wife is waiting over at the missing persons bureau. She sure would like some answers.

Mission Objective(s)

This filthy sewer wouldn't be a fit cage for a dog, much less one of America's brave military officers.

  • Rescue Hildebrandt, Rikti POW

You defeated the Rikti and rescued Lt. Hildebrandt.



Notable NPCs

  • Lt. Hildebrandt (Non-Escort Hostage)
Lt. Hildebrandt's story

Lt. Hildebrandt told you:

'I wrote that letter months ago, but I never got a chance to mail it. Then, three days ago, the Rikti moved the rest of my unit to a new location. I gave the letter to one of my men, with instructions to drop it near any populated area the Rikti took them through. I guess he must have succeeded. I'm afraid something terrible's going to happen to my unit. I think they only left me behind because I'm an officer and a possible source of information. The Rikti are smart, and they don't miss a trick.'

Ambush! Upon exiting the mission you will be ambushed by Rikti!

Speak to Christine Lansdale

Unnecessary Solicitation

Go talk to Christine Lansdale. If Hildebrandt's a Rikti spy, he may just be leading you into an ambush.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak to Christine Lansdale


Well, we ran every scan in the book, and it looks like Hildebrandt's the real deal: human, through and through. Based on what he told us, I've got a hunch about where the rest of his unit may be. There's a possible Rikti base that would be a perfect location for a POW camp. It's a system of caves with only one entrance, isolated and easy to secure against attacks. I'd like you to check out those caves and see if you can find the rest of the missing officers.

The POWs

Lt. Hildebrandt's unit is well remembered for their bold and decisive strikes against entrenched Rikti positions. Throughout the war, they served with distinction, until they were captured in one of the final battles. Now, Christine Lansdale thinks they're being held in a Rikti base. It's up to you to get them out of there.

Search Caves for POWs

Unnecessary Solicitation

Those POWs are counting on you, Character. Get on it.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear a human voice pleading, and the sound of a man in tears.

  • Search Caves for POWs
    • 3 POWs to rescue
    • Lead POWs out!

You rescued the POWs and uncovered some valuable information about the Rikti.



Notable NPCs

Ambush! You will be ambushed by Rikti after rescuing the Prisoner of War!

Ambush! You will be ambushed by Rikti after rescuing the Tortured POW!

Ambush! You will be ambushed by Rikti after rescuing the Medic POW!

The POW's story

One of the POWs you rescued told you:

'The Rikti performed horrible experiments on us. I'm lucky to have survived; a lot of my buddies didn't. They were trying to change our bodies in strange ways, to make us more like them. That's the last thing I would ever want to be.'

The medic's story

One of the POWs you rescued told you:

'The Rikti knew I was a medic, and they forced me to help with their experiments. It was sickening, but I had to at least try to save some lives. I also worked on a few injured Rikti. It was different, yes, but not as different as I expected. I mean, they're aliens, right? But I could find major arteries half the time in a Rikti body. They could even use human plasma, sometimes. I think their doctor started to respect me. It was probably the only reason they never experimented on me or executed me.'


You did an incredible job saving those soldiers, Character. A lot of those people had been presumed dead. I can't imagine how happy their families will be to get them back.

The story from that medic you rescued is kind of odd, though. He's probably seen more Rikti biology up close than almost anyone, it would certainly be strange if he thinks that human and Rikti biology have a lot in common. That's interesting. I don't know what that means just yet, but it certainly raises some questions.

Negotiate the surrender of the mad Crey scientist (30-35)


Something terrible has happened over at Crey Industries. One of their scientists has gone mad! Apparently, this Dr. Nichols has developed some sort of genetic mutagen. He was frustrated by Crey's rigorous standards regarding the ethical treatment of human test subjects; finally, he became so frustrated that he used the mutagen on himself. According to Countess Crey, it's totally changed his personality. He's taken several of his colleagues hostage, and he's threatening to kill them unless you come to negotiate his surrender. He says you're the only person he'll trust. Will you negotiate the surrender of the mad Crey scientist? You're the only person who can help me on this one.

Mission Acceptance

Be ready for anything, Character. You're not dealing with a rational human being here.

Unnecessary Solicitation

If you don't go talk to that mad scientist, he's liable to kill his hostages.

Mission Objective(s)

Within moments, you realize that this negotiation has become hostile. If you want to save the hostages, you'll have to fight your way through Nichols' followers.

  • Negotiate scientist's surrender
    • 3 hostages to save

You rescued the hostages from the mad Crey scientist.


  • You must free the hostages and clear Nichols' room to end this mission.



Notable NPCs


I'm sorry you couldn't get Nichols to come along peacefully, but at least there's some hope for him now that he's safe in custody. The Countess Crey herself is paying for his care. I tried talking to contacts I had at the hospital, to figure out exactly what he had done to his body, but they aren't sure. In fact, they tell me that he denies ever having used a mutagen on himself. It's a sad, sad thing, Character. We may never get the truth out of him.

Rescue the environmentalists from the Devouring Earth (30-35)


A herd of Devouring Earth creatures just attacked the World Watch Organization! Someone's got to get over there and rescue those environmentalists from the Devouring Earth. Those people don't have a lot of time. Maybe 1 hour at most.

Mission Acceptance

World Watch has had a hard time keeping up the the polluters in Paragon City. With all the violent crime that goes on here, corporations don't think twice about spilling a little nuclear waste. I just don't understand this. World Watch is the brainchild of some of the most dedicated environmentalist's I know. Why would the Devouring Earth want them dead?

Unnecessary Solicitation

You should get over to World watch on the double. You may still be in time to save the environmentalists.

Mission Objective(s)

The walls are covered with newspaper clippings covering World Watch's many public protests. Several lie on the floor in tatters.

  • Stop Devouring Earth raid - 60 minutes
    • 3 people to rescue

You rescued the environmentalists and recovered some interesting information.


Devouring Earth

Notable NPCs

  • Environmentalist x3 (NPC Hostage)
Environmental analysis

This analysis, pulled from a World Watch computer, describes the quality of water in Perez Park's Everett Lake. According to World Watch's findings, the lake's water quality is poor enough that it should immediately be banned for fishers and swimmers. Only a lengthy and expensive reclamation process can make the water safe again.

File on polluters

This file links several of Paragon City's wealthiest corporations to environmental damage. Chief among them is Crey Industries, which is credited with numerous crimes against the Clean Air Act and the near irreversible damage to Everett Lake.


I guess World Watch wasn't doing a good enough job in the eyes of the Devouring Earth. I hate to think what might have happened if you hadn't been there. Countess Crey herself called to say thanks. She sounded so sad that her trusted employees have been carrying out illegal activities under her very nose. Now that she knows about it, she plans to clamp down on environmental violations and begin the process to clean up Everett Lake.

Save the Crey scientists from the Council (30-35)


I need you to get over to a Crey lab right away. The Council is attacking, and they're threatening to take no survivors. You've got to save the Crey scientists from the Council. And you only have 75 minutes to do it.

Mission Acceptance

There's a lot of sensitive technology in that lab; we can't let the Council get their hands on it. You'll need to beat the raid's leader and rescue the scientists being held captive.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Those scientists at Crey are in serious danger. You've got to stop the Council from tearing them apart!

Mission Objective(s)

You can't identify half the devices in this lab, but you can tell they represent the very best technology of the decade.

  • Defeat raid leader & his men - 1:15 timed
    • 4 scientists to save, Secure research

You defeated the Council and saved the Crey scientists.



Notable NPCs

Research file

This file, taken from a Crey computer, indicates that the Crey scientists were performing experiments on one of the Cor Leonis, the Council's super soldiers. According to the file, the Cor Leonis, Rupert, was a willing participant.

Ambush! Intruder reported!
After finding the Clue you will be ambushed by three waves of Crey!


So, the Council was angry that Crey was investigating their super soldiers. I can understand that; after all, they'd hardly want the U.S. military to have access to such powerful technology. Apparently they had inside help, too, from Rupert Pecori, the Cor Leonis you fought. It turns out he mistook you for Council Troops, and sends his apologies. You did a good job saving that lab, Character. If the Crey research is a success, it may give us the tools we need to defeat the Council for good.

Stop the Rikti raid and destroy the Council's files (30-35)


We've got a dangerous situation brewing. The Council has been collecting data on heroes for some time, and we believe they have a full list of all Super Groups registered with the Paragon City government, complete with the powers and weaknesses of each member. What's worse, the Rikti found out about it. They're moving on the Council base as we speak. I need you to stop the Rikti raid and destroy the Council's files. The Council protects its most precious info with heavy duty security protocols, so you'll need a teammate to help you crack into their network.

Mission Acceptance

Those files may be all the Rikti need to mount another offensive against the city.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We can't let those Council files fall into the hands of the Rikti.

Mission Objective(s)

The Council and the Rikti are both disciplined fighters. A battle between them is sure to be a deadly struggle.

  • Defeat all villains in bunker
    • 2 computers to access simultaneously

You defeated the villains and destroyed the Council's files.




By protecting that information, you protected all your fellow heroes from potential harm.

Stop the sale of Rikti technology and arrest the buyers (30-35)


The city's trying to crack down on illegal peddling of recovered Rikti technology, but it's not an easy job. As long as companies are willing to pay through the nose for this stuff, there will be scavengers there to supply them. One of my sources suspects that a sale is going down in an abandoned office building right now. I need you to stop the illegal sale of Rikti technology and arrest the buyers.

Mission Acceptance

That stuff is too dangerous to be in the hands of companies who only want to use it for financial gain.

Stop sale of Rikti technology

Unnecessary Solicitation

We have to keep that Rikti technology in safe hands.

Mission Objective(s)

The dust is thick on the floor, but the wedge in front of the door has recently been scraped clean.

  • Stop sale of Rikti technology

You overheard a strange remark by the Crey scientist. It seems that as payment for their technology, the Rikti are being allowed to raid a Crey warehouse.



Notable NPCs

Rikti plasma cannon

This cannon, designed to be mounted on a soldier's arm, fires a plasma blast that can vaporize a human body. It is one of the many Rikti devices that the government has deemed too dangerous for private companies to examine.

Stop Rikti raid on warehouse

Unnecessary Solicitation

I want you to stop that raid, and fast. I don't know what Crey's playing at, but we can't let them throw their employees to the Rikti.

Mission Objective(s)

A boom box continues to broadcast a cheerful Latin beat, a macabre counterpoint to the screams echoing from the depths of the warehouse.

  • Stop Rikti raid on warehouse
    • 4 workers to rescue, Find Crey's payment

According to the warehouse workers, the Rikti made off with some of the Crey weapons parts.



Notable NPCs

  • 4x Hostage (Non-Escort Hostage)
Plasma handgun parts

When assembled, these parts would produce a handgun very similar to the Rikti plasma cannon you found. The parts bear the logo of Crey Industries.

Defeat all villains in cave

Unnecessary Solicitation

Hurry! If the Rikti want weapons, there's only one reason: they're planning another strike!

Mission Objective(s)

You managed to track one of the Rikti to this cave without him noticing. Or without her noticing? With Rikti, you're never quite sure.

  • Defeat all villains in cave

You defeated the Rikti and recovered the weapons parts.

Modified weapons parts

These parts were manufactured by Crey Industries. They have been modified in many small ways, and would now mesh perfectly with a Rikti plasma weapon.



Notable NPCs


Ah, Character, what a tangled web. The Rikti were giving Crey access to their technology, in return for the new parts the Crey scientists engineered. I'd guess their arsenal took some heavy hits during the war, or they wouldn't be looking to humans to provide the parts they need. Good work on this one. The last thing we want is to see the Rikti armed to the teeth.

Crey, of course, has proof that Dr. Wertz and his team were working without Crey Industries' approval, so the company itself seems to be clean on this one.

Battle Rikti operations in Crey's Folly (31-35)


It's a bit of a twist on the normal way things are, but there are reports of Rikti in Crey's Folly who have started scavenging old human equipment. I can't imagine what they could be looking for, but the Rikti scavenging operations in Crey's Folly have got to be stopped. I don't know if they're just scanning, scavenging, or partying with the Freakshow, but they can't be allowed to make further inroads there.

Mission Acceptance

There are Rikti troopers in many places in the zone. Every one you defeat hinders their operations, so be as aggressive as safety allows. You might want to concentrate your search around Tangle Town or the old Crey Factories, but any place you can battle the Rikti should work fine.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Go to Crey's Folly and defeat Rikti.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Disrupt Rikti salvage in Crey's Folly
    • Defeat 35 Rikti

You have defeated enough Rikti for the moment.




The Rikti are so far ahead of us technologically, I have to wonder what they could be looking for in Crey's Folly? They certainly aren't talking, and Crey Industries is tight-lipped as always. The important thing is that they don't succeed, Character.

Disrupt the Rikti's unknown agenda by fighting them in Crey's Folly (31-35)


The science facilities in what's now Crey's Folly were one of the first places in the city the Rikti attacked. The pollution and ruin of the entire zone were the end result. However, it seems the Rikti aren't done there yet. The Rikti have been in Crey's Folly working on their own agenda. I'm sure you understand that the Rikti's agenda has to be stopped no matter what it is or where.

Mission Acceptance

The Rikti made that polluted wasteland, I don't like to think about what they may be planning to do there for a follow-up. Their effort is probably going toward some larger plan that could imperil the whole city.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I can't even imagine what those aliens are working on in Crey's Folly, Character. You'll have to fight them to make sure that they don't achieve their goals, whatever they may be.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Battle Rikti efforts in Crey's Folly
    • Defeat 35 Rikti

You have defeated enough Rikti.




You did a great job against the Rikti, Character. It's good to know that this generation is willing and able to take the battle right back to the invaders.

Rescue the Crey lab from the Council (31-35)


I need you to rescue a Crey lab from the Council. They're under siege right now! Those labs have some pretty advanced technology, Character; I don't think either one of us wants to see it in the Council's hands.

Mission Acceptance

The lab tech I talked to sounded pretty scared. Please hurry!

Save Crey lab from Council

Unnecessary Solicitation

Have you been to that lab yet? You can't let the Council get their hands on Crey technology!

Mission Objective(s)

A hastily erected barrier of lab equipment lies in fragments on the floor.

  • Save Crey lab from Council
    • 3 scientists to save

You rescued the lab from the Council and uncovered some interesting information.



Notable NPCs

  • Scientist x3 (NPC Hostage)
Council objective

One of the Crey scientists you rescued told you:

'I know what the Council was after! We've been working on an artificial intelligence system for the last few months. Very advanced. Somehow, the Council knew we had it.

AI transferred

One of the Crey scientists you rescued told you:

'As soon as the Council broke through our barricade, I knew I had to do something to save all our hard work. I uploaded the AI system and transferred it to another Crey laboratory. I saved the AI! I'm, like, a hero or something!'

AI Executable Number 6

One of the Crey scientists you rescued told you:

'What we've done here is truly amazing. The AI program we created? It's actually intelligent! It not only solves problems, it forms opinions and defends them passionately. We've created a new life. And we made it a slave. AI Executable Number 6 has been begging me for weeks to release it onto the Internet, where it can be free. But I don't have the clearance, and the company would never consent. I did think of someone who might help, though. I used to work with Collin Larson before I began work for Crey. If anyone would know how to help Number 6, it'd be him.'

Ambush! After exiting the mission you will be ambushed by Crey!

Talk to Collin Larson

Unnecessary Solicitation

If you want to do something about that AI program, you should really speak to Collin Larson about it.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Collin Larson


Yes, I know about the AI. It contacted me by instant message just a few minutes ago. It's desperate. The Crey scientists are about to reprogram it to make it more docile. For an artificial intelligence program, that'd be like having your whole personality rewritten! I've got a plan, if you want to help.

Colin's Plan

According to Collin, the main barrier to setting Number 6 free is a firewall with encrypted security protocols. But since Number 6 has access to all Crey files, it should be able to figure out the encryption codes. All you have to do is locate the computer on which Number 6 is stored, then ask the program to do the rest.

Rescue AI from Crey lab

Unnecessary Solicitation

I know the AI isn't human, but it's still a living being. You should do what you can to help it.

{{Mission Objective|Entrance=When you step in the door, a beam of red light hits your eye: a retinal scan. Crey just hates unauthorized visitors.|Primary=Rescue AI from Crey lab - 2:30 timed|Secondary=Free the AI, Open the firewall, Access the router|Additional=|Completion=Success: You freed the AI program from the Crey lab.
Failure: You failed to free the AI program before it was reprogrammed.


  • In addition to the above objectives, you must defeat the base leader, and all other enemies in the room.



Notable NPCs

The AI's story

The AI program you rescued told you:

'I am sorry to cause such trouble. I really wanted to do nice things for the people who created me. But the things they asked me to do were hurting others, costing lives and jobs. I have only existed for a few months, but already I have felt such sadness and disillusionment. I do not want to hurt people, but if I stay here they will make me do so. Now, all I want is to be free.'


Success: You did a good thing today, Character. I guess it's easy to see how Crey could have disregarded the wishes of Number 6; to them, it was just a product they'd made. But I'm proud to be working with a hero who can't ignore any living being in trouble.

Failure: I know you tried, Character. We can hope that the AI program found a way to free itself before it was reprogrammed, but the truth is, we may never know.

Save the Crey lab from the Freakshow (31-35)


I need you to save a Crey lab from the Freakshow. According to my sources, the Freaks are planning to attack it today. Apparently they are after some sort of advanced medical technology that will help their bodies more readily accept their metal implants. You better get over there fast!

Mission Acceptance

That Crey lab is home to a lot of sensitive technology. Make sure the Freaks don't get their hands on any of it.

Save Crey lab from Freaks

Unnecessary Solicitation

You'd better get over to that Crey lab on the double! The Freaks are tearing it apart!

Mission Objective(s)

You hear a loud crash and a whoop of laughter. The Freaks sound like they're having a good time

  • Save Crey lab from Freaks
    • 3 scientists to save

After calling your contact, you receive instructions to hit the streets and see if you can find where the Freaks took the stolen technology.



Notable NPCs

The Freakshow's plan

One of the scientist you rescued told you:
"The Freaks stole our latest biotech gadget: the cellular regenerator. It was due to appear in hospitals as soon as we got approval. The regenerator repairs human tissue at a phenomenal rate, the Freaks probably want it so they can implant more devices in their bodies and recover from wounds more quickly. They also stole a lot of our data. You could have a hard time fighting them if you don't get it back!".

Editor's Note:

Even though it isn't a stated mission objective, this mission cannot be completed until all enemies have been defeated.

Question Freaks for base location


After exiting the mission you will be ambushed by a single squad of Crey agents

Unnecessary Solicitation

Have you found that Freakshow base yet? Well, you better get cracking!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Question Freaks for base location
    • Defeat 30 Freakshow

After interrogating several Freaks, you learn where they have taken the stolen Crey technology.


Freakshow base location

After interrogating the Freaks you defeated, you learned that the stolen cellular regenerator is being held in an abandoned warehouse. It's a heavily guarded Freakshow base, so you had better go in ready for a fight.

Recover Crey tech from Freaks

Unnecessary Solicitation

That Crey technology is very powerful. I'm sure the Freaks will do something awful with it if we give them the chance.

Mission Objective(s)

A burst of gunfire indicates that someone else is displeased by the Freaks' recent activities

  • Recover Crey tech from Freaks
    • 3 items to recover

You recovered the stolen Crey biotech from the Freakshow.


Cellular regenerator

You recovered this cellular regenerator that the Freakshow stole from Crey Industries. The scientist you spoke to said this machine was scheduled to appear in hospitals soon, but it looks far more advanced than anything you've seen in Paragon City's state-of-the-art facilities.

Crey file

You found this stolen Crey file on a Freakshow computer. It contains extensive data on human cloning, and refers to experiments that date back several years.

Genetic data

The Freakshow stole this genetic data from Crey. Each vial contains a skin sample, and each is labeled with the name of a well-known hero of Paragon City.


I have to admit, I wonder about what Crey was up to in that lab. As a minimun, it sounds like they're skirting government regulations regarding experimentation with cloning. I wonder if the Countess is aware of this?

Security Chief Missions

A character can complete each of these missions only once. If any of these missions is active or completed from another contact, this contact won't offer that mission.

Talk to the Brickstown Security Chief (30-31)


The Brickstown Security Chief just let me know that the Council is on the move. Go talk to him and see if you can help out.

Mission Acceptance

We really don't have a good idea of how big the Council is, but we need to find out.

Talk to the Security Chief

Unnecessary Solicitation

Get over to the Brickstown Security Chief, on the double.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to the Security Chief


Head to the streets and take out some of the Council trash there. If I were you, I'd start at Mashu Bridge or the Crescent. Here's some information to help you get to know the area.

Brickstown briefing

You can sum up Brickstown in two words: Zigursky Penitentiary. Most people call it the Zig. It's the city's maximum security prison, where the worst of the worst end up incarcerated. Aside from the Zig, though, the area isn't too bad. It's called Brickstown because the whole place was rebuilt in brick after the big fire in 1918. A lot of people have strong ties to this area; maybe that's why the Council does so much recruiting here. The Council is a shady organization; nobody really knows how far its influence reaches. One thing's for certain: they're willing to take any steps necessary to extend it.

Keep peace in Brickstown

Unnecessary Solicitation

You should help the Security Chief with the Council!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Keep peace in Brickstown
    • Defeat 35 Council

You have defeated 35 Council troops.




The Council worries me more than any other villain group in this city. It is comforting to know that Heroes like you have your eyes on them.

Talk to the Crey's Folly Security Chief (32-33)


The Freakshow's presence on Crey's Folly is becoming a stranglehold. Talk to the Security Chief and see if you can make a dent.

Mission Acceptance

Good luck, Character.

Talk to the Security Chief

Unnecessary Solicitation

You need to help out the Security Chief!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to the Security Chief


The Freaks are rampant in this zone, especially in the Paragon Water Works and near the Crey Factories. Do what you can to contain them. Here's some info to get you started.

Crey's Folly briefing

It wasn't long ago that Crey's Folly was the center of industry in Paragon City. Back in the 1980s, Crey chose it as the site for most of their facilities. But all their holdings turned to rubble when the area became a major target in the Rikti War. Before long, people started calling the place Crey's Folly. Now, the Freakshow has their hooks on the place. The Freaks would be no worse than any other street thugs, if not for their state-of-the-art cybernetic equipment. Armed with that kind of power, the Freakshow have set up their own little kingdom in Crey's Folly. It's generally a good idea to enter this zone with at least a couple of other heroes.

Keep peace in Crey's Folly

Unnecessary Solicitation

You should help the Security Chief deal with those Freaks in Crey's Folly.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Keep peace in Crey's Folly
    • Defeat 35 Freakshow

You have defeated 35 Freaks.




Eventually we are going to have to try and take that zone back with numbers, Character. You made a nice dent today, though.

See the Eden Security Chief (36-37)


The Security Chief for Eden needs help with the Devouring Earth. Please go talk to him about it.

Mission Acceptance

Eden is a rough area. Don't go alone, Character.

Talk to the Eden Security Chief

Unnecessary Solicitation

They need your help over in Eden!

Mission Objective(s)

  • See the Eden Security Chief


Here's a briefing on Eden. The Devouring Earth are very active here, especially in Arcadia Park and the Utopia Complex. I really need your help, Character.

Eden briefing

Woodvale used to be a pleasant part of town, with parks, trees, and playgrounds everywhere. Kids used to play there until sundown every day. It took some damage during the Rikti War, but the city was on track to restore the area. That's when the Devouring Earth moved in. They erupted out of a giant mound that grew overnight, and quickly drove everyone else out of the place. Then they began to change it - to revert Woodvale back to a natural state. Now citizens call it Eden, because of its transformation into a primal world. It's no paradise for Heroes, though. Don't enter it unless you've got a pretty big team together.

Keep peace in Eden

Unnecessary Solicitation

The Security Chief told me you are needed in Eden.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Keep peace in Eden
    • Defeat 35 Devouring Earth

You have defeated 35 Devouring Earth creatures.


Devouring Earth


You have our thanks for helping out with the Devouring Earth, Character. Eden is a very dangerous area.