Dean MacArthur

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Dean MacArthur
Dean MacArthur.jpg
Zone Sharkhead Isle
Coordinates (255, 32, -762)[Copy]
Level Range 20-29
Introduced By None
Introduces Leonard
Enemy Groups
Badges Badge I11VillainStoryArc1Complete.png Bane of Ajax
v  d  e

Dean MacArthur is a villain contact in the Port Recluse neighborhood of Sharkhead Isle at coordinates (255, 32, -762)[Copy] . He is about 43 yards to the right of the Vault Reserve marker on the map. He was first introduced in Issue 17.


Editor's Note:

Some of Dean's dialogue will vary depending on the gender of your character. Female characters can expect a certain amount of crude flirting.

Where the dialogue is different, Female should go first. If dialogue for a mission debriefing (for example) is the same for both genders, no delineation is necessary. Ajax also has some gender specific dialogue. Confirmation is needed as to the rest of Dean's arc.

Contact Introduced By

Dean MacArthur will be automatically unlocked for villains at level 20, and will contact villains himself if they reach level 20 and have not visited him in Sharkhead Isle yet.

Contact Introduces



Dean MacArthur is a man who doesn't exactly look like he belongs in the Rogue Isles.

Speaking with him for more than a few minutes quickly reveals why he is here - to hobnob with 'supervillains' and feel important by giving them prime information that he retains.

Despite how irritating Dean may be, he has a talent for setting things up for villains to knock them down, and he has no moral problems with whatever people do with his information.

In Leonard's arc, if you find information on Dean in the PPD's files, you will discover that he was a member of the PPD, and is wanted for murder. When asked, he reveals that his father was murdered, but the killer got away with it due to a legal loophole. Dean killed his father's murderer, and fled to the Rogue Isles.

Too Low Level

Missing Too Low Level Dialogue

Outlevelled Contact

Contact Unlocked

Initial Contact


  • Hey! What's up Character?
  • You up for something crazy?

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

No More Missions

Missing No More Missions Dialogue


Missing Store Unlock Dialogue

Story Arc


Merit total is for flashback. Need to verify merit total for running normally.

Me, Myself, and My Other Selves (20-29)


Dean MacArthur's Business Card

You kept this business card in case you ever need to contact the man known as Dean MacArthur. He's somewhat eccentric, but he proved to you that he is a man who can get you information and supplies. This happened during a time you remember as...

Me, Myself, and My Other Selves

It all began when you met Dean MacArthur, a man who supposedly was a good source of information. He told you that Ajax, a survivor from the Omega Team, was on a rampage in the Isles, tearing up any super powered beings who were operating within it. It was also rumored that Ajax's invulnerability was fading after all these years. You and Dean set up a plan to ambush Ajax during a jewelry store robbery. While you were there, you ran into a clone of yourself, who quickly ran away. Adding to your problems even more, Ajax turned out to still be completely invulnerable!

You weren't too interested in tracking down Ajax - the clone of yourself was far more of a problem. Dean put in some calls to his friends and tracked down where your clone ran off to. Dean also mentioned a party interested in taking Ajax off of your hands. You followed the clone, stumbling into a cloning facility run by the 5th Column! All the major factions in Sharkhead were battling it out within the factory, trying to either destroy the facility or take it for themselves. You fought your way to the bottom of the facility and destroyed your clone, then took direct control over operations. It would just be a matter of finding the right resources to get this place up and running.

That's where Crey would come in. Dean's friend in Wyvern tipped him off to a raid they were doing on a Crey office in Sharkhead. You broke up the raid and recruited three Crey scientists to your cause. You also found some interesting information about Project Revenant and a method to disable supers who were completely invulnerable. All of this could be used to get your facility up and running and to put down Ajax, once and for all.

Dean arranged everything that you needed. The Sky Raiders provided the psionic devices to put down Ajax, and Dean tricked Ajax into searching for you in Nerva. You arrived at Nerva with a clone of yours - flawed, but still somewhat useful - to deal with Ajax. Wyvern came prepared to back up Ajax, disabling the trigger for your device, but that didn't stop you from manually using them to assault Ajax's mind with intense psionic powers. Ajax, the hero attempting to reform the Rogue Isles, fell that day in Nerva. You tagged him with a device given to Dean by your mutual friend, who promised to keep Ajax out of your hair.

When you returned to Dean, you asked him who exactly took Ajax away. Dean admitted that he didn't know the man's name. He was only given a letter, which he had been told to give to you. There was no name on the letter, but it was written as if this person knew you. He spoke of time travel, a group called 'Ouroboros', a man named 'Mender Silos', and of a storm on the horizon.

Regardless of this man's true purposes, he proved to to be a valuable tool that you used to get Ajax out of the Isles.

Lure Out Ajax

Me, Myself, and My Other Selves
Part one: Ajax and Me


  • Dean, can you get to the point sometime today?

Unnecessary Solicitation

How's that whole shindig with Ajax going?

Mission Objective(s)

The jewelry store is quiet as you step inside. The security cameras in the corners turn slowly, still unaware of your presence.

  • Lure out Ajax
    • Rob the jewelry store to lure out Ajax!
    • Defeat Ajax!
    • Find Mission Exit

Ajax turned out to be completely invulnerable - still. But what's more concerning was that you saw another version of yourself in that jewelry store!


Security Guards

Notable NPCs

You've gotten the items from the store, causing the alarm to go off. Ajax should be here at any moment!

Your Own Self

While you were robbing the jewelry store, you came across an odd sight - you! But this you was there to defend the store instead of rob it.

Unlike yourself, however, it didn't seem too keen on starting a fight.

The Invulnerable Ajax

Despite the rumors that Dean heard, Ajax was in fact quite impervious to harm. If he's going to persist in being a problem towards you in the Isles, you'll have to figure out some sort of way around this.


Track Down Your Clone

Me, Myself, and My Other Selves
Part Two: My Own Factory


  • Why am I high-fiving you?

Unnecessary Solicitation

How's the clone thing going? Or wait, are you the real Character?

Mission Objective(s)

You followed the trail of yourself through the sewers and into this laboratory. You can hear the sound of a fierce battle going on up ahead!
It looks like Dean's contact told
every other group in Sharkhead about this place!

  • Track Down Your Clone
    • Find your clone in the facility!
    • Defeat your clone
    • Interrogate a 5th Column Scientist!

You put down your clone - it must've been a faulty version of you.
You've taken the 5th Column cloning facility for yourself! Now to figure out what exactly to do with it...


The Family
Sky Raiders
5th Column
Cage Consortium

Notable NPCs

Note: there are low level 5th column engineers near the first group. It is currently unknown whether or not they have any dialogue, or if the inactive Wolfpack robots become active and have dialogue.

Ambush! Two 5th Column ambushes will appear after entering the cloning room, followed by a Doppelganger.

The Clone Factory

Your lead took you down into an old clone factory run by the 5th Column. You put down your clone and 'recruited' a 5th Column scientist to your cause.

Even if this factory doesn't fit into your plans, it's best that it's in your hands and someone else's within the isles. It'll only cause problems down the line if the heroes or a rival within the Isles gets their hands on this factory.


Interrupt Wyvern's raid on Crey

Me, Myself, and My Other Selves
Part Three: Minding Myself


Alright so, I've been doing some digging Character, you know me! You need something, I get you the info on it.

This Crey Revenant project, man it's all sorts of deep and covered up. But one of my boys, he's in Wyvern, yeah?

Don't worry, he's cool, he's just in it for the money. I get drinks with him on the weekends, guy knows how to throw a party. You should come one day, you know?

Anyway, I ask him about this, and he tells me, 'D-Mac, be honest with you, me and my boys, we got a call to raid this Crey office today. We might find some stuff there.'

So I totally bet that if you can follow Wyvern in there you could get yourself some of them scientists or whatever to help you out!

  • And what about your friend?


Nah, we were never that close. Not like you and me, that is. He's in Wyvern, but man, he ain't as powerful as YOU!

You though, you're going places. Him, He's just a guy with arrows.

Anyway, so check it out, here's the route that they're using to get into the Crey offices, it's through some sort of sewer.

Broham told me that there's three head Crey scientists there and a database full of secrets.

All I gotta say is that I'd push it if I were you, cause Wyvern, they're hitting that base right now!

Also, not to be soundin' all concernicus on you, but them Wyvern, they usually have a front team to check for any folks like you trying to disrupt operations. I bet if you can avoid beating down the group guardin' the sewers, you could catch the rest of them by surprise. That's just me though, I'm not down for fighting a buncha guys at once. Maybe that's your thing.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You see my guy in Wyvern, you uh, you mind not telling him I tipped you off about this? It might look bad.

Mission Objective(s)

Wyvern already has made their way through these sewers. Time to catch up to them and get yourself some Crey scientists.

  • 3 Scientists to recover
    • Access Crey's Computer!

The Crey Scientists will be heading towards your cloning facility now. Time to speak to Dean about setting things up to take down Ajax - once and for all.



Notable NPCs

  • Dr. Higgins
Dr. Higgins is one of the top Crey Scientists within this office.
  • Dr. Zeist
Dr. Zeist is a young and ambitious doctor, willing to do whatever it takes to make a name for himself.
  • Dr. Largs
Dr. Largs is known for his amoral researches within Crey - meaning that he has risen quite high in the company as of late.

Note: it is unknown whether the mobs within the mission have different dialogue if the sewer guards are attacked


Hey Character, how'd it go down?

Yeah? Three scientists and intense info huh? ROCK!

So now they're gonna get that clone place up and running for you, right? That's awesome! We can totally use that to take down that Ajax guy.

While you were gone he tried roughing me up for info. Can you believe that?! Going after D-Mac?!

I told him some fake info though, that you'd be in Nerva.

I can totally set you up with those psionic thing-a-majigs to put him down though!

My Worst Enemy

As this mission has multiple sections, this title needs confirmation

Me, Myself, and My Other Selves
Part Four: My Worst Enemy


Man, this is gonna be so intense Character! My hands are shaking in anticipation!

So okay, I did some legwork and talked to some people. D-Mac really put in the extra hours for this one.

I got in touch with those scientists of yours, they said they're gonna have a clone of you all ready to ship out pretty soon. Which is awesome.

And Ajax, he's all in Nerva, trying to see where your face is so he can punch it.

Now, this is the part where you give me a wicked high-five, or at least a fist bump. I got a contact here in Sharkhead, said he could hook you up with those psionic projectors! I know, whaaaaat!

AND, I got that other guy to agree to lug Ajax away once you're all done with him! Even gave me a device to do it! High five time for Dean!

  • Alright Dean. Tell me who your contact is in Sharkhead.

Well...okay. So the dude you're going to is called Lt. Chalmers. Guy is former SAS and in the Sky Raiders now, crazy story right?

I got another pal who is in the Sky Raiders, he's OK, kind of uptight and idealistic, but whatever. Real mook that guy is, I think that's what they say.

I figure you can go talk to Chalmers and he'll hook you up with what you gotta do. Your science boys told me they'll send your clone over when you give them the word.

Oh yeah, that guy? You know, the guy. The one who is gonna truck of Ajax. Told me to give you this weird looking device.

He said when Ajax is down, tag him with this and it'll 'keep Ajax out of your hair for a very long time'. Nice huh?

Meet with Lt. Chalmers

Unnecessary Solicitation

You meet up with that guy yet?

Lt. Chalmers:

Character. Good to see you. You're here for the devices, correct?

I've got men delivering them now, you just name the place.

  • Liberty Island. Ajax should be there now.

Liberty Island? Understood. Dean has handled all the payments for you.

Take this device. When Ajax is in sight, just hit the button and the psionic devices will activate, assaulting Ajax's mind.

  • And if the device doesn't work?

The device will work.

  • And if it doesn't?


If it doesn't work, the second option is to just destroy them. The psionics are set up to target Ajax when they're released - destroying the machines will do that. Though, it will also destroy the machines. Obviously.

  • Good to know.

Defeat Ajax

Unnecessary Solicitation

So that Chalmers guy was all cool huh? Told you he was down with this!

Mission Objective(s)

You arrive on Liberty Island with your clone beside you on the boat. Time to go find Ajax and put him down for good.

  • Confront Ajax!
    • Destroy the first Psionic Projector!
    • Destroy the second Psionic Projector!
    • Destroy the third Psionic Projector!
    • Destroy the last projector!
    • Defeat Ajax!

Ajax is whisked away in a bright flash by the device you received. That'll keep him out of your hair - for now. You had better talk with Dean to make sure everything else has gone according to plan.



Notable NPCs

Ambush! A Wyvern ambush will appear after the conclusion of your conversation with Ajax, and more will spawn as you destroy projectors.
First Wyvern Ambush: Multiple Characters are confirmed! Call in everyone in Nerva!

Confirm everything with Dean

Unnecessary solicitation:


We should make this face to face babe, I've got something give you from our mutual friend.


Male text for trying to call Dean missing

Mission Objective(s)

  • Visit Dean MacArthur


Character! What's uuuup! High five on taking down Ajax!

  • Where is he now?
Oh, I have no idea. They guy that I was talking to didn't say, just that he promised to keep Ajax outta our hair for good.
  • ...who is this guy?
Continues as below.
  • I'm never going to high five you Dean. Tell me who took Ajax.

Text missing

  • (High-five Dean)
You and Dean share an intense high-five together.
  • Now tell me where Ajax is.
Oh, I have no idea. They guy that I was talking to didn't say, just that he promised to keep Ajax outta our hair for good.
  • ...who is this guy?
Well, to be honest, the guy's face and all was concealed. BUT, here's there weird thing.
Straight up, he told me he figured you'd be curious about him. So he said in the event you were looking into who he was and what happened to give you this letter to read over.
Dean hands you an unopened envelope with a letter inside of it.
  • (Read the letter)
You read over the letter...
Dear Character...
This may be the first letter of mine that you're receiving, or the last. Have you visited Ouroboros yet? I suppose that question does not matter - if you have, then you know to be wary. If not, then you have been warned.
You are no doubt wondering what has happened to Ajax. I assure you that you have not been double-crossed - I respect you far too much to do something as banal as 'lie' to you. Yes, I used you to get to Ajax, much like you used Dean to get what you wanted. However, both of us have benefited from this, as Ajax is now where he needs to be.
There is a storm on the horizon - one that you are either all too familiar with, or one that you will soon come to know. I am gathering a team of sorts to deal with this - properly.
Mender Silos of Ouroboros has his followers who do his dirty work for him. Ajax shall be one of the few who will be on my team I do not use the term 'follower', as that implies I believe myself to be higher than those who aid me - much like Mender Silos does.
The time is coming soon when sides must be taken, Character. I would ask that you choose to side with myself when that day arrives. Silos will use you for his own ends - I, however, will do everything I can to work with you, to aid you.
As I mentioned earlier, this may be the first letter of mine you received, or the very last. Regardless of that, I shall see you in the pillar of fire and ice, when the time comes. I hope that you will make the right, and informed, choice of who you will support.
  • Dean, you don't know who gave you this letter?
No idea babe, like I said, dude was all mysterious-like, I couldn't see his face or anything.
But I know he was a guy! If there's one thing D-Mac knows, it's what gender someone is.
Hey so did your clones work out ok?
  • Not exactly. Why?
There's this guy, name's Leonard, weird kinda guy. He was looking around for you before.
He said that he was really interested in helping out with getting your cloning factory up and running.
I figure if you're interested, I can give him a ring and hook you up, you know? --Note: these last two words may be incorrect
  • That sounds like a plan Dean, make it so.

male meeting text missing


Character, I have to say, me and you working together, side by side, it's been great. A pleasure, and an honor. If you ever need someone to get you info on what's good in the isles, I'm your go to guy. Or if you want to go out on a nice romantic dinner in Aeon City, you just let me know, and I will be there in a HEARTBEAT. You and me, we're gonna be comrades forever, FOREVER!


male debriefing text missing


The Bane of Ajax Badge is awarded upon completion of Dean's Story Arc.


You've proven to Ajax, and the world, that no one is truly invincible.


Dean MacArthur does not have any missions out of his story arc.