Infernia | |
![]() Omega Team Survivor | |
Zone | Rikti War Zone |
Coordinates | (328, -1175, -2186) |
Level Range | 40-50 |
Introduced By | None |
Introduces | None |
Enemy Groups | +++ Missing Information +++ |

Signature Story Arc Who Will Die, Episode 7.
Infernia is a hero and villain contact in the Vanguard Compound neighborhood of Rikti War Zone at coordinates (328, -1175, -2186). Her level range is 40-50. She is standing 98 feet south of the Fateweaver. Infernia is the seventh contact in the Who Will Die Signature Story Arc available on the Paragon Market or free with subscription.
Contact Introduced By
None; Infernia should be approached in-game.
Omega Team Survivor
Infernia and her twin sister Glacia spent years battling each other before the Rikti attacked. United for the first time, they fought side-by-side and voluntereed for the Omega team together. Like all members of the Omega team, their fate had been a mystery until now. Now they've returned to Earth, and they have some important news to tell.
Prior to Introduction
Missing Prior to Introduction Dialogue
Initial Contact
Missing Initial Contact Dialogue
Content Not Purchased
You need to purchase the seventh episode of the first signature story arc, Who Will Die, or be a VIP in order to play Infernia's story arc.
Story Arc
Merit Rewards: This activity awards ? Reward Merits.
To Something Greater
Part One: Unlikely Allies
Character. We don't have a lot of time to talk. I'm sure you're fully aware of the situation we're all in. Darrin Wade is attempting, as we speak, to summon Rularuu into this world. He has Statesman and Sister Psyche's powers at his disposal and is almost impossible to beat.
Wade's whole plan has left the Freedom Phalanx and Vindicators a wreck, so they're both out of the picture. Vanguard is dealing with reports of Rularuu monsters appearing all over the world, except for Paragon and the Isles. Seems like Wade is doing his best to keep everyone as spread out as possible.
That leaves you and a select few who may have the capabilities of actually stopping Darrin Wade before his plans come to fruition. As always, Vanguard is ready to do whatever it takes to face off against inter-dimensional threats. I have a few ideas of how we can handle this. Are you ready to take the fight to Darrin Wade and end this once and for all?
This arc contains elite bosses, which may be difficult to defeat by yourself.
- Agree to form a task force
Alright, so we need to determine where Darrin Wade is and stop him from pulling off whatever he's planning, right? I've talked with the wizards in Vanguard and Dark Watcher, and we've come up with a plan.
Darrin Wade used an incredible amount of magic to kill off Statesman. Dark Watcher believes that if we investigate the scene where Statesman died, we could try to pick up Darrin Wade's magical signature and pick up his trail from there.
It's not much, really, but it's something. We could always just sit back and wait for him to destroy the world, but I think we both agree it's a little better to be pro-active, eh? We'll have a helicopter bring you over to the site whenever you're ready.
Unnecessary Solicitation
We don't have time to waste, Character.
Mission Objective(s)
The Vanguard helicopter was forced to drop you off at the caverns at the base of the temple due to a high number of Arachnos flyers patrolling the area.
Recluse and his army must have thought of a similar idea that Dark Watcher had.
- Investigate the Cimeroran Temple
- Get to the top of the Cimeroran temple
- Defeat Ghost Widow
- Speak with Scirocco
You've agreed to have Arachnos work together with you and discovered that Darrin Wade went into the Shadow Shard!
Notable NPCs
- Ghost Widow (Arachnos Archvillain, Enemy)
- Scirocco (Arachnos Archvillain, Neutral)
Arachnos was there?!
Well, I guess we can use all the help we can get, Character. If what Scirocco said is true, we know where we have to go next, although I'm a little worried that this could lead to a trap.
Part Two: Into the beast
I've talked with Dark Watcher and Lady Grey about what Scirocco told you. They both agreed that this is the only lead we have, so we might as well take it.
We've adjusted one of our portals to send you inside the Shadow Shard. We couldn't get you directly inside the Chantry, due to the various power fluctuations in the area. You'll be what I call annoyingly close and problematically far away from the Chantry.
- ... Great
Sorry, Character, it's the best we can do. One thing I don't understand, however, is why Wade would go visit Faathim. From what I understand, Faathim the Kind is the protector of those within the Shadow Shard; he isn't anything like Rularuu. Why would someone like Darrin Wade go to a being like Faathim?
Unnecessary Solicitation
Watch out in the Shard, Character.
Mission Objective(s)
Vanguard's portal sets you down on one of the islands in the Shadow Shard.
You'll need to find Scirocco to get information on the situation here in the Shadow Shard.
- Get Information from Faathim the Kind
- Find Scirocco
- Defeat Ruladak gain access to the Chantry
- Speak with Faathim the Kind regarding Darrin Wade
You've found out where Darrin Wade's main location is!
Notable NPCs
- Faathim the Kind (Soldiers of Rularuu Arch-villain, Neutral)
- Revived Ruladak (Soldiers of Rularuu Arch-villain, Enemy)
- Scirocco (Arachnos Patron, Ally)

Scirocco explained to you that Darrin Wade entered the Shadow Shard to help speed the process of Ruladak's reformation and also to seal Faathim the Kind inside of the Chantry.
Ruladak now guards the Chantry while his power begins to flow back to him. Ruladak seems to be drawing power from the monsters of Rularuu around him. As long as there are creatures belonging to Rularuu near him, he will have the chance to increase his powers.
Faathim the Kind should be able to shed some knowledge about the location of Darrin Wade, if you're able to free him from his prison within the Chantry.
Good to see you're back, Character, things are getting worse by the hour. We've gotten word that Sydney is overrun with Rularuu monsters, while London is doing their best to fend them off. We've also gotten reports of strange activity in Warburg, but it's not the Rogue Arachnos.
Heroes from Paragon are being dispatched to the worse areas of the world, along with Vanguard, but we can't be everywhere at once.
You found where Darrin Wade is right now? That's great! We'll get a fleet of ships to go there at once.
Faathim the Kind warned you that Wade won't succeed? Well, of course. People like Wade never win, but I suppose he's hedging his bets that he'll be able to keep control over Rularuu even once everything is complete.
Part Three: Coming Together
We're all set to bring this thing to an end, Character. Vanguard has talked with a US Naval Fleet that's in the area near Wade's island.
We're planning an all out assault on the area. The first fleet has gone forward to begin the attack on the island, but they've reported information that's going to make this a little harder than we thought.
- What information is that?
There's some sort of intense power fluctuations within the area, which makes flying a no-go. Anything in the air would get tossed about like a ragdoll by the huge forces that are in the air.
The only way to get to Wade's island is by a boat.
We're going to have Vanguard airlift you over to one of the farthest vessels and take you from there. Oh, I should also mention that you're not going alone.
Lord Recluse, Captain Mako, Penelope Yin, Numina, Ms. Liberty, and Gaussian will be going there with you. Gaussian will be in charge of maintaining the ship. Recluse insisted on going along to finish off Wade himself, so you may run into some issues there. I'd keep my eye on Captain Mako; he'll have a huge advantage being in the ocean.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Good luck, Character.
Mission Objective(s)
You stepped off the Vanguard helicopter and into the ship. After spending a few hours wandering around, you return to the main area of the deck, waiting for information about Wade's island.
- Assault Darrin Wade's Island
- Speak with anyone on board (optional)
- Contact the ship captain via the computer for an update
- Get topside to see the disturbance
- Ascend to the USS Barry
- Retrieve the USS Barry's computer data
- Return to the USS Ross
- Fend off incoming Rularuu until Lady Grey can teleport the group to safety
You found Darrin Wade's island and discovered that only an attack from some immense amount of force will be able to destroy the forcefield that protects it.
Notable NPCs'
- Captain Mako (Arachnos Archvillain, Ally)
- Gaussian (Ally)
- Ms. Liberty (Vindicators Hero, Ally)
- Numina (Freedom Phalanx, Ally)
- Penelope Yin (Independent Hero, Ally)
- Lord Recluse (Arachnos Archvillain, Ally)
Bug off, I got nothing to say to you.
- (Leave)

The computer connects you to the captain of the ship.
Character, we've got some odd readings that we're looking into. Something... definitely isn't right. We're getting -
What in the...
- What is it?
We need you all up on the deck, NOW! Something VERY wrong is happening! Gaussian is getting to work on scanning what exactly is going up there.
- (Leave)

You looked through the Barry's computer system and found data regarding its final moments. The Barry was the first to spot Wade's floating island and ordered everyone in the fleet to open fire.
They reported that nothing in their arsenal was able to destroy the shield surrounding the island, noting that it would take a large amount of high-powered missiles to begin to break through the shield.
Afterwards, energy signatures spiked in the area as other ships in the fleet were lifted out of the water as if they were toys.
Members of the crew began to instantly evaporate until there was no one left in any of the ships.

Upon returning to the USS Ross, the "Stop Darrin Wade's Ascension" phase begins. Event box reads as follows:
Survive Darrin Wade's Apocalypse Beam!
Penelope Yin's psychic barrier will protect you!
- Next Apocalypse Beam In: 0:30
This is worse than we imagined, Character. Darrin Wade was able to take out an entire fleet with the power he has on that, well, now floating island. Penelope Yin and Numina are currently recovering from trying to block Darrin Wade's attacks on the ship.
From what we can tell, Wade's island is starting to ascend higher into space. He must be planning on using it as the stage to summon Rularuu into this world! But we just have one problem... how are we going to get past that shield? We'd need an entire city's worth of fire power to...
Wait! I know!
Part Four: Warburg's Highest Purpose
Character, it might be a stretch, but it's our only option left. We need to break down the barrier that's between us and Darrin Wade's island so we can get you and everyone else in there to stop him once and for all, right? According to the Barry's logs, they sent everything they had at the shields and barely dented them.
Well, what about Warburg? That place is armed to the teeth with more missiles than any one place in the world. If we wait for Wade's island to get into space, as the current trajectory is showing, then we can launch everything in Warburg to destroy the shield. Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll destroy Wade as well, but if not, well, then we have you that can deal with him.
- What's the status of Warburg?
That's the bad part. Lord Recluse sent Black Scorpion to Warburg to check the situation. That's sort of where I got the idea from. We just received word that several of Black Scorpion's men were wiped out by Malta Operatives.
It looks like in the mess that was the world being attacked, Malta made a bid to take over Warburg. They're preparing for their own war in there, Character. Black Scorpion reported seeing nearly a dozen tanks being armed with their sapper technology. If we're going to use Warburg to take down Darrin Wade, you'll need to go in there with Black Scorpion and kick Malta out of there!
Unnecessary Solicitation
Recluse claims Black Scorpion won't betray you while you're in there. Let's hope he's right.
Mission Objective(s)
You arrive in Warburg to see Black Scorpion ready to fight. This may be a good thing, or a bad thing.
- Retake Warburg from Malta
- 12 tanks to destroy
- Defeat Fire Blue 2-1-9
- Defeat Desert Black 5-1-2
You've retaken Warburg!
Notable NPCs
- Desert Black 5-1-2 (Malta Operatives Gunslinger)
- Defeat Fire Blue 2-1-9 (Malta Operatives Gunslinger)
- Black Scorpion (Arachnos Patron, Ally)
Vanguard is already prepping every single missile in Warburg as we speak, Character. A lot is riding on this.
We have reports that Wade's island has broken through the Earth's atmosphere and is now hovering over the planet. Dark Watcher and Gaussian are reporting major spikes in energy around the area. We think that Wade is already beginning his ritual to bring Rularuu into the world and merge with him!
Finale: Unstoppable Force
Everything is nearly set for you, Character. We just launched the entire arsenal of Warburg rockets at Darrin Wade's island. We expect that some of them will be destroyed by Wade, but we're confident that enough will hit the shield to destroy it.
Vanguard has a rocket prepared for you deep within the base to launch you out there to face off against Wade once and for all. There's... just something you should be aware of.
- What is that?
We believe that Wade has already begun to merge with Rularuu. He is no longer Darrin Wade. He's a sort of cross between Wade and Rularuu. We've given him the code name 'Rula-Wade'.
Also, Lord Recluse has insisted that he and his four patrons accompany you to face off against Wade, and Lady Grey wants to debrief you before you go up. If you have a problem with Recluse going with you, I would bring it up with Lady Grey.
Speak to Lady Grey
Unnecessary Solicitation
Time is of the essence, Character.
Mission Objective(s)
- Speak to Lady Grey
Character. I will be providing you magical protection which will allow you to breathe in space, if you do not already have the ability to do so.
We've just received word that the missiles have all hit Wade's island and have destroyed his shielding.
At this point, all that is left is to face off against Rula-Wade. I need to warn you, Character, that this may be an incredibly difficult fight. Recluse and his four patrons will be going with you, and we will be sending Penelope Yin up to give you support. Are you prepared to face off against Rula-Wade?
- I am, let's finish this
- Excellent. The entire eyes of the world are you on, Character. Good luck.
- Tell Lord Recluse that he won't be coming with me.
- Are you sure, Character? Lord Recluse and his patrons aren't exactly the most trustworthy of allies, but they are allies nonetheless. It will be incredibly difficult to face off against Rula-Wade without their help.
- The finale mission will be much more challenging if you do not have the aid of Lord Recluse and his four patrons, especially if you are not on a team.
- I'm sure I don't need their help
- Very well. We'll just have to delay them while we get you into space.
Refused help from ArachnosYou told Lady Grey that you wouldn't need the help of Lord Recluse and his patrons to face off against Rula-Wade.
- Excellent.
- On second thought, I'll take them. Let's finish this.
- Excellent. The entire eyes of the world are you on, Character. Good luck.
- (Leave)
Defeat Rula-Wade, once and for all
Unnecessary Solicitation
Good luck, Character.
Mission Objective(s)
Vanguard's rocket flies over the island, dropping you down to face off against Darrin Wade's new form.
- Defeat Rula-Wade, once and for all
- Stop Darrin Wade's Ascension
- Clear out the Rularuu soldiers from the area!
- Destroy the artifacts of Rularuu!
You've stopped Rula-Wade and saved all of existence from Rularuu!
Notable NPCs
- Black Scorpion (Arachnos Patron, Ally)
- Captain Mako (Arachnos Patron, Ally)
- Ghost Widow (Arachnos Patron, Ally)
- Lord Recluse (Arachnos Archvillain, Ally)
- Penelope Yin (Independent Hero, Ally)
- Rula-Wade (Soldiers of Rularuu Archvillain, Enemy)
- Scirocco (Arachnos Patron, Ally)

The "Stop Darrin Wade's Ascension" event box reads as follows:
Stop Darrin Wade's Ascension
Clear out the Rularuu soldiers from the area!

Rula-Wade: Character. I had a feeling you were behind the rockets that attacked the island.
Rula-Wade: As we speak, I'm becoming one with Rularuu. I am ascending, becoming MORE than a man, even more than a god!
Rula-Wade: They told me my desire for greatness could never be satisfied, that my nature was to be a mere human...
Rula-Wade: But I have defied them, defied nature, defied all that would hold me down!
Rula-Wade: This world, this universe... now belongs to ME! And it has NO place for the likes of YOU!

The "Stop Darrin Wade's Ascension" event box reads as follows:
Stop Darrin Wade's Ascension
Destroy the artifacts of Rularuu!
Penelope Yin's psychic barrier will protect you!
- RulaWade's Next Blast In: 0:30

The "Stop Darrin Wade's Ascension" event box reads as follows:
Stop Darrin Wade's Ascension
Defeat Rula-Wade once and for all!
Rula-Wade can strengthen himself with other Rularuu around him!

Rula-Wade: NO! The power... falling away! This isn't happening! WHY?!
Rula-Wade: Was it so wrong to want freedom?! To want KNOWLEDGE?!
Rula-Wade: All I ever wanted... was to just know the world... know the universe... to be... free...!
Every person in the world just let out a huge sigh of relief, Character. The monsters of Rularuu are starting to vanish all over the world. With Wade defeated, Rularuu was flung back into the depths of the Shadow Shard.
Vanguard recovered what remains of Darrin Wade. He was violently flung back into his body after you defeated his ascended form. He no longer has the powers of Statesman and Sister Psyche, though to be honest, we're not entirely sure how that happened.
The world is saved and Wade's plot is at an end. However, there's still one last thing we need from you.
Infernia is a NPC ally who is found during the mission Save captured psychics from Lady Grey (CoH and CoV, levels 45 - 50). She is one of the survivors of the legendary Omega Team. She will have been captured by the Rikti and in need of a rescue when you find her first, and must be freed so she can help you.
Once free, she will follow you and will attack any Rikti in her aggro range. She must be escorted to the mission exit, though does not need to survive, as the mission will not fail if she falls.
Once she is free, an ambush consisting of two waves of Rikti will attack her.
During the mission, Infernia has the hit points of a Boss of the level of the mission. Her powers are very damaging once she gets in melee range. Her survival is not paramount to the mission's success, though this may require further testing with different parameters.
Some advice would be to not bring her or her sister Glacia to fight Dra'Gon, who has some nasty Area of Effect attacks. Although it is unlikely none of the sisters will be able to gain enough aggro for him to kill them directly, the area attacks can still kill them accidentally.
As a final note, you need to free Infernia so Glacia and her captors spawn. Once Glacia is free, Dra'Gon himself will spawn.

She will not move until she has finished saying everything... and that's a lot. It is very likely the first wave of ambushers will reach her before she has finished, so be careful not to leave her behind!
Infernia and her twin sister Glacia spent years battling each other before the Rikti attacked. United for the first time, they fought side-by-side and voluntereed for the Omega team together. Like all members of the Omega team, their fate had been a mystery until now. Now they've returned to Earth, and they have some important news to tell.
During the mission, she will use Fiery Melee powers:
Fire Smash Melee Heavy Smash, Damage over Time (Fire), Knockback
Behemoth fire punch attack
Scorch Melee, Minor Damage (Fire), Damage over Time (Fire)
Infernia's hands are engulfed in flames, igniting the target.
Fire Sword Melee, Lethal/Fire Damage, Damage over Time, Fire
Infernia can summon a Sword of Fire that sets foes ablaze. Successful attacks from the fire sword will also do a slight damage over time.
Fire Breath Ranged, Cone, Damage over Time (Fire)
Infernia breaths forth a cone of fire that burns all foes within its narrow cone. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range.
Combustion Melee, Area of Effect, Moderate Damage over Time (Fire)
Your mastery of fire allows you to violently raise the temperature around yourself in an attempt to spontaneously combust any nearby foes and set them ablaze, dealing damage over time.
Incinerate Melee, High Damage over Time (Fire)
Intense concentration can allow you to incinerate an opponent. This will set your foe ablaze, dealing very high damage over a short time.
Fire Sword Circle Melee, Point Blank Area of Effect, Moderate Damage (Fire/Lethal)
Mastery of your Fire Sword has enabled you to make an attack on every foe within melee distance. This will slash and burn your enemies, dealing moderate damage and setting them ablaze.
Greater Fire Sword Melee, Superior Damage (Fire/Lethal)
Your mastery of fire allows you to create an enhanced sword of fire that can set foes ablaze. Successful attacks from the Greater Fire Sword will ignite your target, dealing damage over time.
Fire Shield Self +Resistance (Fire, Lethal, Smash, Cold)
While this power is active, Fire Shield gives Infernia good resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Fire damage. Fire Shield also provides minimal resistance to Cold damage.
Healing Flames Self Heal, +Resistance (Toxic)
You can concentrate for a few moments to heal yourself. The power of the flames can also protect you from Toxic Damage for a while.