Invention System
Added in Issue 9, the Invention System allows characters to craft Enhancements, costume pieces, and Temporary Powers using Recipes and new Invention Salvage dropped by defeated foes.
Game developers stated that the long-rumored "Legacy System", which would allow for additional improvements of Level 50 characters, had evolved into the Invention System.[1]
The University
Heroes and Villains use Invention Salvage and Recipes to create items at Invention Worktables that are located in the newly opened Universities. Supergroups may also install an Invention Worktable in their bases.
Heroes can find campuses in Steel Canyon, Croatoa, and Founders' Falls. Villains can find a campus in Cap au Diable. All campuses have many Invention Worktables at which inventions may be created.
A series of tutorial missions for the Invention system can be completed through Admissions Officer Lenk in Steel Canyon's University for Heroes or through Dean John Yu in Cap au Diable's University for Villains. Completing the tutorial awards the Inventor Badge. The character will also receive Salvage and a Recipe to create a level-appropriate Standard Invention Origin Enhancement.
Inventing in General
Inventions are created by combining Salvage, Influence/Infamy and a Recipe at a Worktable.
There are currently four types of Inventions:
- Invention Made Costumes
- Enhancements
- Invention Temporary Powers
- Components are a special case, converting stacks of identical Invention Salvage in to components for base construction and Empowerment Station buffs. This conversion is always available at any Invention Worktable, and doesn't require a Recipe.
Specific Inventions
Main article: Invention Origin Enhancements
The core of the Invention System is the creation of Invention Origin Enhancements.
Costume Pieces
Main article: Invention Made Costumes
A number of animated costume pieces can be created with the system, including various kinds of wings and special boots.
Temporary Powers
Main article: Invention Temporary Powers
There are a small number of temporary powers craftable with the inventions system.
There are currently no Inspirations that can be crafted.
Base Items
Main article: Crafted Base Items
Certain base items can be crafted in a supergroup workshop. They require components which are crafted from base salvage, but not separate recipe items or Inf.
Additionally, Invention salvage can be converted into base components at an Invention Worktable.
Invention System Badges
Many badges can be earned by crafting.
Tutorial Badge

You have proven your skills as an Inventor at the University.
Memorization Badges
Main article: Memorization
The recipes for crafting common IOs can be memorized. Memorization allows the crafting of enhancements at half the cost and without the need for a recipe. 45 badges are available for memorization, 40 of which are needed for the Field Crafter Accolade and its Portal Workbench accolade power.
Quantity Badges

You have created 50 inventions, proving you are an Artisan.

You have created 100 inventions, justifying your title of Master Artisan.

You are a true Craftsman, and have created 500 inventions.

A Master Craftsman they call you, as you have created 1,000 inventions.

Your ingenuity knows no bounds, and after 2,000 inventions you are now a Fabricator.
Field Crafter Accolade

You are truly a crafting specialist, and can now summon a portable crafting station to your location for five minutes once an hour. All nearby characters can use this station (not just your teammates, as the description states).
See Also
Beta Screen Captures
- Admissions Officer Lenk's syllabus
- Professor Chandler's workbench tutorial
- Professor Topffer's inventions tutorial
- The Wentworth's advertisement near Guidance Counselor Jones
- Run Speed Enhancement