Issue 2 Badges

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This article contains information about changes that took place in City of Heroes. It is provided for historical purposes.


Issue 2 was the first time badges were introduced to the game. It brought with it 64 Exploration badges, 13 History badges, 59 Achievement badges, 26 Accomplishment badges and 10 Accolade badges. In total, 172 badges were introduced upon the release of Issue 2. An additional 6 Achievement badges and one Accolade badge were added later, for a grand total of 179 badges during Issue 2.

Exploration Badges

Atlas Park

There were six badges added to Atlas Park

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Freedom Atlas Park 129121-641[Copy]
Hero Corps Insider Atlas Park 28416-884[Copy]
Patriot Atlas Park 162-768-678[Copy]
Silent Sentinel Atlas Park -60870-1890[Copy]
Top Dog Atlas Park 134314-340[Copy]
Undefeated Atlas Park 63385-2324[Copy]


There were four badges added to Boomtown

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Destined for Valhalla Boomtown -40983522473[Copy]
Phalanxer Boomtown -2002-165180[Copy]
Regal Boomtown -448422170[Copy]
Vision of Despair Boomtown -7540-595[Copy]


There were two badges added to Brickstown

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Inmate Brickstown -1726241153[Copy]
Mystic Brickstown -593321378[Copy]

Crey's Folly

There were two badges added to Crey's Folly

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Burning the Midnight Oil Crey's Folly 840241798[Copy]
Crey Watcher Crey's Folly 108002320[Copy]

Dark Astoria

There were three badges added to Dark Astoria

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Cairn Warder Dark Astoria 102651218[Copy]
Dark Mystic Dark Astoria 167862833[Copy]
Seeker of the Unknown Dark Astoria 1868-801352[Copy]


There were two badges added to Eden

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Crey Fish Eden -178704550[Copy]
Unspoiled Eden 2482342350[Copy]


There were four badges added to Faultline

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Apex Faultline 27857-2257[Copy]
Faultless Mystic Faultline -844-407-714[Copy]
Newsman Faultline 1125-271296[Copy]
Undammed Faultline 76-8981687[Copy]

Founders' Falls

There were two badges added to Founders' Falls

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Chaotician Founders' Falls 815-212402[Copy]
Foggy Founders' Falls 96802621[Copy]

Galaxy City

There were five badges added to Galaxy City

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Bird Watcher Galaxy City -109948-2264[Copy]
Blue Shield Galaxy City -117039-2470[Copy]
Brawler Galaxy City -118463-936[Copy]
Land Locked Galaxy City -2036-431000[Copy]
Tank Galaxy City -117873-586[Copy]

The Hive

There were two badges added to The Hive

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Heart of the Hamidon The Hive -3-338-2183[Copy]
Time Bandit The Hive 17422-3820[Copy]

Independence Port

There were three badges added to Independence Port

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Crey Havoc Independence Port -4412-271[Copy]
Valorous Independence Port 947609-1152[Copy]
Vigorous Independence Port -161580-1872[Copy]

Kings Row

There were five badges added to Kings Row

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Keen Sighted Kings Row -2176971143[Copy]
Mystic King Kings Row -37671245[Copy]
Smokey Kings Row -3042-42 -1358[Copy]
Summoned Kings Row -941-422977[Copy]
Upgraded Kings Row -496101768[Copy]

Peregrine Island

There was one badge added to Peregrine Island

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Portal Parter Peregrine Island 304501287[Copy]

Perez Park

There were five badges added to Perez Park

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Around the Bendis Perez Park -875-313658[Copy]
Avatar Perez Park -1538-323176[Copy]
Doc Whedon Perez Park -2085-322853[Copy]
Justice Avenger Perez Park -103413976[Copy]
Territorial Perez Park -2015-561586[Copy]

Rikti Crash Site

There was one badge added to Rikti Crash Site

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Ace Rikti Crash Site 1358293-274[Copy]

Skyway City

There were four badges added to Skyway City

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Dauntless Skyway City -7060-1077[Copy]
Healing Node Skyway City 1577-84-677[Copy]
Purifier Skyway City -1085-16-7612[Copy]
Solace Skyway City 2260-84-3367[Copy]

Steel Canyon

There were four badges added to Steel Canyon

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Bright Star Steel Canyon -2987-361820[Copy]
Hero Corps Recruit Steel Canyon 1764161363[Copy]
Nimble Mynx Steel Canyon -242848-3408[Copy]
Secret Admirer Steel Canyon -343802536[Copy]

Talos Island

There were three badges added to Talos Island

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Minotaur Talos Island 1698167697[Copy]
Nature Lover Talos Island 26721249117[Copy]
Whitecap Talos Island -5613801855[Copy]

Terra Volta

There were three badges added to Terra Volta

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Conjunction Junction Terra Volta 22220-7102[Copy]
Meltdown Terra Volta 1120721-3080[Copy]
Nervous Dreck Terra Volta 44560-6124[Copy]

Other Exploration Badges

Three badges were added to instanced mission maps:

Badge tourist 01.png Head of the Hydra
Badge tourist 01.png Multidimensional
Badge tourist 01.png Shrouded

History Badges

There were thirteen History badges added with Issue 2

Badge history 01.png Academic
Badge history 01.png Authority
Badge history 01.png Disciple
Badge history 01.png Expert
Badge history 01.png Intellectual
Badge history 01.png Just Said No to Superadine
Badge history 01.png Pupil
Badge history 01.png Historian
Badge history 01.png Researcher
Badge history 01.png Savant
Badge history 01.png Scholar
Badge history 01.png Scholastic
Badge history 01.png Student

Achievement Badges

There were 59 Achievement badges added with Issue 2

Badge damage recvd 01.png Adamant   Take 1,000,000 points of damage
Badge mentoring 01.png Advisor   Have a sidekick for 4 hours total
Badge villain banished.png Banisher   Defeat 200 Banished Pantheon 'Spirit of's
Badge villain skulls.png Bonecrusher   Defeat 50 Skulls Bone Daddies
Badge influence 01.png Celebrity   Earn 1,000,000 Influence
Badge villain clockwork.png Clockstopper   Defeat Babbage
Badge count 25.png Collector   Earn 25 badges
Badge level 30.png Defender of Truth   Achieve Security Level 30
Badge villain cot.png Demon Slayer   Defeat Baphomet
Badge villain praetorians.png Dimensional Warder   Defeat Praetorean Arch-villains
Badge healing 01.png Doctor   Heal 2,000,000 ally hit points
Badge hold 01.png Entangled   Be mezzed for 2 hours total
Badge count 50.png Explorer   Earn 50 badges
Badge villain lost.png Finder   Defeat 100 The Lost bosses
Badge villain clockwork.png Gearsmasher   Defeat 100 Clockwork gears
Badge villain vahzilok.png Gravedigger   Defeat 100 Vahzilok Embalmed
Badge mentoring 01.png Guide   Have a sidekick for 8 hours total
Badge villain hellions.png Hellspawned   Defeat 50 Hellions Damned
Badge level 50.png Hero of the City   Achieve Security Level 50
Badge villain carnival.png Illusionist   Defeat 500 Illusionists summoned by Carnival of Shadows Master Illusionists
Badge hold 01.png Imprisoned   Be mezzed for 10 hours total
Badge damage recvd 01.png Indestructible   Take 500,000 points of damage
Badge villain crey.png Infiltrator   Defeat 200 Crey Paragon Protectors
Badge villain contaminated.png Isolator   Defeat 100 Contaminated
Badge level 40.png Justice Incarnate   Achieve Security Level 40
Badge level 20.png Keeper of Peace   Achieve Security Level 20
Badge villain banished.png Keeper of Secrets   Defeat Adamastor
Badge villain warriors.png Legionnaire   Defeat 100 Warriors bosses
Badge villain malta.png Master of Olympus   Defeat Kronos Class Titan
Badge healing 01.png Medic   Heal 250,000 ally hit points
Badge villain malta.png Monkeywrencher   Defeat 50 Malta Zeus Class Titans
Badge mentoring 01.png Paragon   Have a sidekick for 12 hours total
Badge count 100.png Pathfinder   Collect 100 badges
Badge villain skyraiders.png Privateer   Defeat 100 Sky Raiders Sky Skiffs
Badge level 10.png Protector of Innocents   Achieve Security Level 10
Badge villain devouring.png Protectorate   Defeat 500 Devouring Earth emanators
Badge villain trolls.png Regenerator   Defeat 100 Trolls bosses
Badge hold 01.png Restrained   Be mezzed for 30 minutes total
Badge influence 01.png Sensation   Accumulate 10,000,000 Influence
Badge villain cot.png Soul Binder   Defeat 100 Circle of Thorns mages
Badge influence 01.png Superstar   Accumulate 20,000,000 Influence
Badge healing 01.png Surgeon   Heal 1,000,000 ally hit points
Badge villain freakshow.png Tank Buster   Defeat 100 Freakshow bosses
Badge villain council.png The Silver Bullet   Defeat 100 Council Warwolves
Badge villain council.png The Slayer   Defeat 100 Council Vampyri
Badge villain devouring.png The Solution   Defeat Jurassik
Badge debt 01.png The Unbroken Spirit   Pay off 800,000 XP debt
Badge debt 01.png The Unwavering   Pay off 100,000 XP debt
Badge debt 01.png The Unyielding   Pay off 400,000 XP debt
Badge damage recvd 01.png Tough   Take 100,000 points of damage
Badge count 10.png Tourist   Earn 10 badges
Badge villain tsoo.png Tracer   Defeat 100 Tsoo Sorcerers
Badge damage recvd 01.png Unbreakable   Take 10,000,000 points of damage
Badge villain hydra.png Unleasher   Defeat Kraken
Badge villain family.png Untouchable   Defeat 100 Family bosses (not Marcone)
Badge villain nemesis.png Unveiler   Defeat 100 Nemesis Fake Nemesis
Badge villain prisoners.png Warden   Defeat 500 Prisoners
Badge villain outcasts.png Weatherman   Defeat 100 Outcasts bosses
Badge villain rikti.png Zookeeper   Defeat 1,000 Rikti Monkeys

Accomplishment Badges

There were 26 Accomplishment badges added with Issue 2

Badge stature 15.png Agent   Complete the Eliminate Marauder's Cell mission
Badge stature 14.png Bodyguard   Complete the Rescue Rikti negotiator quickly mission
Badge trial zone 01.png Charmer   Complete the Abandoned Sewers Trial
Badge task force 04.png Citadel's Assistant   Compete Citadel's Task Force
Badge stature 08.png Corrupter   Complete the Stop Circle from signing pact mission
Badge stature 12.png Emancipator   Complete the Investigate the psychic signal mission
Badge stature 11.png Frontline   Complete the Stop the Circle of Thorns from contacting an alternate world
Badge task force 05.png Manticore's Associate   Complete Manticore's Task Force
Badge stature 13.png Meteorologist   Complete the Defeat all foes in weather lab mission
Badge stature 07.png Mystical Savior   Complete the Track down the Pantheon and rescue the mystics mission
Badge stature 01.png Negotiator   Complete the Get the Clockwork out of the warehouse before the Skulls get involved mission
Badge task force 06.png Numina's Compatriot   Complete Numina's Task Force
Badge stature 03.png Plague Stopper   Complete the Destroy Vahzilok Containers mission
Badge task force 01.png Positron's Ally   Complete Positron's Task Force
Badge stature 05.png Pwnz   Complete the Retrieve weapons from Freakshow missio
Badge stature 06.png Redeemer   Complete the Beat all Warriors in warehouse mission
Badge task force 03.png Sister Psyche's Comrade   Complete Sister Psyche's Task Force
Badge stature 02.png Spelunker   Complete the Rescue Fortune Teller mission
Badge stature 04.png Spirit Warrior   Complete the Stop both groups of mystic madmen mission
Badge villain praetorians.png Statesman's Pal   Complete the Defeat Tyrant and his minions mission
Badge task force 02.png Synapse's Cohort   Complete Synapse's Task Force
Badge stature 10.png The Doctor's Ally   Complete the Investigate the hacker known as The Doctor mission
Badge trial zone 01.png Liberator   Complete the Eden Trial
Badge trial zone 01.png Transcendent   Complete the Cavern of Transcendence Trial
Badge trial zone 01.png Transmogrified   Complete the Terra Volta Respecification Trial
Badge stature 09.png War Wall Defender   Complete the Rescue the engineers and prevent the Rikti from bringing down the force fields mission

Accolade Badges

There were ten Accolade badges added with Issue 2

Badge magus set 01.png Archmage   Earn the Banisher, Dark Mystic, Faultless Mystic, Illusionist, Mystic, Mystic King, Soul Binder and Tracer badges
Badge respec freedom.png Awarded the Freedom Cross   Complete the Terra Volta Respecification Trial a third time and be at least Security Level 44
Badge crey set 01.png Conspiracy Theorist   Earn the Bird Watcher, Crey Fish, Crey Havoc, Crey Watcher, Infiltrator and The Doctor's Ally badges
Badge respec statesman.png Earned the Statesman Star   Complete the Terra Volta Respecification Trial a second time and be at least Security Level 34
Badge phalanx set 01.png Freedom Phalanx Reserve Member   Earn the Authority, Brawler, Gearsmasher, Keen Sighted, Nimble Mynx, Purifier, Regal, Summoned, Tank Buster, Unveiler and Vigorous badges
Badge passport 01.png Passport   Transfer a character from a US server to a European server
Badge dimensional set 01.png Portal Jockey   Earn the Dimensional Warder, Multidimensional, Scholastic and Shrouded badges
Badge atlas set 01.png Received the Atlas Medallion   Earn the Pupil, Spelunker, The Silver Bullet, The Slayer and Top Dog badges
Badge respec stalwart.png Received the Stalwart Medallion   Complete the Terra Volta Respecification Trial
Badge rikti war set 01.png Vanguard   Earn the Ace, Finder, Portal Parter, Savant and Zookeeper badges

Later Badges

Achievement Badges

There were six Achievement badges added after Issue 2 was released.

Badge event buster.png Buster   Defeat 20 Ghosts during the Halloween event
Badge event deadhead.png Dead Head   Defeat 50 Zombies during the Halloween event
Badge event hallowspirit.png Hallow Spirit   Defeat Eochai during the Halloween event
Badge event hunter.png Hunter   Defeat 20 Vampires during the Halloween event
Badge event malleus.png Malleus   Defeat 75 Coven during the Halloween event
Badge event shifter.png Shifter   Defeat 15 Werewolves during the Halloween event

Accolade Badges

There was one Accolade badge added after Issue 2 was released.

Badge DVD.png V.I.P.   Purchase the City of Heroes Collector's Edition DVD

See Also