Janet Kellum

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Janet Kellum.jpg

Janet Kellum is a hero contact in Founders' Falls at coordinates (1700.5, 9, 621)[Copy] Janet Kellum is a Science origin contact. Her level range is 40-44.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)


FBSA agent

Janet Kellum had one of the highest scores in the history of the Federal Bureau for Super-powered Affairs entrance exam. Her partner, Maxwell Christopher thinks that she has her head too far in the clouds sometimes, but there's no denying that the progress she's made into the Crey investigation is astounding. Janet is fond of her gruff partner, but envies the fact that his seniority allowed him to select Nemesis duty for himself.

Initial Contact

Countess Crey is one of the most insidious villains operating in Paragon City today. You and I are going to bring her down!


Badge Mission

Story Arc

The Evil Countess Crey

Souvenir: Julianne's diary

You've kept the diary of Julianne Thompson, the idealistic young woman who grew up to become the cold-hearted Countess Crey. It's a reminder that sometimes our dreams betray us, and we wind up becoming a twisted version of our own best impulses, just like

The Evil Countess Crey

It all began with a simple missing person case. Pamela Thompson was looking for her daughter, Julianne, who disappeared more than a decade ago. You went to Julianne's old loft, but found Crey agents there trying to dispose of any clues. You found Julianne's diary, which mentioned a trip to see a hero, the Night Fox.

You went to the cave where the Night Fox makes his home, but Crey agents had already spirited him away.

Undaunted, you hit the streets. One of the Crey agents you defeated was carrying printed orders that gave the location of the facility where the night fox had been imprisioned.

You descended on the facility and rescued the Night Fox before Crey could extract his DNA for use in their Revenant Hero Project. The Night Fox had some harsh news for you, however. The last he had heard of Julianne Thompson was of her death, years ago, in England. Your contact arranged for the girl's body to be returned to the States, and you went back to your ordinary routine.

But it wasn't over yet. When the body arrived in Paragon City, Pamela Thompson could not identify it! She claimed that it belonged to another woman. You took a lock of the dead woman's hair to Cadao Kestrel, the voodoo master. He performed a ceremony and revealed that the name of the dead woman was Clarissa Van Dorn, the maiden name of the Countess Crey.

Your contact surmised that Julianne Thompson had murdered the real Clarissa, asumed her identity and married Count Crey under false pretenses. You went to a Crey facility to try to apprehend the murderous countess. You didn't find her, but you did recover an interesting e-mail from a Crey computer. It spoke of a disgrunted Crey employee, Howard Quigley, who might be able to disrupt the launch of Crey's new computer operative system, CreyComp. When you returned to your contact, you learned that Countess Crey had managed to deflect your accusations. No warrant would be issued for her arrest. On the contrary, an APB had been issued for you! You were wanted for breaking and entering, assault and theft of Crey property.

You had only one clue to go on: the disgrunted Crey employee. If you could find him, perhaps he could tell you something about Crey Industries that could prove your actions were part of a legitimate investigation. You arrived at his office in time to rescue him from a mob of Crey agents, and he told you that he suspected the CreyComp OS had a hidden, nefarious purpose.

A wanted criminal, you went after Crey once more. You collected the source code for CreyComp and took it to Justine Kelly for analysis.

Justine analyzed the code and informed you of the shocking truth: CreyComp was a mind control tool. Using subliminal messages, Crey Industries would soon be in complete control of all CreyComp users. To stop it, you went to a Crey warehouse and destroyed the CreyComp disks awaiting shipment.

This wasn't enough, though. You also had to eliminate the source code. Justine concocted a computer virus, and you uploaded it to the Crey network. This not only eliminated CreyComp for good, but also accessed incriminating files within the Crey database and e-mailed them to Crey's customers.

Countess Crey's guilt was now proven, and you were exonerated by the mayor. You were given a warrant for Countess Crey's arrest, and hit the streets to track her down. One of the Crey agents you defeated was carrying a copy of the countess' escape plan.

You went to the cave network where she was hiding and arrested her. Countess Crey is now awaiting trial on charges of corruption and conspiracy.

Mission name


Mission Objective(s)



Notable NPCs



Investigate the Crey lab


I've got a good lead on a Crey lab that's linked to the countess sick Revenant Hero Project. I don't want to get your hopes up, but my sources tell me Countess Crey herself is a frequent visitor to the lab. If you can find any evidence linking her to that lab, it'll be hard for her to maintain her plausible deniability. I need you to investigate that Crey lab right away. This could be big!

Dirt never seems to stick to the countess. Maybe you can change that.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all forces in lab
    • Unknown

Temporary power:

During this mission you will be infected with:

Crey narcotic

Auto, Self -Recovery, -Speed, -Recharge

The Crey scientists have injected you with a narcotic that slows your movement speed, attack speed, and endurance recovery! After completing your mission, you should seek help from your contact. If you cannot reach your contact, the effect should wear off.



Notable NPCs

  • Unknown


I guess Countess Crey thought you'd make a nice addition to her Revenant Hero project. Ugh. At least you made it out of there unscathed. I have to wonder, though. Those Crey agents said something about getting a sample from you? I wonder how much DNA the countess needs to construct her patchwork heroes?

Get the Rikti Monkeys


I've received a frightening tip. According to my source, Crey has managed to get it's hands on several of those Rikti monkey pests that are such a nuisance on Peregrine Island. They're working on a way to bioengineer the little beasties themselves! We can't have that. I want you to get to this lab and get the Rikti monkeys out of there. That's right. Every last one!

My source tells me Crey's been trying to enhance the intelligence and reasoning of these creatures. I'm not really sure what you should expect.

Mission Objective(s)

A high-pitched hooting richohets down the metal corridors.

  • Retrieve all three monkeys

You have extracted the Rikti monkeys.

Notable NPCs


I must say, I wasn't ready for this. After hearing your report, I had SERAPH run a few tests. It seems these Rikti monkeys aren't just physically enhanced, but mentally as well! They're not what you might call sentient, but they're fairly intelligent. That must be how they identified you as an ally.

The monkeys will remain at SERAPH for now, though I've been assured they'll be teated well. It's a strange world. Sometimes a very strange world indeed.

Get a sample of the Crey Cola formula


Have you heard about this new Crey Cola that's going to be on the market soon? Well, I was watching a commercial for it last night, and I felt like I just had to try it! That's when I got suspicious. I had a friend take a look at Crey's advertising, and it turns out they're using subliminal messages to push this soda. I know Crey's competitive, but my gut tells me there's more here than cutthroat capitalism. I need you to get a sample of Crey Cola and get it to Dr. Steven Sheridan. He'll be able to analyze it.

Crey has its fingers in just about every industry in this town. It gives the Countess a lot of power.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Secutity Chief & his men
    • Unknown



Sample of Crey Cola formula

You took this sample from a Crey bottling company.

Notable NPCs

  • Unknown

Briefing: Steven Sheridan

My word! This formula is about 90% sugar, 9% artificial coloring and 1% nanite! You've heard of nanites, right? Tiny machines small enough to float around in the bloodstream? These are set to collect genetic information from the host, then transmit it back to Crey by radio signal. If this product makes it to the market, Crey will have genetic data on every Paragon citizen, including our most powerful heroes! You've got to make this information public!


Dr. Sheridan called me, and I've got the word out to every media outlet in the city. Wouldn't you know it, Crey got to them first, and they're not reporting the whole story. They're simply saying that the Crey Cola product is being pulled, pending further studies by the FDA. At least you and I know the truth. You saved the entire city from having their genetic data on file in some Crey lab.

Rescue Warren Lyte from Crey


Have you ever worked with a hero called The Shining Light? She's a powerful Blaster who I give tips to from time to time. Well, her husband's gone missing! Naturally, Shiny's worried sick. I dont want to scare her, but an eyewitness saw her husband being dragged into a Crey facility! Will you rescue Warren Lyte from Crey? I'm sure Shiny'd do the same for your family.

The Shining Light has been keeping her eye on Crey corruption lately. Maybe their kidnapped her husband as retaliation.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Stop Protectors' leader & her men
    • Rescue Warren Lyte



Warren Lyte's story

When you rescued Warren Lyte, he told you:

"I noticed something was wrong with Shiny a couple of weeks ago. She just didn't seem herself. I started questioning her, trying to figure out what was wrong. That was my mistake.

It's hard to believe, but she's just not my Shiny anymore. Crey's changed her in some way! She's the one who had me kidnapped. I think they would have killed me if you hadn't shown up!"

Notable NPCs


Well, Warren will be in protective custody for a while. He's pretty shaken up, and I don't blame him. It sounds as though Crey got their hands on the Shining Light's DNA and used it to construct an imposter. If Shiny's husband wasn't so observant, it might have worked, too. I don't know wether the real Shining Light is dead, or trapped in a Crey facility somewhere. I hope someday we can learn the truth, for her husband's sake.

Mission name


Mission Objective(s)



Notable NPCs


External Links

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