The Janitor is the final contact for the Invention System tutorial for villains. He is located in the Administration inside the University in Cap Au Diable.
About this contact
Sometimes you don't need to be a teacher to know something. The Janitor is the man when it comes to hooking up with students with information. It's always the quiet ones.
Initial Contact
Sup? Nice job on the Inventor thing. Looks like you got prospects after all.
So yeah, I sent for you. I may just be a janitor, but I've got connections all over the Rogue Isles. You're gonna wanna know what they are.
Look at the bulletin board
I'm gonna do you a little favor. You wanna buy and sell your stuff? There's a place to do it. The Black Market. Shhhhh!! Don't say it out loud. That's right. You heard me. Now I can't go yapping on and on about it right here on campus, I could get fired. You want that on your shoulders? I didn't think so. I will tell you this: there's a Temporary Teleport Power for sale all the time, and at a fixed price, on the Black Market. Might want to keep that in mind.
Now don't stand there gawping; just look at the bulletin board. You'll find out what you need on the you know what.
Don't make yourself all suspicious when you're reading. Like I want to get fired.
Mission Objective
- Read the Bulletin Board
You read through the pamphlet and take note of the information.

You have an idea where to find the Black Market trucks.

Statistics have proven that students who stay out too late and party more than three days a week fail classes more often than students who do not.
(Anyone watching you? Check before you keep reading.)
Kind of got you there, didn't I? Yeah, I know. Most people see that statistics stuff and don't bother reading further. Sneaky, huh?
So here's the deal. Listen up.
If you wanna buy and sell stuff, there's a guy who can tell you how the Black Market works.
Ya can't miss him. He looks like he knows something. Seriously. It's written all over him.
How do you find him? Well, that's up to you. But I CAN tell you this...
(Stop looking so guilty! You wanna get caught? Sheez.)
Okay, so the trucks are in Mercy Island, Cap au Diable, Sharkhead Isle, and St. Martial.
No, I don't have a location for you. Come on. You're a villain, figure something out. Beat the info outta someone.
We good? Look for the trucks and the guy. That's all I'm sayin'. You tell a soul and I'll cut you. Believe it. I know where you live.
From the desk of Miss Polly Anna. 'Smiles are frowns turned upside down!'
Done reading? Good. You got what you're gonna need. Well, you already 'graduated' so you're pretty much done here at the university. Follow up on that guy who knows something. You have at least a sketchy idea where to find him.
You have now completed the Invention Tutorial.
Upon completing this mission, you will earn the Inventor Badge.