Julius the Troll
Julius the Troll is a hero contact in the Red River neighborhood of The Hollows.
Contact Introduced By
New Contact(s)
Talshak keep talking about strange mystic gateway. Not sure it exists, but he seems to believe it.
I want you meet strange fellow. Talshak the Mystic. He a confusing man, but I know he wants to stop Trolls and Igneous. Talshak seems to have an unending supply of Natural and Magic Enhacements.
Disgruntled Troll
Julius is the smallest and most disgruntled Troll in Paragon City. Referred to as 'Runt' by many of his fellow gang members, Julius has had to find a purpose for himself that's not tied up in the drug culture of the Trolls. He's found that purpose in the reclamation of the Hollows. Julius wants to see the area restored to its natural state, and he's willing to sell out his comrades to make it happen. Heroes have occasionally reported seeing a faint glimmer of intelligence buried within Julius' Superadine-addled mind. If a cure for the Trolls' mutations could be found, it's possible that Julius would have a lot of potential to live up to.
Initial Contact
You, me, we team up. We do some good for the Hollows.
- Inspirations
- Level 10 Training Enhancements (Power 10 only)
Take on a few Trolls
You and me, we gone work great together. See? I tell you everything I know. I tell you this. Trolls forcing people to work as slaves. This not good. This not right. I say: show the Trolls they can't treat people that bad. Take on a few, show them who's boss.
Trolls make a mess of this place, yeah? Help me make all right.
Mission Objective(s)
- Combat Trolls in Hollows
- Defeat 10 Trolls

This tattered scrap of paper reads:
"The dreams will not stop. It is as if these Igneous creatures wish me to know something more. I have deciphered a word of their lenguage. I believe "mong" means "go"."
You done good, hero, real good. I impressed. Trolls be scared of Hero now. I glad we on same side.
Stop Trolls from damming Red River
Trolls do bad things for the Hollows. Bad, bad, bad, bad things. Trolls dam up Red River to flood some spaces. Me, I want see nature restored. Do something for me, hero: Stop Trolls damming Red River.
You look near dam, you find Trolls. That's where they like to be
Mission Objective(s)
- Stop damming in Red River bed
- Defeat 10 Trolls
I so happy now! Red River should flow and flow. Very beautiful, yes, Hero?
(TROLLS IN THE RED RIVER: This may be difficult if you don't have a team with you. The Trolls in the Red River, the ones with the shovels and the bombs down there, come in high level (for this mission), and in large groups which usually include bosses. There are two ways to clear this mission without such an high risk:A) Follow the Red River until you find a low level group of Trolls and defeat them. B) Don't go to the Red River: Instead go to the nearby neighborhood and look for a low level group of Trolls (Green-conning or even grey ones will do). Agro them with some low-damage attack and make them follow you to the bridge (attack them once in a while in the same fashion to make sure they are still after you) Once in the bridge, take them near Julius (Part of the bridge is not in the Red River neighborhood, so they wouldn't count if defeated there) and defeat them one after another: they will be defeated in the Red River and they will count for this mission. BE CAREFUL NOT TO BRING THEM NEAR SOME OTHER PLAYER TALKING TO JULIUS: they could agro on him instead, and no one likes to be killed while talking to a contact! Please be polite! Of course, better than any of this is simply having a group with you and engaging the groups of Trolls under the bridge, that's way better, but not always possible. Good luck!)
Clear out Igneous in cave
Listen up. You heard of Igneous, Hero? Big, ugly dudes. No one know where they from. One thing I know: Trolls found whole cave full of rock dudes yesterday. Probably you should clear out cave. Good guys got enough to deal with: Trolls, Outcasts. Don't need Igneous mucking around here too.
These lava dudes make me nervous, ok? I don't know where they from.
The walls of this cavern bear many long, deep scratches.
Mission Objective(s)
- Defeat all creatures in cave
Notable NPCs
- Mantle (Lieutenant) (Elder Pumicite)
Hey, thanks, hero! You a real tough customer, yeah? Those Igneous guys think twice before they mess with you!
Rescue slaves from the Trolls
Hero. You heard about the Trolls baddest deed? Slaves. Human slaves, kept in Troll base. They forced to work for us. It a bad, bad thing, and I want it to stop. Will you help me, hero? Will you save the Trolls' slaves?
I thanks you, Hero. You a good joe.
A set of iron chains lies discarded in a corner
Mission Objective(s)
- Rescue slaves from Trolls
- 5 slaves to rescue
Notable NPCs
- Gundor (Boss)

One of the slaves you rescued told you:
"Thank you for my freedom, Hero. There's someone else youshould know about. Another of the Trolls' slaves. They moved him to another location a few weeks ago, though I don't knowwhy. To be honest, I fear for his life. Sam was his name. Sam Wincott."

This tattered page reads:
"I am certain the Igneous who chatter in my dreams are trying to tell me something. But what? I am learning more of their language. I believe the sound "oog" means "destroy"."

This tattered page reads:
"Last night I dreamed of a sea of Magmites chanting the word "Koago". I don't understand how I know this, but I'm certain this word means "leader"."
Sam Wincott still alive? Well, well, well. I guess police guy you worked for be mighty happy, huh? Stupid Trolls. Never tell me nothin'.