Kevin Cordell
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Keven Cordell is a hero contact in the Crey Cove neighborhood of Independence Port Keven Cordell is a Science origin contact. His level range is 20-24.
Contact Introduced By
New Contact(s)
Private Security Specialist
Security is definitively a booming business in Paragon City, and numerous small and large companies have burst onto the scene to offer protection by the hour. Kevin Cordell runs one such business. Like many entrepreneurs in the security business, Kevin has a background in law enforcement, though he wasn't a cop, an FBI agent, or even a bounty hunter. Kevin Cordell was a hero. He lost his powers to Rikti experimentation during the war, but he's sprung back, and he continues to use his contacts and expertise to help those who can't protect themselves. He still maintains his relationships with his former comrades, and he cultivates new friendships with up-and-coming heroes as well.
Initial Contact
Badge Mission
Story Arc
Template:Mission Common Stop the Sky Raiders from tampering with the teleportation grid
Get the records
The secretive Lost have been scavenging Rikti technology and selling it to the highest bidder. The government has declared all sales of Rikti tech illegal, but that's not enough to deter the more ruthless corporations from buying it. Bringing the buyers to justice has been all but impossible, since the Lost work hard to maintain the secrecy of the deals. But I've got a tip on a hideout where the Lost are keeping some records. I just need a brave hero to go in and get them.
Mission acceptance
Mission Objective(s)
- Defeat Lost leader and his crew
- Defeat leader
- N files to collect

The files contain information on the Lost's sales of scavenged Rikti technology. Several of the Lost's buyers are listed by name.
You handled that one well, Hero. I'll make sure that all of the evidence gets to the right people. The Rikti nearly destroyed the world, and even the technology they left behind has all kinds of dangerous traps built into it. Greedy people will do anything to get ahead though, even if it means risking risking their lives and those of their customers. As long as there are heroes like you to stop them, they're going to have a tough time of it.
Mission name
Mission Objective(s)