Kristof Jaeger

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Kristof Jaeger is a villain contact in the Crimson Cove neighborhood of Nerva Archipelago Kristof Jaeger is a Technology origin contact. His level range is 25-29.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)


Approx 205 yrds north of the Mutant Store.

Rogue Longbow Agent

Kristof Jaeger was a long time Longbow Agent until he realized that he liked playing the other side of the fence. It started with Kristof taking bribes from various villain groups. It ended with Kristof being stripped of his rank within Longbow when his indiscretions resulted in the death of an entire squad of fellow agents. Now Kristof uses his Longbow intelligence training against his former employers whenever the oportunity presents itself.

Initial Contact

Before we go any further, let me get something straight. Yes, I used to be a Longbow agent, but I'm done with that now. Let's just say they didn't like some of the side deals I was making. Whatever. I've moved on to bigger and more profitable things now. You follow my lead, and I can cut you in one big score as well.


Level 25 & 30 Technology Enhancements

Story Arc


Souvenir: Bomb remote

This is the bomb remote you used to blow up the Longbow base in Crimson Cove. It's a remainder of a tale you like to call:


It all started when Kristoff Jaeger, an ex-Longbow agent asked you to prove your willingness to go against Longbow. After taking out a quota of Longbow Agents about Crimson Cove, Kristoff seemed willing to deal with you further.

The first step was getting the latest intel on Longbow security from an Arachnos Operative located on Sharkhead. After receiving the intel you discovered a lot of the high security Longbow bases have installed advanced retinal scanners.

Jaeger's spy network revealed that Crey was working on a retinal copy device which may come in useful against the new Longbow security measures. Breaking in to the Crey lab you stole the retinal duplicator.

Now that the retinal duplicator was in hand, you needed a Longbow target to use it on. Breaking into a Longbow administrative office, you stole a set of files detailing Longbow personnel in Crimson Cove.

Jaeger reviewed the personnel files and chose Doctor Franklin Vimes, a Longbow scientific researcher who was above reproach. Vimes was scheduled to come into port from Paragon City, so you went to intercept him. You managed to fight past the Longbow guards and kidnap Vimes. Taking him back to Jaeger, you used the retinal duplicator to get a copy of his retinal print.

Jaeger revealed the objective of the work to date: the destruction of a nigh-impenetrable Longbow base. Using the copy of Dr. Vimes' retinal print, you managed to bypass the security of the Longbow base in order to plant bombs at the key weak points of the structure. After you planted the bombs, you used the remote to blow the Longbow base to pieces.

Take down Longbow Agents


People on the street say you are a tough customer who's not afraid of much. All I know is I need someone who isn't afraid to do some damage to Longbow. So you need to prove yourself to me. Take down some Longbow agents.

Mission acceptance

Oh, I sent a tip to Longbow about your intent. Expect a welcoming committee!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 20 Longbow


Nice work! I think I can work with you after all!

You're a real trooper. You might make it through this. If you're going to survive, though, you'll need the best Enhacements. Call on me, ok?

Get intel report from Arachnos


Now that you have proven your loyalty by taking down those Longbow Agents, it's time to get to the main operation. Arachnos has got some intel on the new Longbow retinal scan technology. Head over to Sharkhead Isle and get the intel report.

Mission acceptance

Keep an eye out for Longbow agents. They definitively know we're up to something.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Operative Kirkland

Operative Kirkland:
Ah, Villain, it's you. Jaeger informed me about your coming. Here's the intelligence report. Many Blood Widows died to get that report... In any case, use it to good effect!

Clue: Intelligence report

This is an Arachnos intel report on the latest updates to Longbow security measures. The main update is an advanced retinal scan technology integrated into their high-security bases.


So this is the intel report, eh? Looks like Longbow has really tightened down its security. This will make our work marginally more difficult.

You're a hardcore soldier, Villain. You got the right stuff. Just make sure you don't let yourself go without the best Enhacements.

Steal retinal duplicator


Longbow has beefed up their securityby adding in an advanced retinal scan technology in their high-security bases. This may cause problems with our main plan, so we need a mean to overcome this obstacle.

Through my own spy network I've discovered Crey has been developing some interesting security countermeasures, including a retinal copy device which allows you to duplicate retinal prints! This sounds like just what we need to overcome the new Longbow security. Head over to the Crey lab and steal the retinal duplicator.

Mission acceptance

Crey has some heavy security in their labs, so expect a lot of resistance.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Steal the retinal duplicator

Clue: Retinal Duplicator

This device looks like a set of binoculars with all manner of electronics added to it. It is capable of duplicating the retinal print of someone.


You stole the retinal duplicator? Nice work. Now we just need someone appropiate to use it on.

Steal Longbow personnel files


Alright, Villain, things are going according to the plan. The retinal duplicator you stole from the Crey lab will allow us to get past the new Longbow retinal scanners. But before we do that, we need to find someone within Longbow who we can copy the retinal print from. Break into a Longbow administrative office and steal their personnel files.

Mission acceptance

Once we have the personnel files we should be able to find a decent target to kidnap and use the retinal duplicator on.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Steal Longbow personnel files

Clue: Personnel files

This is a stack of files you stole from a Longbow administrative office. It details Longbow personnel in Crimson Cove. One of the people here will be the target of the retinal duplicator device you stole from Crey.


You got the files? Excellent! I'll look them over and find a good target.

Kidnap Dr. Franklin Vimes


I've looked over the personnel files you stole from that Longbow administrative office, and I think I've got a prime target to use the retinal duplicator on. Dr. Franklin Vimes is a long time researcher for Longbow, and is considered above reproach. He is currently returning by ship from Paragon City. Kidnap Dr. Vimes so we can use the retinal duplicator on him.

Mission acceptance

Expect Longbow agents on the ship. They like having their people well-protected in the Rogue Isles.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Kidnap Dr. Franklin Vimes


Excellent work. We used the retinal duplicator on him, so we should be able to get past Longbow security no problem.

(IMPORTANT NOTE: This mission is bugged as of 17 - September - 2006. Dr. Vimes never spawned, and all I had to do was defeating the only Longbow Officer in the ship and his escort. Then the mission was finished. Don't waste your time looking for Dr. Vimes.)

Set bombs in Longbow base


I bet you've been wondering what our work has been leading up to: the intel reports, the retinal scanner, the kidnappind. It's come down to this: Longbow has a high security base in Crimson Cove that Arachnos has been trying to penetrate for months. The problem is that the Longbow security is just too good. Arachnos Operatives acting as moles always get discovered, and any spy devices always get detected. Any direct assault by Arachnos is sure to be repelled because of their security lockdown protocols. Now that we have a way to bypass the main security, we can send someone in to plant some bombsat the base's weak points and blow it sky high! Head over to the Longbow base and set the bombs.

Mission acceptance

This is a vital base for Longbow. Expect heavy resistance.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Plant four bombs


Excellent! It will take Longbow months to rebuild!

I'm glad I chose to work for the winning side of this battle!


  • This contact does not have any regular missions out of the Story Arcs.

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