Lady Grey (Ally)

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Lady Grey is the Vanguard leader. She can be found as an ally that must be protected in two different missions.

When found in the Help with Conference Security mission, she will have a faction of Vanguard Shield and a rank of Henchman. She will have been captured by the Nemesis Army and will need to be assisted and freed from her captors. She will join you for the rest of the mission as an ally. Once you free her, a wave of Nemesis soldiers will attack her. Being a mission objective, you need to free her, but not to escort her. She must survive the whole mission, though.

Her second appearance, during the mission Spring the trap on the Renegade Swords is a bit different: She will be found captured by the Vanguard renegades, being most of the mission clear. But once you free her, you' ll be rewarded with a cutscene and then the mission will be fully spawned, including several Vanguard bosses. During this mission she's a Henchman and has the same attacks she had during her first appearance. She must be protected and escorted to the mission exit. As Lady Grey is highly aggresive but has low Hit Points, it is very likely that she will be defeated and the mission failed if you are sent to hospital. Vanguard soldiers are very tough, and I advice to plan the mission carefully.

Heroes and villains may find her:


Ever composed, ever mysterious, the powerful and otherworldly Lady Grey is rumored to be older than Statesman, and one of the most powerful meta-humans on the planet. She was instrumental in the founding of Vanguard, and runs the organization expertly. She takes a great interest in Vanguard's day-to-day operations, and knows all of her troops by name.


During the mission Help with Conference Security, she will confront Nemesis in a cutscene:


The Lady Grey:

'Lord' Nemesis!
You dare interrupt these negotiations, and yet you lack the decency to show up in person?

Fake Nemesis:

Please, my dear, do not fret!
Your 'Vanguard' society has simply gone too far, and had to be corrected.
It was all quite humorous, but steps had to be taken.
Now, don't let it trouble your pretty little head.

The Lady Grey:

Oh, steps are indeed going to be taken!

Then she will fight the Nemesis Army attackers:

Fake Nemesis: They are merely cogs in the great machine of Nemesis.
Dragoon: For Lord Nemesis!


Lady Grey: Ah, Character, and just in time.
Fake Nemesis: To arms, lads! Have at them!

Once free: The gall of that foolish old man! Well, let us clean up this mess.

Ambush: For Lord Nemesis!

During the mission Spring the trap on the Renegade Swords she'll be the bait to ambush several groups of renegades. She will be captured by a group of renegades and will need to be rescued:

Lady Grey: We are becoming most exasperated by these attempts on Our person.

Once free: Let us finish this unpleasant business.

If left behind: Character, We have lost track of you.

If refound: Let us put that behind us and carry on.

At the mission exit: An admirable performance, Character. We shall see you back at headquarters.


Apparently, Lady Grey is a Dark/Dark Scrapper, using a variety of Dark powers, including a pet:


DarkMiasma PetrifyingGaze.png Petrifying Gaze Ranged Hold
Petrifies a single targeted foe with a terrifying gaze. The victim is Held and defenseless.

DarkMiasma DarkestNight.png Life Drain Ranged, Minor Damage (Negative), Self: Heal, Foe: -Accuracy
You can tap the power of the netherworld to steal some life from a target foe and reduce his accuracy. Some of that stolen life is transferred to you in the form of hit points.

DarkMiasma TwilightGrasp.png Twilight Grasp Ranged, Foe -Accuracy -Damage, Team Heal
You channel Negative Energy from the Netherworld through yourself to a targeted foe. Twilight Grasp drains the power from that target and slowly transfers it to you and all nearby allies. The targeted foe's Accuracy and damage are reduced, while you and your nearby allies are healed.

DarkMiasma DarkServant.png Dark Servant Summon Dark Servant: Ranged Debuff Special
Summons a Dark Servant to your aid. The Dark Servant possesses an assortment of dark powers to weaken your foes. The summoned entity is not a willing servant, and it is only your power that binds it in this realm. The Dark Servant can be buffed and healed.

Dark Servants are resistant to Negative Energy damage but vulnerable to Energy damage.

DarkCast SoulDrain.png Gloom Ranged, Moderate Damage over Time(Negative), Foe: -Accuracy
Gloom slowly drains a target of life, while reducing his accuracy. Slower than dark blast, but deals more damage over time.

DarkCast NightFall.png Night Fall Ranged(Cone), Moderate Damage over Time(Negative), Foe: -Accuracy
Unleashes a cone shaped burst of particles from the netherworld. All targets within the modest range of this power take negative energy damage and have reduced accuracy.


DarkMiasma DarkestNight.png Darkest Night Toggle: Ranged Targeted area of effect, Foe -damage, Foe -accuracy
While active, you channel Negative Energy onto a targeted foe. Darkest Night decreases the damage potential and Accuracy of the target, and all foes nearby, as long as you keep the power active.

DarkCast TenebrousTentacles.png Tenebrous Tentacles Ranged(Cone), Minor Damage over Time(Negative), Foe: Immobilize, -Accuracy
You can create a cone shaped rift to the netherworld that allows its native creatures to slip their oily tentacles into our reality. These creatures will snare all foes within range, immobilizing them while the tentacles drain their life and reduce their accuracy.

DarkCast Blackstar.png Blackstar Point Blank Area of Effect, Extreme Damage(Negative), Self: -Recovery, Foe: -Accuracy
You can unleash a devastating blast of negative energy around yourself, dealing massive damage and severely reducing affected foes' accuracy. This power leaves you drained of endurance and unable to recover endurance for a while.