Levantera | |
![]() Levantera | |
Zone | Rikti War Zone |
Level Range | 35-50 |
Introduces |
Borea Serpent Drummer |
Enemy Groups | |
Levantera is a hero and villain contact in the Vanguard Compound neighborhood of Rikti War Zone. Her level range is 35-50.
Contact Introduced By
Levantera is open to all heroes and villains at level 35 without direct introduction.
New Contacts
Whatever Serpent Drummer is doing, I know that it's very important. I think you'll have a good time.
Serpent Drummer is the head of the Gauntlet. I believe that he's currently in the middle of some sort of high-end negotiations, but I don't know much more than that. Well, other than that he asked for you by name.
Co-Leader of the Vanguard Shield Division
Levantera and her twin sister Borea lead the Shield, the division of Vanguard tasked with protecting the city and its people from the Rikti. The two sisters are both extremely capable fighters, and are the chosen Champions of the Order of the Four Winds. However, the sisters rarely see eye-to-eye with each other, and often argue over the best methods to accompish their goals. While Levantera likes to cultivate a more cultured appearance than her sister, she's also the more offensively-minded of the two. She believes that the best kind of counter-attack is a pre-emptive one. After all, if your enemies are all dead, then they can't hurt your friends.
Initial Contact
You've become something of a sensation among our new recruits. Keep it up and you'll go far.
It's good to meet you, Character. Let me be the first to welcome you to the Vanguard. That is, if you want to join us...
- Inspirations
- Level 40 Magic/Mutation Dual Origin Enhancements
- Level 40 Natural/Technology Dual Origin Enhancements
- Level 40 Mutation/Science Dual Origin Enhancements
- Level 40 Technology/Science Dual Origin Enhancements
- Level 40 Natural/Magic Dual Origin Enhancements
Levantera sells all Enhancements at 200% of their base cost.
Badge Mission
Story Arcs
Welcome to Vanguard
Souvenir: Vanguard ID
Every time you look at your official Vanguard Identification card, it reminds you of the series of adventures you remember as
The Vanguard Volunteer
Joining the Vanguard was not a small decision. This all-volunteer force is responsible for fighting the Rikti threat, and with your powers you can make a great contribution towards that goal. To the Vanguard your past doesn't matter, only your willingness to fight for Earth against the Rikti Invaders. Your first mission for the Vanguard was to familiarize yourself with the Vanguard base in the Rikti War Zone and the surrounding area. You got your first piece of Vanguard armor, and you met many of the leaders of Vanguard's division, even the mysterious Lady Grey herself.
Your first real mission for the Vanguard was a combat patrol in the War Zone, fending off a Rikti raid. It was really more about getting used to the area than the combat itself, but you were able to engage the enemy and emerge victorious.
Your next mission was a bit more interesting. It seems that a Longbow recon squad had been captured by the Rikti. While Vanguard and Longbow aren't on the best of terms, Levantera still sent you to help them. If nothing else, it would show them who was better at fighting the Rikti. During the mission you encountered Lieutenant Sefu Tandaji and Captain Wilhelmina M. Dietrich. While Lt. Tendaji was glad for the assistance, you get the feeling that Cpt. Dietrich did not hold the Vanguard in high regard.
Your next mission had you fighting to destroy a Rikti troopship that had been forced down. You captured some important documents from the captain of the ship that you gave to Levantera for translation.
Your next mission saw you fighting to protect civilians from the ravages of war. One of the civilians, a young man named Arnold Decker, however, had a very strange story to tell about a Rikti soldier that seemed to recognize him, and even called him by name.
Whatever the truth behind Arnold Decker's strange story, you were soon too busy to worry about it. The documents you received were plans for an upcoming attack on one of Vanguard's forts. You went to stop the attack, meeting with 2 other Vanguard Volunteers on the scene, and captured some more documents. On your return, Levantera revealed that Vanguard had received a corroborating tip about the upcoming attack from a very strange source: Arnold Decker's brother, PFC Benjamin Decker, a man who had been missing since the Rikti War!
Whatever this strange turn of events may lead to, it provided you with a taste of what you can expect from joining the Vanguard. there can be no doubt that following this path in the fight against the Rikti will lead to action, adventure, and many strange revelations.
Join the Vanguard
Welcome to Vanguard
Part: One
I am glad that you have come to talk to me, Character. I am Levantera, and I am part of the Vanguard. We are the only defense our world has against the Rikti, and we are looking for others with great power to assist us in this, regardless of which side of the law they may be from. We have heard of your power, and thus, on behalf of the Lady Grey, I would like to offer you membership to the Vanguard.
Vanguard membership will provide you with many opportunities. In fact, we think you'll find action with the Vanguard very rewarding.
Very good. Then let me welcome you to the ranks of the Vanguard. This is a great honor, and a great day. I will now send you to speak with several others, so that you may understand a bit about how the Vanguard works. But first, a word of note. Here, we fight the Rikti, not each other. The Vanguard has no care for where you came from, and no time to waste on internal strife. Hero or Villain, we are all here to defend our Earth.
Now, Borea will wish to speak to you. You can find her just on the other side of this column behind me.
Mission Objective(s)
- Speak with Borea
Character, right? Good to meet you. I heard you were going to join up. I'm Borea, and I help coordinate Vanguard activity in the Rikti War Zone. Any time you're looking for something to do, come talk to me and I'll see if there's a mission for you. Hey, you know what? I think I have an easy one for you right now. Defeat 10 Rikti anywhere in the zone, then come back to me. I'll even throw in a little something as a reward when you return.
Mission Objective(s)
- Defeat Rikti in the Rikti War Zone
- Defeat 10 Rikti
You have completed your patrol.
Mission Objective(s)
- Return to Borea
Aren't you talented. That was an easy one, but a good start. Take this requisition form, show it to the Serpent Drummer. He's over by the Armory. He'll get you some Vanguard gear. Remember you can always come back to me if you ever need something to do.

This signed form will get you a piece of Vanguard gear when you present it to Serpent Drummer.
Mission Objective(s)
- Speak to Serpent Drummer
You may now access the costume part Vanguard Glove at the Tailor.
Hello, Character. I am the Serpent Drummer. I lead the Gauntlet, the branch of Vanguard charged with carrying battle to the Rikti. Borea said I am to give you access to your first piece of Vanguard gear, and so I will. Here are a pair of Vanguard Gloves. You can equip them at any tailor. Wear them with pride.
We may work together later, but for now, it might be good for you to understand how the divisions within the Vanguard are set up. Talk to Gaussian. He should be able to provide a measure of enlightenment.
Mission Objective(s)
- Speak to Gaussian
Drummer sent you to talk to me? He's a funny guy. Keeps trying to prove... Well, that's not important. If you want to know how the Vanguard works, let me lay it out for you:
The Vanguard is split into 4 main divisions: The Helm, The Gauntlet, The Shield, and The Herald.
The Herald is our public relations division, run by a heroine named Incandescent. She's not normally on-site, usually too busy working with the UN.
The Shield is our security division. Levantera and Borea share joint leadership of it. They handle security and most defensive roles.
The Gauntlet division under Serpent Drummer is our main offensive branch. Most troops you see taking action against the Rikti are Gauntlet troops.
The Helm is our intelligence division, run by the Dark Watcher. They gather the information we need to keep the Rikti contained.
The Lady Grey is the overall commander of Vanguard. She's powerful, well connected, and has been around at least as long as Statesman and Recluse. She sets our overall strategy, with the Dark Watcher as her second in command.
Speaking of which, I've been told that the Dark Watcher wants to talk to you.
Mission Objective(s)
- Speak to the Dark Watcher
Character. I'm glad you've joined us.
I've studied the Rikti for longer than you know. To most people, they are still a mystery. Where are they from? Why did they attack us? The answers are all there, if you know where to look. I'd suggest you keep your eyes open. Many things are about to change. Be ready for it.
That's all I got to say for now. You best head over to Lady Grey. She's requested an audience with you. You can find her by the trainer.
Mission Objective(s)
- Speak with the Lady Grey
It is our distinct pleasure to welcome you into the Vanguard, Character. We have studied your prior adventures, and know that you shall prove yourself admirably against the Invader's forces. When you are ready, We may have a great undertaking for you, but put it out of mind for the moment. Instead, We suggest you now return to Miss Levantera, so that she can provide you with your first real task against our foe.
Well done, Character. As you complete missions for us you will have a chance to receive Vanguard salvage. You can use salvage to make Vanguard items and costume pieces from our salvage machines located in the base.
I've just received a report... Urgent business upstairs... Looks like you picked the right time to sign up.
Fend off Rikti Raid
Welcome to Vanguard
Part: Two
We've gotten reports that the Rikti are about to raid one of our bunkers. I've already sent two of our heroes, but they're both young and inexperienced. I would like you to be there as well.
The main thing you must do is link up with the other heroes. That should be enough of a threat to draw out the Raid's leader. Once he shows himself, or herself I suppose, I can't tell with the Rikti... Anyway, once the Leader pops up, crush him.
Oh, and there's one other thing. Keep a look out for any intelligence. Shortly after you returned from your last mission, we received a tip about the upcoming attack. We don't know who sent it, but the Rikti might.
Mission Objective(s)
When you emerge from the ready-room, you find that the fort is already under attack!
- Fight Rikti Raid
- Rescue Faultline
- Rescue Fusionette
- Defeat the Raid Leader
You fought off the Rikti Raid!
Notable NPCs
- Fusionette (Vanguard Shield, Pet)
Fusionette: It's always nice to have help! Let's go!
- Faultline (Vanguard Shield, Pet)
Faultline: Thanks for the help, have you seen Fusionette?
- Raid Leader (Rikti Chief Soldier, Boss)
Raid Leader: Situation Handling: Personally
Raid Leader: Fray: Enter!

These documents were on the Raid Leader. The language is indecipherable, but it seems to be about a specific Rikti soldier.
Looks like you signed up just in time, Character. I'd like to say that Bunker raids were uncommon, but here in the War Zone anything's possible.
Rescue captured Longbow soldiers
Welcome to Vanguard
Part: Three
As you know, the Vanguard is in charge of containing the Rikti threat. Some are not happy with this. Chief among them is Ms. Liberty and her Longbow Troops.
The interfere, they act on their own authority, and cause us no end of problems. But still, we fight for the same end. So, when some of them get in trouble, we take it on ourselves to help them.
Such a situation has happened, and I'd like you to take care of it.
I've had my problems with Longbow in the past, but as a member of the Vanguard, that is behind me.
Even though their current operation is a slap in our faces, they are still allies, and should be helped. A number of their soldiers have gone missing after a scouting expedition. We think we've located them, but they appear to have been captured by the Rikti. Your job is to help them out.
Well, I know you'll do your best.
Mission Objective(s)
The War Zone is riddled with caves like this. The Rikti have been using them to move their troops around.
- Rescue Longbow Squad
- 3 Longbow P.O.W.s
You rescued the Longbow P.O.W.s!
Notable NPCs
- Longbow P.O.W. (Longbow Rifleman, Pet)
Longbow P.O.W.: Okay, man, let's do this!
- Lt. Sefu Tendaji (Longbow, NPC Ally)
Lt. Sefu Tendaji: I am surrounded.
Lt. Sefu Tendaji: I am glad to see you again.
- Captain Dietrich (Longbow, NPC Ally)
Captain Dietrich: I did not need your assistance.
Captain Dietrich: Come, let us find the others.
Captain Dietrich: Your distraction was useful to my escape.
Captain Dietrich: You're good for that, at least.
- Rikti Captor ( Rikti Mentalist Chief) (Guarding one of the hostages)
- Captor x2 (Rikti Boss Soldier) (Boss) (One guarding each hostage)

After you rescued him, Lt. Sefu Tendaji thanked you and offered a tip:
'My thanks to you, friend. I see you are a member of the Vanguard. Despite what some think, I do not see a reason for the rivalry between out groups, as we are all fighting to protect out world. In fact, there was some information we recently gained that could be of use to you, but our resources are too thin to handle it. We have word of a Rikti assault group that has managed to sneak past our defenses. I will give you their last known location.
Oh, and do not mention this to Captain Dietrich. She is an excellent and dedicated leader, but she does not see things between our agencies as I do.'

After you rescued her, Captain Wilhelmina Dietrich was quite willing to share her opinion of the Vanguard:
'I suppose I should thank you for not bungling this attempted rescue too badly. Other than barging in like a horde of vandals and alerting all Rikti to our investigation, I am certain that you meant well. No more could be expected from undisciplined amateurs. Now, let us see what we can recover from this mess.'
You've done an excellent job protecting our interests and putting Longbow in their place. I'll have the Helm examine the intelligence from Lt. Tendaji. This could be quite a windfall.
Oh, and don't mind anything Captain Dietrich may have said. She's very vocal in her criticism of us. I'd say many here have a story about W. M. Dietrich.
Take out Rikti assault group
Welcome to Vanguard
Part: Four
The Helm have confirmed the information Lt. Tendaji gave you. We've located a Rikti assault group. It seems they snuck past our defenses. This is an excellent chance to surprise them before they attack us. Your mission will be to take out the assault group as well as its leader.
We have a helicopter ready for you up top. It will take you to the area, then you will proceed to the site on your own. There will no doubt be other Rikti around, but your main objective is to take out the Rikti Assult group and its leader. Good hunting!
Mission Objective(s)
This looks like a good place for a pleasant stroll, not for a battle with alien invaders. Too bad.
- Strike Rikti assault group
- Defeat Rikti Leader Sal'tar
You took care of the Rikti assault group.
Notable NPCs
- Rikti Leader Sal'tar (Rikti Chief Soldier, Boss)
Rikti Leader Sal'tar: Surprise Conclusion: Urgent. Vanguard Activity: Likely.
Rikti Leader Sal'tar: Expression: Exasperation!
Rikti Leader Sal'tar: Conclusion: Even With: Advanced Intelligence: No Plan Survives Contact!

These strange clear documents were in a sealed container carried by the leader of the Rikti assault group. They look important. Levantera will want to see them.
So that intelligence from Tendaji was correct? Interesting. What's more interesting are these documents. Those look like an attack plan. We'll get this to the Helm, they should be able to decipher it. In the meantime, something's come up.
Stop Rikti Bombing
Welcome to Vanguard
Part: Five
The Rikti have performed a mass-transport into a section of the Rogue Isles. We don't know why, but we suspect that they're planting explosive devices. Your mission will be to destroy their bombs, and to evacuate any civilians still trapped in the area.
I know the Rogue Isles doesn't seem like a place worth saving, but it is, if only for the fact that the Rikti want to attack it.
The Vanguard's mission is to stop the Rikti anywhere, any time. So, if you thought you signed up for something else, I'm sorry. You should have joined Longbow instead.
You'll have 2 different things to do here. First off, there's the bombs. You need to destroy those. More importantly, there are a number of civilians trapped in the area. Rescuing them will help to make us look good. Or be the right thing to do, I suppose.
Mission Objective(s)
missing entrance text
- Stop Rikti Bombing
- missing secondary objectives
missing completion text
Notable NPCs
- NPCs go here

missing text
missing debriefing text
Defend Vanguard Base (?)
Welcome to Vanguard
Part: Finale
The Rikti are assaulting the base. We need your help now.
There's no time to waste. You've got to get up there and defend the Vanguard base. Others are joining in the fight as well, but we really need your help on this one.
Mission Objective(s)
Rikti attacks are a constant threat, but they're really throwing everything into this one!
- Defend Vanguard Base
- Find Faultline
- Find Fusionette
- Defeat Raid Leader
missing completion text
Notable NPCs
- Fusionette (Vanguard Shield, NPC Ally)
- Faultline (Vanguard Shield, NPC Ally)

Once again, you do not disappoint.
The information you recovered should prove valuable, if my theory is correct. You see, that warning about the raid? It was sent to us by someone who identified themself as a man who's been missing in action since the Rikti War. An American soldier named Benjamin A. Decker. Now isn't that interesting?
Serpent Drummer would like to speak with you.
The Strange Case of Benjamin A. Decker
Souvenir: souvenir name goes here
souvenir text goes here
Rescue Arnold Decker
The Strange Case of Benjamin A. Decker
Part: One
Character, do you remember Arnold Decker? He was one of the hostages who escaped from the Cap Au Diable power station a while back. Well, it turns out that he's the younger brother of Benjamin A. Decker, the missing soldier from the Rikti War who tried to warn us about the Rikti raid you fought off. We were bringing Arnold here to talk to him, but Arachnos kidnapped him en route. We think we have his location, but we need someone particularly talented to make sure we get him out in one piece.
The one thing we don't understand is why would Arachnos be interested in all of this. Recluse has been known to work with Rikti Traditionalists, but only as a way to strike against Paragon City. He'd have no reason to interfere like this.
Mission Objective(s)
missing entrance text
- Rescue Arnold Decker
- Rescue Arnold Decker!
- Lead Arnold Out
You've rescued Arnold Decker from his captors!
Tarantula: Does something about this seem wrong to you?
Bane Spider Commando: The orders come from above us. Are you going to question them?
Tarantula: Guess it doesn't matter if we still get to hurt people!
Notable NPCs
- Arnold Decker (Earnest Citizen, Captive)
Crab Spider Slicer: Uh, Commander?
Arnold Decker: Nemesis Army? What?
Mu Striker: Never mind that! To the attack. men!
Crab Spider Slicer: Yeah. What he said!
Arnold Decker: Character! I'm over here!
Mu Striker: For Lord... Recluse!
Arnold Decker: Let's go! I have so much to tell you!
Warhulk: The operation is discovered! Quickly, men!
Arnold Decker: I know it's Ben. You believe me, don't you?

missing text
missing debriefing text
External Links
- (Google Cache) (Levantera not listed yet.)