Ley Tap

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Base Ley Tap.jpg

An item used to power a SG Base.

This is an Energy Generating base item. It may only be placed in Energy Rooms. This is the Tier-2 in the Arcane Base Energy Items. Larger in size (and generating capacity) than the Power Crystal, it produces enough power to serve the needs of a mid-size base.


Through spells and constructs, mystic power is drawn directly from the earth to provide for base needs. A single tap is usually sufficient for a medium base.

Additional Information

Issue Added 13
Crafted at Advanced Forge
Salvage Required Salvage MilitaryIntelligence.png 1 Demonic Threat Report, Salvage Silver.png 1 Silver, Salvage Sapphire.png 1 Sapphire, Salvage ShivanEctoplasm.png 1 Hamidon Goo

Salvage TsooInk.png 1 Spell Ink, Salvage InertGas.png 1 Inert Gas, Salvage AlchemicalGold.png 1 Alchemical Gold, Salvage RYlehSRain.png 1 Black Blood of the Earth


Salvage Scrolls.png 1 Spell Scroll, Salvage PrototypeElement.png 1 Simple Chemical, Salvage ClockworkGear.png 1 Clockwork Gear, Salvage Saber.png 1 Psionic Manifestation

Maximum Connections 2
Allowed "Aux" Items Crystal Focus


  • A minimum of a 1 X 3 Room is needed for placement.
  • Does not attach the Crystal Ward

Historical Information

This section contains information that no longer applies to the current version of City of Heroes/Villains. It is provided for historical purposes.

Issue Added Pre-Issue 13, Not Valid Anymore
Crafted at Advanced Forge
Salvage Required 19 Salvage MysticElement.png Mystic Element

6 Salvage MysticFoci.png Mystic Foci
3 Salvage ArcaneEssence.png Arcane Essence
1 Salvage ArcaneGlyph.png Arcane Glyph

Maximum Connections 2
Allowed "Aux" Items Crystal Focus

Also See
