Archmage Hellewise
Archmage Hellewise | |
![]() Archmage | |
Zone | First Ward |
Coordinates | (1639, 108, -2342) |
Level Range | 29-50 |
Introduced By | None |
Archmage Hellewise is a Praetorian contact in the Eltentown neighborhood of First Ward at coordinates (1639, 108, -26342) . Her level range is 29-50. She is standing near one of the roof shacks on the roof of the Survivor Compound.
Contact Introduced By
None; Archmage Hellewise is introduced by contact popup at the appropriate level.
Contact Introduces
Archmage Hellewise is a powerful wizard who has studied the thinning veil between First Ward and the pseudo Netherrealm of Night Ward. She believes that travel between the two realms is possible with a simple spell. All she needs is a few volunteers to test it.
Prior to Introduction
I'm afraid the Night Ward is no place for someone of your ability. If you can prove yourself strong enough to handle anything here in First Ward, then I'd feel more comfortable sending you to Night Ward.
Contact Unlocked

Archmage Hellewise in First Ward has information for you...
Archmage Hellewise wishes to teach you how to shunt into and out of Night Ward using the Shadowed Paths and Lighted Paths. Seek her out in the Survivor's Compound in First Ward.
This contact has now been added to the active tab of your Contact window.
Initial Contact
My research has finally paid off! I've figured out a way to punch through the veil and enter Night Ward. All I need is a brave volunteer to test it. Think about it, you could earn a well earned mention in my notes about how I discovered the means of breaching the barrier between life and death.
- Intriguing, I was just musing over the need for another... Volunteer.
- It's not how I can help you, but how you can help me.
- I'm pleased to see you.
Too Busy
I'm afraid I need someone who can focus on the task at hand. Right now you seem a bit... preoccupied.
Too Low Level
Missing Too Low Level Dialogue
No More Missions
You've done everything I need of you. With my research complete and my theories proven I no longer need your assistance. Thank you.
Merit Rewards: There are no Reward Merits awarded for this activity.
I have need of your exceptional capabilities, Character. You see, events in First Ward have caused the veil between the realm of the living and the realm of the dead to grow thin. The Carnival of Light has already learned a great deal about using these weakened areas to travel unseen. I have endeavored to find a way not just to be hidden by the shadows pressing through to our world, but to press through the shadows themselves and enter the realm of Night Ward, a world caught halfway between life and death. And I believe I have succeeded in doing so.
I want you to test my spell, ensure that it works, and can also bring you back safely. Are you up for this task?
- Accept
Mission Acceptance
I am pleased. My assistant, Ksenia, is waiting for you in the Shadowed Paths not far from here. Speak with her and she will tell you the basics of what you need to know regarding the Shadow Shunt spell.
I look forward to reading Ksenia's notes and your testimony of the journey.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Talk to Ksenia, she's been keeping tabs on a particularly thin place in the Shadowed Paths nearby where the spell can be used to shunt you through to Night Ward.
Mission Objective(s)
- Learn how to shunt into Night Ward
Hey, you must be the dude / lady that Helle sent to test her spell out.
- That's me
Cool beans! Hi, I'm Ksenia, but you can just call me Stray. It's sort of what I am anyway... But anywho... You all set for the magickiness?
- If that means testing out this spell, yes.
It sure does, mister / girlie.
Alright, so first, I'm supposed to warn you about all the stuff, but that's boring, let's get to the good parts...
- No, actually, let’s hear the warning about all the 'stuff'.
- Aw, man. You're one of those dudes / chicks, huh?
- Alright, fine, I guess it's important, and Helle did tell me not to forget to tell you, so we'll just pretend it slipped my mind and then I remembered. Ok? Cool.
- So, first thing's first - You can only use this spell in the Shadowed Paths here in First Ward, or the Lighted Paths there in Night Ward. Got it? Cool.
- Second thing - Don't mess with the blind creepy guys, they are total buzz kills. I'm being serious here, those guys suuuuuuuck.
- And that's pretty much it. Ready to talk about the coolness?
- Got it.
Alright, so, you can only jump through where the veil, or whatever, is weak and all, but, like, dude, you should totally see the faces on those Carnival chicks when you just -POP- in next to them. It's so awesome!
Anyway, yeah, so you can only do this in the Shadowed Paths and Lighted Paths. So don't venture too far unless you are sure you can handle your stuff out there. And let me tell you, there is some wacky going on in Night Ward.
- Alright, let’s give it a try.
Alright! That's what I'm talking about. Let's shunt on over to the other side. I'll meet you there and I can tell you all about what is what.
Whenever you are in a Shadowed Path in First Ward, or a Lighted Path in Night Ward you can shunt between zones by activating the Shadow Shunt power. You'll notice the Shadow Shunt power appear in a separate power tray than your normal powers, but for ease of use it also appears (or can be added to) your normal trays as well. Remember, Shadow Shunt will not work until you enter a Shadowed or Lighted Path.
- I’ll meet you there.
Shadow Shunting into Night WardIn order to Shadow Shunt into Night Ward you must do so from the Shadowed Paths in First Ward. Only there is the veil between worlds thin enough to allow passage with this spell. Ksenia will meet you on the other side.
Mission Objective(s)
- Meet Ksenia in Night Ward
Pretty cool, huh?
- Yeah, cool.
Yeah, I've been using the spell for a few days without telling Helle that it works. That way I can like, totally impress her with my Netherworld-y street smarts when she gets the nerve to come here herself.
- Wait, Hellewise hasn’t tried it yet? Why?
Ksenia looks around.
Oh, don't let the chirping birds here fool you, this is all just a reflection of First Ward like, lingering. Like a shadow made out of light, I guess? Sorta like a photo negative or what-have-you.
Anyway, you walk out of these Lighted Paths and this place is like, totally freaky. And this is coming from a girl that grew up dodging Dreg slavers, ghouls and D.U.S.T. bunnies...
- If it isn’t safe you shouldn’t be coming here, Ksenia.
Well thanks for the concern, but I can handle myself. Besides, you're pretty safe here in the sunshine. Of course, outside of it there's some cool stuff to swipe, assuming you can avoid the creepy dudes and the totally insane living spells.
Hey, um... seriously though, keep this all on the hush-hush, ok? I don't want to hurt Helle's feelings or nothin'.
- Don’t worry. So how do we get back?
Oh, just like you came in. Just activate the spell while you're in one of these Lighted Paths.
The way I remember it is when I enter a Shadowed Path, I know using the spell will take me to Night Ward, cause it's all shadowy and dark and stuff... and if I'm in a Lighted Path and use the spell, it takes me to happy sunshine-ville, also known as First Ward.
Tell you what, meet me back in First Ward and I'll jot a few notes down and then you can be on your way. Cool?
- Sounds like a plan
Shadow Shunting into First WardIn order to Shadow Shunt into First Ward you must do so from the Lighted Paths in Night Ward. Only there is the veil between worlds thin enough to allow passage with this spell. Ksenia will meet you on the other side.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Careful, creepy dudes are everywhere.
Mission Objective(s)
- Shunt back into First Ward
Good to see you again. So, Helle has a bunch of questions she wants me to ask you, but they are like, totally boring so I just filled them out for you while I was waiting here. There's just one itsy bitsy question left.
- What’s that?
Can you take these notes back to Helle for me? Pretty please? I want to go exploring a little more in Night Ward and don't feel like getting oogled by the pervy gate guards at the Survivor Compound just yet.
- Oh yeah? Want me to break his face for you?
Whoa, easy there. I said I didn't feel like it, not that I didn't like it. C'mon, there aren't a whole lotta things here in First Ward that remind a girl that she's pretty. Pervy gate guard guy is kind of a high point in my day, so long as he doesn't try to talk to me.
Anyway, can you deliver the notes for me?
- Sure, no problem.
Thanks a ton. See ya!
- Thanks, Ksenia.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Whats the haps?
I gather that it worked?
That pleases me greatly. I have labored long and hard to develop this method of travel between these realms. I look forward to exploring Night Ward myself, but first I have a few personal effects to gather. You never know what you'll need in the Netherworld until you are there and realize you forgot something important, like food.
Thank you for all of your help, Character, and, keep the spell. It's my gift to you for helping me prove that my magical research is sound and that my spell works.