Archmage Tarixus

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Archmage Tarixus
Archmage Tarixus.jpg
Ancient Sorcerer
Zone Sharkhead Isle
Coordinates (793, 16, 1780)[Copy]
Level Range 25-29
Introduced By None, he is an Unlockable Contact.
Introduces None
Enemy Groups
Badges V badge StatureBadge5.png Soul Taker
v  d  e

Archmage Tarixus is a villain contact in the Potter's Field neighborhood of Sharkhead Isle at coordinates (793, 16, 1780)[Copy] Archmage Tarixus is a Magic origin contact. His level range is 25-29.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)

  • None


Approx 290yrds SE of Potter's Field Dot. (792, 16, 1784)[Copy]

Ancient Sorcerer

Archmage Tarixus is an ancient sorcerer who has always existed on what is now known as Potter's Field. His mortal body has long since passed on, leaving only his ghostly spirit. It's said that the Circle of Thorns tried acquiring power over him at one time, but Tarixus quickly put them in their place.

Requirements not Met

I am the survivor of an ancient Eldritch War which raged over centuries. Learn of my plight if you wish to earn my respect! Seek out the histories of this war on Mercy Island, Port Oakes, Cap Au Diable, and here on Sharkhead Isle.

Contact Unlocked

Archmage Tarixus has contacted you...

The fates have seen fit to use you as an instrument in their ways. Visit me in Sharkhead to find out how exactly you will do their bidding.

This contact has now been added to the active tab of your Contact window.

Initial Contact

I am Tarixus, and I am an old soul. You come to me not by chance, but by fate. There are grand designs at work, Character, machinations beyond your wildest dreams. You seek power. I can provide you with that power - if you do my bidding. Submit to my will and you have much to gain. Refuse, and you can wallow in your shallow existence from here until time's end. The choice is yours.


Missing At Least One Greeting Dialogue

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

No More Missions

We are done. The paths of our futures here diverge, but before you've gone, I would take one more minute of your time. I will not insult you with talk of destiny, but I will tell you that there are others who have sought to shape the future and your part in it. And you do have a part; many possible parts, in fact. You'll have to decide whether to chose a part, or have one be chosen for you. I have seen many of the roles, and many of the consequences. Choose wisely.

And we are done.


You have proven yourself worthy, Character. I have treasures to pile upon you. You may contact me at any time.

Your power has become impressive, Character. But you will need greater power yet if you are to survive.

  • Inspirations
  • Level 25 Natural/Magic Dual Origin Enhancements (?% base costs)
  • Level 25 Magic Single Origin Enhancements (?% base costs)
  • Level 30 Magic Single Origin Enhancements (?% base costs)

Archmage Tarixus does not buy enhancements or inspirations.

Badge mission

Offer soul of Akarist

Capture soul of Akarist


Over the centuries I have made pacts with various entities, bartering for secrets. Now payment is due on one of my pacts, and I have a plan that will satisfy the bargain while eliminating one of my old rivals. There is a rogue mage among the Circle of Thorns known as Akarist, currently under protection by Longbow. I wish to offer his soul in place of my own!

Capture the soul of Akarist and offer it upon a Circle of Thorns altar!

These things happen all the time, Character. Checks and balances is all it is.

Mission Acceptance

Take this soul crystal to capture the soul of Akarist.

I have ensorcelled the crew of a sub in Port Oakes. Go there to travel to the Longbow underwater base.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You have not captured the soul of Akarist yet!

Mission Objective(s)

You break past the access codes and into the Longbow base.

  • Capture soul of Akarist

You captured the soul of Akarist!


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

  • Akarist (Circle of Thorns Agony Mage)

You use the crystal to capture the soul of Akarist!

Soul crystal

This crystal contains the soul of the rogue Circle of Thorns mage known as Akarist. You have retrieved it for Archmage Tarixus to fulfill the terms of a pact.

Offer soul of Akarist

Unnecessary Solicitation

I sense you have the soul of Akarist. Now offer it upon the Circle altar!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Offer soul of Akarist

You begin offering the soul crystal...
The offering is complete!
The crystal shatters to dust! Within the cloud, you see Akarist arguing with someone...


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

  • None


Completion of this mission earns a villain the Soul Taker Badge.


The wizard Taraxis taught you dark secrets of the infernal realms in this mission.


That Akarist is a tricky one - he managed to broker a deal with the entity I made my pact with! Still, I am free of my debt, so all is well.

Temporary Power

Upon successful completion of this mission, a villain will earn the Soul Essence temporary power.


Self +Recovery Foe Hold

This essence was taken from a Circle of Thorns altar, revitalizing you. This power lasts for 15 minutes.

Story Arc

Forging the Blackwand

Souvenir: Ancient Mu Relic

This is a souvenir found in an ancient Mu temple from a tale you like to call:

Forging the Blackwand

It all started when the ancient sorcerer Tarixus spoke to you of a ritual that would give his ghostly form more power over the world of the living. In order to enact this ritual, he needed to create a magical artifact called the Blackwand. The construction of such a device was detailed in a book called the Abyssal Tome, an ancient book you acquired from the Legacy Chain.

Tarixus began gathering the components necessary for the Blackwand by sending you to gather primordial essence—coral shards gathered from the Slag Golems on Sharkhead Isle.

Next you tracked down a Scrapyarder leader who was an unwitting descendant of the ancient Mu civilization and gathered some of his blood.

You then invaded a gathering of Freakshow in an attempt to reacquire ancient Mu relics. The Freakshow were unsuccessfully trying to unlock the secrets of the relics when you arrived, and you quickly overcame them.

The final item needed for the Blackwand was the soul essence of a defeated hero. Tarixus sent you to a Longbow base where you took down the hero known as Agent X and stole his soul essence.

Tarixus created a Charm of Making and sent you to a hidden Mu temple deep underneath Potter's Field. When you entered the Temple the Circle of Thorns came calling, hoping to steal the secrets of the temple. Fighting through to the Obelisk of Yendor, you invoked the Charm of Making and created the Blackwand. The energies of the Mu temple were directed to Tarixus in the process. In return for your service, Tarixus allowed you to keep the Blackwand.

Retrieve Abyssal Tome from Legacy Chain


Time passes and Tarixus remains, as constant as the rising sun or the flow of tides. My existence is ephemeral, but does not need to be. Through rituals and ancient magics, I can be granted more power over the world of the living. Such is my desire, and through my will this shall come to pass.

There was once an artifact known as the Blackwand. It channelled dark magics in ways that broke barriers between live and death.This artifact is required for the ritual I wish to perform, but it has long since passed from this world, destroyed by those that feared its malevolent power. But there are other ways to achieve my goal. There exists ancient lore that details how the Blackwand was forged. Through manipulations that reached across the centuries, that lore has been brought to my doorstep, here on the Rogue Isles. The fools that possess it do not realize what this lore is capable of, their feeble minds puzzling to unlock the most trivial of secrets. I bid you now: go forth and retrieve the Abyssal Tome from the Legacy Chain vaults.

The Legacy Chain rightly fears what the Abyssal Tome can unleash, and will guard it fiercely. Remove the obstacles and acquire the tome.

Mission Objective(s)

This office is another front for Legacy Chain activities in the Rogue Isles. Hidden somewhere within lies the Abyssal Tome Tarixus seeks.

  • 3 bookcases to search

You acquired the Abyssal Tome!


Legacy Chain

That lore is forbidden to you!

Notables NPCs

  • Tellus Legacy of Earth (Boss)

Protect the book!

Ambush! That lore is forbidden to you!

After searching the last bookcase you will be ambushed by three groups of Legacy Chain mystics

Abyssal Tome

This is an ancient book containing various dark rituals in various tongues. You acquired this from one of the Legacy Chain hideouts on behalf of Tarixus.


Ah, the Abbyssal Tome. It preserves many nearly forgotten rituals, preventing them from passing into oblivion. The Legacy Chain must have thought they could harness its power. They are fools - I am glad I let it fall into their possession.

Harvest coral from Slag Golems


I have consulted the Abyssal Tome you acquired from the Legacy Chain, and found there the components necessary to forge the Blackwand. Once the Blackwand is created, we shall gain much power.

First, we must harvest the primordial essence contained within the manifestations known as Slag Golems. Defeat 20 Slag Golems and return to me with the coral shard fragments they possess.

The creatures you hunt are animated by the power of the coral shards, mere automatons. Be swift and merciless.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 20 Slag Golems


Slag Golems

Ambush! By the will of the Legacy Chain, you will surrender the Abyssal Tome!

After accepting the mission you will be ambushed by one single group of Legacy Chain mystics


And to think that these mere shards were once part of an entity so great... 'tis no matter.

Acquire Blood of Mu


The plans for building the Blackwand continue. The book you acquired from the Legacy Chain details what we require for the task. The coral shards you harvested from the Slag Golems provided us with primordial essence. Now we require someone possessing the blood of the Mu.

The Mu were an ancient race that possessed strong mystical talents - their legacy lives on in their descendants. Most do not realize the power in their blood, but with my magic I can discern the truth. I have found one close by, a Scrapyarder leader known as Steeltoe Joe. Go to the Scrapyarder hideout and bring me an extraction of his blood.

I care not for the man, only for his blood. The blood, you see, is compulsory.

Mission Objective(s)

The dust on the floor of this old warehouse is disturbed. Someone has definitely been here recently.

  • Acquire blood of Mu

(Defeat Steeltoe Joe to acquire the blood.)



We got us some trouble!

Notable NPCs

Who is this? Attack!

Ambush! You're goin' down!

After defeating the patrol you will be ambushed by three groups of Scrapyarders

Blood of Mu

This is the Blood of Mu, taken from an unwitting descendant of the ancient Mu civilization. It is a vital component in the creation of the Blackwand.


Excellent. Yes, I can sense the power of the Mu within the blood. It will do nicely.

Retrieve Mu relics from Freakshow


The pieces are falling into place. You have retrieved the Abyssal Tome, the Coral Shards, and the Blood of Mu, all essential for the creation of the Blackwand. Next we need certain relics from the ancient Mu civilization, technology that works in ways that you cannot comprehend. Sharkhead Isle housed some of these relics, but the scavengers known as the Freakshow have stolen it for themselves, hoping to unlock the secrets so that they can use it for themselves! Retrieve the Mu relics from the Freakshow.

These fools dabble with technology they don't understand. Retrieve the relics before they break something.

Miners' shacks

Mission Objective(s)

You hear shouts of excitement and the clanging of metal. The Freakshow must be near.

  • Retrieve Mu relics from Freakshow (defeat the mission boss to recover the relics)



Notable NPCs

  • Tank Smasher (boss)

Who's bad? We bad?
Ohhhhh ya!

Mu Relics

These are pieces of technology from the ancient Mu civilization. Their original function is unknown, but Tarixus requires them for the creation of the Blackwand.


These Mu relics are the remnants of a once great civilization - how the mighty have fallen. No matter.

Gather soul essence of defeated hero


The components for the Blackwand are now almost complete! The Abyssal Tome, Coral Shards, Blood of Mu and Mu Relics have been gathered by you, and it comes time for one last task. The soul of a hero is full of potential, capable of achieving great things and changing the course of the world. A soul like this has great power... power we can harness for ourselves!

Once the hero is defeated, reciting an incantation of a soul crystal will gather his essence.

Agent X

Mission Objective(s)

The Longbow base is abuzz with activity.

  • Gather soul essence of defeated hero

You speak the incarnation, and the soul essence of Agent X transfer into the crystal!



Notable NPCs

Lockdown the base, protocol 47!


After entering the mission you will be ambushed by one single squad of Longbow soldiers

Ambush! Omega squad responding to backup! Lock n'load!

After defeating Agent X you will be ambushed by three squads of Longbow soldiers

Soul Crystal

This soul crystal contains the essence of the Longbow hero Agent X. It will be used in an upcoming ritual by Tarixus.


It is always best when soul essence is fresh. It is most potent then.

Forge the Blackwand


You have gathered the Abyssal Tome, the Coral Shards, the Blood of Mu, the ancient Mu relics, and the Soul Essence of a defeated hero. The time has come to forge the Blackwand!

You must go to a place of power, an ancient temple deep beneath Potter's Field. Few know of this place, but once you cross the threshold the wards will be broken and the energies of the temple will call out to those sensitive to mystic vibrations. You will be beset by the Circle of Thorns and their demonic allies, but you must win through to the ritual chamber containing the Obelisk of Yendor. Enacting the charm of making will take great concentration, but when it is complete the power of the Blackwand will be ours! I will then use the Blackwand as a conduit to transfer the energies of the Mu temple to me!

Go now to forge the Blackwand. I have prepared the components for the charm of making, but they will only retain potency for so long. You have 90 minutes to complete this mission.

It will be worth your efforts. Do not doubt me.

Mission Objective(s)

The air is stale. No living being has tread these corridors in a long while

  • Forge the Blackwand (Timed, 1:30)
    • Invoke Charm of Making
    • Defeat demon attack


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

  • Agony Mage (Boss)

The treasures of this temple will be ours!
It is the Ward-Breaker! Attack!

  • Hellfrost (Boss)

The Charm calls to us!

  • Portal x 3 (Object)

Ambush! The Charm calls to us!

After touching the obelisk of Yendor you will be ambushed by one single group of Circle of Thorns mystics, including a Hellfrost

Temporary Power

Upon successful completion of this mission, a villain will earn the Blackwand temporary power.


Ranged, High Damage (Negative)

This is the Blackwand, a foul magical artifact created by the Archmage Tarixus. This black metal wand feels cold in your hand, and glows with dark arcane energies. The Blackwand may be used 10 times before it is exhausted.


As you completed the ritual, I channeled the power of the Mu temple to me! My strength grows!

You have proven yourself to be a powerful ally. Keep the Blackwand, and use it to break your enemies.

Notes Trivia: For the truly geeky amongst us, the Obelisk of Yendor is a homage to the classic game, Rogue (as well as its descendant, NetHack), where the player attempts to capture the Amulet of Yendor and offer it to their patron god.


Harvest coral shards from Slag Golems


The Slag Golems that rampage across Sharkhead Isle are not mere monsters created by random chance. They are animated by primordial magic originating from coral shards at their core. I seek to study this primordial essence. Go forth and harvest coral shards from the Slag Golems.

Do be careful with the coral shards. They are a precious commodity.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 20 Slag Golems


Slag Golems
Coral Shards

These are the coral shards taken from the shattered forms of the Slag Golems. Tarixus claims that these shards are filled with a primordial essence that animates the creatures.


These coral shards will allow me to explore what the capabilities of this primordial essence.

Deliver puzzle box to Hardcase


There is an enterprising mortal on St. Martial named Hardcase. He and I have come to an understanding, and often exchange favors. I would like to deliver an item to him, and would like you to act as my emissary. Go to St. Martial and deliver this puzzle box to Hardcase.

St. Martial is a dangerous place to the uninitiated. While I can't guarantee your safety, I have concocted a Spirit Potion which will allow you to pass as an intangible entity through the more treacherous areas of St. Martial, unable to touch or be touched.

Ornate Metal Cube

This is an ornate cube made of a silvery green metal which is cold to the touch. It looks like a puzzle box.

Temporary Power

After the Briefing you will receive the Spirit Potion power.


Toggle, Self Intangible

Within this gourd carved with various runes is an acrid-smelling concoction which allows an imbiber to become a spirit for a short period of time. The imbiber cannot attack or be attacked while in spirit form. There are 3 doses in the flask, lasting 60 seconds each.

Your character will retain this power after the mission is finished.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Deliver puzzle box to Hardcase.


Tarixus sent you? Damn, this puzzle box is an evil little thing. More evil than you can handle, Character.

You think you're bad? You don't know from bad. There are things of a more primal evil than you can ever imagine. Look me up next time you're in St. Martial and maybe I'll show you a few of them.


The puzzle box is delivered? Excellent. I am glad to rid of the vile artifact...

Retrieve talisman from Tsoo


While few things tie me to this mortal plane, there are certain objects to which I am inextricably bonded. One such object was looted from Potter's Field by a grave-robber, taken from the Rogue Islands to Paragon City. There it has fallen into the hands of sorcerers from the Tsoo, who seek to unlock its secrets.

This cannot be allowed to happen. Go to Paragon City and retrieve my talisman from the Tsoo!

The Tsoo sorcerers are a bunch of upstarts, but can prove dangerous if they tap into the wrong powers.

Mission Objective(s)

This building has been taken over by the Tsoo. Somewhere within lies the talisman of Tarixus.

  • Retrieve talisman from Tsoo



Brothers! To me!

Notable NPCs

The power within this talisman is strong.
You will die for this intrusion!

Talisman of Tarixus

This is a strange metal disk etched with varius runes. The runes seem to shift as you watch them.


Ah, my talisman! I shall not let it fall into the wrong hands again!

Defeat Nomaris and his minions


The Circle of Thorns and I have a history of death and destruction. At this juncture most of the Circle in the Rogue Isles have realized that I am not someone who can be trifled with. Still, there are some who wish to control my spirit form as a weapon against their enemies. I have sensed a certain Circle mystic attempting to overcome my arcane defenses, and I want him squashed like the bug he is.

Nomaris has overstepped his bounds, and now he must pay the price.

Mission Objective(s)

The air is heavy with incense

  • Defeat Nomaris and his minions

You have taken down Nomaris?


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

  • Nomaris (Boss) (Agony Mage)

We must find a way to break the defenses.
No! Tarixus has found me!


I no longer sense Nomaris buzzing around like an annoying fly. The deed is done.

External Links