Midnighter Club

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Revision as of 22:12, 21 May 2008 by imported>GageEndal (historical) (Initial information. Will need much editing.)
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Midnighter Club
Hero/Villain City Zone (??)
No updated MoreMaps4U map available



This is the headquarters of the secretive Midnight Squad. It can be reached through the University after doing a story arc.


  • ???

Exploration Badges

  • ???


Midnighter Store (Similar to the store in the RWZ Base)

Transfer Points

  • ???

Click-able items

I'm not sure what these are for yet, but there seem to be at least 7 click-able items in the Midnighter Club. These ones were found in the two storage areas in the area where both heroes and villains can enter Cimerora.

Midnigher Club Register Tomes on the Sicilian Stone The Memoirs of Pontice Doub A working history of the Path of Dark Arcane Items Lot# 49 The Remains of Tielekku Authentic Cimeroran Urn