Mission Architect Tags

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Revision as of 22:46, 24 April 2009 by imported>Leandro (historical) (Created page. Tags used in the official boards.)
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This page is about a player-created tagging system, not officially endorsed by the City of Heroes development team.

The following tags originated from the Mission Architect: Resources, Discussion, & Questions as a way for players to organize and search story arcs.

Adding these tags is purely optional, and at the author's discretion. Be aware that tagging you arc sets an expectation of the player for the arc to match what they are looking for in that type of arc, and if it does not meet their expectation it could affect the rating they give you.

Mission Archetype Tags

  • [SFMA] - Story Focused Mission Arc
    • [NCMA] - Non-Canon Mission Arc (Not grounded in COH canon, an "Elseworlds" arc.)
    • [HFMA] - Humor Focused Mission Arc
    • [DFMA] - Dramatic Focused Mission Arc
    • [FHMA] - For-Hire Mission Arc (Your character is brought in to work for the contact as hired help.)
    • [VSMA] - Villainous Self-Motivated Arc (Your character has their own goals, contact helps you instead.)
  • [SGMA] - Super Group specific Mission Arc (Specific for the author's SG. May not work well for others.)
  • [RBMA] - Rewards Based Mission Arc (Use at your own risk. For 'legitimate' arcs only.)

Challenge Level Tags

  • [LBMA] - LowBie friendly Mission Arc
  • [MLMA] - Mid-Level Mission Arc (Appropriate for levels 20-40, Post SOs and Pre-Epic Pools)
  • [HLMA] - High Level Mission Arc (Appropriate for levels 40+)
  • [PCMA] - Pro Challenge Mission Arc
  • [TFMA] - Team Focused Mission Arc (Put in Both PCMA and TFMA to designate a Team Pro Challenge)

Server Tags

  • [TMARC] - Indicates arcs created by Triumph players

External Links