Assault Rifle

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Assault Rifle is one of the powersets. It is a Blaster primary power set and a Corruptor primary power set

The Assault Rifle is a state-of-the-art piece of hardware. It is equipped to handle an impressive arsenal of munitions and firing modes. The Assault Rifle is also equipped with the latest in targeting technology, and is a very accurate weapon.

Power Tables


The Assault Rifle powerset is available as a primary set for Blasters. The following table shows which powers are available and at what level:

Power Level Effect
Burst 1 Ranged, Moderate Damage(Lethal), Foe -Defense
Slug 1 Ranged, High Damage(Lethal), Foe: Knockback
Buckshot 2 Ranged (Cone), Moderate Damage(Lethal), Foe: Knockback
M30 Grenade 6 Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), Moderate Damage(Lethal/Smash), Foe: Knockback
Beanbag 8 Ranged, Minor Damage(Smash), Foe: Disorient
Sniper Rifle 12 Sniper, Extreme Damage(Lethal), Foe: Knockback
Flamethrower 18 Ranged (Cone), Extreme Damage over Time(Fire)
Ignite 26 Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), Moderate Damage over Time(Fire)
Full Auto 32 Ranged (Cone), Superior Damage(Lethal), +Special


The Assault Rifle powerset is available as a primary set for Corruptors. The following table shows which powers are available and at what level:

Power Level Effect
Burst 1 Ranged, Moderate Damage(Lethal), Foe -Defense
Slug 1 Ranged, High Damage(Lethal), Foe: Knockback
Buckshot 2 Ranged (Cone), Moderate Damage(Lethal), Foe: Knockback
M30 Grenade 6 Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), Moderate Damage(Lethal/Smash), Foe: Knockback
Beanbag 8 Ranged, Minor Damage(Smash), Foe: Disorient
Sniper Rifle 12 Sniper, Extreme Damage(Lethal), Foe: Knockback
Flamethrower 18 Ranged (Cone), Extreme Damage over Time(Fire)
Ignite 26 Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), Moderate Damage over Time(Fire)
Full Auto 32 Ranged (Cone), Superior Damage(Lethal), +Special


The following are powers in the Assault Rifle powerset.

AssaultWeapons ShotgunBeanbag.png Beanbag

Fires a single non lethal Beanbag that can seriously Disorient a target. Deals little damage and takes a long time to reload, but renders most targets unable to attack for a good while.

Damage Minor Damage(Smash)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level V archetypeicon corruptor.png 8 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon blaster.png 8 (Blaster)
Effects Ranged, Foe: Disorient
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Recharge Speed
Enhance Range
Enhance Disorient Duration
Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

AssaultWeapons ShotgunBuckShot.png Buckshot

Good at close range. Fires a cone of Buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.

Damage Moderate Damage(Lethal)
Recharge Moderate
Minimum Level V archetypeicon corruptor.png 2 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon blaster.png 2 (Blaster)
Effects Ranged (Cone), Foe: Knockback
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Recharge Speed
Enhance Range
Enhance Knockback
Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Burst

Quickly fires a Burst of rounds at a single target at very long range. Damage is average, but the fire rate is fast. Can also reduce the target's defense.

Damage Moderate Damage(Lethal)
Recharge Fast
Minimum Level V archetypeicon corruptor.png 1 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon blaster.png 1 (Blaster)
Effects Ranged, Foe: -Defense
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Recharge Speed
Enhance Range
Enhance Defense Debuff
Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

AssaultWeapons ARFlamethrower.png Flamethrower

Spews forth a cone of flames from underneath the barrel of your assault rifle, setting foes on fire. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range.

Damage Extreme Damage over Time(Fire)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level V archetypeicon corruptor.png 18 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon blaster.png 18 (Blaster)
Effects Ranged (Cone)
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Recharge Speed
Enhance Range
Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

AssaultWeapons ARFullAuto.png Full Auto

Opens up your assault rifle on Full Auto to lay down a massive spray of bullets at your target. Although very slow to reload, damage from this attack is massive, shredding all targets within the narrow cone of effect. There's a chance you may land a lucky shot for extra damage.

Damage Superior Damage(Lethal)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level V archetypeicon corruptor.png 32 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon blaster.png 32 (Blaster)
Effects Ranged (Cone), +Special
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Recharge Speed
Enhance Range
Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

AssaultWeapons ARFlamethrowerIgnite.png Ignite

Sprays a targeted location with accelerant from your flamethrower, igniting the location. Any foes that pass through the flames will be burned. Great for blocking doorways and small passages.

Damage Moderate Damage over Time(Fire)
Recharge Fast
Minimum Level V archetypeicon corruptor.png 26 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon blaster.png 26 (Blaster)
Effects Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Recharge Speed
Enhance Range
Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

AssaultWeapons ARM30grenade.png M30 Grenade

Launches a Grenade at long range from beneath the barrel of your Assault Rifle. This explosion affects all within the blast radius, and can knock them back.

Damage Moderate Damage(Lethal/Smash)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level V archetypeicon corruptor.png 6 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon blaster.png 6 (Blaster)
Effects Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)
Foe: Knockback
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Recharge Speed
Enhance Range
Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

AssaultWeapons ShotgunSlug.png Slug

Fires a single Slug at a targeted foe. Firing a single Slug is slower than firing a Burst, but deals more damage, is longer range, and can knock down foes.

Damage High Damage(Lethal)
Recharge Moderate
Minimum Level V archetypeicon corruptor.png 1 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon blaster.png 1 (Blaster)
Effects Ranged, Foe: Knockback
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Recharge Speed
Enhance Range
Enhance Knockback
Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage

AssaultWeapons SniperRifle.png Sniper Rifle

Sniper Rifle is a powerful piece of hardware. It is very accurate and has a very long range. The impressive round can knock down its target. Like most sniper attacks, you must take your time to aim, so this attack can be interrupted.

Damage Extreme Damage(Lethal)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level V archetypeicon corruptor.png 12 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon blaster.png 12 (Blaster)
Effects Sniper, Foe: Knockback
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Recharge Speed
Enhance Range
Enhance Knockback
Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Interrupt Time

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