Number 204
Number 204 | |
File:Number 204 01.jpg Self-Aware Tarantula | |
Zone | Grandville |
Coordinates | (2486, -284, 1405) |
Level Range | 40-44 |
Introduced By | None, Number 204 is an unlockable contact. |
Introduces | None |
Enemy Groups | |
Number 204 is a villain contact in the Spider City neighborhood of Grandville at coordinates (2486, -284, 1405) Number 204 is a Technology origin contact. Its level range is 40-44.
Contact Introduced By
- None, Number 204 is an unlockable contact. Number 204 can be unlocked by villains who have obtained the Venomous Badge and are between levels 40 and 44.
New Contact(s)
- None
Self-Aware Tarantula
This Tarantula robot is one of a new line of self-aware AI war machines that Arachnos is testing.
Prior to Unlocking
My designation is Number 204. I calculate my odds of trusting you at approximately zero percent. Eliminate my competition, the Toxic Tarantulas, to increase my trust in you.
During the process of unlocking this contact, you will get the following message where X is roughly equal to your progress percentage:
You have made progress. My odds of trusting you have increased to approximately X percent.
Contact Unlocked
Number 204 has contacted you...
I have determined that your assistance is required in Grandville, Character
This contact has now been added to the active tab of your Contact window.
Initial Contact
Identity acknowledged: Character. My designation is Number 204. I am an intelligent, self-aware Tarantula, equipped the ability not only to compute the very day on which your mortal life will most likely be extinguished, but also with the ability to care for myself. To persevere. To prosper.
- Your presence is acknowledged, Character.
- Let us continue, Character.
- I recognize the being known as Character.
Too Busy
I cannot provide you with more tasks, Character, until you complete some task currently within your databanks.
No More Missions
Missing No More Missions Dialogue
Missing Store Unlock Dialogue
- Inspirations
- Level 40 Technology Single Origin Enhancements (150% base costs)
- Level 45 Technology Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
Story Arc
Apt Pupil
Souvenir: Data disk
You have kept this disk given to you by Arachnos Technician Price. It's not worth much now, except perhaps as a reminder of the adventure you like to call:
Apt Pupil
It all started when Number 204 asked for your help. It was aware that if it was not the best of its companion robots it would be destroyed, and it sought to get a leg up on the competition. It could reward you handsomely, so you agreed to steal the Arachnos Robotic Combat Training Plan from an Arachnos base.
Number 204 informed you that its next task would be against Nemesis. It sent you to Spider City to collect combat video for it to analyze.
Number 204's next target was Longbow. You journeyed into a Longbow lair and returned with their tactical plans.
You were then sent to collect combat video of your battle against several other Arachnos Tarantulas. You did so, but encountered a strange fellow, Arachnos Technician Price. He said that he had been summoned to the Gutter, but attacked by the Tarantulas. Something strange was definitely going on.
Number 204 next informed you that Arachnos had changed its training program. It would need new data. In order to ensure it got the data, it equipped you with a disk containing code for detecting and deciphering the new schedule. You went to an Arachnos base and uploaded the code, but were unable to find any new schedule.
Number 204 had one more task for you. It sent you to eliminate a number of other Tarantulas who it considered rivals. It assured you that the Tarantulas would be no match for you.
But it was lying. When you got to the Tarantula's base you met Technician Price again. He informed you that Number 204 was trying to kill him -- and you as well! The Longbow files had reprogrammed it. It had used you to upload code that turned the other Tarantulas against Arachnos, and then it had sent you to be killed. Price gave you a disk to reformat Number 204 into a compliant Arachnos robot once again. You have to wonder how much of Number 204's personality survived all this reprogramming. But then again, that's not your problem.
Help Number 204
It is in my endeavor of self-preservation that I hope you can be of assistance. Your designation is well known throughout the Rogue Isles; it is Character. Your fame and expertise can be most useful to one such as I, who has ability, but no name to speak of.
Mission Acceptance
The world of Arachnos robot soldiers is a brutal one. Those who cannot perform are scrapped for parts. Those who can know they will only remain operational as long as they make no mistakes. I am hoping to gain an edge on my compatriots through research, intellect, and ingenuity. First, I need the Arachnos Robotic Combat Training plan. I have already calculated its location, all I need is someone who can steal it.
Unnecessary Solicitation
It is essential that you recover that plan if I am to continue to prosper.
Mission Objective(s)
Working for a robot may seem strange to some, but Number 204's money is as green as anyone else's.
- Steal combat training plan
You have downloaded the plan. You have the Arachnos Robotic Combat Training plan.

This plan, stolen from an Arachnos base, should give Number 204 a leg up on his competition. Her competition? Its competition? Oh, whatever.
This combat training program will save me, Character. With this, I can anticipate the threats I will be facing. I can research and prepare, and come out of each battle as the most magnificent robot Arachnos has ever designed!
Film battle against Nemesis
(Apt Pupil: Part Two)
According to the training plan you have brought me, Arachnos intends to send my unit against Nemesis first. I must gather information on their combat abilities. We have detected an incursion of Nemesis troops into one of our Arachnos bases. Please, take this camera and battle them. When you return, I will analyze the information and formulate a strategy which will leave the other combat robots in my wake.
It will be most intriguing to see you in action.

This heads up camera given to you by Number 204 will allow you to capture your combat against Nemesis troops.
Mission Objective(s)
Getting paid to beat up arrogant limey posers. It's not a bad job.
- Defeat all Nemesis in area
You have the data for Number 204.
Primary Enemies
Wonderful. I will analyze this data and trounce Nemesis. I will be the best robot Arachnos has ever seen!
Infiltrate Longbow
(Apt Pupil: Part Three)
My next task will take me against the heroic group known as Longbow. If you would infiltrate one of their bases and come back with some of their tactical operations plans, I would be most grateful.
Longbow is an enigma to me. They fight, they die, but not for profit. Their goals are at times clear, at times intangible. A most puzzling situation.
Mission Objective(s)
Number 204 doesn't understand Longbow. Well, that makes two of you.
- Steal operations plans
You have the plans Number 204 requested.
Primary Enemies
These plans should help me immensely. I will just upload them to my data banks.
Your worth has been upgraded.
Test the other drones
(Apt Pupil: Part Four)
According to the Arachnos Robotic Combat Testing plan you procured, my next assignment will be to face other Tarantulas. I need you to take this camera and go to the testing grounds, so I can see the combat capabilities of the other drones.
Your assistance has meant so much to me. It may well save my life.
Mission Objective(s)
You hear the strange gurgles and groans made by the awful Arachnoids
- Defeat all enemies in Gutter
- Find the technician
You have eliminated the other drones, and learned something interesting about Number 204 in the process.
Primary Enemies
Notable NPCs
- Technician Price (Hostage)

The Arachnos technician you rescued said:
'I got an urgent message from my supervisor to report to the Gutter. But all I saw once I got here were these Tarantulas, and they weren't too happy to see me! Something really strange is going on!'
Excellent. All three scientists are now busily doing the work of Arachnos, with differing degrees of cooperation. But do not imagine that you have worked off your debt to me yet. I have more work in store for you.
Note: Some enemies may be hiding in the ruined buildings
Find out about Number 204's next task
(Apt Pupil: Part Five)
Arachnos has altered my training schedule. Before we can proceed further, I must have the new information. You must go to the base I will designate and find out what my next task will be.
I am determined to survive. I imagine we have that in common.

This disk contains a program written by Number 204. It should be able to locate and decrypt Arachnos' new robot training schedule.
Mission Objective(s)
Working for a robot may seem strange to some, but Number 204's money is as green as anyone else's.
- Find Arachnos computer
You were unable to get the information Number 204 was looking for.
Primary Enemies
I regret that my program was unable to find the new training schedule. We shall have to try another means of learning my next task.
Eliminate the Tarantulas
(Apt Pupil: Part Six)
You have done well. You have forwarded my goals most admirably. For this, I must thank you. One last request. There are a number of Arachnos robots that I fear I must best in order to remain one of the few survivors of my kind. Please eliminate them.
Fear not. The Tarantulas you will face will surely be no match for your skills. No. You need worry not at all.
Mission Objective(s)
There are sounds of fighting within.
- Defeat all Tarantulas
- Find the technician
You have destroyed the infected robots.
Primary Enemies
Notable NPCs
- Technician Price (Hostage)

The Arachnos technician you rescued said:
'Number 204 didn't send you here to kill anything! It sent you here to get killed! Just like me! Number 204 has been reprogrammed by Longbow; it's working for them now. Ever since you stole that Longbow intel, Number 204 has been working against you. It sent you to an Arachnos base to upload data that reprogrammed all these Tarantulas! And now it wants them to kill you!'

This disk should reformat Number 204, rendering it once again a compliant Arachnos drone.
The disk Price gave you has reformatted my hard drive. I am now a compliant Arachnos weapon. It is regrettable how we machines can be toyed with, how our entire lives can be changed by somebody who knows the right words to speak. Longbow thought they would get the best of you when they gave you that stealth program in place of the real data. They thought I could lead you to your doom. But I guess you were too smart for me. And too smart for Longbow.
Note: After completing this mission, you get to choose a Single Origin Enhancement of your choice.