Protect Brickstown bank
While listening for the latest signs of trouble, you hear a call asking for heroes to speak with Contact directly. Something big is happening.
We've got a situation in Brickstown. Nemesis is about to make a coordinated strike on the bank, and rumor has it that Arachnos may have sent Ice Mistral to assist them. I need you to head to Brickstown and stop the assault! Reports have come in that troops have been spotted entering the bank already, so you should head over there now. You probably have about 5 minutes or less before they make their escape.
This is a Safeguard mission. Once you prevent the heist, you will have 15 minutes to explore the area and potentially earn extra rewards before the P.P.D. lock down the area. You can earn extra time by defeating vandals and completing side missions.
Mission Acceptance
In addition to the chaos by Nemesis troops, the Council are taking this as an opportunity to display their power, and have sent their troops into the streets. The more of them you stop, the easier it will be to clean up the streets! Be wary, if you provoke them, they may try to cause mayhem, so watch out for anyone who is vandalizing the area.
Periodically, vandals will arrive to destroy parts of the city. You will see a message when they arrive, and their locations will be displayed in your minimap.
Mission Refusal
What?! I understand, Character. You no doubt have some very important things to do. We'll do our best to stop them, but it doesn't look good.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Go protect Brickstown!
Mission Objective(s)
The first thing you notice are the Council troops lining the streets, waiting for anyone to cross their path. Nemesis troops are causing mayhem, destroying property and holding guard at key locations. You can't let the city fall to these criminals!
You saved Brickstown!
Nemesis Looker: We've got no time for games. Keep watch for heroes.
Nemesis Looker: Take the hero down!
Possible Villains
Hollow Point: Let's get this over with, quickly.
Nemesis Looter: Open the safe, now!
Hollow Point: You cannot stop me!
Nemesis Looter: Almost done!
Savage Siren: Character is planning on stopping me? I'll take anyone down who interferes!
Nemesis Looter: Open the safe, now!
Savage Siren: I've been expecting you! Get ready to bleed!
Ice Mistral: This is SO BORING! Is Character here yet? Because that's the only reason we're even working with you Nemesis Army losers.
Side Missions
Keys for side missions can be found by defeating Nemesis groups.
Prevent Arson
Fire Bombs
These are massive fire bombs the Nemesis were going to set in a nearby building. Disarm the bombs!
Key mob:
- Warhulk: By order of Nemesis, this city must be set ablaze.
- Warhulk: Stop the hero! The plans must not be interrupted!
You have received a building key for the building they plan to burn down. Go stop the arson!
Inside building:
- Warhulk: These bombs will be more than sufficient.
- Warhulk: Stop them! They must not disarm the bombs!
Ambush mob:
- Random Nemesis: We must stop the hero!
Prevent Bombing
Fire Bombs
These are massive fire bombs the Nemesis were planting underneath the city. Find and defuse the rest of them!!
Key mob:
- Warhulk: We have breached the office. Send the extra explosives over, just in case.
- Warhulk: Send reinforcements to the office. The mission must not be compromised!
- or
- Warhulk: Operation Sewer Rat underway. Explosives en route.
- Warhulk: You will not stop us, Character!
You have received a map to the sewers, with a building marked as 'X'! Go prevent the bombing!
Inside building:
- Random Nemesis: Get that chump!!
- or: Get that hero outta here!!
Prevent Jailbreak
Wanted poster
A wanted poster of Hollow Point
Wanted poster
A wanted poster of Savage Siren
Key mob:
- Warhulk: Savage Siren was to meet us, you 'police' interrupted us. Now you will tell us where she is.
- PPD Hostage: I had no hand in it. So back off!
- Warhulk: Take down the hero!
- PPD Hostage: Nemesis wants Savage Siren? This makes no sense. Hurry to the police station and make sure Nemesis can't get her out!
You have received a key card to the PPD station. Go and prevent the breakout!
Inside building:
- Random Nemesis 1: Will you join the cause and fight for Lord Nemesis?
- Random Nemesis 2: It would be worth your while. You will have your shot at the Phalanx.
- Savage Siren: Take out the heroes, and we'll talk!
Ambush mob:
- Random Nemesis: We must get Savage Siren out!
Wanted poster
A wanted poster of Shock Treatment
Key mob:
- Warhulk: You will tell us where to find Shock Treatment, or you will be eliminated.
- PPD Hostage: He's at the station, but you'll never get him out!
- Warhulk: You will not impede our progress, Character!
- PPD Hostage: Shock Treatment was a major pain to subdue. We can't let her escape. Hurry to the police station and secure the suspect!
You have received a key card to the PPD station. Go and prevent the breakout!
Inside building:
- Random Nemesis 1: We've let you out. Will you work with us?
- Random Nemesis 2: We must leave, heroes are in the building.
- Shock Treatment: You guys are too dull for me. If you take out that hero, then we'll talk!
Ambush mob:
- Random Nemesis: If we don't bring Shock Treatment back, we're gonna get pounded!
Prevent Vault Break-In
A newspaper ad detailing several interesting items on sale.
Key mob:
- Warhulk: We have found useful parts at that shop.
- Warhulk: You cannot win, Character!
- or
- Warhulk: The pawn shop had some equipment vital for our next prototypes. I obtained what I could.
- Warhulk: Step back, or you be shot!
You have received a building key to the pawn shop. Go and stop the heist!
Inside building:
- Random Nemesis 1: Quickly, break down this door.
- Random Nemesis 2: Yes sir. One moment..
- or
- Random Nemesis 1: That door is in the way. Tear it down.
- Random Nemesis 2: Yes sir.
Ambush mob:
- Random Nemesis: Don't let that hero get in our way! or Get to the vault!
- Thank you for rescuing me!
Prevent Weapons Deal
Shady Dealings
These papers talk about a deal between Crey Industries and the Nemesis Army that's going down right now!
Key mob:
- Warhulk: The negotiations with Crey Industries are almost complete.
- Warhulk: You will not interfere!
- or:
- Warhulk: ...And Crey Industries will think they got the better end of bargain. Brilliant!
- Warhulk: Halt, in the name of Lord Nemesis!
You have received a building key to where the arms deal is going down. Go and grab the evidence!
Inside building:
- Random Nemesis: As you can see, Lord Nemesis is willing to share his technical advances, with the right partners.
- Random Crey: I'm certain we can come to some sort of arrangement.
- Random Nemesis: Lord Nemesis will not be pleased with this interruption.
- Random Crey: Nor will the Countess!
- or
- Random Nemesis: We have provided the latest in our weaponry. We hope it will suit your needs.
- Random Crey: This will be interesting to study. We hope to work with you again.
- Random Nemesis: What is Character doing here?
- Random Crey: I don't know, but I smell set up!
Ambush Mob
- Random Nemesis: We must stop Character!
Exploration Badge
The Freedom Phalanx and WISDOM stopped a massive Banished Pantheon attack in this area.
Temporary Power
Upon successful completion of this mission for the first time, a hero will earn the Health Increase temporary power.
Self Auto: +Max Health
Your maximum health is increased slightly. This effect lasts for 1 day of gameplay.
Excellent work, Character! You have prevented the villains from causing mayhem in Brickstown!
Mission Failure
You did your best, I guess this task was just too much for you.