Costume Emote CCEnergyMorph

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(Redirected from Costume Emote CCPodPerson)
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Costume Emote CCEnergyMorph
  • animation
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Unlock Requirements

This article describes paid-for or restricted features as they were before the 2012 shutdown. Homecoming has no such restrictions or charges.

Purchase Super Booster V: Mutant, or the Mutant Costume Set at the Paragon Market


This section contains information that no longer applies to the current version of City of Heroes/Villains. It is provided for historical purposes.

  • The Costume Change Emote, "/cce # CCEnergyMorph", was initially added to the game as "/cce # CCPodPerson" while saying "Energy Morph" in the costume picker window. This was changed on July 15, 2010, removing "CCPodPerson" and implementing "CCEnergyMorph".