Darrin Wade

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Darrin Wade
Darrin Wade.jpg
Ex Midnighter
Zone Sharkhead Isle
Coordinates (435.5, 32, 149)[Copy]
Level Range 20-30
Introduced By None
Introduces == Level 20-24 ==
Lorenz Ansaldo
Vince Dubrowski
Captain Petrovich
== Level 25-29 ==
Operative Kirkland
Diviner Maros
Enemy Groups
Badges Badge thiefofmidnight.png The Thief of Midnight
v  d  e

Darrin Wade is a villain contact in the Port Recluse neighborhood of Sharkhead Isle at coordinates (435.5, 32, 149)[Copy] . He can be found outside the Port Recluse branch of Black Heart Hospital.
For information regarding his role in Signature Story Arcs, see: Who Will Die?


Contact Introduced By

Darrin Wade is open to all villains at level 20. With Issue 13 released, he will now contact villains himself if they reach level 20 and have not visited him in Sharkhead Isle yet.

Contact Introduces

Multiple contact options
There's a couple of people who you should talk to.
Single contact option
+++ Missing Information +++

Level 20-24

If you don't mind doing some work for the Family, I've got someone you should meet. His name is Lorenz Ansaldo, a troubleshooter for the Family in Sharkhead Isle. The Family supplies him with Natural and Technology Enhancements.

Lorenz is a bit of a character, but he can set you up with some good work.

Have you met Vince Dubrowski? He's working for the Cage Consortium, trying to keep their Sharkhead Isle mining operation in the black. That brings him into contact with the Scrapyarders quite a bit. His connections at Cage can get him Natural and Technology Enhancements.

When it comes to dedication, Vince takes the cake. Don't say a word against Cage Consortium where he can hear.

You ever heard of Captain Petrovich? He's an old sea captain that's been around the Rogue Isles for ages. Nobody knows how, but he's got some secret connections that get him Technology and Science Enhancements.

He's a surly sort, but a solid old fella.

Level 25-29

Operative Kirkland keeps tabs on the various factions on Sharkhead Isle, and looks for freelancers willing to do service for Arachnos. Arachnos keeps him supplied with plenty of Natural and Technology enhancements.

Operative Kirkland is an efficient and loyal member of Arachnos. Do good work for him and he can assure you patronage from the Arachnos elite down the line.


Ex Midnighter

Darrin Wade was once a loyal member of the Midnight Squad, a secret organization dedicated to learning everything there is to know about the unknown. However, there was a falling out and he left their organization.

He did not leave empty-handed, though, taking some of their more priceless relics and tomes. He's managed to establish himself in the Rogue Isles as a broker of lost information and ancient artifacts.

Too Low Level

I have something you might be interested in, but it's classified beyond your current Threat Level. Come back to me when you're level 20.

Contact Unlocked

Darrin Wade has contacted you...

Alright, look Character I don't normally do this but I need to contract you for some work. Come see me in Sharkhead if you want to make some money.

This contact has now been added to the active tab of your Contact window.

Initial Contact

The first time with me, Darrin Wade, is always memorable.

I've seen things that would make a normal man curl up into the fetal position and rip his eyes out. I've walked on the backs of giants and drunk from the rivers of Avalon.

The simple man you see before you is only a single facet of my being.


  • Are you ready for this?
  • Make it quick. We shouldn't be seen together.
  • Can I help you?

Too Busy

You need to finish some of the things you already have on your plate, Character.

No More Missions

I'm honored that you would speak with me, even though you are well out of my league. Now, unless you've come to improve my rep, I'd recommend moving along.


Unlocked after the mission Clear out the Midnight Squad Missing Store Unlock Dialogue

  • Level 25 Magic Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)

Unlocked after the mission Collect a locket of hair Missing Store Unlock Dialogue

  • Level 30 Magic Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)

Story Arc


Souvenir:Midnight Draws Near

As you hold the empty potion bottle given to you by Darrin Wade, the bottle that once contained the Midnight Visage, you're reminded of the events you've come to know as...

Midnight Draws Near

Midnight Draws Near (20-30)

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 17 Reward Merits.

Darrin Wade was once a Midnighter, but no more. Now, he sells their secrets to the highest bidder. He asked you to stop the Midnight Squad from coming to the Rogue Isles and disrupting his business. This led you to an ancient cave where they were investigating the history of magic. You faced off against Kadabra Kill and his wife Sigil, two volunteers of the Squad.

However, before you could discover why the Midnight Squad was in the Isles, Darrin sent you to retrieve a locket of hair from a now deceased business partner. The partner was working for Arachnos, which meant you had to sneak into their base and get out before they threw you in a holding cell and questioned you.

With the locket of hair, you were able to track the killers down, but what you found was not what you expected. The Lost were performing experiments on magical humans and they had the aid of their Rikti masters. Not only did you find the killer of Darrin Wade's partner, but you ran into Kadabra Kill and Sigil once again, not to mention a number of magical heroes, villains and other creatures.

Now that revenge was served, Wade wanted you to get back on the Midnight Squad. He had tracked down a member who was, yet again, doing more research in an ancient cave. The Midnighter's name was Alistair McKnight. Darrin wanted you to find him, question him and get a sample of his hair. You found Alistair and after a little questioning he was more than willing to give up the pass phrase that allows Midnighters access into their exclusive club.

The time was ready to infiltrate the club, learn what they're doing and steal everything that's not nailed down. Darrin crafted you a potion. It made you look like Alistair and you were able to infiltrate the Midnighters. You skulked through the halls, finding one relic after the next. No one was the wiser... until the suits of armor came to life. It didn't matter where you went or what you did, they could see you. They knew you were not welcome. Thankfully, your job was done and all you had to do was get out in one piece.

Clear out the Midnight Squad

Midnight Draws Near
Part One


Hello, Character. Some of my old friends are poking their noses around the Isles. I'd prefer them not to do that. I've got business here and the Midnight Squad is bad for it.

Are you up for making sure they get the message and get out of town?

Mission Acceptance

Great. My spies tell me the Midnighter Club has enlisted the help of two heroes, Kadabra Kill and his wife, Sigil. They're trying to track down some relics uncovered here on the Isles. Beyond the fact that by definition, relics are old, I don't know what they are or why the Midnighters would want them.

Go have a 'chat' with these two heroes. If you happen to find what they're looking for and bring it back to me, all the better.

Unnecessary Solicitation

What are you waiting for, Character? The relics aren't getting any older, but I am. The job's simple enough:

Run the Midnighters out of town and bring me back what they were after.

You may run into some other groups besides the Midnight Squad there. Odds are that if I've heard about this, someone else has as well.

Mission Objective(s)

Darrin Wade wants what the Midnighters are after. Looks like you'll have to bust some heads to get it.
Just another day in the Isles.

  • Take out two Midnighters
    • 5 Relics
    • Defeat Kadabra Kill
    • Defeat Sigil

You've taken out Kadabra Kill and Sigil. You've even collected some relics for Darrin Wade.



Generic Heroes
Midnight Squad

Notable NPCs

Editor's Note:

Although Kadabra Kill and Sigil are Heroes according to their target window, they have Boss-class HP, and do not possess Purple Triangles.

Old Bones

You've found a pile of old bones. What's odd about it is the pieces of rusted armor you found with it. The armor looks ancient Greek or Roman in origin.

You found something.

Ancient Tablets

You look over the stone carvings and try and make sense out of them...

You can't make out any of the words, but of the few pictures carved into the stone you see something that looks like a tree or a multiple branching river. The river ends in six streams with a word carved next to it. However, one of the streams is crossed out. The word next to that stream or branch is called Caelestis.


So, the Midnighters are looking into relics from the ancient Mediterranean. I wonder if they've stumbled onto Cimerora yet? It's only a matter of time... Forgive the pun, that was unintentional.

If the Midnighters are looking into Cimerora, then they must be deducing the paths of power. That knowledge in and of itself is harmless and actually worthless. It's not until they learn how to manipulate the paths that things become problematic for some and lucrative for others. Let us try and remain on the latter side.

Collect a locket of hair

Midnight Draws Near
Part Two


Character, something's come up. Something personal.

A business partner of mine has been killed. I want to know who did it. I can track down his killers, but I need a locket of his hair to do it.

Mission Acceptance

Thank you. My old partner, Starr, was a member of Arachnos. He always said it helped him pay the bills, when his thaumaturgy couldn't. Anyway, they're keeping his body there. I need you to break in and get the hair sample.

With the hair sample I can work some magic and track the killers back to their point of origin.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You still need to get into that Arachnos base and get a sample from my old partner. Without it I can't find his killers. If I can't find his killers, I'm not going to be able to focus on other matters.

Mission Objective(s)

Darrin wants you to get a hair sample from the body of an Arachnos agent named Starr.
It's doubtful Arachnos is going to let you just walk in and take it.

  • Collect Starr Hair sample

You've collected the hair sample from Starr's body. Return to Darrin Wade for further instructions.



A Locket of Starr Hair

You've collected a short locket of hair from an Arachnos agent named Starr. Darrin Wade claims to be able to use this to actually track down the killers of this man.


My thanks, Character. Give me a little bit of time and I'll be able to give you the location of his killers.

Seek revenge for Darrin Wade

Midnight Draws Near
Part Three


I've used the hair sample you got me to track down the whereabouts of my old partner's killers. You up for some revenge?

Mission Acceptance

The guys who did this are holed up in an abandoned office near here. I want you to exact some revenge for me.

Go into that office and defeat anyone who was responsible for Starr's murder.

Show them that if they mess with Darrin Wade or any of his contacts, they're going to pay the price.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You still need to track down the killers of my old partner. They're hiding out like a bunch of dogs in an abandoned office nearby.

Mission Objective(s)

It appears Darrin Wade's old partner isn't the only one being tortured by these killers.

  • Avenge Starr
    • 6 Captives to rescue, Defeat Sti'Lin

You've exacted revenge on Starr's killers and collected some useful knowledge for Darrin Wade along the way.

Kadabra Kill


The Lost
Generic Heroes

Notable NPCs

Editor's Note:

Although Kadabra Kill and Sigil are Heroes according to their target window, they have Boss-class HP, and do not possess Purple Triangles.

Sti'Lin's final words...

Sti'Lin told you just before he died that the Rikti are going to eliminate magic from your world...

Too Long: Rikti have waited. Too Long: Have we not exploited, humans: greatest weakness. Magic is power: Rikti are masters of all power. Your path shall end: Rikti technology prevail.


The Rikti killed Starr? But wait, what?

They were trying to extract his magical essence. That's what they were doing with all those other magical beings.

I bet the Rikti are getting a little tired of having their butts kicked by the magic we've got on our world. Odds are, they're looking at a way to shut that down. Interesting...

Thanks for taking care of that personal matter of mine. Now we can get back down to business.

Get Midnighter Hair Sample

Midnight Draws Near
Part Four


On that last mission you ran into Sigil and Kadabra Kill again, didn't you?

I guess the Midnight Squad is involved in more ways than one. I think it's time we paid the Midnighters a visit.

Mission Acceptance

Before you can get into their little club, we're going to have to get past security. To do this, you're going to have to question a Midnighter and get another hair sample for me. I'll mix you up a potion that will make you look like him. With that and the pass phrase you should be able to get into the Midnighter Club.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You still need to get that hair sample of the Midnighter for me. He's doing some work in an old cave around here. You'd think these guys would be more clandestine with their activities..

Mission Objective(s)

Darrin Wade wants another hair sample, this time from a Midnighter working in this cave

  • Get Midnighter Hair Sample
    • Collect hair sample, Collect Relic

You've questioned the Midnighter and gotten his hair sample. You've also found an old relic that Darrin might be interested in. You should have everything you need for Darrin Wade to get you into he Midnighter Club.



Notable NPCs

You found something.

Cimeroran Relic

You've collected an old relic from within some ancient caves. Just before you let Alistair McKnight go, he told you that these relics are a roadmap to the history of super powers.

Perhaps, Darrin Wade would give you some money for it.

You've got the hair sample.

Midnighter Pass Phrase

Taken from a Midnighter... against his will, of course. This phrase will get you into the Midnighter Club.

Si vis pacem, para bellum

You received Midnight Visage.

Temporary Power

You will receive the Midnight Visage after rescuing Alistair McKnight:


Toggle: Shapeshift +Special

This potion will allow you to impersonate a member of the Midnight Squad for up to 15 minutes.

Editor's Note:

Since the Midnight Visage power counts as Stealth, you cannot toggle it on if you have another Stealth power running; it will be greyed out.


What have we here? An ancient Cimeroran Tablet. Excellent work, Character. I haven't seen one of these preserved this nicely since... well, since I used to be a Midnighter myself.

Perhaps we can use this to our advantage. With the locket of hair and this relic, we should have everything I need to infiltrate their club house.

Hope you remember the pass phrase.

Go over the plan

Midnight Draws Near


It's time for you to see how the other half lives, Character. You should have the potion that will turn you into a reasonable looking member of the Midnight Club. I call it The Midnight Visage.

The relic you found will help us as well. This will allow you to circumvent the front door and get you in through the back. Let's go over the plan one more time.

Mission Acceptance

Head over to Cap au Diable and give Ashley McKnight the pass phrase. She's on front door duty and you have to talk to her, even through you're not going in the front door. Once you give her the pass phrase, she'll send you around back.

When you get inside, I'm going to want you to steal... I mean replace everything you can in there.

Be careful though, because... and I really should have mentioned this earlier, the Midnighter you're going to transform into is Ashley's dad. But that could work to your advantage on getting in.

Talk to Ashley McKnight

Unnecessary Solicitation

You'll need to get into the Midnighter Club and steal everything they've got. To do that, you're going to have to drink the potion I gave you and go talk to Ashley McKnight. She'll ask for the pass phrase and that should be enough to get you in the door.

Mission Objective(s)


Without Midnight Visage:

"Hello, stranger. I'm really sorry, I can't talk right now. I'm waiting for my father to show up. He's supposed to be here with a new relic... Hehe. New relic, that's funny."
"Anyway, as you can see, I'm a little busy. Oh, and if you see my dad, he's a tall guy, red hair, wears a bowler, tell him I'm waiting over here for him."

With Midnight Visage:

"Hey, dad, good to see you again. I know you and all, but i have to ask you the pass phrase anyway."
"So, what's the pass phrase, dad?"
  • Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati
"Dad, come on. I know you know this. Are you just testing me to see if I'll call for backup or something? Let's try this again."
  • Si vis pacem, para bellum
"I know it's silly but there you go."
"Anyway, you can take that relic around back. But you know that, don't you? See you later."
  • Alea jacta est
"Dad, come on. I know you know this. Are you just testing me to see if I'll call for backup or something? Let's try this again."
Infiltrate Midnight Squad

Unnecessary Solicitation

You need to infiltrate the Midnight Squad.

Mission Objective(s)

You're in the heart of the Midnight Squad. Time to take advantage of the situation.

  • Infiltrate Midnight Squad
    • 8 relics

You broke in and stole stuff from the Midnighter Club.


Midnight Squad

Ambush! After collecting the final relic, all the armor displays on the map will come to life and attack you


Only you and Darrin Wade will ever know what you took from the Midnight Squad. Even now they believe the artifacts they look upon with such reverence to be authentic


Great, you've broken into the club and got everything I need to take over the Midnight Squad... Oh, did I not mention that? Yeah, that's the real reason I was using your services.

I want to establish my own order and focus specifically on bringing Rularuu back to the here and now and pulling him out of the Shadow Shard. And since you were so helpful in getting me set up, I can see to it that Rularuu rewards you as well, if you are interested, of course. I will let you know when I am further along in my scheme if you want in on the action.