Commuter Badge
Commuter / Fare Jumper is a day job badge for 100 hours logged out near Paragon City monorail stations.
You have traveled all over Paragon City for various day jobs during your free time earning the Commuter Day Job. Logging out in a Train Station will earn you a speed boost, when you log back in, for a short time.
You miss the monorails of Paragon City, but in the Rogue Isles it would just be too impractical.
Day Job Bonus

Auto: +Movement Speed
Your Running, Flight and Jumping speeds are increased slightly due to your benefits from your Day Job.
Before a character earns this badge:
For every 2 hours logged out, a character gains 1 minute duration, up to a maximum of 2 hours duration.
After a character earns this badge:
For every 1.4 hours logged out, a character gains 1 minute duration, up to a maximum of 2 hours duration.
Accolade Requirement
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Where to Find
Hero Zones
Co-op Zones
This badge is only awarded to characters of the hero or vigilante alignments. Although credit for this badge may be earned by villains or rogues, the badge will not be awarded to a character until they change alignment.
This badge displays different names, depending on a character's current alignment.
- Commuter on heroes and vigilantes
- Fare Jumper on villains and rogues