David Hazen

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???, the ghost of David Hazen


David Hazen is a magic user from 1800s America that fought the Darkness of Astoria and attempted to banish Mot.

He appears as an NPC with the name ??? in the Captain Nolan and Threatening Arachnos Message Dark Astoria prologue arcs. Several of his journal entries are found as clues in the other Dark Astoria arcs.


David Hazen and a group of friends (including a man named Marvin) discovered the darkness pervading Astoria in the 1800s and attempted to defeat this evil. They deduced that to banish Mot they would need to summon the goddess Tielekku who legend says had previously banished the dark pantheon. To this end the group inscribed magical runes of empowerment into the earth of Astoria, meant to amplify a spell that would bring Tielekku into the mortal world so that she could seal Mot away.

Unfortunately, they were unable to contact Tielekku and could not complete their ritual. The group would ultimately succumb to death and madness, with David Hazen dying in an insane asylum, haunted by his encounter with the Sentinel of Mot. His spirit seems to haunt the border between life and death in Dark Astoria, and the runes and journal entries he left behind were instrumental in sealing Mot's power.