Master Architect Badge

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Your extensive study of the Mission Architect technology has earned you the Master Architect Day Job. Earning this Accolade grants you the Vitalize power which will allow you to revive yourself, should you be defeated, while on Architect missions.

Accolade Power


Self Rez, Debt Protection

Your college education combined with extensive knowledge of the Architect system has taught you how to work around virtual defeats. You're able to shrug off the effects of simulated defeat once every 10 minutes while on Architect missions. This will revive you with a small amount of hit points and no endurance, but you'll have 90 seconds of XP Debt Protection. Additional charges can be earned by logging out at Architect Entertainment or in a university. Recharge: Very Long

For every X hours logged out, a character gains 1 charge, up to a maximum of 30 charges.

Missing at least one Day Job formula detail

How to Get

Badge DayJob Architect.png Architect Badge DayJob Scholar.png Professor
Badge DayJobAcc MasterArchitect.png Master Architect

See Also

External Links