Shield Defense

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Shield Defense is a standard power set that is a primary set for Tankers and a secondary set for Brutes, Scrappers, and Stalkers.

"Your mastery over the shield protects you from all forms of attacks in the form of defense as well as some moderate damage resistance to most types of damage. Your training with the shield enables you to protect your nearby allies boosting their defenses."

Shield Defense is incompatible with the following power sets: Claws, Dual Blades, Katana, Ninja Blade, Spines, Staff Fighting, and Titan Weapons. When a shield is deployed, many emotes are blocked.

Possible Shield Customizations.

Power Table

The Shield Defense power set is available as a primary set for Tankers and as a secondary set for Brutes, Scrappers and Stalkers. The following tables show the levels at which each power is available:

Brute / Scrapper / Tanker

The Shield Defense power set is available as a primary set for Tankers and as a secondary set for Brutes and Scrappers. The following table shows the levels at which each power is available:

Power Level as Primary Level as Secondary Effect
Deflection 1 1 Toggle: Self +DEF(Melee), +Res(Smash, Lethal)
Battle Agility 1 1 Toggle: Self +DEF(Ranged, AoE), +Res(DEF Debuff)
True Grit 2 4 Auto: Self +Res(Fire, Cold, Energy, Neg, Toxic), +Max HP
Active Defense 6 10 Self +Res(Disorient, Hold, Immob, Sleep, Fear, Confuse, Repel, Knockback, DEF Debuff)
Against All Odds 8 16 Toggle: Foe -DMG, Self +DMG
Phalanx Fighting 12 20 Auto: Self Special, +DEF(Melee, Ranged, AoE)
Grant Cover 18 24 PBAoE, Team (but not self) +DEF(All but Psi), Team +Res(DEF Debuff, Rech Debuff) (except Brute), Self (but not team) +RES(DEF Debuff (Brute only))
Shield Charge 22 28 PBAoE, Superior DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown, Self Teleport
One with the Shield 26 30 Self +Res(All DMG but Psi, Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immob, Repel, Knockback), +Rec, +Max HP


The Shield Defense power set is available as a secondary set for Stalkers. The following table shows the levels at which each power is available:

Power Level Effect
Hide 1 Toggle: Self Stealth, +DEF(Melee, Ranged, AoE)
Deflection 1 Toggle: Self +DEF(Melee), +Res(Smash, Lethal)
Battle Agility 4 Toggle: Self +DEF(Ranged, AoE), +Res(DEF Debuff)
True Grit 10 Auto: Self +Res(Fire, Cold, Energy, Neg, Toxic), +Max HP
Active Defense 16 Self +Res(Disorient, Hold, Immob, Sleep, Fear, Confuse, Repel, Knockback, DEF Debuff)
Against All Odds 20 Toggle: Foe -DMG, Self +DMG
Grant Cover 24 PBAoE, Team (but not self) +DEF(All but Psionic), Team +Res(DEF Debuff, Rech Debuff)
Shield Charge 28 PBAoE, Superior DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown, Self Teleport
One with the Shield 30 Self +Res(All DMG but Psionics, Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immob, Repel, Knockback), +Rec, +Max HP


ShieldDefense BattleAgility.png Active Defense

When you activate this power, it grants protection from Sleep, Disorient, Fear, Immobilize, Confusion, Repel, Knockback, Hold and Defense Debuff effects for a short duration.

Recharge Very Long
Minimum Level V archetypeicon brute.png 10 (Brute)
Archetypeicon scrapper.png 10 (Scrapper)
V archetypeicon stalker.png 16 (Stalker)
Archetypeicon tanker.png 6 (Tanker)
Effects Self +Resistance(Disorient, Hold, Immobilize, Sleep, Fear, Confuse, Repel, Knockback, Defense Debuff)
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories None

ShieldDefense AgainstAllOdds.png Against All Odds

The harder pressed you are in combat the greater your offensive abilities become. Each enemy that stands toe-to-toe with you in combat will grant you a damage bonus. The first foe you engage in melee grants the highest damage bonus, and up to 10 foes can contribute to this effect. Each foe in melee range also suffers from reduced damage as your shield deflects a portion of their damage.

Recharge Slow
Minimum Level V archetypeicon brute.png 16 (Brute)
Archetypeicon scrapper.png 16 (Scrapper)
V archetypeicon stalker.png 20 (Stalker)
Archetypeicon tanker.png 8 (Tanker)
Effects Toggle: Self +Damage
Foe -Damage
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance Taunt Effectiveness
Set Categories Taunt (None for Stalker)

ShieldDefense Deflection.png Battle Agility

Your incredible agility allows you to position your shield to protect yourself from incoming ranged damage. While Battle Agility is active you will benefit from increased Ranged and AoE defense as well as some moderate protection from Defense Debuffs. Battle Agility also adds an Elusivity defense bonus to Range and AoE attacks in PVP zones (Brutes only).

Recharge Fast
Minimum Level V archetypeicon brute.png 1 (Brute)
Archetypeicon scrapper.png 1 (Scrapper)
V archetypeicon stalker.png 4 (Stalker)
Archetypeicon tanker.png 1 (Tanker)
Effects Toggle: Self +Defense(Ranged, Area of Effect), +Resistance(Defense Debuff)
Enhancements Enhance Defense Buffs
Reduce Endurance Cost
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories Defense

ShieldDefense ActiveDefense.png Deflection

Your mastery of the shield allows you to easily deflect melee attacks, and attacks that do get through your ironclad defenses tend to do less damage. While Deflection is active the user will gain defense to melee attacks and some minor resistance to lethal and smashing damage. Deflection also adds Psionic Defense and an Elusivity defense bonus to Psionic and Melee Attacks in PVP zones (Brutes only).

Recharge Fast
Minimum Level V archetypeicon brute.png 1 (Brute)
Archetypeicon scrapper.png 1 (Scrapper)
V archetypeicon stalker.png 1 (Stalker)
Archetypeicon tanker.png 1 (Tanker)
Effects Toggle: Self +Defense(Melee), +Resistance(Smashing, Lethal)
Enhancements Enhance Defense Buffs
Reduce Endurance Cost
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance Damage Resistance
Set Categories Defense
Resist Damage

ShieldDefense GrantCover.png Grant Cover

You are able to use your shield to defend nearby allies. Any teammates who remain nearby gain a bonus to their defense. Additionally, while this power is active, the user and his teammates will gain some resistance to defense debuffs and recharge rate debuffs (Brutes only). As a stalker, you can also provide stealth to your teammates if you too are hidden (Stalker only).

Editor's Note:

The defense bonus from this power is only applied to nearby teammates, but not yourself.

Recharge Slow
Minimum Level V archetypeicon brute.png 24 (Brute)
Archetypeicon scrapper.png 24 (Scrapper)
V archetypeicon stalker.png 24 (Stalker)
Archetypeicon tanker.png 18 (Tanker)
Effects Point Blank Area of Effect
Team (but not self): +Defense(All but Psionic)
Team +Resistance (Defense Debuff, Recharge Debuff) (except Brute)
Brute only: Self (but not team): +Resistance(Defense Debuff)
Enhancements Enhance Defense Buffs
Reduce Endurance Cost
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories Defense

ShieldDefense Hide.png Hide

Hide makes you almost impossible to detect. When properly 'Hidden', a Stalker can pull off Critical hits with his attacks, and even land a massive 'Assassins Strike' with an Assassins power. When you attack or are damaged while using this power, you will be discovered. Even if discovered, you are hard to see and retain some bonus to Defense. Unlike most stealth powers, Hide can be used at the same time as other Concealment powers, giving you even greater stealth capability. No Endurance cost.

Recharge Fast
Minimum Level V archetypeicon stalker.png 1 (Stalker)
Effects Toggle: Self Stealth, +Defense(Melee, Ranged, Area of Effect)
Enhancements Enhance Defense Buffs
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories Defense

ShieldDefense OneWithTheShield.png One with the Shield

When you activate this power, you gain strong resistance against most types of damage and also to Disorient, Immobilization, Hold, Knockback, Repel and Sleep effects. One with the Shield costs little Endurance to activate and increases your recovery and maximum hit points for its duration, but when it wears off you are left exhausted, and substantially drained of Endurance. Note that One With the Shield is unaffected by Attack Rate changes.

Recharge Very Long
Minimum Level V archetypeicon brute.png 30 (Brute)
Archetypeicon scrapper.png 30 (Scrapper)
V archetypeicon stalker.png 30 (Stalker)
Archetypeicon tanker.png 26 (Tanker)
Effects Self +Resistance(All Damage but Psionics, Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, Repel, Knockback), +Recovery, +Max Health
Enhancements Enhance Damage Resistance
Enhance Endurance Modification
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Heal
Set Categories Resist Damage
Endurance Modification

ShieldDefense PhalanxFighting.png Phalanx Fighting

Fighting very near your allies allows you to deflect attacks much easier. You will gain a small bonus to your melee, ranged and area of effect defense. This bonus grows for each ally near you. This power is always on and costs no endurance.

Editor's Note:

The in-game description omits the fact the player gets a small unenhanceable bonus to melee, range and area of effect defense even without having allies in range.

Archetype No Allies
1 Ally
(base value)
2 Allies
(base value)
3 Allies
(base value)
Brute 3.75% 6% (+2.25%) 8.25% (+2.25%) 10.5% (+2.25%)
Scrapper 3.75% 6% (+2.25%) 8.25% (+2.25%) 10.5% (+2.25%)
Tanker 5% 8% (+3%) 11% (+3%) 14% (+3%)
Minimum Level V archetypeicon brute.png 20 (Brute)
Archetypeicon scrapper.png 20 (Scrapper)
Archetypeicon tanker.png 12 (Tanker)
Effects Auto: Self Special, +Defense(Melee, Ranged, Area of Effect)
Enhancements Enhance Defense Buffs
Set Categories Defense

ShieldDefense ShieldCharge.png Shield Charge

You can throw all of your might behind your shield and charge through ranks of foes in the blink of an eye. Using this power allows you to teleport to a selected area to deal significant smashing damage to all foes near the location you teleport to. Most foes that are struck by your Shield Charge will be knocked down.

Damage Superior(Smashing)
Recharge Very Long
Minimum Level V archetypeicon brute.png 28 (Brute)
Archetypeicon scrapper.png 28 (Scrapper)
V archetypeicon stalker.png 28 (Stalker)
Archetypeicon tanker.png 22 (Tanker)
Effects Point Blank Area of Effect
Foe Knockdown
Self Teleport
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Knockback Distance
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance Taunt Effectiveness (Brute/Tanker only)
Set Categories Melee AoE Damage
Taunt (Brute/Tanker only)
Universal Damage

ShieldDefense TrueGrit.png True Grit

Your intense training has left you tougher than even the hardiest of heroes. You gain additional hit points and resistance to fire, cold, energy, negative energy and toxic damage sources. This power is always on and costs no Endurance.

Minimum Level V archetypeicon brute.png 4 (Brute)
Archetypeicon scrapper.png 4 (Scrapper)
V archetypeicon stalker.png 10 (Stalker)
Archetypeicon tanker.png 2 (Tanker)
Effects Auto: Self +Resistance(Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative, Toxic), +Max Health
Enhancements Enhance Damage Resistance
Enhance Heal
Set Categories Resist Damage


This section contains information about changes that took place in City of Heroes/Villains. It is provided for historical purposes.

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