Mission:Detective - Protect Steel Canyon bank

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Protect Steel Canyon bank

While listening for the latest signs of trouble, you hear a call asking for heroes to speak with Contact directly. Something big is happening.


This is bad, Character. Arachnos is planning an attack on Steel Canyon. We think their main objective is the bank, but they've brought a villain with them, and they're out to cause as much destruction as possible. If you can help, then please go to Steel Canyon to protect the bank and stop the attack! We got the alarm signal from the bank, so make haste and get over to the bank. You probably have about 5 minutes or less before they make their escape.

This is a Safeguard mission. Once you prevent the heist, you will have 15 minutes to explore the area and potentially earn extra rewards before the P.P.D. lock down the area. You can earn extra time by defeating vandals and completing side missions.

Mission Acceptance

It gets worse. The Family and the Tsoo in Steel Canyon are aware of the heist, and both groups are looking at this as a way to gain ground against the other, and they won't care who gets hurt. The more of them you stop, the better off the city will be.

Periodically, vandals will arrive to destroy parts of the city. You will see a message when they arrive, and their locations will be displayed in your minimap.

Mission Refusal

What?! I understand, Character. You no doubt have some very important things to do. We'll do our best to stop them, but it doesn't look good.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Go protect Steel Canyon!

Mission Objective(s)

Steel Canyon is in chaos! Arachnos troops are causing mayhem, members of the Family are standing around key locations acting suspicious, and the Tsoo are taking advantage of the anarchy in the streets.

  • Protect Steel Canyon bank

You saved Steel Canyon!


The Family

Possible Villains

Side Missions

Keys for side missions can be found by defeating Family groups.

Prevent Arson

Fire Bombs

These are massive fire bombs the Family were going to set in a nearby building. Disarm the bombs!

Prevent Bombing

Fire Bombs

These are massive fire bombs the Family were planting underneath the city. Find and defuse the rest of them!!

Prevent Jailbreak

Wanted poster

A wanted poster of Ayame Higarashi. You've heard of her. She's a deadly assassin, and would work well with the Family. You might want to check into this.


Wanted poster

A wanted poster of Stardusk. You've heard about her. She's barely human, a complete sociopath. If the Family gets to her, it could be bad. You should check this out.

Prevent Vault Break-In

Diamond Ad

A fancy ad showing all the expensive products in the store.

Prevent Weapons Deal

Cargo Manifest

A cargo manifest that details a shady arms shipment and where it is stored. Go and grab the evidence!

Exploration Badge


The Hellions attempted to burn Steel Canyon to the ground. This block is where one of the first fires was started.

Temporary Power

Upon successful completion of this mission for the first time, a hero will earn the Summon Teammates temporary power.


Zone-Range: Teleport Teammates

This power allows you to teleport all of your teammates to your location. This effect lasts for 1 day of gameplay.


Excellent work, Character! You have prevented the villains from causing mayhem in Steel Canyon!

Mission Failure

You did your best, I guess this task was just too much for you.