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{{Contact Overview|Name=Prometheus|City=HV|Zone=Ouroboros|x=495|y=672|z=-906|Pronoun=his|HoodYN=N|Hood=|OriginYN=N|Origin=|LevelYN=Y|Level=??}}
{{Contact Overview|Name=Prometheus|City=HV|Zone=Ouroboros|x=495|y=672|z=-906|Pronoun=his|HoodYN=N|Hood=|OriginYN=N|Origin=|LevelYN=Y|Level=50}}


Latest revision as of 08:39, 28 July 2020


Zone Ouroboros
Coordinates (495, 672, --906)[Copy]
Level Range 50
Introduced By None
Introduces None
v  d  e

Prometheus is a hero and villain contact in Ouroboros at coordinates (495, 672, -906)[Copy] . His level range is 50.


Contact Unlocked With

Prometheus will talk at length with any character who has unlocked any Incarnate slot.

Prior to Introduction

Welcome. You stand in the presence of Prometheus, one of mankind's greatest benefactors. I have come to this place in this time of hope and of tribulation so that I may assist those who walk the path of the Incarnate in finding their way through the darkness that looms just over the horizon. I have come so that the potential of the Incarnates among you might be fulfilled and that they may serve as a beacon of strength to all of existence.

Know this, Character. Regardless of where you hail from or where your moral compass points, you and your Incarnate brethren will face numerous challenges in the coming years. Foes and forces have already begun gathering whose threat to the multiverse is greater than any of the differences you may have between you. These are challenges which will prove insurmountable unless you and others learn how to wield Incarnate power in such a manner that you remain free to act as you see fit.

To that end, I am here to help.

  • But I am not yet an Incarnate.
I see a future of great power and influence ahead of you, Character, but you are not that person yet. Return to me when you have unlocked your Incarnate potential.
You must be a level 50 player and have unlocked your Alpha slot before Prometheus will discuss the Praetorian War and the nature of Incarnates with you.


Contact Unlocked

Upon Approach

Character, I have been expecting you. There are a great many things which I would like to discuss with you.

Initial Contact

Welcome. You stand in the presence of Prometheus, one of mankind's greatest benefactors. I have come to this place in this time of hope and of tribulation so that I may assist those who walk the path of the Incarnate in finding their way through the darkness that looms just over the horizon. I have come so that the potential of the Incarnates among you might be fulfilled and that they may serve as a beacon of strength to all of existence.

Know this, Character. Regardless of where you hail from or where your moral compass points, you and your Incarnate brethren will face numerous challenges in the coming years. Foes and forces have already begun gathering whose threat to the multiverse is greater than any of the differences you may have between you. These are challenges which will prove insurmountable unless you and others learn how to wield Incarnate power in such a manner that you remain free to act as you see fit.

To that end, I am here to help.

  • What challenges do we face?
The most immediate challenge is that presented by Tyrant. Even though the path of the Incarnate has been opened to innumerable heroes, The Well of the Furies believes that it requires a champion. It has tested each of those who have come before you, and found each candidate wanting. Statesman, Lord Recluse, Reichsman, many others... none have proven themselves worthy to be the Well's champion. None, that is, until Tyrant.
Tyrant has given himself over to the Well's influence so thoroughly that it is almost as if he has become the Well in the flesh. He has been granted ever greater power by the Well, and as his dominion over Praetoria expands, so too does the Well's favor. It is now to the point where the favor of the Well extends even to his lieutenants, making them mightier foes than you may recall from past encounters.
Tyrant will soon be nigh unstoppable, at which point his fate, and the fate of humanity, will be sealed. Whether he is consumed by the Well, or simply remains its servant matters not, for neither would have the strength to stave off the greater threats that loom in the future.
  • What do we need to do to stop Tyrant, then?
What you must do is bring the war Tyrant has already initiated to its conclusion. You must persist in bringing the assault to Praetoria. You must destroy his ability to wage war across the dimensions. You must eliminate his control over his people. You must free his world from his iron grip. You must do all this, and you must do it while not sacrificing their world to the Hamidon.
It will not be an easy task by any means, especially given the power that Tyrant and his lieutenants now wield. However, I have been looking into the situation in Praetoria and I believe I have identified the targets which would prove most useful in achieving our ends.
Your targets include the Behavioral Adjustment Facility in Imperial City and both Lambda Sector and the Keyes Island Complex in Neutropolis.
  • Tell me about the Behavioral Adjustment Facility.
The Behavioral Adjustment Facility is one of Tyrant's pet projects. He has claimed for years that the facility is a place where the best and the brightest scientists and doctors have endeavored to rehabilitate those who profess a distaste for his regime. To a large extent, whether it be by his influence or other means, the public has believed this tale, but, as you may expect it is not the truth.
Indeed, the truth is far more sinister. The B.A.F. has been used by Mother Mayhem as the staging site for one of her more dangerous experiments. Under the guidance of the wardens, Siege and Nightstar, the Praetorians have developed a powerful technique called mindwashing. Any of those who undergo this 'treatment' have their minds completely rewritten, turning essentially into automatons in support of Emperor Cole. The personality remains intact, however, enabling the person to appear outwardly normal.
Though Mother Mayhem deems this too severe to use on the general populace, she has no qualms using it on members of the Resistance. They are her guinea pigs in a grand experiment which she hopes will one day allow Tyrant to truly solidify his power over the populace.
This is not what makes the B.A.F. a primary target, however. Rather, this is a high priority target because the Praetorians plan to stage a 'breakout' of the mindwashed. From there, some will terrorize the populace, while others will become sleeper agents destroying the Resistance from within. All of this will be blamed on those who resist Tyrant, people like yourself. If this happens, the people of Praetoria may be swayed against us, and should that happen we will find it nearly impossible to stop Tyrant.
  • You mentioned other targets for confronting Tyrant?
Yes, I did. Which of the possible avenues of attack were you interested in learning about?
  • I have another question.
You may ask your questions, yes. Whether I answer them or not will be for me to decide.
  • You mentioned that there were things we could do to stop Tyrant?
  • Surely we face more than just Tyrant?
Oh, indeed. Far, far more than you could possibly imagine, in fact. However, I see little point in discussing those things which have yet to come to pass or for which you are not yet ready. As long as Tyrant remains favored of the Well, nothing else would matter.
  • So what do we do to take down Cole?
  • You're talking about the Coming Storm, aren't you? Mender Ramiel mentioned...
  • Who are you?
I am Prometheus, the Titan who granted humanity the Flame which ignited their civilization. It is both my proudest moment and my greatest regret, but not because of the punishment visited upon me by Olympian Zeus for my transgression. Rather, both feelings stem from watching how humanity has fared in the millennia since my gift. They stem from seeing the many amazing triumphs the species has achieved, and the great devastation it has sown across the dimensions. They stem from knowing the potential is within all of humanity to transcend the limitations of its mortality, and from seeing so many of its individuals give in to the temptations that surround them.
After millennia of witnessing this dichotomy, I had grown weary of humanity and all those tied to the fate of their kind. It was not until the Freedom Phalanx had the gall to storm to my abode and ask for the Flame that my interest was piqued once more. Since then, I have watched and I have waited. I have watched to see if humanity's potential may finally be within its grasp.
Now, with the appearance of Incarnates whose power remains great despite a tenuous connection to the Well, I believe that potential may soon be fulfilled. Under my guidance, you can help humanity to yet reach for something better than the petty squabbles which have so marred the civilization since I gifted it the Flame.
  • I have another question.
  • So, Mender Ramiel mentioned The Coming Storm...
Did he now? Well, in all fairness to Mender Ramiel, he should be focusing on getting you prepared for the challenges you face right now. Whether we will face The Coming Storm or not is as yet unwritten. The need to face Tyrant is already upon us, and that is where my current focus lies.
  • You'll have to tell me one day.
Your curiosity will be your undoing. Do not test my patience!
I may be here as your ally, but do not mistake my assistance for true friendship. Prove to me that you can endure the challenges before you, and perhaps there will be more to share. Until that time, I have no desire to speak of this any further.
  • OK, OK. Can I ask about something else?
  • I have another question.
  • Tell me about Lambda Sector.
Lambda Sector is a very important military installation, found in the heart of Praetoria. This base is the home of the IDF and the most obvious symbol of Tyrant's military might throughout all of the world. In its many labs and research facilities, Praetor Berry and his associates have toiled continuously in an effort to develop newer, more powerful weapons of war. Whether it be super-soldiers, advanced weapons and armor or high-tech vehicles, all military advances in Praetoria pass through the halls of Lambda Sector one way or another.
This, of course, should make it a very obvious target of our assault. By debilitating it, we send a message to the people of Praetoria that their Emperor is not the amazing military commander he bills himself to be. Rather, he is made to look like he is incapable of defending even his most important facilities from the assault of those who oppose him. Better still, attacking Lambda Sector would draw the attention of Marauder, a 'champion' of Tyrant who is quite popular with the people. His defeat at your hands would prove to be quite a blow to their confidence in the Emperor.
However, the effects of sabotaging Lambda Sector and eliminating Marauder would not be merely psychological, as debilitating its operations will also hinder any potential response that Tyrant could muster against your assault. With Lambda Sector eliminated from his arsenal, we would have a much freer hand in Praetoria to confront Tyrant on our own terms.
  • Tell me about Keyes Island.
The Keyes Island Complex is arguably the most important facility in all of Praetoria. The greatest achievement of former Praetor Keyes, now remembered only as Anti-Matter, these three main reactors in Neutropolis are an invaluable resource for Emperor Cole. They are the primary energy source for all of Praetoria and are the site of manufacture for the ubiquitous power generators used in Praetorian Clockwork. More importantly, they are the engine that keeps the city safe from the Devouring Earth. Without them, the sonic fences would fail and the city would be consumed. The reactors drive everything in Praetoria, including Emperor Cole's capacity for invasion. All the energy needed to power the portals through which Emperor Cole's army passes between dimensions is generated here. They are truly the beating heart of Praetoria.
For all of these reasons, Keyes Island is an important target for our efforts to stop Emperor Cole and his Imperial Defense Force. Additionally, we must ensure that the reactors cannot be used as a way for Cole to hold the entire populace hostage by manipulating the power to the sonic fences. Further, by wresting away control over the complex, we control the flow of power to the invasion portals, thus restricting the movement of Emperor Cole's invading armies and forcing them on to the defensive. However, there is another, more disconcerting issue concerning the reactors: the former Praetor himself. Dr. Keyes, also known in the Praetorian Guard as Anti-Matter, has gone to enormous lengths in the past to please Emperor Cole and win the affections of the Emperor's granddaughter. However impressive his works may be, time and again he has been upstaged by Praetor Berry, and this has eroded Anti-Matter's already questionable sanity to the breaking point. My agents have heard rumblings that Anti-Matter has reached that breaking point, and is preparing to 'demonstrate' to the Emperor just how invaluable he is. We do not know what form this 'demonstration' will take, but we do know that Anti-Matter has both the Keyes Island reactors and an orbiting space station under his control, so the potential for his 'demonstration' to lead to widespread destruction is high. This dramatically complicates our goals at the reactors. Not only must we wrest control of them from Anti-Matter's grasp, but we must also neutralize him quickly, or in his unstable state he may choose total annihilation if victory is once more stolen from him.
However, there is another, more disconcerting issue concerning the reactors: the former Praetor himself. Dr. Keyes, also known in the Praetorian Guard as Anti-Matter, has gone to enormous lengths in the past to please Emperor Cole and win the affections of the Emperor's granddaughter. However impressive his works may be, time and again he has been upstaged by Praetor Berry, and this has eroded Anti-Matter's already questionable sanity to the breaking point.
My agents have heard rumblings that Anti-Matter has reached that breaking point, and is preparing to 'demonstrate' to the Emperor just how invaluable he is. We do not know what form this 'demonstration' will take, but we do know that Anti-Matter has both the Keyes Island reactors and an orbiting space station under his control, so the potential for his 'demonstration' to lead to widespread destruction is high. This dramatically complicates our goals at the reactors. Not only must we wrest control of them from Anti-Matter's grasp, but we must also neutralize him quickly, or in his unstable state he may choose total annihilation if victory is once more stolen from him.
  • You mentioned other targets for confronting Tyrant?
  • I have another question.
  • Is that all we can do?
For now, yes. Those are the best targets for which I currently have information. As I and my agents learn more about what can be done, we will be able to assist you in finding more targets.
  • OK, so what must we do, again?
  • Wait, agents? You have agents?
Yes, I do. They are scattered far and wide, across the dimensions, through the universes. They can be found in your world, in Praetoria, and in many other worlds beyond. They are everywhere, and they are nowhere.
  • Mysterious much?
No. I am telling you all that you are ready to hear. Until the time is right, there is nothing more I will say about those with whom I am associated.
  • OK, OK. Can I ask about something else?
  • I have another question.
  • Greater threats? Is there something I should know?
  • I have another question.
  • I see you have some new friends with you...
Indeed. I have called upon two agents of my organization to join me. They bring items which will prove valuable to you and your allies in the battles ahead. However, they do not simply bring supplies. The power you have gained sets you apart from others of your kind, and my allies will help you distinguish yourself as a true Incarnate, so that others will appreciate the power you have earned of your own accord.
They do not simply part with their wares for free. My agents will require proof of your deeds in the form of Astral and Empyrean Merits.
  • Thank you. You were saying something about challenges?
The most immediate challenge is that presented by Tyrant. Even though the path of the Incarnate has been opened to innumerable heroes, The Well of the Furies believes that it requires a champion. It has tested each of those who have come before you, and found each candidate wanting. Statesman, Lord Recluse, Reichsman, many others... none have proven themselves worthy to be the Well's champion. None, that is, until Tyrant.
Tyrant has given himself over to the Well's influence so thoroughly that it is almost as if he has become the Well in the flesh. He has been granted ever greater power by the Well, and as his dominion over Praetoria expands, so too does the Well's favor. It is now to the point where the favor of the Well extends even to his lieutenants, making them mightier foes than you may recall from past encounters.
Tyrant will soon be nigh unstoppable, at which point his fate, and the fate of humanity, will be sealed. Whether he is consumed by the Well, or simply remains its servant matters not, for neither would have the strength to stave off the greater threats that loom in the future.
  • What do we need to do to stop Tyrant, then?
What you must do is bring the war Tyrant has already initiated to its conclusion. You must persist in bringing the assault to Praetoria. You must destroy his ability to wage war across the dimensions. You must eliminate his control over his people. You must free his world from his iron grip. You must do all this, and you must do it while not sacrificing their world to the Hamidon.
It will not be an easy task by any means, especially given the power that Tyrant and his lieutenants now wield. However, I have been looking into the situation in Praetoria and I believe I have identified the targets which would prove most useful in achieving our ends.
Your targets include the Behavioral Adjustment Facility in Imperial City and both Lambda Sector and the Keyes Island Complex in Neutropolis.
  • Tell me about the Behavioral Adjustment Facility.
The Behavioral Adjustment Facility is one of Tyrant's pet projects. He has claimed for years that the facility is a place where the best and the brightest scientists and doctors have endeavored to rehabilitate those who profess a distaste for his regime. To a large extent, whether it be by his influence or other means, the public has believed this tale, but, as you may expect it is not the truth.
Indeed, the truth is far more sinister. The B.A.F. has been used by Mother Mayhem as the staging site for one of her more dangerous experiments. Under the guidance of the wardens, Siege and Nightstar, the Praetorians have developed a powerful technique called mindwashing. Any of those who undergo this 'treatment' have their minds completely rewritten, turning essentially into automatons in support of Emperor Cole. The personality remains intact, however, enabling the person to appear outwardly normal.
Though Mother Mayhem deems this too severe to use on the general populace, she has no qualms using it on members of the Resistance. They are her guinea pigs in a grand experiment which she hopes will one day allow Tyrant to truly solidify his power over the populace.
This is not what makes the B.A.F. a primary target, however. Rather, this is a high priority target because the Praetorians plan to stage a 'breakout' of the mindwashed. From there, some will terrorize the populace, while others will become sleeper agents destroying the Resistance from within. All of this will be blamed on those who resist Tyrant, people like yourself. If this happens, the people of Praetoria may be swayed against us, and should that happen we will find it nearly impossible to stop Tyrant.
  • You mentioned other targets for confronting Tyrant?
Yes, I did. Which of the possible avenues of attack were you interested in learning about?
  • I have another question.
You may ask your questions, yes. Whether I answer them or not will be for me to decide.
  • You mentioned that there were things we could do to stop Tyrant?
  • Surely we face more than just Tyrant?
Oh, indeed. Far, far more than you could possibly imagine, in fact. However, I see little point in discussing those things which have yet to come to pass or for which you are not yet ready. As long as Tyrant remains favored of the Well, nothing else would matter.
  • So what do we do to take down Cole?
  • You're talking about the Coming Storm, aren't you? Mender Ramiel mentioned...
  • Who are you?
I am Prometheus, the Titan who granted humanity the Flame which ignited their civilization. It is both my proudest moment and my greatest regret, but not because of the punishment visited upon me by Olympian Zeus for my transgression. Rather, both feelings stem from watching how humanity has fared in the millennia since my gift. They stem from seeing the many amazing triumphs the species has achieved, and the great devastation it has sown across the dimensions. They stem from knowing the potential is within all of humanity to transcend the limitations of its mortality, and from seeing so many of its individuals give in to the temptations that surround them.
After millennia of witnessing this dichotomy, I had grown weary of humanity and all those tied to the fate of their kind. It was not until the Freedom Phalanx had the gall to storm to my abode and ask for the Flame that my interest was piqued once more. Since then, I have watched and I have waited. I have watched to see if humanity's potential may finally be within its grasp.
Now, with the appearance of Incarnates whose power remains great despite a tenuous connection to the Well, I believe that potential may soon be fulfilled. Under my guidance, you can help humanity to yet reach for something better than the petty squabbles which have so marred the civilization since I gifted it the Flame.
  • I have another question.
  • So, Mender Ramiel mentioned The Coming Storm...
Did he now? Well, in all fairness to Mender Ramiel, he should be focusing on getting you prepared for the challenges you face right now. Whether we will face The Coming Storm or not is as yet unwritten. The need to face Tyrant is already upon us, and that is where my current focus lies.
  • You'll have to tell me one day.
Your curiosity will be your undoing. Do not test my patience!
I may be here as your ally, but do not mistake my assistance for true friendship. Prove to me that you can endure the challenges before you, and perhaps there will be more to share. Until that time, I have no desire to speak of this any further.
  • OK, OK. Can I ask about something else?
  • I have another question.
  • Tell me about Lambda Sector.
Lambda Sector is a very important military installation, found in the heart of Praetoria. This base is the home of the IDF and the most obvious symbol of Tyrant's military might throughout all of the world. In its many labs and research facilities, Praetor Berry and his associates have toiled continuously in an effort to develop newer, more powerful weapons of war. Whether it be super-soldiers, advanced weapons and armor or high-tech vehicles, all military advances in Praetoria pass through the halls of Lambda Sector one way or another.
This, of course, should make it a very obvious target of our assault. By debilitating it, we send a message to the people of Praetoria that their Emperor is not the amazing military commander he bills himself to be. Rather, he is made to look like he is incapable of defending even his most important facilities from the assault of those who oppose him. Better still, attacking Lambda Sector would draw the attention of Marauder, a 'champion' of Tyrant who is quite popular with the people. His defeat at your hands would prove to be quite a blow to their confidence in the Emperor.
However, the effects of sabotaging Lambda Sector and eliminating Marauder would not be merely psychological, as debilitating its operations will also hinder any potential response that Tyrant could muster against your assault. With Lambda Sector eliminated from his arsenal, we would have a much freer hand in Praetoria to confront Tyrant on our own terms.
  • Tell me about Keyes Island.
The Keyes Island Complex is arguably the most important facility in all of Praetoria. The greatest achievement of former Praetor Keyes, now remembered only as Anti-Matter, these three main reactors in Neutropolis are an invaluable resource for Emperor Cole. They are the primary energy source for all of Praetoria and are the site of manufacture for the ubiquitous power generators used in Praetorian Clockwork. More importantly, they are the engine that keeps the city safe from the Devouring Earth. Without them, the sonic fences would fail and the city would be consumed. The reactors drive everything in Praetoria, including Emperor Cole's capacity for invasion. All the energy needed to power the portals through which Emperor Cole's army passes between dimensions is generated here. They are truly the beating heart of Praetoria.
For all of these reasons, Keyes Island is an important target for our efforts to stop Emperor Cole and his Imperial Defense Force. Additionally, we must ensure that the reactors cannot be used as a way for Cole to hold the entire populace hostage by manipulating the power to the sonic fences. Further, by wresting away control over the complex, we control the flow of power to the invasion portals, thus restricting the movement of Emperor Cole's invading armies and forcing them on to the defensive. However, there is another, more disconcerting issue concerning the reactors: the former Praetor himself. Dr. Keyes, also known in the Praetorian Guard as Anti-Matter, has gone to enormous lengths in the past to please Emperor Cole and win the affections of the Emperor's granddaughter. However impressive his works may be, time and again he has been upstaged by Praetor Berry, and this has eroded Anti-Matter's already questionable sanity to the breaking point. My agents have heard rumblings that Anti-Matter has reached that breaking point, and is preparing to 'demonstrate' to the Emperor just how invaluable he is. We do not know what form this 'demonstration' will take, but we do know that Anti-Matter has both the Keyes Island reactors and an orbiting space station under his control, so the potential for his 'demonstration' to lead to widespread destruction is high. This dramatically complicates our goals at the reactors. Not only must we wrest control of them from Anti-Matter's grasp, but we must also neutralize him quickly, or in his unstable state he may choose total annihilation if victory is once more stolen from him.
However, there is another, more disconcerting issue concerning the reactors: the former Praetor himself. Dr. Keyes, also known in the Praetorian Guard as Anti-Matter, has gone to enormous lengths in the past to please Emperor Cole and win the affections of the Emperor's granddaughter. However impressive his works may be, time and again he has been upstaged by Praetor Berry, and this has eroded Anti-Matter's already questionable sanity to the breaking point.
My agents have heard rumblings that Anti-Matter has reached that breaking point, and is preparing to 'demonstrate' to the Emperor just how invaluable he is. We do not know what form this 'demonstration' will take, but we do know that Anti-Matter has both the Keyes Island reactors and an orbiting space station under his control, so the potential for his 'demonstration' to lead to widespread destruction is high. This dramatically complicates our goals at the reactors. Not only must we wrest control of them from Anti-Matter's grasp, but we must also neutralize him quickly, or in his unstable state he may choose total annihilation if victory is once more stolen from him.
  • You mentioned other targets for confronting Tyrant?
  • I have another question.
  • Is that all we can do?
For now, yes. Those are the best targets for which I currently have information. As I and my agents learn more about what can be done, we will be able to assist you in finding more targets.
  • OK, so what must we do, again?
  • Wait, agents? You have agents?
Yes, I do. They are scattered far and wide, across the dimensions, through the universes. They can be found in your world, in Praetoria, and in many other worlds beyond. They are everywhere, and they are nowhere.
  • Mysterious much?
No. I am telling you all that you are ready to hear. Until the time is right, there is nothing more I will say about those with whom I am associated.
  • OK, OK. Can I ask about something else?
  • I have another question.
  • Greater threats? Is there something I should know?
Oh, indeed. Far, far more than you could possibly imagine, in fact. However, I see little point in discussing those things which have yet to come to pass or for which you are not yet ready. As long as Tyrant remains favored of the Well, nothing else would matter.
  • So what do we do to take down Cole?
What you must do is bring the war Tyrant has already initiated to its conclusion. You must persist in bringing the assault to Praetoria. You must destroy his ability to wage war across the dimensions. You must eliminate his control over his people. You must free his world from his iron grip. You must do all this, and you must do it while not sacrificing their world to the Hamidon.
It will not be an easy task by any means, especially given the power that Tyrant and his lieutenants now wield. However, I have been looking into the situation in Praetoria and I believe I have identified the targets which would prove most useful in achieving our ends.
Your targets include the Behavioral Adjustment Facility in Imperial City and both Lambda Sector and the Keyes Island Complex in Neutropolis.
  • Tell me about the Behavioral Adjustment Facility.
The Behavioral Adjustment Facility is one of Tyrant's pet projects. He has claimed for years that the facility is a place where the best and the brightest scientists and doctors have endeavored to rehabilitate those who profess a distaste for his regime. To a large extent, whether it be by his influence or other means, the public has believed this tale, but, as you may expect it is not the truth.
Indeed, the truth is far more sinister. The B.A.F. has been used by Mother Mayhem as the staging site for one of her more dangerous experiments. Under the guidance of the wardens, Siege and Nightstar, the Praetorians have developed a powerful technique called mindwashing. Any of those who undergo this 'treatment' have their minds completely rewritten, turning essentially into automatons in support of Emperor Cole. The personality remains intact, however, enabling the person to appear outwardly normal.
Though Mother Mayhem deems this too severe to use on the general populace, she has no qualms using it on members of the Resistance. They are her guinea pigs in a grand experiment which she hopes will one day allow Tyrant to truly solidify his power over the populace.
This is not what makes the B.A.F. a primary target, however. Rather, this is a high priority target because the Praetorians plan to stage a 'breakout' of the mindwashed. From there, some will terrorize the populace, while others will become sleeper agents destroying the Resistance from within. All of this will be blamed on those who resist Tyrant, people like yourself. If this happens, the people of Praetoria may be swayed against us, and should that happen we will find it nearly impossible to stop Tyrant.
  • You mentioned other targets for confronting Tyrant?
Yes, I did. Which of the possible avenues of attack were you interested in learning about?
  • I have another question.
You may ask your questions, yes. Whether I answer them or not will be for me to decide.
  • You mentioned that there were things we could do to stop Tyrant?
  • Surely we face more than just Tyrant?
Oh, indeed. Far, far more than you could possibly imagine, in fact. However, I see little point in discussing those things which have yet to come to pass or for which you are not yet ready. As long as Tyrant remains favored of the Well, nothing else would matter.
  • So what do we do to take down Cole?
  • You're talking about the Coming Storm, aren't you? Mender Ramiel mentioned...
  • Who are you?
I am Prometheus, the Titan who granted humanity the Flame which ignited their civilization. It is both my proudest moment and my greatest regret, but not because of the punishment visited upon me by Olympian Zeus for my transgression. Rather, both feelings stem from watching how humanity has fared in the millennia since my gift. They stem from seeing the many amazing triumphs the species has achieved, and the great devastation it has sown across the dimensions. They stem from knowing the potential is within all of humanity to transcend the limitations of its mortality, and from seeing so many of its individuals give in to the temptations that surround them.
After millennia of witnessing this dichotomy, I had grown weary of humanity and all those tied to the fate of their kind. It was not until the Freedom Phalanx had the gall to storm to my abode and ask for the Flame that my interest was piqued once more. Since then, I have watched and I have waited. I have watched to see if humanity's potential may finally be within its grasp.
Now, with the appearance of Incarnates whose power remains great despite a tenuous connection to the Well, I believe that potential may soon be fulfilled. Under my guidance, you can help humanity to yet reach for something better than the petty squabbles which have so marred the civilization since I gifted it the Flame.
  • I have another question.
  • So, Mender Ramiel mentioned The Coming Storm...
Did he now? Well, in all fairness to Mender Ramiel, he should be focusing on getting you prepared for the challenges you face right now. Whether we will face The Coming Storm or not is as yet unwritten. The need to face Tyrant is already upon us, and that is where my current focus lies.
  • You'll have to tell me one day.
Your curiosity will be your undoing. Do not test my patience!
I may be here as your ally, but do not mistake my assistance for true friendship. Prove to me that you can endure the challenges before you, and perhaps there will be more to share. Until that time, I have no desire to speak of this any further.
  • OK, OK. Can I ask about something else?
  • I have another question.
  • Tell me about Lambda Sector.
Lambda Sector is a very important military installation, found in the heart of Praetoria. This base is the home of the IDF and the most obvious symbol of Tyrant's military might throughout all of the world. In its many labs and research facilities, Praetor Berry and his associates have toiled continuously in an effort to develop newer, more powerful weapons of war. Whether it be super-soldiers, advanced weapons and armor or high-tech vehicles, all military advances in Praetoria pass through the halls of Lambda Sector one way or another.
This, of course, should make it a very obvious target of our assault. By debilitating it, we send a message to the people of Praetoria that their Emperor is not the amazing military commander he bills himself to be. Rather, he is made to look like he is incapable of defending even his most important facilities from the assault of those who oppose him. Better still, attacking Lambda Sector would draw the attention of Marauder, a 'champion' of Tyrant who is quite popular with the people. His defeat at your hands would prove to be quite a blow to their confidence in the Emperor.
However, the effects of sabotaging Lambda Sector and eliminating Marauder would not be merely psychological, as debilitating its operations will also hinder any potential response that Tyrant could muster against your assault. With Lambda Sector eliminated from his arsenal, we would have a much freer hand in Praetoria to confront Tyrant on our own terms.
  • Tell me about Keyes Island.
The Keyes Island Complex is arguably the most important facility in all of Praetoria. The greatest achievement of former Praetor Keyes, now remembered only as Anti-Matter, these three main reactors in Neutropolis are an invaluable resource for Emperor Cole. They are the primary energy source for all of Praetoria and are the site of manufacture for the ubiquitous power generators used in Praetorian Clockwork. More importantly, they are the engine that keeps the city safe from the Devouring Earth. Without them, the sonic fences would fail and the city would be consumed. The reactors drive everything in Praetoria, including Emperor Cole's capacity for invasion. All the energy needed to power the portals through which Emperor Cole's army passes between dimensions is generated here. They are truly the beating heart of Praetoria.
For all of these reasons, Keyes Island is an important target for our efforts to stop Emperor Cole and his Imperial Defense Force. Additionally, we must ensure that the reactors cannot be used as a way for Cole to hold the entire populace hostage by manipulating the power to the sonic fences. Further, by wresting away control over the complex, we control the flow of power to the invasion portals, thus restricting the movement of Emperor Cole's invading armies and forcing them on to the defensive. However, there is another, more disconcerting issue concerning the reactors: the former Praetor himself. Dr. Keyes, also known in the Praetorian Guard as Anti-Matter, has gone to enormous lengths in the past to please Emperor Cole and win the affections of the Emperor's granddaughter. However impressive his works may be, time and again he has been upstaged by Praetor Berry, and this has eroded Anti-Matter's already questionable sanity to the breaking point. My agents have heard rumblings that Anti-Matter has reached that breaking point, and is preparing to 'demonstrate' to the Emperor just how invaluable he is. We do not know what form this 'demonstration' will take, but we do know that Anti-Matter has both the Keyes Island reactors and an orbiting space station under his control, so the potential for his 'demonstration' to lead to widespread destruction is high. This dramatically complicates our goals at the reactors. Not only must we wrest control of them from Anti-Matter's grasp, but we must also neutralize him quickly, or in his unstable state he may choose total annihilation if victory is once more stolen from him.
However, there is another, more disconcerting issue concerning the reactors: the former Praetor himself. Dr. Keyes, also known in the Praetorian Guard as Anti-Matter, has gone to enormous lengths in the past to please Emperor Cole and win the affections of the Emperor's granddaughter. However impressive his works may be, time and again he has been upstaged by Praetor Berry, and this has eroded Anti-Matter's already questionable sanity to the breaking point.
My agents have heard rumblings that Anti-Matter has reached that breaking point, and is preparing to 'demonstrate' to the Emperor just how invaluable he is. We do not know what form this 'demonstration' will take, but we do know that Anti-Matter has both the Keyes Island reactors and an orbiting space station under his control, so the potential for his 'demonstration' to lead to widespread destruction is high. This dramatically complicates our goals at the reactors. Not only must we wrest control of them from Anti-Matter's grasp, but we must also neutralize him quickly, or in his unstable state he may choose total annihilation if victory is once more stolen from him.
  • You mentioned other targets for confronting Tyrant?
  • I have another question.
  • Is that all we can do?
For now, yes. Those are the best targets for which I currently have information. As I and my agents learn more about what can be done, we will be able to assist you in finding more targets.
  • OK, so what must we do, again?
  • Wait, agents? You have agents?
Yes, I do. They are scattered far and wide, across the dimensions, through the universes. They can be found in your world, in Praetoria, and in many other worlds beyond. They are everywhere, and they are nowhere.
  • Mysterious much?
No. I am telling you all that you are ready to hear. Until the time is right, there is nothing more I will say about those with whom I am associated.
  • OK, OK. Can I ask about something else?
  • I have another question.
  • You're talking about the Coming Storm, aren't you? Mender Ramiel mentioned...
  • I have another question.

Not High Enough Level


Character, I have been expecting you. There are a great many things which I would like to discuss with you.


Comic Book

+++ Missing Information +++